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The oligarchy is in full swing


Always has been and always will be, if they lose momentum on this swing they’ll just use US to generate more momentum to create wealth for themselves again. This cycle will never end until we force them out


I read this and think, Zuck‘s gears are turning on how to lay off more people and double that daily dollar amount for himself. I don’t understand the need for excess like this.


If y'all mad at Mark then stop use Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp 🤣🤣


But then I won't get to see the stupid cat posts Kathy puts up! Oh nos!!!!!


We absolutely can, and we did for a while. We don't anymore. How and why, however, are separate questions.


lawmakers allowed themselves to be bought and they in turn decoupled the economy from the depression era mechanisms to keep the growth from going all to the top such as minimum wage, taxes, and various stock regulations.


>lawmakers allowed themselves to be bought That's not a bug in the system, that is the system. You can't give people that sort of power and expect anything less than total corruption. That people haven't figured this out yet is a testament to our primitive ape-like nature. More taxes and regulations? You guys all think the solution is the problem and the problem is the solution by listening to multi-millionaire conmen like Bernie. You guys have strangled the economy by giving all the power to the political class, whose feet you kiss. You should all be more worried about the 36 trillion national debt than Mark Zuckerberg's bank account. Then there would be some hope for the future at least.


The problem is that 1000 people hold a majority of our country's money, earned on the backs of people who were not paid fairly for their work. I don't think you can spin that as a solution. It surely hasn't been a solution for the past 40 years. But please, continue to defend rich people who will never read the words you write. By the way, you said the quiet part out loud. If the top 1% paid their fair share, there would be no deficit. 30% or more of your tax dollar goes to publicly traded corporations. I don't think they need our help that badly, and if they do, let them fucking starve. We don't need any more companies with business models that prey on their employees. They create jobs that no one wants, and more pollution than you could ever clean up. It's a double negative and everyone spins it as a positive when huge companies open their doors in your city. Tesla came to my hometown under 5 years ago. That fucking factory has no amenities, everything is as cheap as it can possibly be, and on top of it, people are bringing home bedbugs from the factory because there's an infestation. You really want to give Elon another tax break for another facility? Edit: oh, and on top of that, the "jobs created" by that factory were slashed when Tesla stock dropped. They're barely above the legally required amount of employees required to get their tax break. They're using humans as tax liability shields. Fuck you if you think that's okay.


We want the same thing and disagree on the problem. We keep turning to the government to "fix" the problem by creating more laws. I think if you take a look at how these corporation use the power of government to become monopolies you might come to the conclusion it is that collusion (fascism) that creates the inequities. We are suffering from the number on employer in the United States. The federal government. It's there strictly to protect the donors and keep us out of the market. We are on the same side though.


Oh sure Bernie the *checks notes* 80 year old couple making 400k/year and has a net worth of 2-3 mill somehow hasn't earned that. the debt only started ballooning in the 80s when politicians stopped doing all the other things to keep wealth inequality under control like high tax rates.


Jack Welch is probably the biggest person to enact the way corporate greed has taken over. He’s the biggest piece of shit to become a CEO


The fact that one of the richest men in the world is building a massive underground bunker with its own energy source and food is very…telling.


They’re ruining the world and know they can’t stop themselves. The problem is they know they can’t maintain those bunkers without workers.


Yes, it means he has more money than he knows what to do with.


There is a special kind of hell for people like Zuck.


Anybody in this country is free to start the next facebook and become a billionaire too.


You quite literally can’t, it’s kinda the whole monopoly/anti-competition issues our countries private sector faces. That’s before the obvious anybody≠everybody, which means there’s still going to be people under paid and suffering regardless if you swap Zuckerberg for Ambitious-Car.


The 1% is pillaging all of America's wealth while the peasants argue about bathrooms, pride and abortion......wealth will become so concentrated at the top it will result in civil war and the 1% will flee with their $$ to their bunkers. Eat the rich before it's too late!


"Pillaging" Most of that wealth we're giving them willingly, and the part we're not giving them willingly is the part the government takes and redistributes as it pleases.


Elaborate "giving them willingly" please


You buy things from them or use their services.


Abortion for many women is a health care issue that means life or death. That is just as important as what the top marginal income tax rate is.


Bernie sanders is a millionaire with multiple houses, why doesnt he give that up for the homeless? Oh wait thats right the goal post got changed to billionaires once he became rich. Funny how these people who are also rich and dont do much for the poor or homeless rile people up to make there angles richer. Mark zuckerberg only became rich because customers paid for it. People love bashing the heads of the companies they obsessively use or purchase from. It would be like bashing people for working at fast food, but if no one worked fast food who would serve you at taco bell? Who would stock the shelves of grocery stores? Who would ring in your groceries and take your money? Yall just want want want, hate people that have what you dont, and yet most of you dont do anything except virtue signal on the internet. Nothing changes because no one wants it to change, people just want something to virtue signal and complain about in there lives that doesnt involve accountability.


Anyone working an average full time job can become a millionaire in their 60s if they save a little into a 401k. I've known plenty who did just that and retired fine. Bernie is 80 is has been working in politics for over 50 years. Making a few million with 50 years of work is not hard. If you judge people by their net worth about 10% of Americans are millionaires. And if you learn financing and how to invest you can do it much sooner than your 60s. Nvidia alone has recently made over 600,000 people into millionaires.


> Making a few million with 50 years of work is not hard. Especially when you get huge book advances for books you never write, get your mortgage payments paid for by rich donors, and trade stocks on insider information. He's a crook just like everybody else in Washington. The only difference between him and Nancy Pelosi is that she doesn't pretend to be poor or uncorrupted.


Dude's net worth is barely a few million when you count property. The ballooning of house prices definitely made a lot of peoples' net worth over 1 million. He is one of the poorest in the Senate or House. He is a pauper compared to most of his peers. I know plenty of average wage workers who are millionaires because of home ownership or retirement accounts. Are you going to say they are crooks? Bernie is one of the few politicians that doesn't flip flop. You can look decades back and see his message has been the same even when it was unpopular, like him being against the Iraq war right from the start. Sounds like you just hate people who are more successful than you no matter what. If Bernie was doing insider trading then he is doing a poorer job than just throwing it into a normal 401k and letting it grow for 50-60 years.


Not to mention he and his family have a government bunker when things go to shit that you and I paid for directly.


we don't have anything that works for everyone. well, air and water and the sun do try


Lol, Nestlé going to be in this comment section just fuming.


I think their CEO is the only one who has openly said "Fuck the planet and those kids".


They're hoping for scarce water. No money in a bountiful world! Ugh


Tax on air next


Yet, somehow, nobody does anything about it


So, Global GDP was $100,000,000,000,000 in 2022 according to the World Bank. Global population is about 8,000,000,000. That's $12,500 per person. Some are infants and children of course. If you want to go just for the U.S, that's closing on 337,000,000 at a GDP of $27,000,000,000,000. $80,118 per person.


Remember when the ultra rich used to be taxed 70%? Pepperidge farm remembers


They never paid those taxes. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/austrian_economics/comments/1d8w4ai/the_myth_of_high_taxes_in_the_1950s1980s/&ved=2ahUKEwiY4dyboOGGAxWBJUQIHeWcCO8Qjjh6BAgREAE&usg=AOvVaw1ddiurioggyTvTdWlnZeFE


America was built on greed and slavery. It's working as designed.


Bernie, Robert Reich, etc. are clueless and every meme is the same. It's non sequiturs, envy, jealousy and lack of knowledge meant to get the dummies overly emotional. What one person has isn't related to what someone else doesn't have. Who cares how someone spends their money?


Economics isn't a zero sum game, but profiteering is a net negative. Billionaires become billionaires by controlling a marketplace for a critical function of modern society. This creates an environment with unavoidable duress. So, yeah, I care about a society that allows wealth to accumulate this much. So it isn't a non sequitur. It's also not envy to want to protect people from unnecessary economic oppression.


Some Billionaires are made Billionaires because they pay less than they should for labor, and let the gov't pick up the rest. McDonald's and Wal-Mart are two great examples of this. Last year, McDonalds made over $8B in earnings while Walmart made over $15B. But they have tens of thousands of full time employees on welfare. For those people, what their CEO has is directly related to what they don't have. It's like running a pirate ship, plundering a bunch of gold, then paying the crew a minimum wage less than what's needed to survive. At some point, the people have to take it back.


It's not 'some billionaires' it's all of them.


And as long as people prioritize protecting the chiiiiiildren from drag queen story hour over real tax reform, then that's the way they want it. Take a moment to feel safe from the evil drag queens out to corrupt your kids!


How many people work at McDonald's, Walmart, etc to qualify for welfare benefits?


It is (at least was) corporate policy to tell employees how to qualify for Medicaid. Yes they show full time employees who have a kid how to qualify for Medicaid. A company making billions and billions see no problem telling their people how to qualify for government assistance. I see that as a problem.


Around here I would guess about 25%.


Exactly. Wealth is not a zero sum game.


Yes it is. Wages have stagnated the last 40 yrs, the vast majority of the wealth generated in that time has gone in one direction.


Yeah but it riles up the voter base. No politicians actually believe anything they say.


Screw Zuck. Also -- his entire net worth: $177,000,000,000 divided equally among that 60% of US workers living paycheck to paycheck: 97,200,000 Equals $1,820.98 per person. Totally fine to eat the rich if that's what you want; you're just gonna get hungry again real soon.


Remember Bernie changed his stance on millionaires when he became one? Pepperidge farm remembers…


A million net worth is not a whole lot. I think his main gripe was with billionaires who's yearly income are millions to billions, and the absurdity of letting individuals hoard that much wealth from the economy, mostly tax free.


Tbh homes used to only be valued at around 60-300k for most now a home you got in 2010 for 200k could probably be a giant chunk of that million


Wait until they find out he's a landlord 😱


Landlord? Not doubting you, just never heard this before. Do you have a source showing his rental income. I don't remember seeing it. Edit: Nevermind. I found it. It was a filing he had on a property he coowned in DC on his 2012 tax returns. He posted $5,300 in total rental income and nearly $26,000 in operating costs. Total days rented 150. I believe that was his place of residence when he was in DC, but I don't know for sure.


This is a bad take.


There are two extremes: merit and birthright. Any “system” will favor one or the other. There is no “works for everyone” as people land at a completely different spots on these two scales.


Personally, I would prefer to work in merit-based Society. Having hard work pay Equitable wages would mean that Workers would have the kind of income to meaningfully participate in society, Unlike nowadays, where The only reward for working hard is more work on the same pay.


Bernie is an idiot.


The country really dodged a bullet when the DNC cheated sanders out of the primary in 2016.




3. They aren't even particularly expensive homes either. I have two homes, and I'm not rich. I also think it's fucking stupid that we live in the richest nation on the planet but can't seem to figure out simple shit without turning everything into an us vs them sports match that we all lose.


Buddy it is us vs them. The haves and the have nots have been the perpetual players of the game since time immemorial.


There Is a class war, and my class is winning. -Warren Buffet


He has a small condo in DC, a lake house that could fit in my 2 bedroom apartment and a house in Vermont. Turns out for someone who’s been making six figures for a while that’s not that outlandish.


And who’s also in their late 70’s


and needs a place to live in his state and in DC where he works




Why is this clown still in America? Cuba and Venezuela have the exact system that he keeps crying about. Send him there.




I can’t believe all the less than rich idiots on here criticizing Bernie and defending an overlord like Zuckerberg. How pathetic and what a bunch of sheep.


I personally just don’t see how the two things (Zuckerbergs payday and the homeless stat) are related


Right, the most impressive thing the homeless do in my town is use the toilet. Same can’t be said about San Francisco. Everyone on this app has contributed to Zuckerberg and has Facebook. I personally don’t like the guy or his politics but I can’t say he didn’t earn his money. I have known a guy that was on the founding team of linked in. He worked for two years with no pay only getting shares for a company he didn’t know if it was going to make it or not. Worked for free and one day woke up rich when the company started trading on the exchange. People take risks and deserve the reward.


Zuck sucks for sure. But stealing his money to give it to someone else is not the way. You don’t to take someone else’s things because they have more than you.


If you took all of Mark Zuckerbergs wealth and split it between those 653000 people, each would get $5.2k. You'd need ten Mark Zuckerbergs to give all of those people $52k. That is a marginal living for one year. If you do the math, you realize what countless failed revolutions have realized; You cannot create wealth by taking it away from someone or everyone who has it and redistributing it. You have to create opportunities and conditions to build people capable of generating wealth. Bernie is an idiot. There is no such thing as paying one's "fair share." Congress has proven that even with increased revenue they will squander that money on frivolous, stupid, over priced nonsense. Congress devalues money the second it gets into their hands. Want to fix things? Educate people. Make them wealthy with skill. They will sort out the rest.


This is great and all but your method, of put into play, would take decades to change the lives of Americans. That's if the education bit to acquire said skills was actually affordable for most. The issue is that billionaires require the infrastructure of the USA and everything along with that to make those billions. However, most contribute very little, and even go out of their way to stop progress or rebuilding better infrastructure ( which would also benefit them) because it would cost then a few percentage points more on their taxes. It's always about socializing costs and privitizing profits, until we fix that shit nothing will change. America needs a truly free market where the government can't pick and choose the players or give them favourable conditions. Free markets drive innovation and change. We have very little of that, especially in areas such as the automotive industry.


Elect biden and watch it get worse.


Can we eat the rich now?


Keep giving companies your data! Don’t complain about zuck when you willingly give away your data.


What about Musk and his +- 50 billion fleecing of Tesla? Much worse...


Tell your politician friends to not buy political adds from Zuckie’s Facebook this cycle and he won’t have as much spare cash. We will all thank you.


J.B. Pritzker Governor of Illinois Democrat $3.4B net worth


Pritzker may be loaded, but he's done more for Illinois than the last three or four governors combined. I think it's arguable that he's the best Governor in the US right now. I definitely didn't feel that way when he first took office, but he's been doing a great job.


The numbers sound great until you start looking deeper and then you realize just how he "did" it and what he actually "did". He basically used the COVID relief funds to bail out Illinois finances. This led to one of the worst covid responses in the country with over half of small businesses closing and not reopening. Illinois is ranked 48th in economy. The biggest factors "improving" the economy recently is the expansion if more and more gambling. The majority of our credit rating bumps that weren't just federal covid money bailing us out were tied to how we are kicking the can down the road rather than the fact that we are still kicking the can down the road. It's the same bullshit that media and democrats are pushing about national inflation numbers by misrepresenting it deliberately. Right now, the portion of unfunded pension growth is "less than it was in the past" which is what is being touted. The reality is that it's still the highest growth in the history of Illinois but the percentage growth is less than the percentage growth of the previous year. That's only looking at the state itself. Chicago is even worse off with its pension crisis.


The problem here is you look at (and quote) data, then apply your own spin to it. Look at states where the small businesses got that money. The vast majority of them still laid off workers or closed down. It was a broken piggy bank that went to the owners not the workers. As for the rest he was handed a state on the verge of bankruptcy and he’s done phenomenal work since. This keeps happening. Republicans ruin a state or the national economy, hand an absolute wreck to democrats, then crow and scream how they didn’t waive a magic wand and instantly fix it, “no matter how good things are comparatively speaking,” and people vote them back in to start the cycle again. Clinton gave us the first budget surplus in 50 years, and Bush immediately dropped a tax cut for the rich that devoured it. Obama handed Trump a rocking economy and again, tax cuts for the rich. Trump handed Biden 20 million unemployed Americans, a free falling market and supply and health issues crippling the country, and Biden has led America (to be fair it’s not all his doing) to the biggest economical recovery and lowest inflation in the developed world, the lowest unemployment and highest stock market. Memories of a dang gold fish.


And yet we are funding two wars, funding illegal immigrants in our country, giving millions to other countries that hate the US, while have homeless veterans and drug addicted Americans living on the streets.


You gotta be a special kind of stoopid to believe any of the drivel coming outta Bernie Sanders.


This old fart always says the same thing and people eat this shit up. The only solution he ever brings to the table is “pay your fair share” or “tax the 1%” like that is going to do anything for us average Americans. lol. People need to quit listening to blowhards like Bernie sanders and get a grip with reality. Taking money from the “rich” isn’t going to solve the homeless issue or the issue of people living paycheck to paycheck.




Unbridled capitalism breeds insatiable greed.


We would if we went back to the gold standard and the government had to sell bonds to try to fund its BS


Maybe the government should step up and do a better job. However you feel about billionaires it is not their job to improve the United States. If you want real change hold your elected officials accountable


Give me the perfect society now! I demand it! No I’m not going to vote or participate in any way but social media posts. Just give it to me!


As he sits on his golden throne worth millions, paid $200K for not doing shit and only working a few months a year, and gets benefits out the ass that we all pay for. .....while record numbers of people are homeless and living paycheck to paycheck.


As long as we keep electing millionaires to run the government, it's not gonna change.


Money is policy. If government chooses to spend X on something then the economy hasn't spent X on something. It has dispatched X labor to perform Y utility. Money never chooses who goes hungry. The policies by our government do.


It takes a lot of poor people to create a billionaire.


Bernie talks a big game but delivers nothing as a re-elected lawmaker.


What would "an economy that works for everyone" even look like? An economy that works for everyone, in my opinion, is one that allows everyone to choose if they are going to engage in a transaction. You have an apple that you want to sell for $10 and I can choose to buy it or not. What I think you mean is an economy where I am forced to give you money because your interpretive lesbian art made with your menstrual blood is not selling so well.


However, it appears that all these homeless people living paycheck to paycheck are using Facebook in a manner sufficient to support Zuckerberg.


Bernie Sanders the multi home owning career politician that allowed weapons of war to be built in his state? Yeah that dude sucks. Wonder how many migrants from Venezuela he’s fed and housed. Probably Zero!


The Americans are struggling done because Mark Zuckerberg is getting richer but because the American government is sending all the money to overseas and dirty politician pockets. Also our border is open and they're getting all that money. Yes people like Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are filthy stupid rich but guess what they made that money themselves it's their business they run it. They're not stealing money from the taxpayers they're just getting revenue from Facebook ads or commercials or whatever else. The true enemy is our own government giving out billions on regular basis to foreign countries. If we gave a million dollars to every citizen in this country it wouldn't even equal to the money that United States donates to Ukraine Israel Palestine got knows wherever else in a month.


Hur Dur derpy derp there are thousands of homeless!!! Derp.  And rich people too dur hurdy dur!  Why can’t everybody have everything they need derp durpy dur!


Fuck off Zionist


No. Its idea but ignores human nature.


Bernie has never had a real job but is worth millions. Fuck him.


The reason no president will do anything about it is because they benefit from it. It’s easy to say anything for support, but when you see all those zeros in your bank account suddenly your loyalty to the American people isn’t that strong


Bidenomics promises that you will own nothing


We're practically forced to get an education or trade skill to live a decent life. It's bullshit


When is the last time Bernie Sanders produced anything? When is the last time Bernie Sanders actually earned a penny?


I wouldn’t listen to that millionaire Bernie he milked his foolish supporters for years


The serfs are content, silence, old man.


Why don't you blame the politicians instead of sending money overseas and wasting money here versus but businessmen who made success of themselves


Not when 30 percent of the country pays zero taxes. Edit. 40 percent


This is only true because we used a services of these billionaires and we allow them to get richer and richer and richer we allow them to control if you look at just Facebook in general they control everything that you can do whether you can print something not print something post something not post something and yet we keep using it and he keeps getting richer so really who's the foolish people here?


First one has to make money as worthless as the minds that worship it. But their zealots and dieties are violent and corrupt. 🤔


You're owed nothing for existing


I'm not sure anyone has a clue what that economic system might look like...


No, no you cant.


Good/better never means for everyone.


No, we never have. Especially at this size


It’s by design. Money is the worth of all the work done by people. Printing more makes it worth less, and the wealthiest who don’t work always want more


Not without a revolution.




Ah yes, and Benie with giving his wifes college money too, right? How much did you pocket their ole Bern? You are no different sir. Repent before its to late


How come these screen shots never show dates?


So does this mean Bernie won’t be taking zuck bucks anymore?


The answer is not an income tax. Rather, there needs to be a exorbitant luxury tax. Punish someone's bad decisions not someone's success. If they want to make millions of dollars a year, I don't have a problem with that. If they are going to spend it on dumb things that are expensive for no other reason than to show how much better they are than other people, then we should tax them for it. I've never understood why people say "we should just raise taxes of rich people." Don't you realize most of the job creation in America comes from rich people who invest in businesses? Unless you are the IRS, jobs don't just fart out of nothing into existence. Someone has to invest to make those jobs available, and that someone is usually a rich person. Increasing income taxes on rich people only hurts job creation. However, taxing ridiculous luxury purchases redirects rich people's money. How many jobs are created when someone buys a $15,000 Rolex watch instead of a $200 Timex watch? Probably not many. Therefore, tax bad decisions not someone's success.


based zuck


How is the homeless epidemic Mark Zuckerbergs fault exactly? I understand that is very excessive, but don't we all kinda wish we could do the same thing?


Nope. There will always be winners and losers. Instead of crying about life not being fair, become a winner.


Abolish the fed


How many workers did it take to build a $100m mansion? Presumably someone got paid.


Well Bern. You are part of the problem. Do something Asshole.


Not unless you have the balls to vote for someone like Kennedy.


Mansion going to have a blue roof also?


The people in fluent in finance grovel to billionaires. They excuse it away and explain why there's nothing to see and its business as usual. It is kinda pathetic really.


Guess it pays to support democrats in elections hey Zuck? He put several hundred million into get out the vote and voting stations in democrat areas. This is what a democrat support looks like and why they talk big about equity but never do anything to fix the issues.


Let’s fix naked shorting and dark pools, no stock trading for congressman or spouses. Let’s start there


Funny how they always mention the same four people. Guess nobody else is rich unless you’re Zuck, Musk, or Bezos, or Gates. They don’t throw Joe Billionaire under the bus.


Ok, but hear me out: what happens if YOU become a billionaire? Are YOU going to want to pay taxes? /S (you wouldn't think it's necessary. But it is.)


Jokes on him. All the kaiju are in the pacific. He'll be first to go!


Thx for running for president Berny!


If you divide $3,400,000,000 by 653,000 you get about $5,206. If you divide Elon Musks net worth, $262,000,000,000 by 653,000 you get $401,225. So, if you divided Elon Musk’s net worth amongst all the homeless people in the United States, you’d have 653,000 independently wealthy people. You could even leave Must $40,000,000


Get rid of social welfare programs, subsidies, the federal reserve and return to a backed currency. Not that it can be done instantly, but the federal reserve allows spending beyond the county's means. Weaponized regulations make competition unrealistic and lobbying profitable. Unfunded liabilities are over $200 trillion and not included in the current debt. The petro-dollar is officially over starting last Sunday, so inflation is about to get a little worse day by day due to bad diplomacy (that was just a bandaid that should have never been necessary to begin with). We are spending cash that is basically printed IOUs on the premise that a loan is an asset 🤷


Sure, but your parents have to stop caring about which bathroom queer people use and where some kid plays in high school sports. Good luck with that.


Everyone is impossible, but for most people would be much better. No individuals should be able to gain at such a crazy amount while raising prices on the little guy. Like all abuses, it is wrong.


I would actually love to see these filthy rich people bunkers tbh.


Bruh, we spend enough on homelessness. It's not all about money. Your policies, interventions, and tactics are TRASH.


That's what Democrats do. Where have you been?


The economy doesn’t work for *anyone*. It just is. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of reality. If you’re suggesting we have a government that solves every single human problem, like homelessness (which is really two issues merged, drug addiction and mental illness), no, we can’t have that either. That’s utopian, and we’ve seen what happens with utopian governments. The goal of the government should be to protect you and your property.


Eating the rich won't do what you think it might do


Bernie complaint about other peoples mansion is what’s wrong with our politicians. He’s up to 4 across the United States. Please don’t lecture others on theirs


We have a skills shortage because we don't invest in people's education. Other countries are paying their students to attend universities and even study abroad, and US answers that with Charlie Kirk going from campus to campus telling kids that college is a scam.


Bernies got alot of houses for being a good comrade


Isn't it Bernie's job as elected representative to help the homeless and workers? Seems like blaming others might be a distraction.


rich words coming from a senator who's a millionaire with several opulent homes of his own...


People also ask Is Bernie Sanders a billionaire? (He also donated all royalties from his 2011 book, “The Speech,” to charity.) As of 2023, Bernie and his wife own at least three properties, ranging from a family home in Vermont to a townhouse in Washington D.C. Sanders' net worth is estimated to be $3 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth.Jun 2, 2023


Isn't this coming from the guy who has 3 houses?


He has 3 large mansions that he could give up to the homeless and live in an apartment


And Bernie Sanders has 3 homes and doesnt open them to the homeless, either.


At least Zuck hasn’t been spending billions on wars and killing innocent children since 2001 like Genocide Joe Bush and the Republicans and Democrats. You voted for all the wars you hippocrite fuck. So Stfu Bernie. USA has plenty of tax revenue. You are the problem. Not the private sector. Shame on you and whoever buys this politician bullshit.


I’ve never resented fabulously rich people. I think it would be a very dull world if we all lived in trailer parks and driven beat up old Hyundais. I’m certainly all for helping the homeless and the less fortunate, but history has yet to create a society without poverty.


You guys don't get it. There are winners and losers in business. The entrepreneur is the one that takes all the risks and should reap the rewards. It's called initiative. You alone have earned the money without help.


Is Bernie still alive?


We as Americans need to get vocal. The old guard is changing. The Boomers are feeling the sting of their pissed off kids giving them side eyes and not returning calls. Biden is doing good things that don't get a lot of attention, but what he isn't doing is setting us back like Trump did. Just by the simple act of not screwing us over, he's better than Trump. But you add things like erasing medical debt on credit scores (huge and impactful) and capping insulin costs, he's tightening up bolts we did t know were loose. They seem like small victories, but he's getting them done but by bit. And that was with a decent amount of opposition from the house and maga stowaways. If we see a blue wave, we may see Trump in prison and guys like Bezos and Musk brought back into reality with a better billionaire tax, and things we all want like a real minimum wage increase, actual healthcare, free college, and just a stronger, happier, and healthy economy. But first we gotta pry the boomer death grip off our collective futures. How long are we gonna wait to tell meaw and peepaw to cram their 1950's fantasy?


The dumbest part is building your bunker on a volcanic island.




Nope. Even a communist country has rich and poor.


We need to quit taxing the middle class so much, put limitations on food stamps for people with the ability to working quit offering free medical care and housing for illegal immigrants is a good start


The amount of bootlicking in this thread is positively caucasian. Pathetically traditional, like a manchild who has long outgrown a teddy bear, and cries when people tell him it isn't real. Like all conservatives, they saw Stalin as their excuse to not give a fuck about trying new things, ever. Well, it's been fifty years and your obsolescence is killing everything good and just. Why would I give a shit about your opinions anymore? Even if you're right, it's a useless kind of correct that maintains a trajectory of certain destruction, an ever deepening unity between the wealthy and the fascist. It seems alot safer to destroy everything your trying to build.


Ah yes, the corporate greed of a company whose service is free to use.


Yeah. But bidens too old so we have to let the GOP & elites win again.


Feel the Bern


Seems like the logical thing to do would be to eliminate all the superrich. If not with taxes, whatever is handy.


The other side of taxation is subsidization. We subsidize these people. I don't believe in excessive or progressive taxes and I don't believe in subsidization, both of which are an affront to the free market.


Zuckerberg doesn’t make people poor, Bernie. The government does.


Joe Biden said things are great. So, who is lying? Is it Bernie or Joe?


We do. It’s called capitalism. Unfortunately, it’s based around meritocracy and there’s too many people who want all the reward without having to provide the effort or take the risk.


He should lead by example and let the homeless live and build on his 3 properties, invite them to live in his 3 houses, and give them all a job


yeah maybe, but then again, Zuck isn't taking 30% of my income through state income taxes, local income taxes, FICA, social security and medicare taxes, taxes on my cell service, taxes on my internet, registration taxes on my car, local property taxes (plus school taxes), state gas taxes, federal gas taxes, sales tax, and if i had anything to leave behind, an inheritance tax when i die. if i lived in the UK or CA this number would be more like 50% or more what does Zuck do to me? i don't pay shit for facebook. i know where my problems are coming from


Coming from a hypocrite that owns like 6 mansions each one worth in the millions.




Nah, now is the time to worry about trans kids. /s


Why is building an underground bunker?


Hey Bernie do a Nancy Pelosi one.


What about the banks? We spent $700 billion bailing them out in 2008. Why does no one talk about that? How many times have they been bailed out and what exactly did we gain from it? We bailed them out to keep our own money. We’re being taxed to pay the banks that charge us fees and extremely high interest rates on loans. Corporations at least provide a service and an economy on its own.


Democrat versus democrat🤔


The dark secret about money is that it only works when there isn't enough for everyone.


So Bernie gets paid 174k/yr and has an estimated net worth of 2.5-5 million dollars. Never held a real job, but yet he is for the people and equal money.


Here’s an idea BS. Dismantle and discard the teachers union. Then we can educate again.


“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.” Thomas Sowell


It’s not a zero sum game…


This seems a bit dishonest. Zuck's net worth went up $3.4B, he didn't "make $3.4B". It could all disappear tomorrow since so much of his net worth is tied up on Meta stock.


Says the guy that has never worked a day in his life