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Kids only know what they are exposed to.... šŸ¤¦


Exactly, when I see videos like this it just makes me sad


So she is obese and dangerously unhealthy for her age because she is spoiled rotten. Thatā€™s what I got out of this video. A form of Child abuse honestly.


I know a kid like that. He can only eat McDonald's or he screams his head of til he gets it. They give it to him to shut him up instead of dealing with it. Same with everything else he wants. It's sad.




No itā€™s Eric Cartman




I laughed, you bastard. Take my upvote.




Yea. Its frustrating to watch.


They could turn it around though. I've seen whiney, crybaby and spoiled kids get turned around by parents who recognized a problem with their child, and acknowledged that it was their doing, and that they had to do better. Inside of 6 months, the tattletale brat kid became very friendly, outgoing, and generally well-liked by his peers. That transformation was really awesome. But, for every kid that makes a change, there were 5 kids that just got older and shittier.


Don't get me wrong, starting to fight the small battles is tiring but it is really understated how important it is for kids to be told "no." You can elect to take the time to explain, you can opt not to, but sometimes they just need to be told "no" and understand that there is no changing it. It is the responsibility of a parent to shape that child.


Makes me feel better about not caving all the time to my 18 month old. Sometimes no is just no. But man, can the screaming shake your bones.


Yea but at least your kid won't grow up hurting people cause they know that's how they get what they want.


Seriously!!!! my 8&10 year old? The older the get, the more of a fight ā€œnoā€ becomes. I think the worst age is 2-4, just outright tantrums. Now they just want to argue about *why* Iā€™m saying no, and itā€™s just mentally draining explaining every.single.small.detail as to why they canā€™t do that or have to do this But you donā€™t cave, then they learn that no means jackshit and they can do whatever they want. I think the biggest issue today is that a LOT of parents forget that their small children eventually turn into adults who go out in the real world causing problems


That creates a very toxic relationship to food where he gets dopamine from food, specifically fast food. That kid is gonna have heart disease.


Disgusting for real


And the mother is filming it for "likes"


She thinks it's *adorable*. She knew the child would act like this, and had the camera ready. smh


Also pity. "Woe is me" despite it being her fault.


Itā€™s always bothered me how everyone turns a blind eye to the morbidly obese child consuming 10X their recommended sugar/calorie intake at the local fast food spot


I work in the school system and the lunches some kids bring are ridiculous. There was an obese child in a class I was in last year. His lunches contained nothing but sugar: pop, puddings, Dunkaroos, even penny candy. Like they are literally slowly killing their child.


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Those mannerisms and language come from somewhere too. They don't just come up with that themselves


Saw a little girl chubbier than the one in this video slurping down a McDonalds milkshake (latte?) this morning in the elementary dropoff line. I felt so bad for her.


They're literally killing their kids slowly and/or giving them health problems in the future. I don't get why it's not considered child abuse.


Totally agree. Kids being slightly overweight is 100% normal but when they're this big you know it's all on the parents. Idk how a parent can do that to their kid


Makes me want to take a run up and slap both parents for raising such a turd of a kid.


Kids never been told no


It's worse than that. She's learning to be awful for attention. I can't believe a parent filmed this...and posted it..


Hadnā€™t even thought of that. The kid probably started taking the recording as encouragement when she did something bad


Mom wants that Honey Boo Boo $$.


The mother to my god daughter does this. She's shoved a camera in her face since she was born and now she knows to do something worth recording when it comes out...I hate it.


This this this! This is a deeply problematic family for a number of reasons. Poor kid.


Yea, just seeing the way she talked back with attitude and cursing without any hesitation shows this child has never been disciplined and I wonder what this childā€™s been exposed to


No, what you're hearing here is what the parents/other adults in her life sound like. When parents model shitty behavior, this is what happens.


Not necessarily. The other kid seemed fine. I was terrified of swearing up to being a teenager and my sister started swearing as a kid with no regret or hesitation. We both had the same parents and she arguably had worse punishments cause she did more. Some kids just act the way they act


Or some times parents discipline each kid differently. As a mom Iā€™ve noticed myself accidentally doing this.


Not every kid is the same, I donā€™t think each kid needs the same discipline.


and that kids been exposed to too many happy meals


She doesnā€™t look happyā€¦


If I said that to my mom I would have another tooth to put under the pillow šŸ˜‚


Tooth fairy forgot about inflation tho..


Inflation of the kid?






Kids can't even get a swat on the butt anymore.


Physical correction can work sometimes, but its always dependent on the child and situation. In the end, when you discipline a kid, you're trying to make the kid understand what they did was wrong and why, not hurt him/her or make them bitter. For some kids, even a look from their parents is enough to pass the message, or a serious talk. And there are some who need the extra "encouragement" in order to remember in the future. Every kid is different and every parent is different as well.


My Dad had "The Box", he would tell us that we are getting x number of Xmas/Birthday gifts and the names of the gifts were in The Box, the punishment was we were to reach in and draw out a name, that gift was to be given to charity or not bought at all. lol... he told us later in life that the box was full of BS, the cheap presents were the only names in the box, it was very effective. He never had to yell at us, just quietly say " do you want to go get The Box."


Itā€™s for the best, honestly I donā€™t think I could ever hit my son. Idk homie, I just feel like I could probably do it differently.




I course correct my child all the time. I just donā€™t hit him. Iā€™ve not needed to discipline him for 3 years as positive reinforcement and ā€œgrabbing the goodā€ actually works and having a time out was highly effective when he was younger. In my opinion (and there are studies available to back this up) hitting children teaches them that justice = violence and theyā€™ll hit others if they feel an injustice has been done. They learn parents canā€™t be trusted to keep you safe and thinking up lies quickly to avoid a beating is a skill worth mastering, normalising dishonesty. In my experience, the beating of a child is more often because the parent needs to vent or lacks the self awareness or skills needed to do something better. Not always (sometimes itā€™s because theyā€™re a vicious bastard) but often.


If I said that, I'd have more teeth to give the tooth fairy


Wonder if her foul language has anything to do with her entitlement.


Honey Boo Boo 2.0


Dudleyā€™s sister.


YES!! That was my very first thought as well


Honey Doo Doo


She has 2 pig hearts


Parent ā€¦ has failed .


Honey Tooth Tooth


$2.30 should be the standard offering just for the dad joke potential.


-nod- love it


$2.30? Why would it it be funny for the toothfairy to give ā€” ahhhhh šŸ˜‘


(tooth hurty)


omg thank you


Thank you, Iā€™m slow sometimes




The man in this gif has always struck me as the most perfectly comfortable person I have ever seen. I strive every day to find his peace and wisdom and candor.


Or ![gif](giphy|3o85xHi4t2UsuIY9QA)


100%. I need about tree fiddy.


Well itā€™s about that time I got suspicious


Iā€™m gonna need about tree fiddy


Female Eric Cartman.


She literally did the screw you guys im going home bit at the end




I was thinking Dudley Dursley ![gif](giphy|Cipj5jNsyTcxG)


Thirty-six! But La- Thirty-six! But La- Thirty-six! But La- Thirty-six! But La- Thirty-six! But La- Thirty-six! But La-


That dude has become such an accomplished actor, saw him in The pale blue Eye last week, great peformance.


This is honestly so embarrassing. Reflects so poorly on their parenting, especially bc they find it funny. Obese ungrateful child cussing out the tooth fairy.


Lol next Tooth she gets a quarter


or a note with a penny saying "I heard what you said to your mother. I am sorry but I cannot give money to bad behaving kids. Take this penny as a lesson."


Take this lump of coal as a lesson


you guys got leather belts and hot wheels tracks too right? ​ right?


THAT would have been great. If only her parents would have done that.


A quarter pounder with cheese.


Not with that kind of parents. They will give her more.


And videotape it for internet points. Parents are the true shitbags here


Or nothing. Just throw it in the trash.


Whenever I got 2 dollars when I was 8 I felt rich


In all fairness, you could probably buy something with 2 dollars back then.


I feel like a candy bar isn't that much more expensive.


When I was a kid (not as long ago as other people) a candy bar was under a dollar guaranteed. Now every time I see one itā€™s minimum 1.20 usually 1.50. Itā€™s not that much more expensive but it is the difference between buying one and buying two


Teach her to save and live tooth to tooth like the rest of us.


the fact she lets her talk to her like that already at that young age šŸš© šŸš©šŸš© needs to be disciplined innit thatā€™s just not right man


Just her weight shows how irresponsible her parents are.


yea thatā€™s another thing McDonaldā€™s everyday or little Cesarā€™s pizza box everyday one or the other parents like this that let their kids get away with everything are bad thatā€™s how we end up with furries šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


6000 upvotes here, probably more on tiktok. Being a shitty parent and blatantly filming it seems to get clicks and interactions.


I work with kids. Yesterday a little 5 year old was ecstatic because his tooth has just fallen out and he proudly showed to me. This morning he saw me and told me, beaming, that the RatĆ³n de los Dientes had given him $2! The other week a kid a just couple of years older told me nonchalantly the tooth fairy had given him $20 for the tooth heā€™d lost. Guess which kid was more excited? Guess which kid has parents who spend more time enjoying his company and were probably excited as he was when he lost his tooth? $20 for a single baby tooth is ridiculous.


When I was a kid I got a dollar for the tooth fairy and one day I swallowed it and was distraught so they gave me 2$ (which set a precedent that if I swallowed my tooth Iā€™d always get 2 lol). My friend with divorced parents always got 20$ when she was visiting her dad in New York so obviously that meant the New York tooth fairy gave way more money and I wanted to move to New York. As an adult I realized ā€œoh. Her dad just felt guiltyā€ but man I remembered being so excited for those 2 dollars lol


>which set a precedent that if I swallowed my tooth Iā€™d always get 2 lol And then I somehow accidentally swallowed all my teeth


I was too much of a goody two shoes to think of this lol


Jim Gaffigan already covered this. "No honey, the tooth fairy doesn't like you less than the other kid. It's just that that kid's parents didn't have any smaller bills in their wallets that night."


I have to keep singles in the house because of this. I had to use two dollars from one of their wallets last time! I replaced it with three dollars before they realized it was missing lol Once, the tooth fairy was paid in coins!


Haha I had to grab $100 from my pretoddlers "piggy bank" where we put all her cash from her grandparents bc I forgot to get money for movers one time. Obviously I replaced it but daaaaang I felt guilty grabbing it.


My parents used to give us $10 per tooth. But I also probably wouldnā€™t have freaked out if it were less


I gave my daughter 2 quid from the tooth fairy and she was jumping up and down with joy. That's what the experience is supposed to be.


I got a quarter for mine. My last one though, I got one of those dollar coins that were the goldish bronze color, oh that was a treasure, as it was my last baby tooth. I still have it around here somewhere I think


Maybe parent your kids properly and theyā€™d actually be grateful. Not to mention the nasty mouth on that young girl!


The other kid seems to have turned out alright.


No the other kid just leaned how to take advantage of the situation to 1)make themselves look like the good kid, and 2)score $2. I know because I was the other kid growing up.


Have you considered that everyone mightā€¦ not be you?


The voices in my head tell me that Iā€™m the only one thatā€™s real, but I mean if you can prove them wrong I would be happy to hear you out


Chances are pretty low the other kid is better. Just f'd in different ways.


Sheā€™s a mirror of her parents, who absolutely have no respect for her privacy. This video should not have been made public for assholes to ridicule a child. But anything for content, right? My 7yo gets two bucks a tooth. Sheā€™s delighted each time, grateful. This past summer, she had one that ached for weeks before it dropped. That one got her ten bucks. She was so happy.


I hate to break it to you, but if your kid reacts this way, YOU messed up somehow. Something went wrong and you canā€™t blame a kid this age because this spoiled crap is taught. Reflect inward.


Why is the mother yelling at her like sheā€™s a child too? This kid is just spewing the kind of crap she hears at home. Great parenting šŸ™„


And eating the kind of crap the parents are. Sad stuff


I wouldnā€™t even be surprised if her mom told her to say this just for the videoā€¦.


"No, you *had* $2. Now you have none, and you're in your room until dinner, and will never get money for teeth ever again."




Nowā€™s the time to break the news to her that it was a sweet tradition, that she doesnā€™t exist and that we will not continue this forward.


Yup...speaking like that shows you're too old for the tooth fairy. :p


Idiocracy is a documentary from the future.


Garbage avalanche


Except in the real world, way less empathy


Having a young child this fat should be considered child abuse


Should be? Is!


You know that the next video she will be in will be in Walmart.




Should have bought her a bag of carrots with that kind of money. Ungrateful.


She'd pass out from lack of calories.


Could you imagine her mouth when she has to eat healthy and not what she wants? I can only imagine the language then.


Parents: \*raise their children to act like spoiled brats\* Children: \*are spoiled brats\* Parents: \*surprised Pikachu\*


Her parents need to check that attitude immediately, bc: that's a girl who's gonna need to develop a good personality.


Yeah I hate to say it but that girl isn't getting taking care of for being the princess type. Just kidding, I love saying it. I have worked with enough pork princess types and I absolutely hate that parents actually raise their children to think they are just too good for the world.


More of a parent issue to me


600 lb life early years


I'm getting some Augustus Gloop vibes!


Well sheā€™s going to grow up to be a lovey human being isnā€™t she


Man the visible child abuse in this videoā€¦ both the attitude and the girlā€™s weight say a lot about the parents.


Stop feeding your kids McDonald's every day for fucks sake.


just how were her parents raising her in order for her to think thatā€™s acceptable?


Please donā€™t overfeed your kids


Geez.. Parenting failure..


tooth fairy is getting her a treadmill next time.


Smh. Spoiled rotten, severely overweight. This kid is going places.


Weā€™ll be seeing her in a few years in some crazy clip at some Walmart


Should have wore a condom.




Oh the irony in her last words.


So let me get this straight... If you feed your pet goat Roger or your pet chipmunk Bruce a bunch of junk and he soon becomes obese that is considered animal abuse but it's not abuse when it is done to an actual human being...


Maybe you should have put something else green under her pillow. Like some lettuce


What great parents. Sheā€™s a brat and obese. I feel bad for the kid for having such terrible parents.


Pump your kids full of sugar fat and chemicals, let them watch tv all day and play video games, never tell them no or give any consequence for their bad behavior, yell and curse in front of them, then surprised pikachu face when they turn out horrible šŸ˜Æ


Very fat, very spoiled, very bad attitude. Not to mention a insanely punchable face. Its like Dudley if he was a girl.


That's the shitty human being you get when you raise it like a queen. Make her believe she's beautiful when she's already a sick fat cow before 10. Well done, now please keep that thing at home,and don't let it be an annoying piece of crap in public too....


I like the second kid's attitude. She'll go far


Quick, somebody buy this girl Cartmanland!




So the mother over feeds her child into obesity AND allows her to speak that disrespectfully? Nice work ā€œmomā€ šŸ™„


If your kid is that overweight, it's your fault and you suck.


You raise them. And then you act surprised.


come on, 2 bucks, how many twinkies is that?


That parent is too stupid to realize she failed not her child


Children are a reflection of the people who raised them.


I know inflation is a thing but two bucks isnā€™t good enough? Girl I only got a dime!


Tell me you don't discipline your children without telling me.


600 pound life, coming soon




Just wow.


Someone needs to put that attitude in check!


She also has hella f.a.s.


My parents gave me quarter


Mama raised a winner there


Young Karen




Return her to the orphanage...


It's like the parents film their kids instead of parenting or something.


$2 thatā€™s not even enough for a king sized snickers! šŸ˜”


I weep for the future


Then they get sent to school and we get to deal with them and people wonder why teachers are quitting.


Bad parenting


Note to parents: it's just food. It's not love.


This is a reflection of the parent, not the child. This is a prime example of the result of poor parenting.


Everything about this child reflects poorly on the parents.


I got a quarter and thought I was the richest man in the world


Some people shouldnā€™t be parentsā€¦ stop filming your kids for internet clout.


Kid needs the diet fairy or the Carb fairy


Parentingā€¦it matters


You can clearly tell which one is smarter.


Tooth fairy doesnā€™t have to visit ungrateful kids.

