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Very photogenic dog


I really can't envision Kaitlyn doing that. 


Kaitlyn’s always clearly been more connected to Ramen..


She said the dogs will be back together this weekend. I've been thinking Jason may give them up and move out of Nashville.




Yeah it’s hard but he’ll get over it. I just remember an ex of mine using the dog as an excuse to come over all the time. I had to stop it when he was crying into the dog’s fur and me and the dog were just like ![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY)




Sorry what styes?? 😂




I cannot imagine them splitting Ramen and Pinot up. Maybe this was a temporary arrangement? I hope it isn’t my optimism and the logistics around the exchange got to them. I can’t imagine them apart.


I only have 1 dog but the girl loves her house and her routine and doesn’t know what to do with herself in new places. Pinot and ramen are more used to travel and dog sitters and new things so maybe my dog is a basket case and they are well adjusted and can handle it. But I would guess the back and forth for the dogs isn’t ideal. Separating them is a whole other layer of stress for them


They better not parent trap those dogs! 😭😭


Wait this makes me so sad 😭 if my husband and I broke up, one of us would take two dogs because they’re inseparable. It’s already sad enough they have to lose a parent, now they lose their sibling too 😭


I believe Kaitlyn has Ramen registered to fly as a ESA, but pinot is not. I am guessing Jason kept Pinot since she could not bring him. They have both been very adamant that they will not split up the dogs. I honestly cannot imagine either of them doing that, but hey people never cease to amaze me.


ESAs can’t fly. It’s service dogs only, as of a year or 2 ago.


She had an ESA vest on him a few days ago and he was flying so I think they're allowed to.


No they’re not. Downvote all you want but [here it is straight from the FAA](https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/acr/Day1_Session3-ACAA_Service_Animals_Final.pdf), if you don’t believe me. It’s possible if it’s a charter plane. If it’s an airline and the dog is too big to fit in a carrier under the seat and not a service animal, they aren’t going in the cabin.


I didn't downvote you please relax LOL. I'm just saying I saw the dog in a pic she posted from the plane wearing a green vest with ESA on it. Maybe he's a service dog but she still has him wear the vest? Idk. It's not that serious.


That wouldn’t make any sense. All it would do is alert flight attendants it’s not a service dog. Idk if the photo was out of context or what. I’m correcting your comment because untrained fake ESAs were causing issues for people with actual disabilities who need their service dogs. They can’t fly airlines anymore.


Well idk then maybe it’s a charter plane. I even took a pic cause my friend is worried about traveling with her kitty and there was a cat next to Ramen on the flight. It’s blurry but he has a vest on. So I was agreeing with the person above that he has some sort of registration that allows him to fly. https://preview.redd.it/cyqdtmdsno0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d771ca31b40608d8e175e0debc9c2a9dbc1636


She lied on the form, you can get a vest from Amazon. People fake service dogs all the time on airplanes now it's a real problem.


Like I said, the only way to fly airline is either if your pet fits in a carrier under the seat or if the dog is an actual service animal. Your friend should be fine with the cat. They should check the airline they’re flying for specific rules. Keep downvoting yall. It’s facts.


Kaitlyn said on the Ben and Ashley podcast recently that they would never split the dogs up. The dogs are best friends. This might just be pictures of each of them with one dog.


She’s traveling and only brought one with her.


They broke the dog's up 😭


Having gone through a separation with a dog involved, this breaks my heart. It can’t be easy on either person but I hope that the dogs are adjusting okay to all of this ❤️❤️


for the sake of the dogs one person should give them up


No they shouldn’t lmao it’s their dogs I’m sure they take great care of them and everyone needs to r e l a x


They know their dogs better than anyone and they love them. So if they’re observing they’re not suffering or if their testing it out, not our business


poor little babies 😢 if they can’t figure out who gets the dogs they should rehome them, that’s way too much for them to keep moving them around to new places all the time


Rehoming is 1000% worse, lol. The dogs are prolly happy as can be and yall are making assumptions abt how they’re feeling w no indication. If the 2 owners observe that the dogs are okay, then they should do what they’re doing


you’re responding to every single person on here thats even a bit critical get a life 😭😭


I feel like moving the dogs around so much is stressful for the dogs. They’re putting their needs first before the dogs. I get its hard but realistically how long can they keep doing this.


I split my dog’s time with my ex. It’s really not difficult on him at all as he’s very familiar with both of our homes and us. He has a different kitty friend at both houses and doesn’t seem to miss them at the other house or have any separation issues. Animals can be very adaptable. It’s really easy to split dog custody, and people do it with kids all the time, so clearly it’s possible to do in a stress-free way.


Ive never heard of splitting time with kids to be stress free. Quite the opposite😅


As a child of divorce, it was very chill lol


I feel like as human beings, we may be making it deeper for them than it is. The owners know how their dogs are reacting when they’re separated better than any of us and if they continue separating them then they must observe that their dogs aren’t suffering or having panicked responses


100% agree it’s selfish & I feel bad for how stressful it has to be for the dogs😭


Travis Kelce and his ex were also sharing custody of their dogs until he started dating Taylor and then he gave them to her full time. Its insane to still be doing this while seriously dating someone new.


How do you know?? Neither of them spoke about this. Thats just fan theory lol


How is it a fan theory? His ex has an instagram and posts about her dogs all the time.. before her and Travis would trade them off.. its not like secret information.


We don’t know if they no longer trade them off tho just bc Travis doesn’t post it on socials


I didn’t realize they had dogs together. Makes sense because they were together for like 5 years


I’m surprised Kat puts up with this. My fiancé had a hard boundary about me not seeing my cat anymore that my ex kept. It was hard, but I totally see where he was coming from… my ex was still very much in love with me and the tie made him so uncomfortable. It was hard, but he needed to come first. Jason needs to just get his own and let Kaitlyn keep them.


As a cat and dog owner, I had a decently easy time saying goodbye to my ex’s cats but never in my entire life would I ever agree to say goodbye to my dog for good, and my ex feels the same way. We raised him as a puppy and the bond goes extremely deep. I’d never take my dog away from him. It’s really not that difficult to split dog custody. I see my ex for like 30 seconds once a week (or sometimes not at all, just leave the door unlocked). He and my live-in partner are cool with each other. We basically get free pet sitting and ability to go on vacations. Our dog has no issues when transitioning between homes. Everything is fine.


Exactly!this restriction sounds so problematic to me


I don't agree with this take at all. You can't force people to no longer see their animals. Although they aren't the same as children, many of us still love them as such. Nothing would ever make me agree to never see my dog again. This is why I don't think people should get animals with a girlfriend/boyfriend, but even marriages end so it's inescapable sometimes. Edit for clarity: i think it's okay if one party decides they are okay with no longer seeing their animal and letting their ex take over their full care, but I do not agree with a new partner dictating that.


Let me guess, you are single or in an unhappy/toxic relationship.


Happily married and with my partner for over a decade! And proud dog parents! Sorry for you if you have never experienced loving an animal.


I agree. Thats kinda cruel. Pets are family. I understand that’s a hard position to be in but some sorta compromise is necessary


If someone tried to take me away from my kitties then that would show me they weren’t the right person for me.


100% this - I would dump you so fast if you told me I couldn’t see my pets


Kaitlyn needs a cat.


Why? She’s probably a dog person and loves her dogs


I just think the personality of a cat would be, an interesting development to watch.


No shade to Kaitlyn but she is far too needy for a cat. The thing I love about cats is that they consistently set and enforce their boundaries. The thing about Kaitlyn is that she seems super needy and to have zero boundaries - same as dogs. She could learn something from the right cat though. I love my kitty - we are super connected and I can tell what she wants, when or if she wants it and I generally respect that. Not that she does the same for me - she’s still waking me up at 5 am every day just for scritches and cuddles. Can’t be too mad when they’re purring and so warm and soft though. https://preview.redd.it/i69l67643n0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9028841bd90622d041089d6d95bedde8543be141


Dogs actually thrive on proper training and boundaries.


That's why she needs a cat. To train her to be more independent.


We don’t know these people.


I just like talking about my cat 😂


I love your energy in this comment section. You’re completely right. The amount of assumptions being presented as facts is alarming


I think they are testing out how the dogs will be without each other and then decide if they want to split them or not.


Very possible. Everyone is the cmments are making assumptions abt what they’re doing as if they’re keeping us updated every second of the way and it’s obnoxious and weird. Parasocial relationships


You have replied to 10 different comments to defend people that you also don’t know. The call is coming from inside the house.


And you’ve scrolled that far to see my comments and are clearly bothered by it so it’s giving projection lol. You mean to defend dogs I don’t know? Lol. I’ll always defend dogs. Try again.


Yeah, it’s literally my post so I’m reading the comments 🤡 you seem very worked up over people’s perception on this…. Dare I say it’s giving parasocial relationship?! 🫢


Girl so are you.


This is my post and I replied to one comment. And I’m not commenting things like “it’s none of our business” and “you don’t know them” while simultaneously replying to every comment. so try again pookie 🫶🏼






He posted on stories a couple days ago and both the dogs were there. I’m guessing some of these are latergrams


Umm, no. Kaitlyn was just on Ashley I and Ben's podcast and she said they'd never ever separate them, that they are best buds with each other. And she talked about how difficult it is for the dogs to be going back and forth. The dogs should be full time with only Kaitlyn, imo. (Edit for clarification: They currently split custody, the dogs move from house to house together.)


Wouldn’t be the first time Kaitlyn declares something with absolute certainty on a podcast only to immediately do the opposite tho tbf


You mean because things change???? She declared something w “absolute certainty” in the moment bc she’s passionate abt her dogs but that doesn’t mean she needed to remain firm on that even if her and Jason changed their feelings abt it to appease social media entitled followers.


She's pretty passionate about her dogs. I could hear it in her voice. They mean the world to her.


Ah yes, The Parent Trap method!


Which dog has the British accent?


The one with Kaitlyn for sure. The one with Jason is the one with pierced ears


Nobody asked for my opinion but the cat I got when I was with my last partner gave 0 fucks when we broke up 🤣 maybe it’s a cat thing


I was sad about leaving my ex’s cats when he moved away but now I have my own cat which is so much better lol


This is such classic cat behavior lol 


No way are they separating them. KB just took Ramen with her when she went to LA


Now their dogs are going to have to meet at summer camp and parent trap them


I hate this if this is what they’re doing. 😭 my husband and I have 5 pets (we’re insane lol) 2 of which are “twin” sisters, and all of our girls literally are so attached to each other it isn’t even funny. Ramen and Pinot remind me of my little twin girlies though. I can’t even wrap my head around one without the other.


I am surprised they’re splitting them (IF it’s long term which we don’t know.) I have two dogs that have been living together for 4 years and they are incredibly bonded. If I separated them, they would both be devastated - they don’t even like being apart for things like the vet and grooming! I know not everyone’s dogs are like this, but ramen and Pinot definitely seemed that way :(


We have a brother/sister from same litter and Vet suggested we take them separately to various things to help prevent separation anxiety…. They sleep together and are very much bonded but are okay with doing their own thing too… maybe it’s the same for their pups?


My two dogs have been attached at the hip as we got them 6 months apart and they’re both 4 now. They freak out if one dog is upstairs and the other ones downstairs and when they reunite, it’s like one just came home from overseas 😂 I can’t imagine how absolutely devastated they would be if they were separated long term.


Our old, crotchety cat, who is 4 years older than our dog, literally waits at the door until the dog comes home when she’s at the groomer. And then follows her around for a good hour after she’s back home. The bond between animals is something so so special.


I think it’s so important to discuss this in advance if you get a pet with someone you’re not married or long-term partnered with (by that I mean like 5+ years tbh). My partner and I had just moved in together when we got our dog, but we’d only been together a year or so. We decided I’d keep him if we broke up, so my name is on his adoption paperwork. It’s a bit like a prenup I think—of course you hope you’ll never have to use the plan, but it’s a little naive to assume there’s no chance you’ll ever break up if you’re getting a pet early on. Life happens!


The cats are mine and while we share the household and (minimal knock on wood) vet expenses I paid the adoption fees and they’re coming with me if my fiancé and I break up, this is the way!


Agreed. My husband and I decided our golden retriever Steve would go with me. Not that my husband loves Steve any less, but Steve just loves me more.


My husband said he would keep the cat if we broke up. My name is on her paperwork but I’d be happy to turn her over to him if that’s what happened.


I think that’s an incredibly mature way to have looked upon things and I wish everyone was wise enough to think like that too lol


Thanks! A friend told me he’d done this and that it saved him so much stress when he and his gf broke up so I made sure to do the same. I’m an intensely practical person… just got engaged and we’re definitely doing a prenup. I’m crazy about my partner but people change and you never know! It never hurts to have plans in place in case the worst happens.


Congratulations on your engagement, I hope to emulate your practical-ness in my relationship. 🤞🏻to getting engaged to my girlfriend and whenever we get a dog I’d like to have the same sort of plan in place, just in case


I very much appreciate that for several months, their plan was to split time with them. Animals feel emotions and it would have been so difficult to go cold turkey and cut one of their humans out of their lives. At this point with both of them in new relationships and potentially moving, I think it’s most important that the dogs remain together and perhaps it’s time to start keeping them full time with one human. It should start slowly. Since Ramen was technically Kaitlyn’s first, I do think they should be with Kaitlyn full time as difficult as it may be for Jason. Dogs are the best so I know how hard it can be.


you hit every point for me


I think it’s fine to have the dogs separated every now and then, but imo it’ll be cruel to have them separated for life. I also think both of them wouldn’t want to be estranged from either dog. The dogs are not interchangeable. They made it through co-parenting while they were lowkey dissing each other in public. I think the co-parenting thing won’t be a problem……. Until one of them leaves Nashville.


Pinot looks so cute in that pic. 


My bf and i always joke that we could never break up because we would definitely not agree on who keeps our dog. He's our baby and we both just love him so much. We made a pact that if our apartment burns down we both would rescue our labrador first and then our partner. It always seemed like Kaitlyn has a stronger bond with the dogs than Jason. Dogs are also great for your mental health and that's something she struggled with for a long time. I think they really help her feel better.


I know a broken up couple still living together because they can’t split the pets


I’m convinced Jason is using the dogs for engagement. They have always been KB’s dogs and pet custody is dumb af.


They got both dogs together?


kaitlyn got ramen. jason surprised kaitlyn with pinot. regardless, the dogs need stability. it’s sad to constantly go back and forth or to break them up. kaitlyn has a bigger claim to them. and the dogs know her house as their home. jason has moved on with someone who lives in another state. think it’s time for him to give up the dogs too.


Kaitlyn moved too.


They got Pinot together. Kaitlyn got Ramen on her own I thought


They got both together. Jason surprised her with Pinot.


I’m going to say it. Jason should give up the dogs to her permanently. It’s just a way to hang on to her. In our house, my husband would let me keep them. It’s ridiculous.


Agreed. When Louis Tomlinson from 1D was with Eleanor (his long-term ex) they got a dog named Bruce together right before they split the first time. She kept the dog and he eventually got another dog of his own, Clifford. They got back together for another 5 years, but split up again recently and this time around she ended up keeping Bruce and Clifford lol


I agree. He adopted the second one as a GIFT for her. it’s super sad but I think she should get them. but then again i don’t know anything personal to them lol


Why? If they got them together then why does he have to be the one to give them up? Especially Pinot since that kind of seemed more like his dog and Ramen Kaitlyn’s.


kaitlyn got ramen. jason gifted pinot to kaitlyn. the dogs know kaitlyn’s house as their home. jason moved on with someone who lives in another state. many reasons why it makes sense for kaitlyn to get them.


They didn’t get them together. Kaitlyn got ramen on her own. Pinot Jason adopted as a gift for Kaitlyn. So either way you look at it they were both adopted for/ because of her.


I don’t think that’s the case. I think he really has a bond with the dogs and loves them. Especially Pinot. He was always cuddled up with Pinot. That was like his boy and Ramen was Kaitlyn’s. In all the videos where they each had a dog laying on them that’s how it was. He spent years with the dogs and I’m certain is attached. More than just pets. I’ve only had my current cat for 2 years and I love her and couldn’t imagine her being taken from me. It can be hard on animals too to suddenly lose the person they were most attached to, especially dogs. They did travel quite a bit and board the dogs for a week or so but he always came back. The dogs would definitely miss him. Animals can also suffer from depression Also Jason was the one who actually adopted Pinot. So I do think he should have some rights to see him, cuz it’d suck to split the dogs up if they’re bonded


Definitely just temporary, they’ve said before they’re very bonded & wouldn’t separate them permanently. I wish Jason would just stop & let KB keep them - they have always very clearly been HER dogs…. idc what anyone says splitting custody of pets is immature & doesn’t work long term


I don't know much about their situation, but splitting custody of pets isn't immature. Pets have feelings and emotions just like humans so to call it immature is insensitive, IMO. I'm not saying it's a perfect solution, but I don't think that word fits in a scenario like this.


Stability is what’s best for pets - shuffling them back & forth is stressful. It does nothing for the pet other than confuse them. If you don’t like calling it immature you can call it selfish instead


It’s maybbbeeee possible if you live close to your ex but they do not!! It’s crazy to me


Yeah Kaitlyn is away right now and was able to take Ramen as her emotional support dog and Pinot isn't registered for that so she has to leave him.


This. He just needs to stop. He wants a way to hang on.


I don’t know much about their relationship but do you mean he like can’t let her go??


Wants to still have a tie to her.


Or he loves the dogs...


I'm so curious how shared pet custody works out in the long-run. I've only ever seen it done with couples who recently have broken up. But are there any long term arrangements that have worked out 10-20+ years? It seems like it would be difficult to maintain once one or both people in the couple settle down, have a family, possibly get their own pets, move, etc.


Jason and Mary on Selling Sunset do this. To the degree that they got another dog together AFTER they'd been broken up a while. One of the weirdest pairs of exes I've ever seen, bless them 


They're the strangest, most lovely exes ever lmao. I love that they were like, "we coparent dogs so well we're doing it again" lmao. It makes a lot of sense given their life styles, to be honest.


I actually know a divorced couple who has been doing this with their two dogs for years and it works out for them. They live in the same city though.


You know how long dogs live for right? I mean even human custody arrangements don't go that long silly 😂😂😂


I mean cats can!


Fair!! 😂😂 cats would definitely be the exception. Omg imagine carrying on a pet custody arrangement for 20+ years I would die 😅


My roommate and I actually managed that for several years until our dog died. It was emotional and challenging and we weren’t even dealing with a break up on top of that so I can’t even imagine how couples manage this. But we split bills, coordinated driving and months to switch off, and kept in contact about vest visits. It worked but barely and I will always make sure it is explicit who a pet’s sole owner is going forward


20+ years? Babes the dog ain’t living that long 😅


Haha oh gosh rereading my comment I feel a bit embarrassed, I don't think my coffee was strong enough this morning


One of them could have been a bigger person for the dogs sake. But I guess splitting them was fair to the humans.


I think she said on a podcast that the dogs weren't doing great with the current set-up of going back and forth and one of them (Ramen maybe?) was acting a lot more anxious. This might have been when she was on Hannah B.'s pod almost two months ago? I really wonder how they're gonna ever resolve this.


They also both travel so much it actually works out


I think the dogs will be fine. It’s not like they’ll die if they’re separated


I know several breeders of Havanese dogs. For many of the dogs they use for breeding, when they are done with them for breeding, they rehome them to good homes. Some have been together for over 5 years. They adjust just fine. My breeder has laughed because some of them are so excited to be an only dog where they get all of the attention. Dogs are resilient and most adapt fairly well to changes in their lives.


I have two dogs and it seems to work out to give them breaks from each other occasionally. So there’s that.


highly recommend the OTV episode with jessica lanyadoo, animal communicator and astrologer, if anyone is interested in ramen and pinot’s psyches!


Every post by Jason about the dogs feels so fake and performative. I wish he would just give up the gig. They are and have always been KBs dogs it was just another thing for Jason to attach his coattails to like he does for everything. 😒


We should say whichever parent stops posting with them, can keep them. Which do you think could/would do that? … I think Jason should let them go.


It’s a huge red flag to me.




Maybe they'll reunite at summer camp one day and scheme to make their parents fall in love again.


LMAO. Honestly so thankful for this comment. Wish most comments were more funny and less judgy!


Thanks for making me feel good about myself 🥰 I’m a really judgy person, though. I just keep most of it to myself.


NGL I would definitely watch a movie about two golden retrievers conspiring to bring their parents together.


It’s called Puppy Love on freevee hahahaha (I watched it - not worth it unfortunately)


OMG I so blanked on that movie; I did watch it a few months ago. It was sweet but I guess, forgettable lol. We need more movies of this dog matchmaking genre!


Haha this made me legit laugh out loud 😂




I hope she eventually gets them both, say what you will about her, but she’s always seemed like a great dog mom. I remember a post from him where he was stressing the dogs out to get the sad video for social media.


>I remember a post from him where he was stressing the dogs out to get the sad video for social media. Ew, wtf? What was the video even for?


It was from when they first broke up and he was filming him moving out and the dogs seemed agitated.


Ohhh yeah, I remember now. He gives me the ick 🫠


I didn’t really know anything about him and people here generally spoke positively about him. But I saw that video and he was doing nothing to comfort them and I decided to hate him forever.


I support this reasoning.




I think they each have ESA papers for one dog so they can fly with them (eye roll, but that's a rant for a different day), and Kaitlyn flew somewhere with Ramen this week so it makes sense for Pinot to stay with Jason since she couldn't bring both. We will see if it sticks beyond this trip though...


One of my biggest pet peeves in life lol


Oh you mean when they (or at least Kaitlyn) pretend their dog is a service dog instead of ESA just so they can have him on the plane? 💀


yep because pretty much every airline no longer allows ESAs on flights.




Why do you think that’s not Kaitlyn’s situation? I don’t think we have enough information to make that call, and as you said not all disabilities are visible nor should she feel the need to disclose any psychiatric diagnoses/treatments




Kaitlyn actually said she got her letter from her psychiatrist. Just caus she share some stuff, doesn't mean we know everything about her situation.


yeah I won’t pretend to know what Jason or Kaitlyn are diagnosed with but what bugs me is that they advertised those sketchy websites that you pay for ESA letters. That’s so unethical in my opinion and a big reason why people now have to jump through hoops that do need them.


They have made it very clear that they wont separate them.ever. They are very bonded and Kaitlyn/Jason travel often and that will leave dogs alone without each other. Kaitlyn mentioned on AF podcast recently that it's not even an option


agree they would not ever seperate them permanently. I can see kaitlyn eventually getting them both permanently when jason fully moves on and eventually gets his own dogs perhaps


Aren’t these “his own dogs” ? They got them as a couple?


If I remember right, Kaitlyn got Ramen before they were living together. Jason then got Pinot for her after they were together for awhile. He surprised her with Pinot after she had seen him on the IG account for that place I refuse to mention.


Wait, why do you refuse to mention them? Are they bad?


No she had Pinot before Jason. Then Jason surprised her with ramen. They were always KBs dogs


No she got Ramen a few days before Jason moved into her house. Then Jason surprised her with Pinot later that year.


Yes I had that backwards


oh no:( they are clearly bonded pups this is sad