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I love Lena because she truly just chooses to not be bothered every day of her fictional life


Lena has accepted the peculiarities of her job and chosen to use her detail-orientation skills and driven focus to excel in keeping the world in balance, as she calls it. Whether this is "evil" or "good", future episodes will reveal.


My impression is that she actually is at bothered but keeps in largely under wraps. Sort of the anti-Elias. He made a show of caring earlier in the series while she makes a show of not. He was supernatural while she is vanilla. He was trying to make things worse while she is trying to keep things from getting sugar. Mind you it's entirely possible, I'm completely off base. The series is still young.


I wonder if Elias was bothered - I had the impression he was taken by Jonah pretty quickly and everything in TMA was Jonah in Elias' body. Hey, we both could be way off-I'm excited to see how she and Gwen deal.


True but I was actually meaning Jonah here, not the real Elias. The former played the part of a decent person early in the series.


It's easy to think of the Jonah controlled Elias body as Elias. Maybe he should be called Jolias? Jonias?


I've heard people call him "Jonalias "


Okay, Jonalias it is! It helps to have some sort of terminology for the various aspects. Thank you!


Glad I could help! 😆


Hey. OP. Spill the beans. Tell me about Lena.


Tell us. I'm curious about what OP thinks


on it guys. I'll make a post now 😎


Oh yeah, I'm fascinated about Lena and would love to hear your insight. At this point, her character could go so many different ways. Now I don't believe she's any sort of mastermind or has real control of the situation, I think it's safe to say she's definitely middle management in all of this (I'm actually fascinated about seeing her interact with her superiors. What do they think of her? Is she a valued worker? A trusted asset? Or an easily replaced cog? Does she believe in them? Fear them? Just tolerate them?) What's her mindset on all this? Is she callous? Apathetic? Burned out? Or just convinced its for the greater good? Where is her story going? Will she come to realise she's been used? Keep going forwards on supporting all this, even at personal cost? Or just carry on business as usual? She could just go so many ways. I can't wait to see which they choose.


she's so fascinating. gonna put all my thoughts into a post now mwahahah


Great, thank you.