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Did you look up. There's food stashed in the boat above.




With your eyes closed? Fingers in ye ears?


Apparently. I mean it did also take me many years to find the other set of overhead lockers in the broken plane.


The WHAT??


Yeah one of the small, broken off sections that's upside down also has one or 2 overhead lockers. It honestly took me ages to figure out the main section even had them too. >![see this picture](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/intothelongdark/images/8/8f/SS-PV-crash-06.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20200112222653) (if it works)!<


Ugh can't believe I missed that. Thanks!


That's exactly what I said a few years ago lol


I've learned about that plane section like a week ago, yesterday was that little place up the barn near pleasant valley farm and today this ? How many hidden spot did i miss in my years of playing ?


The barn hideout was patched in IIRC


Hibernia warehouse is crazy. It's super easy too miss a lot of stuff there. Just so ya know a pistol spawns in one of the beds on the Riken. lower bed against the ship wall. It will be sitting on top of the bed. Anybody know where the rifle spawns in desolation point?


Good thing I saw this comment before I trekked over to Hibernia


Have 1000+ hours, have walked around Desolation Point for a sum total of in-game weeks, and I found that spot on my most recent wander through the Hibernia plant - definitely not alone.


i found it in my first run. looking for the cache. never did find the cache.


The cache in Hiberneria is outside on the train car thing that’s sitting right outside. It took me a YouTube video to find it.


yeah ive googled that too. ive not actually had another run since in desolation point. so havent actually gotten there.


Hi. It’s me. A guy who has played this game for a month. You aren’t the only one.


Upvote for the username! Love Vonnegut


Same here!


So it goes.


But do they have a used car to sell me?


Look up


Found out about this spot back when splattercat played the long dark. I miss his playthroughs of TLD


Oh man now I'm all nostalgic.


I miss watching geltaz he hasn't uploaded in years, he made playing loper an art. accurize2 is doing a 500 day loper run and I'm loving it


I played for many years before I too discovered this little nook. Don't forget to check overhead as there is some loot stashed in the stored boats. Used to be able to find a revolver up there, not so sure now if that is still a guaranteed find. That's the real beauty about this game. I tend to find something "new" just about every time I play the game. The devil is in the details!


As a loper player who will crawl just about anywhere I found it pretty early. >!Sometimes there is a bedroll there.!<


Found this spot the exact same way. Gotta check every nook and cranny


If you're not constantly watching walkthrough videos by other players on YouTube, it's really hard to find. I saw this place in one of the videos on Zacnafein's channel. I like this guy; I've learned so much about this game from him


The professor of TLD... and real life


For sure)


Don't forget to look behind that barrel! Always something, often something nice.


If you didnt know about it, this video might also be useful (pre-DLC but fairly accurate still) https://youtu.be/3dfztQ8xPtc


Here's an extra tip. I have found food and a bed roll in the corner behind the green crates on the factory floor. You can parkour some of the way but be careful or you might get stuck behind there and have to spend hours breaking the crates down.




Yep it took me years 😅


I love finding things like this that I missed in other runs, the more "hidden", behind the waterfall kind of stuff...it took me an embarrassingly long time to notice this one. But it's why I play, exploring beautiful zones.


Where is that


Hibernia Processing in Desolation Point.


After 1000+ hours, TIL. Thanks mate 😊


It's a cool spot, when you do / discover it you feel like an exploring god. Great game design right there. One of the first few maps too. I wonder if those level designers left?


I watched too many gameplay videos on YouTube before I started playing. It ruined a few things for me.


Yess it's sneaky. I think you can also reach that spot by going behind the desk upstairs


Love this spot


Just found it after you mentioned it - cool. That’s two new things I’ve learned today: this, and that you can evidently keep the forge going and at working temperature with ordinary wood, rather than having to keep tossing more coal in.


You can also bring it a lot of the way up to temp using wood. From memory it's around 80° that you can get to without coal. At a minimum you need 5 coal (5 x 15° to get you from 80 to 150) so in a pinch you can be careful with it. Coal is so plentiful now it's rarely necessary tbf but worth knowing all the same.


I never knew at 1000+ hours until I saw it on Reddit. Also took me forever to discover the spot in the barn at the Pleasant Valley farmstead which you climb wood beams to reach.


I have played this game for over 5 years and did not know this!


Actually I found this on my first ever run and if you go >!all the way to the end of that space and look upwards there will be some more loot!< And there's way more hidden loot in the hibernia processing two hidden backpacks one of which has corpse next to it and the other one might have rifle next to it... There's also safe in one of the corners which is kind of hidden...


Took me a while to find it (3 years)


Yes. You are the only one haha


It's not! I discovered it about a year into playing TLD. Every so often I discover an area of a map or access to a point in a location I've been to dozens of times that I didn't know about.


you’re the only one


Thanks, that's reassuring!


LUL i just found out this pipe accidentally in dark 2 days ago.


deconstruct some of the boxes and such in the warehouse you'll find more stuff. >!There is a backpack hidden in a corner close to there.!<


I found it on my second or third interloper run after about 50 hours into the game. You'll be surprised what you find when you're forced to look through every nook and cranny. There's also a dead dude and backpack if you walk up the pipe on the other side of the building.


Other side where the desk and computer are when you first walk in, you can walk across the catwalk to a corpse that has some decent supplies, depending on what difficulty you play on.


What am I missing here?


Took me many hours to find that one too. The one that took even longer was the stash behind the 2 big crates against the wall that connects the big whale skeleton room to the room with the safe and workbench. I’ve found flare guns and bedrolls behind that one before.


Sorry. I knew! 😊 And have nown from the get go. But that IS a part of the allure: That there are always new things to find in this game. ❤️❤️ I have played it since 2012.


yeah pretty much


Yep, I found it also.


Hibernia is filled with hidden loot, theres more if you look


Where did you find this?


Great little spot, and make sure it check out the extra hidden shelf of food!


I was at desolation point, yesterday. After I read more about desolation point, realized it was a dead end zone and I made it back to the mine entrance to go back to broken highway and pleasant valley. I accidentally went in the wrong mine entrance, mad a wr ng turn inside the mine and it took me back to desolation point. It took me a while to figure that out because I was walking at night in a blizzard. So I was walking towards Hibernia, just outside the front gate. A bear charges me. I had my pistol in hand loaded, because I just got attacked twice by wolves with only minor injuries, luckily. But seeing the bear charging me I realized I was probably dead because I read you cannot kill a bear with a pistol. But I didn't have any other options. So I aimed at him and when he was about 5-10 feet away from me I shot him in the face. He mauled me good, after he finished attacking me I started a fire because I was at like 6% health, freezing, mauled, and the red line went all the way down so I couldn't even see it. I thought for sure they were going to declare me dead but I somehow survived. The next day I left Hibernia for the mine entrance to go back to broken highway, realized I lost my pistol during the beat attack, went back to the Hibernia entrance, found my pistol, and was walking back to the mine entrance, looking for some wood, found the huge cave by the bridge, empty, walked out of the cave, still looking for wood, came across a weird looking rock BUT IT WASNT A ROCK IT WAS THE DEAD BEAR THAT I SHOT WITH MY PISTOL! haha, just so you know you CAN kill a bear with a pistol, in fact my pistol was only at 27%, and I shot him in a blizzard at night at half health,needing sleep after two wolf attacks in the same hour. The funniest part about this is I was going to leave Hibernia due to lack of food no fishing etc, but now I have 90 pounds of bear meat, the cave, the waterfall area I haven't even checked out yet, the boat, the lighthouse and if I am missing anything please let me know. Thanks Can you walk into that waterfall? Is that the one with the hidden cave? Anybody know If there's a rifle anywhere at desolation point? I am setting up base, here. Also does anyone know if you kill a bear in a zone will more bears populate it? It will it be bear free? The wolves in this zone are pretty bad a**. They see my gun in hand and and I shoot at them but they don't even care they still attack me, but I fight they off with the hatchet and they cry and run away... I love this game it's the best!


i spent an in-game two weeks in hibernia, and would find new stuff that i missed almost every day in there. i did find this spot but it took a while!


Yes you are


Your title gave me a little grammar headache. I think you mean 'I'm not the only one'. But no, you are not. I only found out after watching high-end players' walkthroughs..


No, I worded that right. I genuinely wanted to if I've been deadass blind this whole time to something everyone else knew to be obvious. More of a self depreciating 'I'm always the last to know.' kind of comment. Also, I don't watch walkthroughs or let's plays, so I pretty much don't know anything I don't find myself.