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I laughed too as a Catholic. We’re a half degree apart but so it goes. One of us is surely doomed.


It was funny to me too - I'm an Episcopalian and have actually sung at Grace Cathedral during a service along with their choir haha. Amazing venue to perform in, and to watch performances in, but yes, definitely not Catholic!! I think the main difference is that the Anglican church as a whole is wayyy more socially liberal.


Omg thank you for this, came here looking for a recording. I've been going to mountain goats concerts for almost 20 years and this is in the top 3 for me. So transcendent and special.


THANK YOU I was there and it was sooooooo good


if i had a nickel for every favorite artist of mine who did a solo/stripped-down show in a cathedral, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's very cool that it's happened that many times. thank you so much for this recording, it's fantastic!


Awesome, thank you! I was there, seated pretty far back. Where was the recorder for this? Curious because for me, the intelligibility was honestly pretty horrible where I was. Not complaining because it really is unavoidable with a cathedral like that. But yeah, around the first few words of each verse I could make out, and then it was all washed out by room acoustics.


Second row - I was really sorry to hear that sound further back was rough, you're not the first person I heard that from. :(


If you have a little portable Tascam and were in the 2nd row of Gold, I was two people over from you!


Nope, not me. 


Might have been me, though it was a little Zoom, not a Tascam


Did you post/will you be posting your recording as well?


Probably not. I don't think my recording is significantly different or better than the one that got posted, and I'm too lazy to break it down into individual tracks. But if you (or anyone) would like the big, unedited .wav file, I'd be happy to post it to dropbox or something.


I would be interested. The posted one isn’t bad, but the room was SO reverb-heavy that being as close as possible to the initial source seems like it would be better.


Here it is. My recording was pretty reverb-heavy, so don't get your hopes up. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k483at9ne0gdyuovq3yp8/2024-03-01-Mountain-Goats-San-Francisco-Grace-Cathedral.wav?rlkey=g8p7skm54898td8n8yo8ui8ty&dl=0


Here it is chopped up and lightly compressed if you're interested! And yes, my wife and I definitely sat next to you, I cringed every time I heard myself laugh and especially when I hollered out for "Going to Port Washington"! [https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/gwm3EJbrPa](https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/gwm3EJbrPa)


Nice! Did you do any A-B comparison between the two recordings? Is mine noticeably different from the other one? I fiddled with the levels during the first two songs, but, after that, I tried to leave well-enough alone. Sorry I didn't chat with you and your wife that night - I'm not so great at making conversation with strangers. So here's a belated "hi neighbor!".


The vocals definitely sound clearer on yours. I'm not great at conversation with strangers either!


What a great set list! I love Riches and Wonders!