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Like 25. Early 20s at the youngest.


Ha! I was just going to say 20-25, but closer to 25.




25 and 27 look exactly the same how is that a problem


Depending on genetics and fitness, even 30-something folks can look like late teens and 20s.


And she’s a Pacific Islander. They age like fine wine.




Found out the other day that Thaddeus from Fallout is like 40. Some people just age different.


Indeed. Some look old and others stay young.


Can’t we ever just have like a salad?


Or even 60 year Olds look like 30 year old....I'm looking at you Ralph Macchio


While slightly younger in his 50s, Wil Wheaton looks like he could attend college again.


Because Star Wars nerds must Star Wars nerd.


25-30 can easily look exactly the same, going to go ahead and guess you’re about 15 lol


Keep in mind omega like boba fett doesn’t have accelerated aging, and I believe they possibly were around the same age around the clone wars and taking into account Mando season 2 boba looks about late 40s early 50s. I’d say omega at the end of bad batch is probably 25


Maybe it’s because I’m an old fart, but I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a 25 yo and a 27 yo if my life depended on it.


Mid twenties for me, which would match up for starting to join a rebel cell.


Yes, and it confuses me a little if she was 13 when the show started, she must be at least 30 years old now.


Depends when this scene exactly takes place. Hera was 25/26 in season 2 of Rebels, when she was on board with Phoenix cell a few years off of the Rebel Alliance forming. I've always assumed Omega to be a couple of years older than her, so she could be 27-30 here.


do we know the difference? they met after all


Yes they did. During the Ryloth Arc in season 1.


Wait Omega and Hera meet in Rebels? I think I’m confused


in tbb


I assumed Hera was a year or two older. Just because she was taller than Omega which is a dumb way to guess considering I'm short af. Hera just always seems more mature because her whole life has been war.


I thought Omega was meant to be like 12/13 and Hera 14/15 when they met


Yeah, that was my impression as well.


Damn fr? I thought Hera was like almost 40 or something.


Its the french.


Nah. Horrible circumstances just made Hera mature a lot faster than he should've.


She was born in 29 BBY, so yeah, mid 20s in season 1, late 20s by season 4. Also, Kanan was in his late 20s in season 1, and about 32 when he died.


Exactly! She must be at least 30.


She looks about 30


All those years of training and living with her brothers can u imagine the skill set she could have. Crosshair could’ve taught her crazy marksmanship. Wrecker could taught her all about explosives. Hunter with stalking and fighting and all. I bet she’s a total badass as an adult.


This makes want to have a sequel to the Bad Batch where it involves her adventures in the rebellion. But keep it animated.


She’s totally gonna found the rebel base on Hoth. Y’know, the one called “Echo base”


.... dude .... you could be right. Holy crap.


Whoah, yeah. Maybe he helped her with the communication setup there


"hey echo" "yeah?" "First one there gets to name the base"


Omg! Me too!


She can be one badass commando or operative, though she instead mentioned being a pilot.


Tech taught her to fly


Don't forget that she has the untrained reflexes of a force sensitive person. Or did I misinterpret why Hemlock wanted her? Was she just going to be the genetic glue that allowed M-counts to be cloned?


I think she was just going to be the generic glue yeah. Normally when a force user is cloned, their m-count drops but when Omega’s dna is added the clone retains the m-count. This is all supposedly though as they never actually made a clone to test it, just what we’ve been told. I wonder if Omega got the blood of a force user if she would then keep their m-count?


Shes probably a really skilled pilot as well. Maybe the most dangerous woman in the galaxy outside ahsoka


Star Wars is full of dangerous youth, though technically Omega isn’t one anymore.


😭😭😭😭 Lol For some reason, it's hard af for me to ACTUALLY come to terms with the fact that our little girl isn't... well, a LITTLE GIRL, any more! It's just like so many other people here on Reddit have stated, which is that they feel like they're watching their own sister or their own daughter grow up and if you ask me then that is the most beautiful thing that I have ever heard❤️❤️❤️


Maybe the Rebellion needed Pilots more than else at this time. Can't infiltrate something if there's a mediocre pilot there. The ghost crew benefitted a lot from Hera too. Given her ride, I think chances are she will be part of a crew or perform roles like the Ghost or the Marauder. That said, we do not actually know if she's taught by Hunter, Wrecker or Crosshair. We do know she learned to fly. Thus, pilot is an obvious choice. And if she's part of a crew, her being taught by Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair would make her too op. She's already good as a pilot and ARC trooper thinking


Forgot that Hera was a jack of all trades in the Alliance - pilot, commando, and eventually general. Omega could possibly follow the same path - the bonus being that she was trained by a fine clone trooper group.


Oh, absolutely! I really hope that we get to see her again and see how much of a badass she's become.


If it's the rebellion era, that's from 15\~24 years after the founding of the Empire. If she was 10-12 years old at the start of the Bad Batch I would wager she's be about 25-27 years old.


Yeah, I can't see her being in her 30s. I've always thought she was about 10 in the first season, especially when you remember what Boba looks like at that exact same time period, and he's one of the only clones with a canon age.


Well she would be 13 years older than Luke and Leia in a new hope who is 19, so my best guess is 32


The rebel cells were forming at least 5+ years before anh, plus why would she be 13 years older? She’s def not 13 at the start of the show, which is literally right when Luke and Leia are born. I’d say she was 10 at the start, maybe 3-4 years passed over the 3 seasons, and they skip 10 years ahead for the epilogue. Puts her right in the mid-20s range others are saying, and a few years before the OT start.


Assuming the clones aged at twice the rate of normal, they were approximately 10 years old during Attack of the Clones. Revenge of the Sith takes place 3 years later, putting Omega safely in the range of 13. In the Epilogue I would put her at 27 to 30 if we're at a point when the rebellion is public knowledge and calling for pilots.


she is also older than at least the batch


Omega was the last original jango clone they made, so definitely after AOTC, plus she ages normally.


She mentions that she's older than her brothers. So if the clones are around 20 years physically in AOTC, they're about 10 years old. Since Omega is unaltered, she'd be around 10 at that time, and around 13 at the beginning of the Bad Batch.


She’s older than them, but they’re not original jango clones. They’re altered, that’s literally why they exist. Also how would Omega be 10? They were still working on clones after AOTC, and she was the last original one. That’s why she’s called Omega.


Why are you getting downvoted you are right. Upvote this dude


I’d say she was 10 in TBB season 1, 11 in season 2, 12 in season 3.  Season 3 would be 3 years after order 66.  She could join the rebellion 7 years later, about 9 years before ANH. That would make her 20.  This is about the same time as Obi-wan Kenobi series. It would be early in the rebellion, when it’s just loose cells, but that’s ok. Just because she’s calling it “the rebellion” doesn’t mean it has to be like 3 years before ANH. 


Unless they retcon the aging rate of the bad batch. She has to be at least 12 in season 1. Making her about 14 in season 3, which I believe tracks.


But the problem is that it was not called rebellion, then it began to be called only in 5 BBY


Because the Rebel Alliance as a thing was officially formed in 2 BBY.


Also we gotta take into account Andor


Yeah idk how people are getting 30 plus 💀😂


She doesn't talk like she was 10. Anakin in TPM was 9. Omega in season 1 talks more eloquently and more experienced that kid Anakin did. 13 sounds right to me.


You’re not doing the assignment right, “IF YOU DO NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE TIMELINE”.


Shouldnt this be tagged as spoilers???


The episode released yesterday Is not a spoiler anymore


i mean there are still a lot of people who haven't watched it. I know communities that have spoiler warnings for even months.


Yea lol I personally wait every Friday to watch it, just like the clone wars. Fuck this man


I'd say probably 25, but definitely in the range of 23-27


She looks an even 20 to me, though it's possible she's older. I'm just wondering why her face is so different from Emerie's. Emerie looks like she has lip filler and a wider nose. It makes me wonder if this is because Omega's added mutations resulted in some phenotypical differences like Tech and Crosshair have from the regs. Because it seems like she was made after Emerie, which makes me think Emerie is just a female reg and if more had been made, they all would have looked like Emerie, but Omega got some phenotype differences like her brothers.


Where’s the spoiler warning?


Looks to be in her 20's, timeline wise she’s at least 30.


Kind of early/mids 20s. So like 23-25


Assuming she’s 13 when the show ends I would say early to mid 20s


she must be at least 28 if she was 11 when the show started


Perhaps. I honestly could see it being either. But I also don’t think this is after ANH either


Between 25 to 30 years old.


I’d say right at 20, up to maybe 22.


The only problem is that she must be 27-30 years old


ngl If you gave me just these images without knowning anything about timeline or something id guess 28 the headband and hair remind me of my friends elder sister who is that age.


i think she can fit mid 20s to early 30s. my guess is this takes place at the very least after mom-mothmas resignation from the senate and her galaxy wide broadcast. so my guess is sometime in 1bby. so pure math she’d probably be 30-31ish


I think it's more how old hunter looks than her. It's a difficult thing to work out with clones as one was accelerated and one was "natural"




Does this have spoiler tags on?


Mid to late 20s, 30 being the oldest I’ll go.


I kinda thought it was 10 or so years later. Hunter looked about 40’s-ish so I assumed 20ish? About that 10 year mark before ANH when Kal Cestis was running around. They seem to be touching on that time period more. Cal, Kenobi and Solo all set then. But that’s just how I took the scene.


He looks way older than in his 40s


early 20s


Early 20s.


Heartwarming, but Sad. Omega has finally grown up.




Early 20's


Was the exact time gap said or put on screen?


Omega mentions the rebellion (rebel alliance) and that thing isn't formed until like 10 years after order 66 The bad batch season 3 takes place 2/3 years after that The epilogue is at max either during a new hope or the empire strikes back


No, rebels only began to emerge in 5BBY, and officially the rebel alliance began to be called in 2BBY


Thats why said 10 years Jedi fallen order takes place 5 years after order 66 and it doesn't have rebels in it yet (aside from saw Guerra) Then years later (5 to be exact) is obi wan Kenobi series and I believe andor too Rebels (in general not the series) were already around Rebels (the series) takes place at least 3/5 years after obi wan Kenobi because Luke and Leia at much older on it than previously


Only if Hunter has slower aging. Rex and co are much older looking amd that was Rebels.




She doesn’t have accelerated aging like standard clones do. She ages at the same rate as Boba and your average Joe.


Maybe 23. Is hard to tell the age of the characters


Late teens to early 20s.


Compared to Emerie Karr, who is another female clone, she's a total shorty in the series so she's still clearly a youngster. She should top out at the same or similar height to all the other clones at around 14 or 15 years of age so 12 to 13 is a good assessment. Hanging out with the bad batch, she's obviously seen some shit and lived a rather rugged lifestyle so she's bound to have that look of aged wisdom.




25 would be what she look like, more than 18, less than 30 would be the range


about 19


Whatever age boba is right now.


Mid to late 20s. Basically same age range as Hera


Before Rebels. Unless Hunter ages somewhat slower than Rex, Wolfe and Gregor. She looks early 20s. Id beg this around.. dare I say Survivor and Kenobi? Ie 10 years later. Boba's physique in Survivor seemed young. Gotta based it on Omega and Boba as they are twins.


22-24 maybe


She’s about the same age as Hera. Maybe a year or two younger.


Between 25 and 30, probably. As for a timeline, though... I think it's reasonable to assume she and Boba were created around the same time, in 32 BBY. That makes Omega about 13 during Order 66, which is reasonable IMO. It's probably very likely that she just seems a bit younger than she really is at first, given how sheltered and naive she is. And given that, she would be about 25 in 7 BBY, and about 30 in 2 BBY. And I would say that since she mentions the Rebellion by name, and that they "need pilots now more than ever," the epilogue probably takes place around 4 or 5 BBY, since even though the Rebellion kind of existed before then, 5 BBY, is when it really started ramping up. This is when the Aldhani raid happens, and the first two seasons of Rebels are also taking place during this time. Omega would be about 27 in 5 BBY, which seems about right to me.


She looks like a Clone Wars Version of Mercy from Overwatch... I like it


Her statement of "**the rebellion needs pilots now more than ever**" suggests that there has been some event/battle that has suddenly increased the need for pilots. An easy assumption to make is that she leaves right after Scarif/Yavin. This is the moment the rebellion goes fully public and openly militant. We also get no push back from Hunter which suggests he knows of some event that supports her argument. This would suggest that she is 30+. She has definitely been off planet with Phee, maybe hanging with Hera once or twice and contributing to the rebel cause in smaller ways but she has always come back and had an agreement with Hunter and the others to come back. This time she is leaving with the explicit intent to join up and with no return ticket. That's what makes this goodbye so powerful. I agree that she could have been styled to look a little older than she first appears. The very high Barbie ponytail could have been dropped down a bit lol AND its important to remember that 30+ women are not aged crones. I admit that any one of her friends/contacts could have called her up and told her "we need pilots now" and that the BoY may not be what pushes her to join but maybe ask yourself why its so important to you that she is a young 20 year old?


I sort of love the pony tail and fully support it. Mostly because I have thick hair and it gets hot to have a low pony.


It seems to me that at any moment between battles she can return for at least 1 day on Pabu


I strongly disagree. If you're an enlisted pilot and assigned a squadron you don't get to schedule vacation time to go hang with your geriatric fathers. Post Yavin, the rebellion is in full fledged insurgent war, thin on the ground with multiple fronts across the galaxy. War is hard, war demands sacrifice, and I don't think Omega would disrespect the sacrifice of her dead and living compatriots to go get some RnR. If she was in an independent Rebel cell like the Spectres then yes, maybe she could get some time away but again, post BoY I don't think Mothma is approving anyone's vacation request because there is no down time from BoY to the Battle of Jakku. This topic is touched on in the Aftermath book series, the level of sacrifice required to join the rebellion, leaving your partner, or children for years on end with no communication or even proof of life. In terms of writing quality, if everyone could visit home it would significantly dampen the emotional power of Omega's or any rebel fighters choice. Stimulating plots and events are made all the more the intriguing when positioned in high contrast with high stakes.


Yes, but after BoY, it takes only two years to defeat the Empire, so if think about it, she'll be back soon enough.


The Battle of Jakku is in 5 ABY. 3 years to Hoth, 1 year to Endor, and one more to finish them off.


At least 18, 21 tops


Assuming the epilogue is set between 14-12 BBY which is concurrent with Tarkin,A New Dawn & the early chapters of Thrawn…Omega’s 18-20.


Yeah, that's about what I thought


But the problem is that there were no rebels then and they started calling themselves rebellion only after 2BBY


However there were already rebel cells forming …My guess is Bail had given Omega a communicator so when she’s ready to join & form a cell.




I'd say 25


Early to mid 20s


I’d say early twenties


I thought she was like 18- 20


There were no rebels at that age yet


Late 20s




Early 20s tbh


Late 20s


Early to mid 20s




About 25-26


Mid 20s at least






She looks like she's in her late 20s, maybe early 30s. That should pretty much line up. That scene could have been any time during the Civil War.




Late 20s or early early 30s




Mid 20s if I had to guess?


I immediately joked to my friends I was watching with that she joined up just in time to fight in the battle of Yavin. But realistically it’s probably after that.


as others said, i think shes anywhere from her 20's to early 30's. it dosnt really help that the only defining "ageing" we see are her high and hair length. both can easily be tossed out tho, as i knew quite a few tall girls when i was at school. also her being a clone could make the aging weird. was it even proven that she was or whasnt like the other clones and aged faster then normal or was she like boba fett and ages normally? hell, im in my 30's and still look like a barely lega teen (dosnt help i dress like one most of the time, lol). its good looking young but also sucks getting stopped for id when i buy alcohol, go into clubs or when in driving, lol


I believe somewhere in the first or second season they at least mention how she's actually technically older than the bad batch, at the very least.


she also said it to crosshair when he joins back up (called him little brother). so yer, it seems like hes like bobba, as in they age normally hay, we may see her in a future show, be it animated or real life. knowing the bobba still alive after the events of episode 6 thats a big timeframe


Mid to late twenties.


mid to late 20s, 30 at most


Heading to 30 fo sho


Considering she was 12 or 13 at the start of the show, plus 2 years, she was 14 or 15 at the end. Now lets take imaginary 10 years (which would match with the founding of most of the rebel cells) she might be in her mid 20s. Considering she is beside boba the only clone without growth acceleration, Hunter must be around 50




Early to mid twenties


Between 25 and 29


Does she have accelerated aging like the rest of the clones?




She looks like early 30s.


**22 years old and really a bit older then clone force 99 but she's a clone that was like Boba un touched**


Late teens to early 20s.


The last episode has only been out for 2 days. Why are we spoiling? There’s literally a tag to hide this.


It’s a cartoon. They can draw 60 year old Diane Lane like that.


I’m really curious where in the timeline that final scene fell, like around episode 4 or 5 I’m guessing?


After 2BBY


R34 bout to go crazy


18 or 19


I'd put her in her mid 20's.


The same age as Boba




About as young as the Clones were when they first started fighting in the clone wars.


Says to ignore the time line, and give our opinion. OP responds with what the timeline age must be. Make it make sense


Old enough 😏 ...to venture on her own, I mean


Early 20s. Probably a couple years before ANH


If a couple of years before ANH, then she should be 28-30


When is a new hope?




I mean when compared to tbb


Well, in about 15-16 years


Well, in about 15-16 years


Late-Early or Early-Mid twenties.


That jaw line is sharper than a vibro blade.


I would say late twenties. 25-28 maybe.


How old is Hunter? 64


Late teens Edit To be honest, could be anywhere from 16-35. She also looks vaguely like Dido when she was younger


From 16-35 Funny


I was thinking like 18-22


My gut always says 30.




Wonderful 😘


My biggest issue with this whole scene was the fact that she sounded *exactly* like she did when the show started, so the effect was rather disconcerting.


Around 16-20 years old


Late teens/early 20s


Legal enough/j In all seriousness, she is easily either 19 or 22


Looks in my opinion 15ish