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I always enjoy things that games add to encourage interaction between players and this one I feel has always had the right balance between flaming someone a bit and just being fun. Don't think I've seen this one in another game but, it was funny.


redditers really afraid of the idea of putting emojis in the kill feed lmao


its honestly a cute feature. id love to see this added


game needs more social stuff, id like to see this, death mics, text chat (which is coming in s3), etc.


Yeah...most people don't even seem to know there is a expressions wheel and stuff. I love that specially coming from TF2 where I ended up learning all the voice commands.


Haha I was just thinking about this! I've never played XDefiant, but the death reactions just seem like a fun addition. There are times when I die in the funniest of ways to the enemy and I'd love a way to communicate that with the person who killed me. The winner can already react by emoting on the dead player. Let the dead player add a little something to it too.


This will just increase toxicity


It's just one little thing that appears in the killfeed. Not that big of a deal.


Teabagging is also just some pixels moving on the screen. Not that big of a deal.


This but unironically. If you actually get mad because somebody crouched on your body in a video game you need to take a break and get some perspective fr.




Its like a 5 year old winning a game of candy land and gloating about it. Like…okay? Half the time it happens to me it feels like it wasn’t even a good play or fight. They catch me with an empty mag or low health and then act like they out-skilled me.


I don't really think teabagging means "I out skilled you" as much as it means "lol loser"


Its gloating.


Who cares though


Im just explaining my original comment to you?


Oh my bad I misinterpreted


It's not. And things like that are also why thinking about these features Ina and toxicity kind of way is silly. People will FIND a way to be toxic if they want, they can crouch on you, spin around, jump, shoot at your corpse etc. Might as well channel it somewhere.


Encouraging people to do that shouldn't be a solution


Alright but you are not gonna have your day ruined by seeing a smiley face once in a killfeed...right?




People are mad because Ubisoft is going to take away the daily 20,000 steam players. Relax, season 3 finals will save the game surely! *this comment was brought to you by a troll, come for me mfs*


Am I honestly the only one who thought xDefiant was ass? It felt so clunky and emotionless. Movement was stiff and slow. The game was bland. I'm very surprised it seems to be getting more attention than THE FINALS.


People just want to play CoD and the game feels like old CoD for better or worse. It felt fine to me but the visuals, sound, characters and world are very very lame to me. Sucks to see. CoD has so many good things going for it but so many bad ones at the same time that I don't really wanna buy it again unless something drastic changes.


XDefiant? I suggest you stay away from this money milking CoD Rip off that was originally made for mobile. After all, this game was made by Ubisoft.


đź’€ We can all agree on this but even then bro, you guys need some chill. We can appreciate a single simple feature the game has without supporting it


I also don't support any form of taunts or emotes in games, as they increase toxicity in the game. For example, the innocent Forza Horizon suffers from this when players spam “Nice Driving” to taunt opponents. It's just annoying and not fun.


What a save! What a save! What a save!


It's just something that will happen regardless in online games. Game already has emotes and gestures so, it's whatever. Even then, I like that this emote reaction system has some balance since it has a surprised face which is kinda like a "Good shot!" or a sad one that you can use when you just blew it.


pfff atleast this game does not have Skill based mach making and Input Matchmaking call of duty does not have it so makes call of duty 100% bad in my book as i dont want to play wint controller no skilled aim assist users and atleast XDEFIANCE give me that+ makes it easyer to find who is cheating or not


Hell no. Stay away with that Ubitrash bs from The Finals.


I don't like Ubisoft at all but, I just said the feature itself was cool and honestly wouldn't be out of place in a fun-oriented game like The Finals. Chill.