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It’s a cat and mouse game. By next week the cheats will probably be updated already. But hopefully rage cheaters get the boot more quickly. I’ve already recorded like 4 cheaters that all got perm bans


There's plenty of heuristic stuff that can be done on the fly that doesn't even require the detection of actual cheats. Someone has 15 kills 2 minutes into a match and they were all all-headshot kills? Pretty much impossible for any legit player to achieve that.


I’ve reported a couple people who were blatant cheaters and all I told embark was “if you don’t ban this cheating mother fucker, I’m banning myself from your game. It’s not in question, he’s fucking cheating. Get rid of him or get rid of me, take your pick Embark” I like to think my coercion was effective 🤣🤣 I was just really pissed in the moment.


"Hello if I don't use your free product you will go bankrupt so listen to me" Not saying you're wrong about the cheaters but saying that and thinking it holds any weight is ridiculous


I did what I did, can’t change it. It gets very frustrating running day in and day out to the same fucking cheater and losing to them in ranked, to get so irate from it you take a break and go to casual..to run into another fucking Cheater being even more blatant. You can downvote me all you want for leaving a crass comment to them I do not care. Their lack of action spoke to me saying they preferred the cheaters in their games more than me, and I’m someone who’s spent over $100 on the game. Do I think I’m important? No. But it is insulting as a customer to feel less than a cheater.


Yeah I get your frustration. They've been pretty open and vocal about the issue tbh, and we know that they have dedicated an entire team, which should be working on game content, just to combat cheaters. It sucks for everyone and they're a relatively small studio, hopefully they get to a good situation.




I'll take that as a compliment


I'll take that as a self report for thinking you're much better than you actually are.


How would you know that they got perma ban?


Embark personnel tells you that they looked into the report and that the player has been permanently banned


Do you have proof they were banned ?


I'm guessing he means manual video reports to the discord server. Someone from Embark will tell you if they banned the player from your report.


Too bad they aren’t hardware banning. :(. This is a huge problem with free to play games. Cheaters will be back in within minutes to play again on alt accounts. Even hardware bans can be countered. So dumb.


Changing the ID on the videocard can be done only once. 2nd time it might brick it


Interesting. Never heard of this. I was referring to ip and MAC address.


Can't these also be spoofed?


That’s my point. Mac and ip and easy to bypass.


Yea, but that's not hardware banning.


Embark better be paying to do their job for them.


I’ve been noticing more people being kicked from lobbies. So I think their anti cheat is working


I like how so many people insisted they ran into 1-2 cheaters in hundreds of hours of game, yet Embark say with confidence that with the new udpate "you WILL notice a difference in the number of cheaters in the game", which means we do indeed run into them often enough that we would notice the difference


It varies depending on the region. When I play locally, that is EU, I hardly ever see cheaters even in play/diamond lobbies. Some people might be suspicious from time to time, but not often have I seen obvious cheaters. Meanwhile, when I played a few games with my friends from the US, oh boy, I've seen guys headshot beaming from 200 meters with lewis gun or fcar in pretty much every game


I only saw 2 obvious cheaters, other than that nothing crazy. I didnt notice a anybody doing anything weird. I wonder if a lot of people were softly using cheats and if we actually see the difference


You're telling me you never once ran into a guy who seemed to always have perfect positioning? A guy who just simply never gets caught off guard, but also is always looking right to where you're coming from? Do you think those guys just have psychic powers? This is a chaotic game, with sometimes like a dozen of points of entry to a particular location you might be holding. You're simply going to get caught off guard sometimes...and if you don't...if you're always correct with no information...that's pretty suspect.


The hackers actually usually have absolutely dogshit positioning and movement.


No i dont remember anything like that happening. I saw few people with names like "walls" or "aim", but nothing crazy was happening for real. There was one guy that was suspicious, but i think he was just the 1% of good lights out there, he didnt have crazy stats or anything, but well - i think we won that tournament. If he was cheating then i stumbled upon literally 3 cheaters in my 400 hours of playtime. Im either lucky, or unaware


I think the problem is simply that a lot of people are stupid, and they don't realise when they're being cheated. They've watched too many streamers (who are also likely cheating) and have been conditioned to think that style of play is normal and common. Just turning crossplay off on console, and it's like night and day.


Yeah I'm in the bucket of stupid people, this is my first shooter so I have no idea what's going on LoL I just assume I suck and that's why I died so quick


I was missing 70% of my .357 shots against an evasive Light streamer all game long but the moment I hit two headshots in a row on them they jumped to accusing me of aimbotting. Like what, use your brain for a moment lol


Lol what. That’s like saying “I think the cheater problem is a lot of people are shit at the game and don’t know enough to even be able to call out cheaters.”


Large sections of the community thinks cheating's a myth. The people who run the game think it's rampant. So either large sections of Reddit are stupid, and can't recognise when they're being cheated, or Embark are stupid, don't know their own game, and are throwing tons of money at a problem that doesn't actually exist. Which one seems more likely?


Or plat/diamond top5% is full of cheaters and the rest 95% playerbase doesn't experience anything from that. So both can be true.


That's more of a function of console players skewing to be worse than a function of cheaters on PC.


I've seen plenty of them. Honestly some are pretty blatant, others will just laser you from a mile away and hide it behind the scar. Saw a group of guys teaming the other day too, literally followed each other around the map and never fought, but always thirded us. Crazy.


Several factors, one being Cheaters -especially in ranked- tend to get into high elo as fast as the best players, so average skilled players aside from the one off games where cheaters are ascending to higher elo, will never run into them. Another factor is cheating is a vague amalgamation of varying levels from extremely blatant to toggling on occasion, and toggling could be wallhacks, soft aim, full on aimbot, and combinations inbetween. The majority of cheaters I suspect try to be as icognito as they can, unless you can piss then off to go into a rage hack fest. Usually bagging them is enough to shatter their ego.


Yeah, most cheaters don't want others to know they're cheating. They're soft cheaters. A guy who makes cheats did an AMA on this and he confirmed the vast majority don't want rage cheats. About the ranks, not necessarily. I've seen plenty of cheaters in casual, as in, I spectated them and SAW them cheating, not even the "this feels sus" kind of cheat, just the straight up "yeah this guy is 100% cheating" from looking at his POV. Many of those I confirmed to be cheating were surprisingly shit at the game. Terrible game sense and piss poor cognitive abilities. Often they go play solo, ignore the objective and make the dumbest decisions possible. I've seen cheaters wipe an entire team and go for a revive instead of capturing the cashout, and then losing the game. So many cheaters stay at lower elos or stick to casual because even with cheats, they suck. With cheats, they're still only on the level of average players, and without they'd be absolute bottom of the barrel. Sometimes we're quick to dismiss a cheater because they can't play for shit, but they're just so bad at the game in every way that even perfect aim and wallhacks don't make up for it.


I wish I could say I was exaggerating but I run into 1 or 2 cheaters every ranked game. The fact they’re saying we should notice a difference speaks volumes as to how much worse the cheats are in this game compared to others.


Same, I don't see them every game, but it's way more games than we should be seeing. And that's just the ones that we do notice, some are probably subtle enough that we don't even consider it.


In the final beta, there was a cheater in almost every game, it was completely unplayable. Shortly after launch it got bad again. Since the security patch I only see an obvious hacker every other day. Frankly it's marvellous progress for a free to play game in the current landscape.


Because those people are either super lucky it mostly they are just unable to notice cheaters. Someone who seen/caught/watched footage of hundreds/thousands of cheaters will be able to tell even the closet cheaters apart from legitimately good players. Most people can’t. So you will see “there aren’t many cheaters” repeated blindly a lot. If I see the same dudes I’ve been running into for last 2 months still in my games and they were cheating quite obviously (not rage hacking level but too good for their skill level and showing signs of inhuman input and consistency) then that means this update didn’t make as big of a difference as they are claiming


It's not the fact they think they don't face cheaters, it's the confidence and how dismissive they are of the issue You can post a clip of an obvious cheater and somebody will still come out of the woods to say it's a skill issue on your part and that the other person is just really good


I wonder if it's an ego thing, like cheaters or not they are still really bad at the game, but if all these "good" players are legit, then they have an excuse as to why they're so bad. The skill ceiling is just that high. But if these dudes are all cheating and the average skill level of the game is a lot lower, and they're still incapable of having a shred of talent at the game...that's a hit to the ego.


thing about these people is they are active online more so then others considering that they have to install the cheats/mods (zen/xim users on console) and those sites are like "clubs" basically. A lot those guys mobilizing are gaslighting the issues when they see people complain to downplay it.


That's what I was thinking too, many of them probably downplay the issues and gaslight the community to demotivate us from complaining about it and Embark thus not making it such high priority, or even so we don't report people we think are cheating


Y'all don't realize that where in when you play makes a big difference. Playing in North America later in the evening I've been skeptical of a few here and there but never have seen a blatant rage hacker.


350+ hours, I've seen 2 or 3 blatant cheaters. And maybe like 15-20 players that *could* be cheating but might just be cracked af. It's gotten worse as I've reached mid plat and play against diamonds frequently but honestly most of those players are probably just... better than me? Which I can accept, but it seems like many can't. I don't think this statement is meaning we run into them frequently, I think that fully depends on what server you're playing on. I don't think cheaters are common on NA servers at all, but I've heard the servers in Asia have issues. This statement is more likely directed there.


I've played 180 hours and can say, hand on my heart, that I've seen maybe 4-5 obvious rage cheaters. I'm sure there are more that have hidden it well. I hope this change doesn't mean that I will start seeing them more if the change is going to be noticeable


Most cheaters aren't rage hackers, those are a minority I've had plenty of games where I had a teammate that seemed pretty shit but killed enemies really fast, I die and check their POV and I can see their aim glued to the enemy. If they were against me, they'd be the kind of player I'd be 90% certain is a cheater, but I would still have that 10% thinking hmmmmm maybe they just have REALLY good aim. That happens quite a lot.


That's fair. I do however believe that the cheating problem isn't as bad as people make it seem. Could be completely region based though as I live in a region where cheating has never been that prevalent


Do they even have a way to deal with the cheaters on console using Cronus/xim? I’ve seen a fair few people on Xbox who go 20-30 kills, while rest of lobby has barely any, and they appear to have zero recoil. Beaming with the m11 from range like it’s nothing.


You can see the script adds all over Reddit for this- drives me insane


Yup. Played against one in a ranked match the other week. Ironically, I then queued into his squad the next ranked match. Spectated and 100% he was using recoil scripts. ~ 25-0 every match beaming everyone. How is that fun?


Nope ... absolute tons of xbox people using cronus / zim ... 0 recoil its fkn insane


Yea I’m noticing it really quite often now, pretty much daily. Xbox only lobbies where one or two players just absolutely dominate and trash all over everyone and they never seem to miss a single shot. Sometimes I’m left wondering if they were just flat out that much better. Though certain matches you can tell a team in general just massively outplayed you, but no single player has some unrealistic stats. Then you get the matches where someone has 10 kills and 0 deaths within minutes. And I have to question it at that point…


I saw someone get kicked mid game yesterday mid tourney. (Could've been for inactivity but doubt it as it was the beginning of the match). Game said \_\_\_\_ was kicked. Excited we can hopefully be done with this issue!


The only thing that keeps cheaters out of ranked is the played game limit, as the game is free. Every other mode is free game unfortunately.


I've see guys go over my mines and not detonate them, so seeing this makes me happy that we are adressing cheaters


Just 2 days ago i had a cheater except if someone was throwing vanishing bombs while invisible at the heavy




I play on asia in plat 1 to diamond and i see about 2 or so cheaters every 10 games now and they are trying to hide it a lot more than before where it was rage cheating before. Its getting a lot better and they have already implemented ways of cheaters getting kicked just from running autoclickers in cheats and other implementations that the cheaters will have to figure out how to get around As someone else said this is a cat and mouse game, cheaters will always win no matter how much devs patch and add new implementations to block cheaters from playing Its gotten to the point where cheaters have 2 pcs and they use a pcie card to read the game buffers and send it to the second pc that will inject the cheats for you, this is happening on games that use more invasive cheats and will happen on the finals soon enough as their ai server side anticheat will get better every day as we are already seeing this happen We the playerbase and embark will never win but we can get close tho


I saw one cheater a few weeks ago, someone using infinite cloak and shooting while cloaked


cheaters will always be in the game. The more frustrating thing to me is boosters, I've played multiple ranked games at plat 1 this week where two teams are helping eachother win points and they are blantantly doing it, to the point where they don't even shoot eachother after they wipe other teams. My buddies and I are seriously thinking about uninstalling the game after running into it for a 4th time in a week. They always have two high plats/diamons and one silver/gold on their team that they are boosting, it's great times.


How can I get in contact with a discord mod?


Probably not, they give them a second chance.


How often are yall running into cheaters? I’ve seen maybe one guy who was sus and that was about it.


I was seeing it a lot more months ago, but now I would say at least one every 7-10 rounds. I don't play ranked at all which makes it that much more sad that I see so many. Most of them are just using the aim assist, but some are much more obvious. Last night, in a round of Power Shift, a medium was up on a building sniping everyone across the map. Had 40+ kills by the end. I will admit most aren't that agregeous, just very snappy with their ability to laser you down or one shot you with a pistol from long distances.


Every single playsession that lasts more than 2 hours.


I've been out of the loop for the last 3 weeks, but I think it's still accurate to say that there hasn't been a banwave since release. And last I checked, out of the many dozens of confirmed hackers I have played with, or against, literally NONE of them have been banned. Many got bored and don't play so often. Most you can't see their play history. But too big a number are still active almost daily. Embark aren't banning cheaters. I believe they're just trying to spread them out evenly just like they did with backfilling.


As we have already said, it's a game of cat and mouse. It is quite easy to bypass the anti-cheat, especially the Easy Anti Cheat. But when developing cheats, the main goal is to gain access to a section of RAM, which stores the core of the game. It contains all the information about the game, players positions, objects, inputs and outputs. This is the part that is protected by anti-cheat. Some file tried to gain unauthorized access to memory? Anti-cheat will prevent it. But you can bypass the anti-cheat. That's why the main task lies with the developers and their approach to protecting the core and information. If you visit the forums where enthusiasts develop cheats, the main topics are how to access this or that information about the game, or how to input data into the game without being detected. Since there can be an infinite number of such methods, triggers are created to detect such methods.


Was playing a game the other day and encountered my first cheater. Seems uncommon to see at least for me. Was playing power shift and a light had permanent invis. Even when he was shooting he remained invisible. Was super annoying. I just left the game and played some cash out.


I had a cheater in the first game of Powershift I played today, granted it was the first blatant one I had seen in a long time. Just the timing was funny to me lol


Here my thing sometimes you can’t tell if they are cheating cause we don’t have kill cams that would make it way easier to tell if they are cheating or not


I haven't even seen an obvious cheater yet, are they only in the higher ranks or something?


nah bro its fake


the amount of idiots who can't grasp basic sarcasm