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Changing C4 from 2 charges to 1 was the death knell; it made it so running C4 for destruction purposes was pretty much useless too


yeah i only ever see it once every 5 matches?\~ Only really see it being thrown on peoples death statues but even then there's better alternatives


Nah, C4 under the cashout is still really strong. It's just not as strong as barricade, mesh, or RPG.


When they made the change it was right around the time they released the gravity grenade; I swapped out the C4 for it and have never looked back


I still think C4 is better than gravity cube. Gravity cube isn't bad, though.


Just shoot gravity cube couple time and Its gone


bro just harmonize it with the rpg or set it as a trap. C4 although weaker than before. The best use is only bound by your imagination. Trap the cashout with c4s , place it under the cashout , place it on doorways and shoot it with the rpg as someone enters (instakills both lights and mediums and gets heavies into a 1 - 2 shot kill area)


Why would I waste c4 on this when a mine does the same with less setup? Mines also give more variety and use once dead vs c4


C4 over the dome shield and barricades? No thanks lmao


Should've just decreased damage to players and increased damage to environment. Also c4 charges need to go back to 2.


Do the same with the RPG too. You'll see more heavies blowing up ceiling and making ways for teammates than using it to start a fight or finish a low health player


Oh no Anyway


Thank god 2 teammates/ my whole squad doesn’t get instakilled by a random heavy with no counter play. It’s been so refreshing without nukes. Gj Embark.


They nerfed them enough. Nukes were lame


Should have just removed the ability to attach things to canisters altogether instead of nerfing mines, C4, breach charge, etc.


This is a more tame version of that but I guess so


Why were nukes lame? It was a fun and different combat aspect brought to the game, and was about as reliable as anything else


It’s like the RPG. Way too easy, but the nukes were worse in that it could wipe an entire team of even heavies in one second flat. That’s not great gameplay balance


Sure it was fun ... at the receiving end, right ?


I had a good laugh, it is a game after all


It was a cheese mechanic, way too overused, with little counters, low risk and high reward. It was just unfun to play against. That's not good for a game.


So you call an uncounterable Bomb fun an different? Any Nuke thrown your Way was a Deathscentence, sure they where in the Trailers but made the whole Game a lot more frustrating, having a Team of 3 Heavies running around instakilling anyone in a range if 20 - 30 Meters was just insane


I'm a filthy putrid casual and I only used nukes a handful of times in season 1. I'm definitely ok with nukes being nerfed to oblivion, but I'd like to see the C4 on a faster charge time at least.


Nukes are part of what killed off the playerbase. Rest in piss.


C4 not having two charges killed it.


If by nerf too much you mean remove a feature that nobody with an ounce of skill enjoyed then sure


Nukes were fun, we all enjoyed them … unless they were used on us then we hated them. Point is it’s healthier for the game


I am super glad nukes are dead. It wasn't fun to play against, only fun to play with.


It would have been entirely enough to cause mines and C4 to go disabled when on a carriable. Having only one C4 was what really made them *completely* useless. Maybe we can get 2 ammo for both the C4 AND the breach charge?


They made the damage lower and reduced the amount of charges you can take from 2 to 1, it's to be expected no one uses it anymore lmao They should remove it at this point tbh


c4 under cashout used by at least one heavy per team in high ranked lobbies..


What's the worst is the rearming after picking up. I left gas barrel with C4 on it so I can blow it up when someone opens the door, but the guy opens the door, picks it up and throws it and I can't do anything with my C4 untill like 2 seconds after he throws it...


Nukes was the worst shit ever. As a heavy main C4 is still in my loadout. (since barricade nerf)


Nukes were fucking awful. Game already has enough ways for you to get cheesy kills, no thank you. Devs handled them as they should have.


Light player here, bring back nukes.


Please god no I hate nukes. Turning a corner to wipe a team instantly in a high ttk game was ridiculous. Right now there’s not even strong enough defensive util to justify having nukes to clear out encampments.


C4 keep being a good option not the best but is not trash. People are just upset of the fact not being a killing gadget. I play light in terminal attack whit the infiltration charge and it always come in a clutch since I broke the wall next to the terminal with it and cough the enemy out of guard.