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Love Love Love isn’t really a nice song for that lmao. I suggest looking into Midland and Riches and Wonders, these are my most loving songs by them


San Bernardino: I pulled petals from my pocket I loved you so much just then And it was hard but you were brave, you are splendid And we will never be alone in this world No matter what they say We're gonna be okay


First one I thought of


"I loved you before I even ever knew what love was like" - Hair Match "If I ever want to drive myself insane / all I have to do is watch you breathing" - There Will Be No Divorce "Yeah I saw you in the blazing light / I saw you / I saw you alright / it froze me" - It Froze Me "I hopped on back of the bike / wrapped my arms around you / and I sank my face into your hair / and then I inhaled as deeply as I possibly could / you were as sweet and delicious as the warm desert air / and you pointed your headlamp toward the horizon / we were the one thing in the galaxy god didn't have his eyes on" - Jenny "I felt the warm surge blast my mind / Coming in from behind / On the day your love came screaming through me" - Song for an Old Friend "And the last thing I saw before falling unconscious / Was your right hand tracing a heart on my thigh / And I thought my God what an infantile gesture / And I thought my God what an indescribable high" - How I Left the Ministry (extra lens song but still one of my favorite love lyrics) .... very sweet idea, hope this helps


How I Left the Ministery is a song about adultery … a kind of love I guess. 😎




"I wrote this one when we lived in Colo, Iowa, which is a town no-one reading this will ever see. 775 people lived there and we were two of them. Our house was tiny and the pipes froze every winter; one winter they burst. We ate a lot of potatoes because they were cheap, and I taught myself to bake bread from scratch. We were young in our love and not yet married and there was a shack behind the house where I’d experiment with my boombox and my guitar to see what different sort of atmospheres I could get on tape. “There Will Be No Divorce” was one of the songs on The Coroner’s Gambit that took a long time to get right, and the final version was recorded in that little shack on a rainy day. Originally it was a much more uptempo song than the one I ended up doing that day; it had a sort of vaguely half-rockabilly feel. It sounded, I mean, more like the one I played at this session." ^ A quote about TWBND that I enjoy! [source](https://web.archive.org/web/20080528222844/http://www.daytrotter.com/article/1291/the-mountain-goats-2)


Wait how is that line in There Will Be No Divorce about love? I guess I just misunderstood it but I always took that as a bad thing lol


I took it to mean that you're so in love with somebody that just watching them sleep and breathe is special to you


I also feel like it’s a song about deeply felt love, but since it’s on The Coroner’s Gambit (Or Slavonic Dances, if you prefer) it’s probably about death. But really, out of context, a lot of lines from tMG tunes work well. Don’t overthink it, OP!


Thank you so much! This helped a lot


Broom People's lyric "... But in the long tresses of your hair/I am a babbling brook" just gets me every damn time.


It’s the “I write down good reasons to freeze to death / in my spiral ring notebook” before these lyrics that bring everything together. I love Broom People, the most accurate song about my childhood, sadly.


That lyric to the unleashed intensity of the "babbling brook" is super resonant for me, also!


Yep, that’s how I feel about my partner. I can be stressed as hell, but when I cuddle up with him the world is on mute and I can sleep.


Every damn time. That was always a shot in the heart for me.


Going to Kansas Going to Port Washington Rockin Rockin Pet Store Stars Around Her “On the day that I become so forgetful/ That all of this melts away/ I will burn all the calendars that counted the years down to/ Such a worthless day”- Twin Human Highway Flares “On the day that I forget you, I hope my heart explodes”- Twin Human Highway Flares “And our love is like Jesus, but worse/ Though you seal the cave up where you've lain its body/ It rises”- Going to Marrakesh International Small Arms Traffic Blues It’s tricky because a lot of loving sounding song have actually troubling situations with just 1 line. Example: Riches and Wonders sounds like a love song, but “I want to go home, but I am home” shows the cracks in this relationship.


You’re my kind of person. Port Washington and Stars Around Her are all timers for me. Weekend in Western Illinois and Twin Human Highway Flares are kinda inseparable to me, fwiw.


Maybe not the vibe you're going for, but in New Chevrolet in flames: my love for you is ninety-eight percent pure, but the two percent that remains has fried the circuits in my brains."


I’m rather partial to the verse: Oh would that you would kiss me/ With the kisses of your mouth/ 'Cause your mouth is sweeter than wine, and has/ A more complicated history than the American South


Going to Port Washington: "I had never loved anyone like I loved you and I had Something on my mind"


The something is something bad! The narrator is trying to tell their partner that it’s over. Waterworks = crying.


I don’t think that’s true. This song was originally on a single one of John’s friends used to announce their wedding - it would be pretty weird for it to be a breakup song. I agree that waterworks is crying, but I think it’s just a high emotional positive crying


Well, agree to disagree. “I had something on my mind” reads to me like having something hard to say to someone you love that you don’t want to say. “Slowly, surely, I saw the whole story unwind” sure doesn’t sound like a line in a blissful love song to me. But what do I know?


“Sounds kind of dumb when I say it, but it’s true / I would do anything for you.” - Genesis 30:3 “And slowly, surely / I saw the whole story unwind / I had never loved anyone like I loved you / And I had something on my mind.” - Going to Port Washington “I hopped on back of the bike / Wrapped my arms around you / You were sweet and delicious / As the warm desert air.” - Jenny “But I cleaned out the savings account / Blew everything I had on flowers and I / Covered up the furniture in carnations / Rolled around for hours And there are those of you who've got the wrong idea right now / But man, you should've seen me when I got through /Indistinguishable from a fourth century Briton / Waiting on the couch for you” - Korean Bird Painting


“And my love is like a dark cloud full of rain, it’s always right there up above ya” (maybe a little dark, but the sentiment is there) Surprised no one mentioned 02-75. Here it is, in full: “This is a love song I wrote for my wife before she was my wife. I got your letter and I read what it said, And I blushed with recognition, at every word you said. And you are my best friend, and I have always known you. I dreamed of your house, and I looked around And i felt the real rain rolling down and you are my best friend, And I, I have always known you.”


Another good quick line: “The most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it’s you. And that you’re standing in the doorway.”


Animal Mask!


>But under the waxing winter sun > >I feel like we're almost gone > >Just pick a lane and drive right through > >Headed off to freedom with you > >Dreams of the future > >Up in the front of my mind > >Leave a couple dozen bodies behind > >Pull your hair back tight, head right for the extraction point > >And if you don't hear from me, let them all go free


“I love you. I love you because… You gave me sausage and cheese, when I was hungry”


I'm gonna miss you, when you're goooooone~ ♪ (the recognition scene)


No has said “No Children” it was one of the first love songs I had with my ex wife and one of the last. She literally sent my the lyrics and I was like “how dare you, I introduced you to this band and that song and we have two kids.” But OP don’t send that one to your partner unless you are committed to either permanent love or divorce. I will say there’s likely more songs I wouldn’t send than I would for “love” but it’s going to heavily depend on her temperament. But she’s a Mountain Goats fan already so she may already be a bit off kilter.