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Heavily inflated currency will boost the market artificially.


What’s that in 2020 dollars?


Not studied crashes much eh


Who cares? Inflation is through the roof.


Yeah! Inflation is a whopping 3.4%! That's basically hyperinflation!


Median mortgage payment is up 78% since 2021.


Ok..... you know that's part of the inflation calculation right.


On new loan originations, right?


You haven't went to the store lately. Or bought gas.


Went yesterday. Though, I haven't gotten gas since Tuesday... Did something markedly change since then?


So eggs go from 2 dollars to 5 dollars,gas from 1.5 to 3.3 meat has more than doubled but yet inflation is 3% . Only a blind squirrel can't see that inflation is by no means 3% . You can fool yourself by saying that but not me.


>eggs go from 2 dollars to 5 dollars To $3, but whatever https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/APU0000708111 >meat has more than doubled but yet inflation is 3% . Only a blind Or 33% in 4 years https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WPS0221 But sure, if all you buy is meat and eggs, then yeah cumulative price increase has been higher than the headline number. All that being said, "inflation" as discussed here and generally is referring to the current YOY price increase for a basket of goods Edit: Got blocked but responded to so to respond: What are you using to measure inflation? The "people" saying 3% have a very detailed methodology that is published. Do you have something similar or are you just measuring "vibes?"


It's not just meat and eggs,housing cars utilities,food. The people saying inflation 3% are out of their minds.


I think you have a core misunderstanding of what inflation really is and how it effects people😂 your undermining a legitimate issue that is effecting millions of Americans lives on a daily basis


The hyperinflation comment is sarcasm. I know we're not in a hyperinflation environment. I'd be interested in what knowledge you think I'm lacking regarding inflation. The poster above was whining about inflation, which currently isn't that high, when they should have been whining about the overall price level


Giga. Can you work that into it? Giga-inflation? Elon prefers Giga.


Yeah go buy anything - its triple that


Everything's 10% higher than a year ago? That doesn't sound right and certainly not my experience


Op is really saying that Trump predicts a Biden win.


It's just part of the everything bubble and I think the term is a "melt up", It'll crash after Trump wins the election so the world can blame him. 🥱


All that printed dollars go into the stock market. Banks too big to fail making money the old way, greed and profiteering off the fed.


The market is currently at an all time high on all major indexes.


The DOW dropped below 40k today. Check your portfolio bruh.


My mistake, we were at an all time high this morning, now we're 3 basis points below. Well guess we're fucked then


The market is at an all time high because the currency is devalued. Inflation is alot of that reason.


We are functionally at all time highs in real terms, down less than 2% from the all time real high of November 2021. 2% is like, 1 trading week. This is like if stocks went down 2% from an all time high and you said it was collapsing. Inflation is the devaluing of the currency. You just said "the currency is devalued. Devaluing is a lot of that reason" Do you just say things without fact checking or even knowing definitions?


I know exactly what I said. . Maybe sit on a sharp pointy fact check ass hole.


Biden has zero to do with it. He has not done one thing right in almost 4 years.


Ok. OPs claim is that the market is crashing. It is not. Why you felt the need to come into the conversion with the world's least nuanced take is beyond me.


I'm really looking forward to how the doomers on here spin this .... (They were pretty mid at spinning the report the other day re: lowest unemployment since the 1950s.)