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Polls like these are important bc majority of the people here are LURKERS. People dare not comment or do not feel like being vocal. Silent majority AKA People who enjoy the game and use the subreddit to check news, cool clips and other tidbits. Polls are so low effort and do not require much in terms of "participating" which the vocal whiny minority like to do. So the silent majority that play more games then the vocal whiners can participate with little effort.


Pretty much every game at plat/dia and I am someone that has been around cheats for 15 years or so , sadly most people do not understand/have the experience to see it Also I have checked the stats of the providers just to prove to friends how many are cheating go look on your own if you do not believe it as the subscriber count is only active people


What sort of cheats do you come across most? For me, sometimes it really feels like an enemy knows where I am when I they couldn't possibly have known. But I try to remind myself that "game sense" is a thing.


Yeah mostly esp , also what most do is use what I call soft lock where the aimbot strength is low but enough to stick to the target and then they rely on recoil to make sure every bullet hits that’s why most die so quickly because every bullet is hitting , also there is the shoot through shield , fast reload , infinite flamethrower list goes on can also enable console commands


or maybe he just skilled not every one who beat you is a cheater


Do you honestly think I do not know this ? Also how much experience do you have with cheats ? As I said I have probably been around them for half your life I know them when I see also unreal engine need I say more?


ya i think. i have experienced over 2k hours in csgo,over 3k hours on apex,400 hours on the finals, and unknown time in pirate first cod mw, cs1,6. i see a lot of cheaters and can say in the finals have not that alot of cheater then reddit complaining. and hackers in this war are wining because a larger company like riot, valve, epicgames(we use their anti cheat named eac) spend a ton of money for try to stop cheaters in they game but it didn't work. because even in valorant were anti cheat work in kernel level have a hackers less then cs,apex,ow,etc but still if this type of anticheat didn't work how you can fully protect game. and I remind again embark not that big company how you thinking and more of them working hard on arc raiders right now


Again what experience do you have USING cheats not playing games against cheaters as I said before there are small tell tale signs that only someone who has used cheats would know etc , and yes I know how anti cheats work and how to bypass them what is your point ?


I do not mean to be disrespectful but it is always people who have never used cheats or people that only played fps games for the past 5-10 years and are not involved in the scene that say “ they are just good” “how do you know they are cheating “ , it’s like taking your car to a mechanic who has been working on cars for 20 years would you tell him he is wrong when he points out the fault ? Or would you listen ? Classic dunning krueger effect , confidence is a killer


Also since everyone apparently knows what to look for , name the latest addition to the menus , just name 3 features


3 features of what? cheating ? first its movement: how he movment tell lot about they skill if he good strafing and counter strafing its mean he understand how play a shooter. second i can tell ist position. If he tries to take a better position in a fight or he hold good position, it means he knows how to take control of the fight or pleace. third i can tell how he use team information and map knowledge if some one from enemy team see me like 5 second ago and he can understand my way where can save place can be and kill me but if i see no one and making any sound in 10 second and someone just push me maybe he use cheat. if this happens often it means he uses wh. if person doesn't have anything of this list and just good shoot its mean he probably cheater


Although I initially chose '1 cheater every day,' the reality since the last security update is that there have been no confirmed cheaters in my games. This is because they aren’t BLATANT cheaters. But, I've seen players with better tracking with M11 than me with AK/FCAR at medium/long distance... might be (plenty) cases of godlike aim or just my bruised ego.


I've rarely seen anything blatant. I tend to come across people who laser you to death very quickly and it just feels a bit off. But it's hard to tell if they are just v good or got the auto aim dialled in.


During season 1 i saw 2 cheaters. Between season 2 and mid-season patch (2.6) it was nearly every game Since mid-season patch i have seen none. Only counting asian letter default skin unranked lewis gun type of cheaters


I play almost daily which by now is 300+ hours. I ran into 1 obvious cheater and one sussy baka the entire time. EU region, 99.99% ranked, I'm P1 now and was Plat-something last season.


I decided to play on an Asian server with a ping of 400+. I was robberbanding all over the map, I could barely move, let alone hit anyone. But the opponent could not hit me either, because I was lagging like crazy. That's how I was able to find a lot of cheaters, because they could always hit me without missing. Other players would always shoot where I was about a second ago, as if they were shooting at my shadow, and the damage would come in big chunks with a dellay. But the cheaters would kill me instantly. Even if their score was 12/5 or something like that, the fact that the whole lobby couldn't hit me and the only person who didn't miss me was a clear indication that he was cheating. And it was like that in 7/10 lobbies. After a while I got used to the high ping and lag, even managed to rack up 5 kills. In short, Asian servers are full of cheaters.


They're back in force. It's been a horrible day on EU server for cheaters.


Diamond 2 player in NA - I’ve seen 2 cheaters in ranked this season, 1 with esp, and 1 with esp/could shoot through shields/ and possible aimbot. We got both those teams out first round ☠️ no amount of cheaters is good but 2 for the whole season so far isn’t bad imo.


All the time. Still very prevalent.