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You have latency, the other guy has latency. Your position isn't the same for both of you. FPS games always favor the shooter in such situations since its overall the less frustrating experience. On your screen you were out of the shooters sight, on his you werent or moved out of it after his client already send the informations to the server that he killed you which then arrived at your client. Since we dont have killcams those deaths can be frustrating but usually its quite easy to see there.


Keep in mind this works in both parties favors. If the enemy was running away instead you'd be able to do this to him too. You just don't notice it as the shooter because it favors you. It's something you pretty much have to accept as it is generally seen as the lesser of all the possible evils. It's pretty much either this or any person with latency is unhittable as they're not on the same location server-side as they are client-side.


A lot of older games struggled with this.




Except that peeker's advantage is also a thing. If you pop out from behind cover you can start shooting someone before you're even visible on their screen. It would be even less fair if you were targetable for a shorter period of time to which you were actually exposed.




No, it really isn't. The enemy sees a delayed image of your movement. They see you pop out of cover later than you do, and they see you return to cover later than you do.


Thanks for the explanation, hopefully the devs can fine-tune the netcode to minimize these frustrations.


Of course they do. But as the person you're replying to said, "games always favor the shooter in such situations since it's overall the less frustrating experience." If they tweaked the netcode to prevent what happened in your video, you would rage much more when you shot people and the bullets didn't register. It's a fine balance, and there's simply no perfect solution. We can't go faster than the speed of light, so we end up with compromises like this. This is why competitive pro games like CSGO are held locally, to minimize latency as much as possible.


Look at halo infinite with it's current network model shots not registering is the absolute worst.


fine-tune devs in shambles right now


This is easily the worst clip of lag compensation I've seen in any FPS. Wow lol


me too man, stuff is so annoying.


as fk






This is one of my biggest gripes if not really the only one. My brother and I play the finals all the time and this shit just really makes me upset. Everything else in the game is tolerable but the latency issues just seem unfair. They really need to prioritize this.


Hopefully devs will prioritize fixing this soon


it sucks but you cannot fix this, the speed of light is fast but not instant, and based on that alone it takes somewhere around 150ms on good internet and ping just for their shooting to reach your computer imagine shooting an enemy who is 150ms in the future. youd need to aim where you think they would be that far into the future, which is unfair and impossible to predict. so instead you hit the enemy as if they are where you see them, even though they may be meters away or even behind a wall on their end at the time you even click your mouse, which is whats happening here. no game has fixed this and will ever fix this, unless seeing the future is somehow possible. its an artifact is the finite speed of light and computation


It's not something that can be fixed.


But can be mitigated, CS don't have a problem that big with latency


CS hosts their servers differently because there's no destruction


CS also has like a million players too


I mean, we've never dropped below 300k daily players so I think it's safe to assume the daily average is 500k at least. Not bad when compared to cs.


Desync almost as bad as halo infinite


You actually died before you made it around the corner. You just had enough ping that on your side you went further. Game damage is server sided. The lower your ping the faster it reflects.


Oh this happens in every shooter game, its called latency. its really janky, it sort of rewinds hitboxes so shooting where someone was a moment ago means the bullet will hit. it usually happens with bulletspraying classes like the heavy (on tf2 and on this game), so to avoid it, try to not run around corners if a heavy is chasing you. they will be able to hit your "afterimage"


Irrelevant topic but what are your specs?


7800x3d 7800xt 32gb ram


Rocking those 7800x's


Good combo


Feel your pain. I try to play finals with only my console using wifi. Still happens sometimes, but its wayyy less then if my phone or friends phone is connected (i also have ethernet cable), and I still die extremely far around corners. Your clip isnt that bad, but ive legit died super far around a corner since the latest update and received more lag symbols on my screen.






Desync and tikreit servers in The FINALS are a very big problem. It feels like the servers are on 15Hz tikreit, constantly dying around corners, hits are not registred, etc. The most annoying thing is when you hit someone at point-blank range with 1887, but the enemy takes only a little bit of damage. On the death screen you see that you did 16 DMG to the opponent.... At point-blank range


Are the final servers bad or what?


There's some incredible server magic they are doing to make this game work as it does. Because of the destruction, they have to have everything server side which is not typical for a shooter. Not sure how old you are, but you may remember the host benefits from games like Halo or CoD back in the 360 days and prior. If you were host your bullets were always registered first so in situations where you both shot each other, host won. The game is actually a crazy feat of networking and we just need to accept that these things will happen with a setup like this.


That's a good point, I remember the host advantages from the old Halo and COD days and you're right. Hopefully they can still find ways to reduce these latency issues.


could be due to the tick rate that the finals runs on. similar things happen on apex legends because they have 20 tick rate. the finals could also be running on 20 tick rate.


Battlefield devs come with battlefield desync lol


Shitty servers.


Always good games but shtty servers


wtf !!! yeah happened to me too


Thank you!






Cause it is a problem with the game




It's not, it's the shooter's internet. You can have "perfect" internet and still experience this.


It's not a problem with the game. Latency is a problem with playing over the internet \*at all\* Only way to solve it is to play on LAN. You're benefitting from this kind of thing as well. It's entirely your choice to see it as "unfair" because it absolutely is not.


Who are you even talking to lmao


You saying that this is connection problem even though it's just a fact of playing online.


Uh huh, sure dude.




That's really cool




only stupid thing here is your comment


The devs are not the smartest bunch. They still run the game on 60 tick servers. Even though its an fps shooter. this game is dead in the water. sucks that there are incompetent people running it.
