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I just stopped watching after Barney left and they practically replaced him with gomer


With Goober you mean


For me the show ended when Barney left.


I couldn't agree more. Barney, to me, was the show. Andy even admitted early on that Don Knotts was the funnier of the two which is why Andy played the straight man in the show. I did enjoy the later episodes where Barney came back and visited Mayberry.


Warren was the only character I disliked. Others I could take or leave, even Emit. I liked Howard in that he reminds me of a lot of people I know. Warren however, it just never clicked with him. I think it was a combination of them trying to replace Barney’s character as well as his slightly obvious personality.


Yes, I doubt any actor could have successfully replaced Knotts.


It might have worked if they brought back a guest character like Jerry Van Dyke.


Howard to me is that one guy who, while everyone is laughing and having a good time, he'd be the one to walk up and bring the whole group down.


He’d probably tell them about noise ordnances, permits to hold a gathering in a public place, maximum occupancy for the venue, etc.. He did love his county government job.


I agree completely, I actually liked Howard a lot


I wouldn't say hate because I love the show so much, but I can say I have a strong dislike for the following characters. No.1 Ernest T. Bass No.2 Emitt No.3 Arnold No.4 Clara Edwards I usually skip the episodes with Bass and Arnold. I just skip the entire last season. No Barney, no Floyd no show for me. Regardless of disliking these characters, I'm thankful for the actors who patrayed them. At the end of the day, the real reason we are here is because we love this show passionately.


The early seasons with the original cast are my favorite, of course, but I still enjoyed the added cast - except for Warren.


The quality did drop in the later seasons. Success can be a killer.


My mother loved the show but stopped watching any episodes when Barney left. Out of curiosity I watched some, and she clearly made the right decision. The show was simply over and not worth watching without Barney. He made the show. However, my mother hated Earnest T Bass and would change the channel when he was on the earlier episode. I agree, what a abysmal character. Not funny and just annoying. I think he's one of the the worse characters I've ever had the misfortune of watching. I just watched Return to Mayberry for the first time and his presence ruined it as well. Awful cringe character!


But without Ernest T Bass we wouldn't have had the 'He's a nut' line from Barney. I'll agree... Ernest isn't everyone's cup of tea. There are a few episodes where I don't find him as annoying though.


This shouldn’t be a The Andy Griffith Show Haters group. I like the show and it shouldn’t be taken for more than what it was. A comedic sitcom that EVERYONE of all backgrounds can watch. If you don’t want to watch it then don’t but I don’t think it’s appropriate to make negative remarks about the show.


I can’t stand those three 🤮