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Look mom i posted it again


Mom said it was my turn to post this


And it’s still just as batshit and stupid as the first time.


Especially as part of their claim, the are accusing the President of raising property taxes. Since when does the Federal Government collect property taxes? Is that not something your state and local government does?


You can't make these sheep understand common sense


I don’t get it. Does she think she is describing one president? The Covid market crash was in 2020 when Trump was president. The stimulus checks were also sent out by Trump. The higher gas and groceries prices started in 2021 after Biden was president.


If you're supposed to draw the conclusion that the stimulus checks caused rampant inflation in the original post, then it's nonsense to blame Biden for it.


They always forget about the many billions of dollars in PPP loans that were forgiven. Them yachts didn't buy themselves https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2023/nov/30/us-boat-sales-rose-during-covid-now-rates-are-hurt/#:~:text=More%20than%201.4%20million%20new,the%20National%20Marine%20Manufacturers%20Association.


And the 7 trillion they gave to the banks


More like 42 trillion but who is counting.


Not me apparently


Those PPP loans fucked everyone but owners of companies that spent it on themselves instead of employees


I know someone that owned a bar that stayed open for the majority of Covid and didn’t enforce pretty much any safety protocols. He got 200k in ppp loans. He took a cruise… he hired a company to fill out the paperwork that only got paid if his “loan” got accepted and took 20%.


American Airlines took a ton of PPP money and then laid a ton of us off.


Yup, handed out a ton of PPP loans AND removed the oversight. Millions went to stock buybacks rather than workers. Afditionally, he was paying farmers more than the cost of the auto bailout due to the failed trade war. It's incredible inflation isn't higher with amount of money that was handed out without oversight by Trump and co.


My boss literally told everyone to file for unemployment day one. He used NONE of that PPP cash on payroll. All 250k was forgiven. I knownhave a *way* better job that also provides Health Insurance, 401k, vacation, PTO and inhave weekend OFF! Fuck you restaurant industry!!!! IM OUT!!!


It wasn’t even the ppp loans - forgiveness was tied to payroll and had to be proven A gigantic sum of special interest pork spending nearly doubled the price tag of Covid relief 


Lest we forget the PPP program spanned both administrations.


I’m not really sure that making sense is her strong point. She also makes it sound as though the stimulus checks were sent out the year before the Covid crash.


Thanks for your point.


I’m not sure how she could have forgotten. Trump actually insisted his name was on the checks. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/inside-donald-trumps-stimulus-checks/story?id=77534116


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Blaming any one president is missing the broader context of the issue. The issue is systemic and really has to do with the Fed more than anything. The Fed printing 12 trillion dollars while the economy was shut down for covid is what caused rampant inflation. The government spends more money than it receives in taxes by a large margin so it must continue to debase its currency to fund itself. This is a Fed and government spending issue that goes past the decisions of any one president. Edit: grammar


That was definitely a big part of it but there really weren't any good options. People still have to live when the economy got shut down. We need to raise taxes. Ironically raising taxes helps reduce inflationary pressure, so it's actually the most logical decision right now.


Raising taxes reduces the Supply of Money. The ultimate cause of inflation ironically


Yep. Nobody like this truth. Trump and biden both blew this outa the water. They are both unfit to hold the office. But honestly it doesn’t matter who the president is all the unelected positions with people appointed in the central bank with unknown names and dinosaurs in congress are to blame for the financial shit show that started in the 80s till now


Congress has the power of purse. But I welcome you to look at the spending under each presidency. You can’t possibly say spending didn’t go up under Biden.


Go look at the increase in debt by percentage by each admin. Republicans aren't the fiscal conservatives you think they are.


Spending dropped massively under Biden too, when the pandemic ended. You made the point that presidents don't push buttons and make spending go up or down, so stick with that.


>Spending dropped massively under Biden too No shit? Biden took over literally in the middle of the pandemic when emergency spending was active. Biden approved some more spending while the economy was stagnant. Biden let emergency spending with end dates lapse.


Exactly. THE POINT is that just looking at numbers and who was president during that number is pointless.


Cherry picking a single fiscal year is pointless. Looking at the breadth of an entire term in context is necessary.


Again, I am making the same point. You cannot pick a year, or four years, and just say "he did that."


You can’t honestly be arguing here that the inflation that showed up in 3 months into 2021 wasn’t 100% the fault of the preceding administration. It takes 12-18 months for any inflation to show up, and simply pass g an appropriations bill is not spending. Not sure of you need remedial finance and/or civics courses. But there are resources available to help you.


Crazy how spend lags appropriations, huh? I'm sure that is *never* used to intentionally mislead.


67000 to corporations for every dollar that went to citizens during Trump's stimulus.


Exactly. And it's only President Biden's party that wants to tax those corporations so we can lower the deficit.


Yes, the current administration is trying to desperately recover from all the bad policy made during Trumps time in office. Is Biden awesome? No. Are we seeing signs of it getting under control? Absolutely. Side note: The US economy wouldn’t have needed to crash so hard if Trump didn’t push false information about the “China Virus” rather than taking guidance from our experts and the institutions we built to deal with problems like that. Instead we got: 1. Masks infringe on personal liberty 2. Horse dewormer is a cure 3. Maybe just drink bleach? Wait… maybe inject bleach? 4. An excuse for Trump to give corporations $755 billion dollars to corporations free and clear with forgiven PPP loans. (Major contributor to inflation BTW) 5. Maybe we just wait for herd immunity to work. 6. Half ass lockdown measures that only worsened the issue, both with Covid and the economy. (Not saying this is the right answer, but if lockdowns were going to be effective, they needed to last longer, and happen sooner) 7. A surge in anti science because he allowed the narrative about the vaccines being some weird government x files thing leading to a massive anti vax movement that’s killing and maiming children now. Trumps handling of COVID was one of the biggest blunders handling a crisis this country has ever seen which heavily contributed to our current situation.


None of these are official except the Ppp loan debacle. Ppp loan is handled like typical American welfare where applicants are not truly verified, with anecdotes of people using food stamps to buy expensive food while driving expensive cars.


Yes because only “official” things are real and affect the outcomes of our lives. Leadership is not legislation. Words have meaning. So stand down and stand by, or at least of your a proud boy.


And most of that was done by Congress. And before you use the old broken argument 'but Trump went along with it', do you think Trump had any political capital to veto anything Congress wanted to pass? Why do you think all the investigations and impeachment proceeding were about? You probably thought they were because the Dems cared so much about those (mostly false) accusations? No, it was all to corner Trump politically so that he could not resist their gigantic money give-aways.


Oh please.


Most of that is just stuff trump said and his cult ran with, I think you have that backwards. Ppp loans are pretty much the only one of those congress can fully claim.


People that ask questions like this tend not to know a lot about the subject matter


It’s difficult to understand stupid


Seriously? The higher prices started in 2020 when Trump started doing tariffs and then went up way more during his mismanagement of Covid.


Read the curve not the points. • You never get out of debt to a Russian mobster •Paul Manafort owed the Russian mobster/oligarch Oleg Deripaska $17M a few days before he became trumps campaign manager. From 2002-2014 he took in hundreds of millions to get Yanukovych reelected as the kremlins puppet in Ukraine. Before that he did it for the dictator Marcos in the Philippines. Before that Manafort and Roger Stone started a lobbyist agency in 1980 listing trump as their first client. •When Jair Bolsonaro lost the Brazilian election to Lula he skipped the inauguration and hid in the Hungarian embassy, then 2 days later flew to mar-a-lago (stopping only at a KFC) and repeated, almost verbatim, the stolen election line. Don Jr. tried repeatedly to make it stick in Brazil as well, but as Brazilians are a few generations into dealing with corrupt politicians they weren’t having it. What do these 3 things have in common? China imports 40% of its grain from (in order) the U.S., Brazil and Ukraine. Obviously the second China tried to invade Taiwan the U.S. would sanction exports and remove U.S. grain from that equation. And without Bolsonaro in office willing to slash and burn the Amazon rainforest to turn it into Chinas food supply, and without Ukraine in the bag in 3 days, the CCP is unable to invade Taiwan and take over microprocessor production without putting 300-500M of its poorest people into famine. Donbas Ukraine, specifically the 4 regions that Putin insists he is saving from what he calls “Jewish Nazis” also happens to produce the worlds supply of high grade neon used for microprocessor lithography. Had Putin delivered ukraine in 3 days as promised, Xi would have been able to cap his Olympics with a naval blockade or political takeover of Taiwan that would have forced the world to ask the CCP for the microprocessors it needs to make everything from Ford trucks to laptops. I’m not sure how long Silicon Valley would last without the silicon but it would probably destroy the FAANG stocks that make up your 401K. Oleg Deripaska also happens to be the Russian Oligarch that bribed the FBI agent Charles Mcgonigal into investigating another Russian oligarch. He probably didn’t need the information as much as he needed the leverage over Mcgonigal as he conducted the investigation into trumps election campaign and unsurprisingly found zero evidence of Russian collusion. McGonigal then went to work for the company called Brookfield that bailed Jared Kushner out of his toxic 666 5th Ave real estate investment. McGonigal pled guilty last fall and was sentenced recently. A Russian oligarch is a powerful tool, but the truth is more powerful. Light and dark cannot exist in the same space. It’s physically impossible. Truth is efficient. You say it once and you are finished. A lie however requires a constant stream of follow up energy, money, murder, obfuscation and more lies to keep it covered. If you raise your lens high enough lying is an unsustainable business model. Russia proved it by invading Ukraine. “Vranyo” is the Russian word for it. The 40km long column of tanks and vehicles that came down from Belarus into Ukraine was all overhauled by oligarchs that got a $1B contract for tank maintenance, passed Putin $200M back under the table, spent $700M on a yacht in Monaco, bribed a General, a Colonel and a Sergeant to make a Private give everything a rattle can overhaul. But a worn out engine is and always will be, a worn out engine. This is why trump is so desperate to get re-elected. His best case scenario is 700 years in ADX Florence. Money laundering for the dozens of Russian oligarchs that lived in trump towers with him and manafort, selling IP3 nuclear plans to the Russian/Saudi alliance, selling or giving CIA asset names to the Russians, trump is and always has been compromised. He just didn’t know when to quit. Now he just has to count on the fact that most of his voter base doesn’t know how to read and keep the ones that do so busy just surviving that they don’t have time to dive deep into his 40 year history of laundering money, fraud, and human trafficking for the Russian mob using casinos first, then commercial real estate. It’s also why Putin is willing to throw an entire generation of Russians, including the convicts and addicts at Ukraine. Russia is dead for 40 years because he failed to fulfill his mob boss promise to Xi. China is now clearing farmland in Siberia because the typhoon floods last August and September wiped out the Chinese people’s food storage. Xi, for his part diverted the waters from the dam away from his pet project, his mothers ancestral home, and flooded hundreds of thousands of people and drown one of his own military brigades that was helping with the flooding. The CCP elders were terrified to leave their gated community at Beidaihe for over a month for fear of being torn apart by the locals. The Chinese people tolerate the CCP but only as long as the economy is good and famine is not on the horizon. The CCP broke that social contract on both counts. Xi was willing to bet the entire Chinese economy on his emperor ambitions. Had he succeeded he would have been able to use BRICS to take over the USD as the Worlds reserve currency. That would have let him finish what he stated in 2010- that he would control the internet. With that control means everything we do or say online is subject to the approval of a central party censor. The basic right to disagree with an authoritarian becomes a distant memory. Xi, Putin and MBS are simply trying to systemize and modernize the suppression of their biggest hassle- Freedom of speech. Ukraine is fighting for their lives now, free from the oppression of the drunken tyrant who wants to decide their fate for them and pull them back behind another iron curtain of censorship and the tax of corruption where dissenting voices disappear so that the oligarchy can continue to feed unchallenged. Putin and Xi have declared themselves best friends in the fight against democracy. MBS and the ruling family of UAE have done the same quietly using their sovereign funds and Kushners SPAC as money highways. Just rich, out of touch oligarch doing what oligarchs do. Despite the fact the the central party kleptocracy model has proven itself incapable of making decisions that are best for the people, they persist. There is a very lucrative business in being slave owners. But logistically the mass of it requires A.I. and the microprocessors that make A.I. to keep 8 billion slaves under surveillance and control. Freedom is one hell of a drug. And knowledge makes a man unfit for slavery. Recent attempts on Xi’s life from inside the CCP have backed him into a corner. The loss of crops in northern China means Xi can’t invade Taiwan without Ukrainian and/or Brazilian farmland. Now the reason that the GOP is stalling southern border control budget and seems to make wildly irrational moves is because the GOP is imploding. 45 years of lies and grift have circled the globe and are eating their own tail. The ouroboros was a warning about corruption at the highest levels. Lying about climate change, human trafficking, pandemics and corruption to preserve their own business models are all extinction level events .


The dems were pushing for far more stimulus money at the time.


Trump made a 2 year deal with opec to collapse oil production by a record 9.7 million barrels a day The higher gas prices and higher inflation was because of Trump


This is the answer


She’s making a few stretches like you mentioned. Gas is the same as before. Can’t make Covid prices the base. Property tax for those who bought before 2 years ago is the same. Aren’t 401k’s way better off with a surging stock market?


A lot of people don’t have 401ks. And even then , it’s just money on paper that doesn’t help with current inflation. Most folks cannot just sell stocks to get cash.


According ti the fed, 60% of workers in the US dont have access to a dedicated retirement account


She doesn’t specify a president, I would assume she is talking about the federal government in general


Biden also sent out stimulus checks. They are both to blame.


All true- binden dumped trillions into a recovering economy and created the highest inflation in 40 years.


Biden oversaw the creation of 15 million jobs, record unemployment and the highest wage gains of the lowest 25% in forty years.


Trump insisted his name was on the checks


Remember when checks were delayed so that Trump could make sure his signature appeared on them? bc clearly this person doesn't..


And Trump inherited Obama's economy to begin with and made genius moves like start trade wars.


It's all a continuation. Obama opened the door to ZIRP, TBTF, QE, and Trump happily allowed it to continue longer than needed and added on tax cuts plus spending increases during Covid. Now Biden has happily continued the higher spending post-pandemic with Bidenomics. You know that whoever wins the next election is going to immediately introduce some kind of massive spending program or tax cut (or both). I'm not saying it doesn't matter who the President is, but everyone in the system is united in continuing this dynamic in service to capital markets and political power.


Obama let QE run longer than it is needed. Should've start tightening around 2014 to 2015. Also because he has no re-election pressure, and can do unpopular but right things.


And also left the White House with 8 million less employed people. What a great businessman




Biden gave 2 or 3 stimulus checks, compared to trumps 1. He shut our energy production the first day in office. We were selling to our allies and had enough for ourselves. Now we buy from our enemies. Trump had our reserves of oil topped off for wartime and emergencies. Biden is draining it now to keep prices low so he wins. If we get into a sustained conflict we are in serious trouble. Gas was 2 bucks a gallon under trump, inflation was non existent, the border was almost totally closed. Biden opened the border day 1, did nothing for 3.5 years, and now acts like he wants it closed and Republicans are hindering it. This is all by design to get illegals to vote. Open your eyes. Crime in inner cities wasn't nearly as rampant. Criminals were arrested and held to account. The military was strong. We put America first. Now we put Ukraine first, give them whatever they need, and shit on Israel. Someone explain that to me. Why are we abandoning and ally and catering to a regime that is nearly as corrupt as Russia. And who isn't even an ally. So to answer the question.... they both were president. Is your life better now, or then?


Depends on your tax bracket.


That’s not the economy. The economy will collapse under trump regardless of your tax bracket. 


The Fed caused our inflation by printing trillions for QE. Stimmy checks were a drop in the bucket.


Anyone who assigns one cause to inflation doesn't fully understand what it is. QE contributes no doubt, but corporate greed is just as big a factor. Other things like increased consumer spending and supply chain issues are factors as well.


I really do not get how people didn't catch everyone started getting paid more, prices went up, money momentum went up, and covid crashed our supply, creating inflation... but yeah "printing" money and checks so the economy didn't crash was the problem...


Or the fact that gas prices alone were a massive impact to pretty much every consumer product/service. And that doesn't even get into major supply chain issues where was scarcity of many products for months.


Until either party stops excessive money printing, handing out cash everywhere (money laundering, political donations, etc.), quantitative easing, allowing businesses to artifically inflate housing costs, and undermining America's self-sufficiency, we're pretty much doomed. It doesn't matter how good your economy is when the party undermines it with inflation and pretends placing a band-aid over the gaping wound is fine. You could go on and on about how either politician ruined the economy. Nothing is going to change if you keep voting for these people or don't advocate for change and remove worthless politicians.


401k? — raging Property Tax — doesn’t change much here in my state Gas — got my electric car I’m gonna go with Biden!


Trumps plan for eliminating income taxes for the rich and sticking the not-rich with the bill will do wonders for the economy. And by wonders I mean destroy it with plummeting consumer spending.


Trump's plan to add tariffs to every imported good and raw material will cause inflation to surge all over again.


Not just surge, skyrocket. It'd take about 70% tariff to replace income taxes and that will cause Argentina level inflation and a great depression.


The felon with multiple bankruptcies is probably not the better choice.


It's sad that so many people are so fucking stupid.


"crash your 401k" *laughs in all time highs*


I’m really confused about those stimulus checks. I didn’t get one and I forget exactly when they were issued. I did see Biden taking credit for them in a recent interview. I also know democrats supported them 100% (more than republicans). So, are the checks good when a democrat claims them and bad because they were Trumps and crashed the economy. I was under the impression that continuing to pump stimulus via Bidens budgets have caused inflation. Or, was it those Trump Tax cuts that Biden ran on getting rid of….but didn’t. There sure are a lot of ways to skin this cat.




This! Congress passes laws for the highest bidder, and that ain’t Joe Sixpack.


STFU. Democrats in Congress passed a lot of great legislation in 2021 and 2022 when they had control. It's Republicans who nothing but an obstructionist party.


If Trump wins and brings out the tariffs he says he wants to institute, people like this lady are going to look back at the last four years with fondness. You think shit is expensive now, just wait for Trump tariffs. But the rich will be richer, so I guess it's all good. Edit: people seriously coming at me like this tariff shit is actually a good thing; go read about when Herbert Hoover enacted the same fucking thing about a hundred years ago and it failed miserably and worsened and already terrible Great Depression. It was literally his big plan to solve the Depression and it made it exponentially worse. But yeah, Trump rehashes some terrible old idea and the online dullards clap like trained seals.


Biden literally just slammed China with tariffs


Trump wants to replace income tax with tariffs. That is on a completely different level.


That's literally one country. If he doesn't, remember, that means he's weak on China, right? The DOW is at an all-time high. It has never been higher under any president. Corporations are raking in money more than ever. Yet prices, which are not controlled by the government, but by corporations that sell the goods and services, are still high now. So if you think tariffs on multiple countries are going to actually bring lower prices for average people when the corporations, making more money than ever before, still keep prices high with minimal tariffs now, enjoy it when shit gets even more expensive.


Everyone forgets how people were begging for monitary relief at those times. Yeah, it's bad, but there really wasn't much choice with what was going on. Problem was it didn't stop soon enough


So what are you trying to prove by posting this that you don’t understand economics and cause and effect? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


Biden.  Trump wants to trigger a global trade war with tariffs and seize control of the federal reserve in order to force low interest rates. Borderline lunatic level economic policy. 


replace 600 dollars stim checks with all the forgiven ppp loan fraud and you might be on to something


Trump wanted his signature to be on those checks.


How much food do you eat? My portfolio is doing fine. Who is raising your property taxes? The price of gas around the world is higher. Our economy is the envy of Europe.


Biden. Idc about the economy bc he is a corporate puppet anyways but at least he doesnt wanna strip more rights from ppl


Don’t know about that. My 401k just keeps going up. I rebalanced it last year to be almost all large caps.


Did everyone forget the record profits? Corporations raised prices on purpose. Highly suspect that large corporations are colluding to skew people's view of the economy at a time when one candidate is expanding the IRS and the other is promising more tax cuts for corporations.


Joe Biden saved us from trumps last economy. So I think the answer is clear. 


Biden. Every single serious metric on how the economy is doing has been better under Biden. Thinking otherwise is living in an alternate reality.


Biden. History shows time and time again that Democrats are better for the economy.


The first 2 stimulus checks were from trump. Only the third one was from biden. We wouldn’t had such massive inflation if trump hadn’t given out so many PPP loans (grants), stimulus checks, expanded child tax credits, expanded unemployment, etc. When govt gives all of these too much money, too many dollars are bidding up the costs of services and goods. Only the lowest info voter is voting for trump because they received “shimmies” when he was in office.


Cool repost, bro


Mismanagement of Covid and the "trade war" and fucking up our 401Ks.......she's clearly saying Trump is a fuck up. Cool.


Democrats are always better for the economy.


Trump is a madman. I would elect almost anyone else, including Biden.


Presidents don't have nearly as much power over the economy as most people think they do.


Biden and it’s not even close.  Who printed more money than any president in history? Trump.  Who passed tax cuts that were so deep for the rich that they actually pay a lesser rate than working class folks for the first time in American history? Trump.  Who decreased the fed interest rate (firing yellen when she refused to do his idiotic bidding) when times were good giving us nowhere to go when covid hit? (The idiot literally talked about negative interest rates) Trump  Who has talked about directly controlling the fed if he wins the presidency?  Trump.  The shot economy we have was forged by trump. If he’s elected again, it’s a guarantee to destroy the economy. 


The hole we are in was dug deep by the ones before and after Trump. I don’t like him either but you can’t blame it all on him. Others helped out.


Look, it was posted again. Also the stock market is at an all time high. The more frustrating thing was the large amount of PPP loans given out that had lax criteria/oversight/verification


Trump policies wrecked the economy. Like normal it lags behind and they get to conveniently blame democrats.


We already know this answer........ Trump without question.


When everyone was celebrating the stimulus checks coming, I tried to tell them. Why are you celebrating a 2k loan that you'll owe 10k plus back on, how is that good? Mouths open, they all just looked at me like a deer in headlights. Fast forward, ask one of those people why inflation has occurred and they'll tell you a propoganda talking point from spoken from a news anchor who's only skill in life is to read the teleprompter.


Either of them is likely to stoke more inflation as neither has a solid economic plan that won't drastically increase debt. 


Thanks for crashing my fixed interest mortgage payments. That made up for everything else and then some.


So we talking about the $600 checks, market crash, and money printing that happened under Trump? Or was the date conveniently left off to blame that on Biden?


You think shits expensive now? Wait till Donald institute 30% tariffs


It's a no brainer. https://preview.redd.it/3x0wu88ttq7d1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d80824532d90d8dd0418512cd6179e427c5490


If you’re not in the top 5%, a Democratic administration is going to be working to improve everyone’s situation, if you are in the top 5% and you don’t care about the environment, the homeless, immigration, greedflation by corporations (jacking up their prices with zero justification), or anything to do with those who are less wealthy than you, you would probably be better off under a Republican administration. Trump was a disaster as President, everyone who believes that they were better off while he was in office apparently do not understand how government works. The Trump economy was basically an extension of the Obama economy since Trump did absolutely nothing to change what Obama had enacted, with the exception of Trump rolling back enforcement of various regulatory agencies, and his infamous tax cut is causing everyone not in the top 1-5% to have their taxes go up, even now, 3 years past his administration due to the way the bill was written. Only President Joe Biden and his team, along with Democratic majorities in both Houses of Congress is going to protect our democratic republic, and enact laws that will work towards solving issues like immigration, homelessness, income inequality and mitigating some of the worst parts of climate change. Vote like your life, and all of your family and friends lives depends on it, vote blue, period.


Serious question what has Biden done to help those not in the top 5% in his first term? Cost of utilities up, cost of insurance up, mortgage rates up, housing cost up, cost of groceries up, etc. The he stands up there and says he's lowering costs for Americans, um where exactly? I can't vote for either of these clowns.


I make less than I did 3 years ago. My purchasing power is down 17.1%


Get a new job 


as far as I know in 78 or 81 economy was not good. 2023-2024 is different too all growth is in tech industry & tech workers, tech investors are only getting rich other industries are struggling.


My 401k hasn't crashed though


401k’s are up though… they bailed out the markets


Well presidents don’t have any power to help the average American so who really cares


Trick question — neither


Sure, allow corporations to gouge the American people into submission. There are no shortages of any kind of food or anything in commerce. The Republicans allow these corporations to do this with impunity. If you are having trouble making ends meet, perhaps you should get a better paying job!!! Oh, because republicans have fucked you over on this as well. Corporations don’t have to pay fair wages, the Republicans don’t want you to making that kind of money, so they keep the minimum wage down. They want to eliminate public school systems across the United States, people should teach their own children how to live. They want to a population of obedient people, that are just smart enough to press the buttons, and pull the levers. The funniest thing about these republicans out here screaming for trump to win. They are going to be like that family of Canadians that moved to Russian.


If you vote for Trump you are literally voting for WW3. Do you want that?


Crush your 401(k)?


what a stupid question.


Can we please stop tying any current President to the current economy?


The president has very little impact on long-term economics. You wouldn't give Clinton credit for Amazon, or give Bush credit for Facebook.


Crash her 401k? How crappy is her financial advisor?


Did her 401k crash? What on earth was she invested in to make it crash in the biggest bull run I have ever seen?


The rate of return on my 401k is the highest it’s been in 14 years, thank you very much.


The stock market is at an all time high. Property taxes are going up because house values, and thus equity, are increasing.


Since W Bush, every president has avoided the problem. Made the problem worse. We need a crash and recover. Which president will be the adult in the WH?


Funny 401K is looking great. However, that’s because companies are price gouging consumers and padding their bottom line.


Doesn't seem like this post has anything to do with who is President. The President does the FED's bidding, not the other way around.


IMHO, they are both completely worthless.


Crashed my 401k? Mine's up 35% since the pandemic. That's including the 20% dip. So actually it's seen 55% gains since the last stimulus check.


Well, one of them is disqualified from holding public office so…


It doesn't really matter all that much. Presidents come and go, inflationary monetary policy stays the same.


I suppose we’re just gonna ignore this is due to the government as a whole and not any one party and that most nations are experiencing hyperinflation and going through the same shit? People are dumb af


I suggest everyone go back and look at the state of the economies handed over from Bush to Clinton W Bush to Obama and Trump to Biden. There’s a clear pattern.


Can we just take like a 4 year break? And then restart the system with fresh blood!


Nice try. My 401k is at a record high. 😂😂😂💰. All that “free” money was for people that lost jobs during Covid.


You always end up with the leader you deserve.


Destroying the administrative state would be disastrous everybody, even for the big corporations that lobby for it.




Better is such a subjective word. Things would probably be better for me personally under Trump, but the country would descend into a theocratic shit hole which would make it seem like it is worse.  Wouldn't have that under Biden, but our debt-to-GDP ratio is unsustainable so whoever is president will probably not work toward bringing that down and total financial collapse will happen within the next few election cycles. 


At this point in time it's who HAS been better for the economy.




As long as the fed continues to print money, no


All I care about is that both Biden and Trump are older than 2 former living presidents. Neither of them should be in office


How about continuously borrowing from the Feds, paying off some student loans, and giving free money to Ukraine, Israel.


Trump, hands down.


That's because the checks were a pittance, they gave comparatively speaking an infinitely larger lionshare of our fiat money to corporate welfare.


Trump.... Biden Administration doesn't care about Americans.


I never know what point these are trying to make. People like to claim Trump was better for the economy but pretty sure the majority of stimulus was done under Trump


Trump did give out the stimulus checks and all the money to the businesses who weren’t using it for what they were supposed to. I didn’t even get any of my first one because he also did away the law during Covid where both people if married had to be present in order to cash a government check with both names on it. So my ex got it and cashed it. He was really excited about that. Him and his friends loved the unemployment they were getting also. Yes, they sure do love Trump. These are the people that help run us into the shit now and crying about it. Trump just made it possible because he’s a fucking idiot who has no business being in that place of power. All the people crying about things being expensive are the last ones who need to be thinking trumps agenda is aligned to them. Lastly he’s a felon so none of this matters.


For people that know, it's Biden and there is ZERO question. Even if you throw out Biden's economic performance, which is statistically better than Trump's before COVID, Trump made HORRIBLE decisions on the economy that were objectively bad and amateurish. The fact that this is even a question is a product of Trumpism, which is politics with a con man's spin on it. He repeated over and over how well he was doing and told his followers that anyone that says different is lying. And since economics takes effort to understand, his followers internalized his BS with glee. The economy was good during Trump's time because of Obama-era policies, and it stayed strong DESPITE Trump's bungling.


The answer is no current candidate or government institution gives two damns about cost of living for Americans. That's the fallacy, no matter who gets elected the situation will just continue to deteriorate with foreign war spending, our goddamn military spending, inflation, huge corporations buying all the housing with zero institutional oversight. Elections are a sham with hot button issues that actually don't matter at all and won't change no matter who gets elected.


Trump all day long


Do people really not remember just how badly Trump screwed up the US government's response to Covid? The entire country shut down, everyone was scared, people hoarded toilet paper thinking it was the end of the world, we were all on edge because we looked at our president and saw an absolute bafoon who suggested we inject bleach and started hawking unproven house deworming drugs like a late night pitch man. Then he gave everyone a ton of money in the incredibly fraudulent PPP program and then added $600 on to everyone's unemployment and then made people question the science of masks as if we all were not taught our entire lives to cover your mouth when you sneeze... All of that happened...


Still waiting for that 401k crash. The recession is coming any decade now.


401Ks gains per year are well above the Trump Stock Market era. Your taxes are Trump's fault please study his tax break for the rich and screw everyone else by 2% biannually until 2027. Until you get your facts please kindly STFU.


Was there a virus that demolished the economy? Or are we just going to conveniently leave that bit out?


And was incredibly mismanaged. No we shouldn't leave that part out.


Its not a question of better its a question of less bad


Trump flooded the economy with capital and he plans on doing it again


The prices that increased the most pay the feds more money in tax revenue


Some things are more important than money. Donald Trump is a goddam criminal and wannabe dictator. I'd take a random person at Walmart over that damn thug.


All of this is the result of pumping millionaires into billionaires in the 80s. Now that we give average people money, prices skyrocket because of how out of whack they already were. The damage was already done and we’re just bringing it to the light.


They both corrupt as sh1t.


I don't think there are any politicians in the running who will be good for the economy. Personally I think RFK Jr. and his ideas on how to break up the monetization of government officials and dark money politics are the only chance the population has to recover, and that seems more important than any economic concerns. If the vote happened today I would vote RFK.


See the problem with that girl's statement is that this was a trivially easy problem to spot. If everybody had a billion dollars, nobody would ever work for $20/hr making cheeseburgers, so obviously cheeseburgers would explode in price. Nobody would accept $3000/mo in rent either, so guess what happens to rent. -- and hey, if you don't pay, maybe they'll turn the property into whatever makes more money. Now you're a homeless billionaire. When you invent money from nowhere to give to literally everybody, that's the literal definition of inflation and because taxes are based on money spent, taxes also go up.


🍊💩 is better in Texas , leave us alone




Enjoy Guv’nuh Greg Abbott’s Texas! That’s ’yer pick for Guv’nuh‼️🎯 - doesn’t really matter who the Prezzy is. Choke on it.


The stock market is at an all time high yesterday.


The fed didn’t just throw 12 trillion into the economy. Money supply can be high if it’s not being pussed away by idiotic giveaways that took those trillions and gave it to everyone, creating higher prices.


This sounds like someone who lives in a red state like Florida! My 401K is MUCH higher today than it was under Trump. My property taxes haven't gone up at all, I own my house, and I have a locked in 30 year mortgage so that hasn't gone up. Gas is about as much as I paid under Trump. Groceries have gone up, but that's do to corporate profits. Just look at the quarterly results of the major food companies like Conagra, PPG, ext. Sadly, this is what happens when you eliminate competition, and get rid of regulations that stop monopolies!


Wait but those are all of the policy changes that the Republicans tout as being good for the economy, good for businesses, look for the trickle down. Are you telling me that that doesn't work? the businesses turn around and just keep the extra money for themselves?


Neither. The FED is going to do what the fed wants to do. Political gridlock will prevent either president from driving their agenda to far. Domestic policies will have tradeoffs of course but if you are too narrow minded to make money if they wrong guy is in office then that's on you.


In the short term, Biden. With imports and immigration being two load bearing pillars of the US economy, tariffs and deportations sound like bad ideas In the medium term, maybe Biden. I really don’t want a Republican in office when the economy inevitably crashes because people will wrongly believe that it’s capitalism’s fault that we are in this mess. Overly lax bankruptcy laws and an average of 38% tax rates across all income brackets funding both a welfare state as well as wasteful defense spending is not capitalism. And, yes, both parities are guilty of big government interfering with the economy. In the long term, maybe Trump. It really depends on who he picks for his administration. But, what really needs to be done is figuring out how employers can be encouraged to increase work from home privileges for their employees. That might help with gas, food, housing, and car prices. I could go into how to increase work from home privileges and why those privileges would address the cost of the things I mentioned, but I’m tired and I want to go to bed.


This Idiot, and other Idiots, like Her; need to "wake up", and "smell the coffee". She, and the other Idiots, including The Tourons; need to realize they have been "had", are destroying Themselves, The Rest of Us, and Everything else, in general, and it's about Damned Time, We started calling Them, on it. We, are facing a War, and She needs to decide, Whose Side, She's on (although I already have an idea, about THAT!). She's on the Side, of Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, George H.W., George W., and Jeb Bush; Roy Cohn, J. Edgar Hoover, Mitch McConnell, the Rehnquist, and Roberts; Supreme Courts, ESPECIALLY, One Donald J. Trump, and His Financial, and Popular; Backers; along with thousands of other Pharisees, Hypocrites, and their ilk; that are destroying Us, Our People, Our Country, and Our World; and it's about time, We realized this, and fought, back. While Joe Biden, has His Problems, He can be "cured"; one day, He may realize, that these people, want His "chitlins", on a platter; and He needed to realize this, and start fighting back; These People, and The Republican't Party, and their Adherents, want His Guts, and Our Guts, on a platter, and they take no Prisoners. We better, all start realizing this. I also just saw, an article, about some "Touron", in Bryce Canyou National Park; in an "unsafe", area; with His, or Her, Dog; using a drone, endangering Themselves, and molesting the Wildlife. They were yelled at, by the Article Writer, and didn't heed Him. Two Unwary Hilers nearly killed themselves; in Painted Canyon, in Joshua Tree National Park, this week; when they ran out, of water. Joshua Tree, like Bryce Canyon, Death Valley, Grand Canyon; and numerous other Desert, and Semi-Desert, National Parks, are Nature Preserves, protecting scenic "wild places", and their fauna, and while people are invited to visit; for their Own Safety, and The Parks' Wildlife, and Parks' Safety, there are Laws, Rules, and Regulations; that They are Required, to follow! I saw there Regulations, flouted; in Yellowstone National Park, Myself; by people approaching a herd of Elk. They were risking their own Safety, making the Herd, nervous; and risking attack; since This Herd, no doubt; had young, with them, and these people were risking attack. There have been several Bear, Bison, and other attacks This Year, already, as well as people risking death, from falling from cliffs, and in Thermal Areas, by not following the rules, or remembering they are in Wild, and Desert, and Semi-desert, Areas. These are wild areas, and they are not tolerant, of idiots. The two people I previously mentioned, a man and woman; were hiking in a desert, and canyon area, ran out of water (very easy, to do); and were near death. The Woman was dehydrated, and unconscious; and the Man was shielding Her, with His Body, from The Sun; to keep Her, alive. The only thing that kept them, from dying; was He was able to get a 911 Call, out, and call for Rescue. Had they been, in an area, where there was no 911 Service available; they would be dead, now. That happened, to a 71-Year-old Man; in, or near; Death Valley, this Year. It is extremely easy, to die of dehydration; and that nearly happened to Me, in Central Idaho, about 4 decades, ago. I was in Riggins, on U.S. 95, and facing a climb, up White Bird Hill, about a 2500 foot, southward-facing climb, on Saturday Afternoon; on My Bicycle, with about 100 pounds, roughly, of Bicycle, and Camping Gear. I filled up every container I had, with water; and should have purchased additional water, in a couple, of one-half liter bottles, in Riggins. I didn't, and this was nearly, My Undoing, I ran out of water, halfway up The Mountain, and was weak, and severely dehydrated, by the Time I reached the summit. A passing couple, probably saved My life, by letting Me have the melted ice water, out of Their Picnic Cooler. I learned, the lesson. There are People, who "flout the Rules, and Laws"; and endanger Themselves, Park Rangers, and Their Rescuers; perhaps deliberately, by this behavior; and they need, to be called, on it.


That's quite the walk...


Barron trump just made his own crypto coin pump and dump scheme with martin schrekelli. Even the youngest in the family are learning to be crooks and scammers.


What was her 401k invested in if it crashed and then didn’t have the best years since?


“Nah I meant the 401Ks are crashing next year after that…nah I meant the next NEXT year after that!”


If your 401k "crashed", it's because you're invested in some real risky bullshit.


Look at those checks for me and see whose signature is on it, then get back to me. Thanks. I will wait


Either way our money will be sent to other countries to fund their healthcare and their genocides America is the biggest bitch ass cuck country in all of human history, hands down.


curious what policies specifically should the next president enact to bring down prices on everything across the board? explain in detail. maybe increase oil production? but what else?

