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Dark Brandon 2024, no matter how much he coughs or stumbles on his words or slows down. I care about the policies. Climate change, women's rights and Roe v Wade, human rights in general, international relations, possibly Ukraine's survival, infrastructure, student loan forgiveness, cap on prescriptions on Medicare, who appoints SCOTUS justices, who the VP is.


i care that he leads by committee, is not afraid to lean on his staff for important decisions, doesn't instantly fire his staff if they disagree with him, doesn't need to be the smartest in the room, can admit mistakes, and has innumerable qualities that show his intelligence, empathy, compassion and love for his country. On personal merit alone, he completely overshadows Trump. Then I care about his policies and his true care for the average American. Also, I'm Canadian, but I follow U.S. politics closely and watched the entire debate. We have our own far-right wing groups here, and they will be emboldened with a Trump victory. I found it unnerving that the moderators kept calling him "President Trump" instead of "former President Trump," and also didn't fact-check Trump in real time. Most people can realize that he evaded questions, made baseless claims, outright lied, deflected blame, wish-washed on Roe v Wade, recycled Q-anon garbage about abortions after 9 months, understated Putin's danger and basically attacked and antagonized the whole way through. Sure, Biden stumbled and doddered a bit, but clearly, he is a much better choice for both America and the world at large. I hope that the people realize this and get out to vote!


Me too.


I agree! I’m Voting Blue all down ballot.


Dems, this is perhaps the last election... and send someone who can barely talk. Unless your vote accounts for several millions, it will not be enough. Dens sound like Maga, going completely against logic to support their candidate.


I don't know what you expect Democrat voters to do other than to vote.


To vote, because we sometimes act emotionally and sit out.


Dude thank you for saying this, it's 100% true they sound just as bad as MAGA


I disagree with the student loan part . But the rest is spot on. The team around the president is the most impotent part of this election. As a registered republican. I will vote democrat down the line . And switch my party to undecided.


100% agree. The president's administration and who he appoints to scotus and other judges he appoints are extremely important.




Me too that's why Biden needs to withdraw and allow someone electable to run.


We're going to remove his brain and put it in a Gundam. Problem solved.


Then call the White House and your Congress reps and tell them that.


It's great that you support him, but you've got to be able to see that your views are the exception, and that after that debate most Americans are going to turn on him. He needs to drop out for the good of the country.


I doubt it'll be "most". It's just the dumb ones that fall for trumps dog and pony show


That's not how politics work. The entire point of these campaigns is to get people to actively want to vote. After this performance the only people who are going to actively get up a vote for Biden are people like you - the party faithful - but that's not enough to win. I am 100% certain Biden will lose this election. It's critical that every Democrat get on the phone to their senators and party leaders and insist he drop out.


Time will tell. I'm ridin' with Biden all the way.


Right, everyone is going to vote for the Fascist now. This hand wringing is absolutely ridiculous.


The only way to win elections is to mobilize voters. The people here willing to ride off the cliff with Biden don’t reflect the people who will choose the next president. I’d like to think you all are going to deeply regret this blind loyalty when he loses, but you’ll probably just blame the left like Democrats always do.


What did Trump show in that debate that is supposed to make the people you mentioned optimistic about voting for him?


I was being facetious, apologies if it wasn't obvious.


It’s so funny Biden has done so much these past few years and so many redditors make it seem like the world is ending. So what? An old man is old? There’s a cabinet behind the scenes, and a promise of a better future where we can determine a better candidate…we’re not going to get that with Trump. Biden has my vote!


We’re not worried that *we ourselves* are suddenly going to refuse to vote for him. We’re worried about the people who love to say “Neither candidate has earned my vote” even though they know very well what Trump’s administration would mean for this country. I’m currently in the middle of an argument with some of those voters in r/politics. They act as though they’re discerning customers looking to be wooed by the right salesperson rather than citizens trying to determine their own fates.


Exactly! 100%


You do realize a large number of those that claim to be independent and/or somehow against Biden are bots and trolls right?


They could be, but I know people like that in real life.


Mira, those are people that want to excuse voting for Trump.


No, they don’t vote. Haven’t even registered.


That’s what they claim. Some people know voting for trump is bad. But they still do it because they agree with him. Always did, they just kept their far right mentality hidden.


Consumerism will be the death of us all. Good luck. I feel heavily disheartened and angry about Biden's performance, so it's hard to rally to him or feel inclined to defend him when it feels like he has made the job of advocating for him so much harder. I will, but it'll take a couple of days for my anger to diminish and for people's negative impression of him to fade ever so slightly.


Oh come now hypocrite, in thy computer.


Your angry because you seeing who Cornpop really is. He has been this way since before the 2020 election, just getting alot worse. You can thank the corrupt media for covering up for him and trying to tell everyone he's in great shape. It aint going to get any better going forward. So a vote for Jumpin Joe is a vote for Kammy baby who is even worse. And the media covers heavily for her as well. Good luck with that.


Most Americans will not vote for a man who looked like he was in a slack-mouthed stupor on the most important night of his campaign.


Most Americans have most likely already made up their minds as to whom they are voting for. The debate is nothing more than theatrics and entertainment. Really anyone in the middle is most likely just not voting at all or just doesn’t care. I think most Americans would rather have an old slack mouthed stupor than an old big fucking liar. Only 3 years apart. We saw that in the popular vote. Same with Hillary. Biden doesn’t owe us anything. He’s going to pass away one day…it’s the rest of us that are still here that will deal with the repercussions of a trump presidency and that is what we need to focus on.


Well stated!


Biden owes us his loyalty to the country. Everyone but his inner circle can see he is going to cost us the most important election ever if he doesn't do the right thing and step down now.


No. The reason Biden proposed the debate is that he knows he is losing, and this was his chance to turn it around. He failed. Now he’s losing worse. He needs to go.


Better than a guy who “doesn’t really want the job” imo.


Unserious hyperbole is unserious.


Anyone who watched Biden last night and thinks he can win - let alone hold office for 4 years - is unserious.


Biden will once again carry the popular vote. The other option is a mentally deranged liar. As far as whether he can serve the 4 years..I could really care less. Swap him out a year into his term, 5 minutes into his term..whatever. What’s important is that a democratic administration hold the White House


Weird because Beau of the Fifth Column put out a video talking about his solicitation of opinions from people who aren't plugged into politics. The consensus was Biden looked old and Trump looked insane. People need to take a chill pill.




It's not that he is old, it's that he doesn't know where he is.


I stand with Democracy!


I'd vote Biden even if he was a decaying corpse considering the alternative..




Corpse Emperor Joe Biden interred to the golden throne is preferable to Trump the Despoiler.


No, given the choice..


When you get knocked down you get back up!


Reminds me of a Chumbawumba song.


He can't get up on his own though, can he?


How, he can't even finish a phrase.


In the words of that poor woman from the commercials "I've fallen and I can't get up!" Where is his political Life-Alert? The DNC regulars aren't helping, that's for sure 


People are wild for thinking that if Biden drops out then the Democratic Party, who are notoriously and perpetually hungry for any chance to form a circular firing squad, would have a smooth transition to a new ticket.


I have to remind myself that actions speak louder than words.


He still argued circles around Trump, though Trump didn't exactly set the bar high. They both showed that they are weak candidates. Trump for his complete lack of substance and Biden for his physical frailty. Given the two choices, I would take a weak body over a weak mind, so still voting for Biden. Like it or not,these two people who are largely unfit for office are who we're stuck with, so have to go with the lesser of two bad choices.


He did not argue circles around Trump. He had a tball and missed it. Please.


The thing that really frustrates me is that Biden had a poor debate night & now he's unfit to run for office. Meanwhile, the other guy is a goddamned FELON & everyone's OK with that.


No one (that isn't on the right) is ok with that. We want Trump gone and we're watching the Democrats hand over the election so we're pissed that Joe and his people are so stubborn about forcing him as the candidate. He could have been a one and done and gone out a hero after righting the ship. He's not so brilliant and crafty that no one more popular and energetic could step in and keep us on course. This is about ego. Or fear.


I agree. I voted for Joe in 2020 and I now see he should have not run for reelection. Doing so was peak arrogance. We need someone who can win and he can’t.


Biden could have shown up in a rubber gimp suit being puppeteered by a Wookie and I'd still vote for him over The Traitor and Convicted Felon Drumpf.


Yes he’s old but he gets shit done


Vote you fools


It's not about us, we're gonna vote Blue no matter who. I'm worried about those on the fence between Biden and staying home.  They need to get the energy back, and their responses so far aren't doing it. 


You are right. This sub is huffing copium and it’s sad.


Remember obamas first debate in 2012? It was bad. Bush was accused of wearing a wire in 2004. Both won. Election is in november. Things will change. Hold off until at least the october suprise to panic.


Dementia doesn't get better over time. Big difference.


I'm around dementia patients daily. Biden doesn't have dementia. He's just really old, and his studder seems to be less controllable.


I don't know - I will defer to your expertise - but he has some kind of serious cognitive decline.


Biden showed signs of age related memory loss, which isn't dementia. Trump actually probably showed more signs of dementia by consistently repeating words and phrases over and over. Also, Trump's father had dementia and sometimes it's genetic.


Biden didn't appear to know where he was.


But he obviously knew where he was because he was debating, albeit very poorly. Someone with actual dementia would've had difficulty responding and probably would've wandered around the stage most of the time. He definitely appeared old and frail, but he certainly knew where he was. What's funny is that the cognitive tests Trump keeps saying that he aced are actually tests given to patients if the doctor suspects dementia. https://www.verywellhealth.com/alzheimers-and-montreal-cognitive-assessment-moca-98617


Look - I'm not arguing a diagnosis - he is obviously unfit for the campaign trail and for office. He needs to step down for all of our sakes.


I don't think he should have ever run to begin with. And I don't like that his canidicay was boosted by Clyburn and winning the South Carolina primary election. Biden also said that he would only be a one term president. But I don't think it's wise to pretend like Biden is on the brink of death when Trump is clearly also suffering from being an ancient fossil as well.


It doesn't matter - he's dead in the water now. We need to jump ship.


Yea, this argument about past incumbents having bad first debates doesn’t compare to this situation. I feel like everyone is trying to spin what I saw. I’m not stupid, I saw what I saw and so did a lot of other people with less motivation to vote than me. The last election was insanely close and I think too many people forget that. The right has had an effective disinformation campaign against Biden for years now, lying about his accomplishments and saying he’s senile. Last night made them look right about him being senile, which gives people permission to believe them when they say he hasn’t done anything. If it was that close last time, I don’t think he can do it this time. I don’t understand how replacing him with someone who can communicate is such as bad idea. If he runs I can’t imagine him not dying in the second term and that will cause a shit show of transfer of power that we can’t even imagine, especially if the republicans maintain the house and take the senate. There’s more at stake than this old man’s ego.


Yes. We have to make a change - there's too much at stake.


It's a bad idea because you take for granted the democrats working together. Presidents are coalition builders. Kamala, gavin, gretchen, warren, pete, and sanders are not in position to do so.


That’s a good point and true. That’s why Biden would have to 100% support it and work with the new person to endorse them and bring their coalition. Which I don’t see Biden doing, so I don’t expect any change


You are right. Many in the sub think they are arguing with the GOP. Ignore their downvotes


This isn’t the same. That was a man who can’t do the job.


Can we please dispense with the hysterical hand-wringing? I know he’s not a great orator, but he’s still all there and has a fantastic track record. My god, stop playing into the gqp’s hand. Sheesh.


The DNC forced LBJ to step down. The convention was pandemonium and Nixon slaughtered Humphry at the election. Circle the wagons. That's the only way we survive. Don't repeat the mistakes of the past.


If Joe doesn’t voluntarily step down, Trump will win. It’s that simple.


Biden has done a fantastic job. I'd vote for him over any Republican any day of the week at thos point in history.


Just not realistic to replace Biden four months from election day. If that was going to happen, he needed to have announced he'd be retiring after one term by very early 2023. We have to roll with what we have.


Then it’s lost


I’d vote for a melted chocolate bar before I’d vote for the Tangerine Traitor!


I'm voting for a party that has a forward vision for civilization. Green energy, stability, progress, advancement of voter rights, minority rights, womens' rights, and the promotion of democracy, globally. If their candidate is a sack of flaming dogshit, I'll vote for it over Trump.


That was the whole reason trump and IT's flying monkeys started the drug rumor. So the mango mob boss\rapist could take all the drugs IT wanted. Joe tried to stay away from them to prove he wasn't on anything. Van Dam could have kicked IT in IT's bloated orange face and IT wouldn't have felt a thing. *trying not to use pronouns ... I don't want to offend the republican party.


Maybe this isn’t the best analogy, but…. I don’t know how many sports fans are reading this? But when your team is down or having a bad game do you tear of your team jersey and start looking for a new team? Or do you take the loss and look forward to the next challenge? I wasn’t expecting the results of last nights debate, but I’m not looking for a new team! If we all turn tail a run away from Joe now we all know what will happen! I’m voting blue all the way down my ballot and Joe is my president


No but sometimes you pull your pitcher.


Won’t argue with that, but when there isn’t one warmed up and ready to step in you have to go with what you have!


BECAUSE OF BIDEN, I STARTED TO PAY ATTENTION! He's done an incredible job with the mess he stepped into. Who cares about a performance? He's not in front of the camera all the time, like orange Jesus. What matters is that we have a strong leader we respect, and every decision he makes has the heart of the United States in it.


Anyone who puts credence in a debate performance is an MSM sucker. How often does a sitting president compete in debates as a part of his daily business? NEVER. Why don't you simply compare the records of the two, like a rational adult?


Vote. Vote. Vote. I'm a Bernie fan through and through. True independent voter that hopes for a better future for ALL.


It’s not the president but the cabinet, advisors that he chooses. Biden has the best advisors surrounding him, and he listens to them. Trump never was smart enough to realize a.he needed to listen. B. He needed to learn. C. Every great thinker listens to all voices. D. It was always just about him


I'm with Joe


I vote for the old, smart man who is fixing the country. Not the old, tweaked out lunatic that’s trying to destroy our country.


Trump seemed extra peppy that night. I wonder how many, uh “energy drinks” he may have had ?


trying to figure out what it means for the democrat party when they turn on Biden after an hour of a debate. the republican party stands by trump no matter what.


I'd say he sucked huge ass last night, belongs in a nursing home, and needs to step the fuck aside or Trump will be president.


I agree. That was beyond a bad performance. He is not up to the job. Pathetic.


The only chance at beating Trump is by replacing Biden. If you are still lying to yourself that Biden can beat Trump, you are delusional.


Is this sub blue maga or something? Is this a cult? It is delusional to think Biden is the best or only option we have. We can replace him. I don't want to get Biden elected I want to defeat Trump.


Physically hurt me watching him last night, I've never cringed so hard.


I hate that these are our choices. Please don’t get me wrong the choice is obvious blue. But we deserve so much better than either of these grandpas and thier geriatric parties can give us. The Republicans are broken and bigoted democrats are status quo and both are in the pocket of big business.


His pitiful performance last night was simply a test enemy to how he spends all his energy delivering for the American people, he spends so much time and effort delivering for the American people, he’s got nothing left in the tank to be a presidential candidate. He’s a god damn American hero, of course I’m still Ridin’ With Biden!


I was undecided. Now I'm all in on Biden. Anyone that can defeat Medicare, has my vote!!!


If either party fielded someone under 60 years of age they would be the immediate front runner by a significant margin.


He should have stepped down. We need Kamala to run and pick a running mate. That was a worst case scenario.


Think trump was on drugs


End it now.


Most Americans aren’t intellectuals. They’re not weighing his policy, nor do they care that his cabinet will keep him in line, and as long as prices are as high as they are most are going to say the economy is terrible. We were lucky enough voters swung blue in the last election to tip the scales. We’d be naive to think that after that bumbling performance last night Biden has any chance at beating Trump. Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom need to see what’s at stake and step up, or else we’re all fucked.


He's not all we got if he brushes his ego aside and steps down. Come on. We are gifting trump the white house at this point.




If that's all you got, you lost, Jack. So better look into the bullpen pretty quick. Whitmer, Michelle Obama, whomever. But this guy may not even make it to November. Get past it. Wake up, and Move On.


People have been saying “Biden won’t make it to *insert event here*” and then he does every time. At some point, you guys gotta realize you’re not Nostradamus, ok?


Dude, you can't pass over a nickel and try and convince people it's fifty cents. This man is knocking on heavens door, and is not going to win a second term. He may not make it to inaugeration, It is over. Make a plan.


I’m not. I’m simply pointing out that for about a decade people have been saying Biden will croak before a certain mundane event. Then are astounded that he made it and so they move the goalpost again.


People have him dying every damn day.


I thought it was gonna happen last night. For a minute i thought he had a stroke. Nobodies voting for him. Bring in Whitmer or someone.


He’s not all we got. The dnc can literally just pick another candidate…


Yes. I think the best thing to do is put Kamala up and start the damage control.


Supporting Biden at this point is a vote for Trump. He's going to lose and lose badly. A brokered convention is risky, but not riskier than going down with the ship of Biden's ego. For gods sake he was literally slack jawed at that debate. It's an unmitigated disaster.


Vote independent then my goodness


Does anyone think replacing Biden with a ham sandwich would lose any Democratic votes? just put someone on the ticket who can survive until the nomination.


Biden totally shit his pants last night. He is old and decrepit and he needs to step aside for someone who isn’t a rotting corpse.


Stepping aside effectively means handing the presidency to Trump. It’s too late to change course now


No - supporting Biden at this point is a vote for Trump.


Yeah… that’s not how that works. Especially since he’s the only viable alternative to trump’s insanity


He's not viable. He is the least popular president in 70 years. He is going to lose because it's obvious when he speaks that he doesn't know where he is. He needs to step down and make way for someone who can win.


Again, who else is viable as a replacement?




She’s his VP and isn’t very popular. So you’d be effectively handing the win to trump


She would win. Not letting her be the nominee would alienate the black vote. Buttigieg would be a solid VP pick. Biden has no chance.


I’d agree keeping her on helps and bringing on Pete as the VP might clinch it. It would be a disaster if they passed over Harris




Kamala is a replacement if Biden croaks but she’s wildly unpopular and not ready for the chair. Newsom already stated he isn’t going to run, so that’s right up there with idiots saying Michelle Obama is going to run. Whitmer is already a governor and trying to keep the Nazi GOP from making inroads into her state. The others no one has ever heard of and one is just another rich fat cat per your own article. Are you trying to insult us?


Biden is going to lose.


All the polls say you’re wrong. Especially the ones that came out after the debate and his recent rally. Sorry you lack loyalty after a single bad performance


Brandon the Grey. That is what they used to call me. I am Brandon the White.


Biden is the least of the concerns right now. There’s a groundswell forming around this narrative that the entire democratic apparatus (including the mainstream media) is more corrupt than any we’ve seen. This is a massive issue and it’s not going away, regardless of the nominee.


The longer it takes the "Biden is unelectable" deniers to realize that Kennedy is the only person who can stop Trump, the greater the chances that Trump is the next President.


Biden is done but RFK is garbage


RFK is the only person that can beat Trump in a Presidential election.


No he can’t.