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Police are obviously completely out of line. But whatever Target employee called the police in this situation should burn in hell as well.


Why didn't anyone just fucking help? Like yeah it's not pleasant but any employee or customer (or cop) could just help him shove the bills into the thing.


Nine days after the incident at Target, Skeens, Flores and another officer — Dustin Ketchum — shot and killed Keshawn Thomas at a Valero gas station after they said he had picked up a gun. thomas family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit. ​ skeens and flores are two of the arresting officers in this clip.


…I just made a comment about how at least they didn’t shoot, then scrolled down in the same thread and saw this. Goodbye to my optimism I guess.


You still have optimism in 2023? You’re sweet. Lol Same for me, I can’t help but have hope and every day I get crushed.


I mean I really hoped APD improved since I moved. Hadn’t seen anything in the news about em in a minute. But… hey, here we are.


We’ll either grow out of optimism or always be crushed. It’s a coin toss 😂


My heart is in my throat. Your words are spot on, police actions crush my hopes every day. The f is wrong with them? The f is wrong with this system? This country is so broken where this will get no attention because half the people are f’n monsters


had this man pointed at his fanny pack to fast skeens would have been on it i assume. while i was wathcing the video i assumed the man was going to unzip his fanny and reach his hand in there for a mentally challanged id card thing and get shot thank god he left the fanny pack alone.


With how they handled him, yeah no kidding dude. This just makes me so mad, even the shit like charging him with failure to identify and resisting arrest when he CLEARLY DOESNT UNDERSTAND WHATS GOING ON is a major failure on APD’s part. It’s gut wrenching




On top of, trying to use FUCKING SELF CHECKOUT. Probably had bad experiences in the past with a cashier. I felt like I was being rushed at the Wholefoods today & asked for help to scan my prime membership & the girl seemed so put out by me needing assistance. I cannot imagine going through life so fucking ugly & clueless.


Or was left with literally no other option. Tons of stores have nearly done away with cashiers--it's bullshit.


My wife asked a Walmart employee which isle the ironing boards were and the employee said,”I can’t talk to you, I’m off the clock!” Then she saw another employee near that one and she stated the same thing. After my wife found and purchased everything she needed, an employee stopped her at the exit door and asked to see her receipt. 😡


I’m not defending Walmart or the employees, but rather just stating the truth as a former Walmart employee. Part of the training says to not assist customers when off the clock. The reason for this is because Walmart once had employees sue them because they were forced to work off the clock. Heck, one minute of unauthorized overtime will net you a stern lecture and more than that will result in write ups. They also have to pay you for any unauthorized time, and if it’s outside of your normal schedule, it can result in in punishment. So it’s not that the employees were necessarily trying to be rude to your wife, they just didn’t want to incur the wrath of Walmart. The company has gotten to the point where they don’t really care about the employees or customers, they only want the $$$. Because they’ve been forced to increase their pay scale, they made self checkouts a thing because it’s cheaper to pay 2-4 people to watch those than 6-10 cashiers. And the door greeters are supposed to check receipts of unbagged items to ensure people paid for the items and aren’t stealing from Walmart. Also on a side note, the money that people willingly donate to Walmart for charities helps Walmart save on their taxes. While it has a noble cause, Walmart uses those donations as their own personal tax write off.


America needs to put term limits on SCOTUS, and get rid of qualified immunity for all police.


That goes for every elected government official.


And we won’t because it never changes. Best country in the world my ass, unless you are a billionaire


Omg... omg... I am stunned, I really am... I was already traumatized by how the treated this person, and had to stop watching, and then I read this...


I honestly think this video traumatized me too. Fuck, I hope this poor guy's horrible injustice goes viral, and people raise money to get him that bike. That's all he wanted: a fucking bike. He saved up for it -- was probably excited to be buying it finally. And then these goons come bully him into having what was likely the most terrifying night of his life. He can't process that LEOs are fucking cornered animals that will destroy anything that frightens them, and they're dangerous thugs with qualified immunity. He's even calling 911, looking for help from the people he thinks the police are -- people the police *should* be. But they're not safe people. They're not there to rescue you. They're there to fuck up your life, even if all you deserve is compassion. My brain can't even process a murder of another poor innocent after watching this one. I feel sick.


This literally made me feel sick. God damnit, this poor fucking man did nothing wrong, this is abhorrent. Imagine if an unarmed social worker who’s been trained to deal with people who have mental disabilities was called to handle this. They would have de escalated and helped him pay for his bike so he could be on his way. This man was entirely non violent and posed no risks to others; this is not a matter for armed fascists boots to handle.


He took too long.


…to do the employees and companies job FOR THEM….


He’s got $50’s falling out and he wants to pay. WTF?!?


Recently in San Antonio a few officers killed a schizophrenic lady who ran from them and hid in her apartment. Instead of notifying the task force SA has *specifically to deal with mentally disabled or disturbed persons, which includes plain clothes police, detectives and specially qualified persons in relation to psychologically disturbed people, they instead executed a multiple point breach into her home- one officer entered from the balcony. They converged on a schizophrenic woman in her house all at once, she threw an object at one officer and they shot her many, many times. The family won the suite I believe, and the officers were tried as criminals.


Important note is that the man in this video is NOT Keshawn Thomas.


Fuckin dickheads.


Who gives a fuck if its “not pleasant.” Fuck your pleasantries. Help the dude out.


Straight up! I guarantee you an employee or employees felt "awkward" and didn't have the common sense or decency to help the guy out.


I think we as citizens need to stand up more. A crowd should have formed to shout this shit down. You might have one person filming, but everyone else minding their own business. No, it’s time we take some control. This was Target, and plenty of people around. We need to not only help those who need it, but keep the police in order. I feel like we’re losing control of everything and we no longer matter. We are slaves to authority and I’m sick of it!


I'm usually pretty positive but so much about this is making me lose faith in humanity. People are so entitled and self centred they can't take 5 mins out of their day to help a guy with disabilities ? Its unpleasant to have to communicate with someone because they're disabled? We're all fucking lucky we weren't born in a similar situation to him. If being born on 3rd base thinking you hit a home run was a society. Depressing.


Nowadays helping someone the police are dealing with is a sure fire way to get tased and/or arrested


And killed


Previous commenter meant help the dude at the check out instead of calling the cops on him.


It’s because our world lacks compassion


The world has a ton of compassion. There are compassionate people working quietly without recognition or reward all day every day. What the world lacks is people with power who have compassion.


Yup, that would be basic human customer service, but you don't get that with a machine. Can't believe the self-checkout minder called the cops instead of stepping up and helping this person complete their purchase. Since they chose to have this customer harassed and possibly arrested instead of helping them give their money to the store they work for, I think whoever made that call should lose their job immediately.


And you can put multiple bills in at once... in less than a minute, this officer could have resolved the situation, Target would have gotten its money, and this guy would have gotten what he was trying to buy.


Cop here This dude is about to get absolutely paid and deservedly so, first question why the fuck wouldn’t you just help the dude buy the things he wanted to buy? If he has the money then fucking help the dude out, this isn’t hard to think of But first point, this is a BLATANT violation of civil rights and an absolutely shameful wrongful arrest, laws vary by state, but in my experience you only have to comply with an officers request for your identity if it is during the investigation of the commission of a crime or traffic offense This man (as far as anyone knows) is lawfully allowed to shop there like anyone else, so there’s no trespassing complaint, you can literally see him trying to pay for his goods with the money in front of him, he may not be able to understand that it’s credit only but the intent is to lawfully pay for purchases goods, so there goes any theft or shoplifting complaint So when he is removed (which they had no lawful basis for doing so other then the fact that people with disabilities make people uncomfortable, which isn’t a reason to remove someone just fucking help them) and the cops ask for his ID he has no legal right to comply because they are not investigating a crime at that point Everything that follows afterwards will also get thrown out in court in a heartbeat So 1 fuck whoever called 9-1-1 on this person instead of trying to help 2 fuck those cops for not trying to help out a dude just trying to buy some things 3 the cops and the 9-1-1 caller if it’s an employee deserve to lose their jobs 4 this dude deserves an absolutely astoundingly high payday and should have legal counsel pursue civil complaints against the city, the PD and target He deserves it Whenever you see people like this, just help them out it’s not hard to be kind to people and treat them the right way Edit: I forgot hashtags make things bigger on Reddit Edit 2: no this man was not killed days later by the APD the officers involved in this arrest were involved in the shooting of Keshawn Thomas https://www.krqe.com/news/albuquerque-metro/family-of-man-fatally-shot-at-gas-station-by-apd-officers-files-wrongful-death-lawsuit/amp/ This man is not Keshawn Thomas because Mr. Thomas was black, however yes the officers were also involved in that shooting


Unfortunately depending on this mans mental capacity he may not be able to get that payout. I hope he has someone to help him make that happen.


There is a lawyer somewhere who will see this


And he may not be prepared to accept that help or understand he deserves it. I really hope that isn’t the case though.


If we're looking at body cam and the incident rose to the level of an internal investigation which resulted in firing then the guy has representation. This didn't fall out of the sky. Someone had to raise a stink, file a complaint, follow up with it, file FOIAs, etc. He didn't do all this himself.


It’s a payday on the taxpayer’s bill though. It’s not a gift from some benevolent god. The incompetence and perpetual violence by your cohorts costs all of us money, but not ya’ll. So yea, he deserves compensation, but until it’s coming from your pensions, your budgets, your union, it’s not justice at all.




Bro, also a cop here This video made me cry, its disgusting


grey recognise panicky waiting grandfather depend spark absorbed vast crime ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Every cop I have ever seen on Reddit talks very sensibly, but when their partner is messing up no one seems to stand up to it and stop him


All cops are heroes in their heads. Even the most fucked up ones. Especially the most fucked up ones


Genuine question, why did you become a cop?


It’s a job that allows you an incredible amount of opportunities to help people, I’ve always been good at helping people so it seemed like a good fit In my short career I’ve helped multiple women give birth on the side of the highway, saved a couple people from a likely death and helped one or two people turn their lives around Not many places give you that opportunity


I've seen so many horrible videos on reddit. Killings, beheadings, suicides..... I had to mute this video. Fuck everyone involved in this.


I agree with you 100 % and the police treating this poor harmless man like if he were a criminal.. 😡😡😡


I spent the entire video just hoping the poor guy didn't eventually get tased.


Or shot! This is why sending social workers out for these calls are gaining steam.


At least they didn’t shoot. APD was legit notorious for shoot first, ask questions later in a lot of situations like this. They had to actually be investigated by the FBI back in like 2010ish for an over abundance of lethal force in situations that did not warrant lethal force (way before the recent Police use of force outrage). So hey, progress? [Source: used to live in Albuquerque during the time of their investigation, the last shooting that finally triggered the investigation was a homeless man camping out on the outskirts of town they were doing a welfare check on and murdered without any signs of distress or aggression from the dude.] Edit: LOL for getting downvoted for calling out APD for doing APD things


I remember that specific incident and what followed. Everything you said did happen. Don't know why you're getting the down votes


One of the cops in this video shot a person like 3 months later.


Worse, 9 days later.


I worked at KOB 4 at the time of the incident you're referring to. I saw all the unredacted footage from that incident. They murdered him for fun. I heard it and saw it for myself. It was one of the most horrific things I've ever witnessed. At one point, before they even made contact, while gearing up in the parking lot, one cop could be heard saying "I'm gonna shoot him in the dick" which got a big laugh from the group. He was successful in shooting that poor guy in the dick. They tricked him telling him "don't worry man, just come with us, we won't hurt you" as he pleaded with them saying "please don't kill me, I'm scared" and as soon as they got him to comply they murdered him.


Oh there's a special place in hell for people like this.


I sure hope there is. I'm in law enforcement myself. The way these officers + that target employee handled this was completely unnecessary and unacceptable.


I didn't know how you do this to someone that's very obviously doing their best with the cards they were dealt and don't feel like an absolute disgusting piece of shit.


Fuck the police for the way they handled this. We don't know what caused the target employee to call though; Maybe he got belligerent with them. The major issue is that the police are the responding party here. We should have trained mental health and disability professionals, not Joe shmo with 16 weeks training and a superiority complex


Police are not here to help you. Period. They serve only to perpetuate their own power and status. They are morally bankrupt and financially corrupt and will do everything in their power to exploit the tax payers’ resources for the benefit of themselves and their fellow officers.


The cop was fired and has since been charged. But he was involved in a fatal shooting the same month this incident took place. https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/video-albuquerque-police-officer-charged-for-disabled-mans-arrest/ Please take note of how many cops were involved... And not a single one did the right thing. I'm an Albuquerque resident. And APD was once known as the most violent police force in the United States. Obama's DOJ put them under a federal consent decree. When Trump was in the process of dismantling everything Obama did... His DOJ took one look at APD and decided to leave the consent decree in place through Trump's entire presidency. This is a police department that has an open distain for the residents of Albuquerque. This incident is pretty mild for APD believe it or not.


>Please take note of how many cops were involved... And not a single one did the right thing. I was 10 seconds into the video and already determined that the cop was an absolute AH without any clue of how to handle the situation. And what douchebag at Target called the cops anyway???


Isn’t this one of the reasons to defund the police? The funding could be used to send a qualified person like an EMT and/or a social worker.


This goes beyond that. By any component country this should be an Accessibility Act violation where Target has discriminated against a disabled person. Target should have broken 2 laws here, the first refusing reasonable accommodations to have someone help check out this person. And second, a fine for wasting government services. Whether or not we fund police, they should not act as free private security for corporations. They are paid by our taxes.


I mean that's kind of the thing isn't it? idk what led to calling the cops on this guy. Maybe he was causing a disturbance, maybe he was screaming or harassing other customers, maybe he was just struggling at the self check out idk. Point is if someone is clearly having a tough time either due to a disability or something else, there should be someone you can call. Like the government should exist to the point where someone can call in and say "look there's this guy in the store who is really struggling and I don't know what to do since I'm an 18 year old cashier at Target." People don't call the cops, they call 911 hoping to get some sort of urgent resolution. The thing is the only services that dispatch to things like this are the firefighters and police, when 9 times out of 10 the police response really needs to be a social worker or a something who can come out and help make sure this guy is doing ok. I can't tell you how many times in my city I've seen some people clearly in distress due to mental illness or drug reaction, and I want to call someone, but there's no one to call because the police might come out and shoot them. I guess my point is, there might be some sheltered kid working at the Target who had no idea how to react to this situation and called the cops because he panicked and that's what they've been told to do if they panic. It's up to the cops to handle the situation appropriately. I guess it could have also just been some awful person who called the cops on a poor person too. if so fuck them.


>when 9 times out of 10 the police response really needs to be a social worker or a something who can come out and help make sure this guy is doing ok. That's exactly why defunding the police is so fucking important (personally I'd say we need to burn the entire system to the ground and build something new from its ashes. But hey, baby steps.) cause 9 times out of ten, the cops are about the worst possible people to respond to a given call.


Glad he got fired. He should have. So much for “Serve and Protect”. People are messed up, he was probably saving up that money for a long time and excited to get a new bike. It’s so sad, I hope the customer understands he did nothing wrong. And yeah, shameful of those target employees who would rather call the cops than help him put his money into the machine.


That's what got me. This person was likely super excited to go buy this thing all by himself. Got to the register and just couldn't figure it out. In my mind some underpaid employee half asedly tried to help, he said no, they got mad and told him to leave. Que the police calling. Like, just talk to the HUMAN in front of you. Too many people can't or just flat out WONT try to deal with people that have disabilities. This 10000% could have ended with... 1. Perp(not perp, individual) left without bike and went home 2. Perp left with bike 3. Police communicate to perp why there is a problem and help perp grow. He wasn't even being aggressive. At all. Not even a little bit, he seemed scared that security was bullying him. Edit: perp is the wrong word. I have since looked it up. Perp: noun, the person who committed a crime.


It’s like they can’t listen to the dude and apply reasonable force, or fucking NO FORCE for a dude who has an obvious developmental delay? Like holy fuck, I knew dealing with APD sucked but the way they handled this makes me embarrassed for a place I called home.


Perp means perpetrator. I don’t this guy was perpetrating anything.


To this kind of cop, everyone is perpetrating something.


In this instance, I doubt they even checked on him before calling, and police just didn’t care enough to find anything out.


Yeah but he was probably immediately hired one county away unfortunately...


"The attorney general says his office does not plan to file charges against the other two officers in the video, since Skeens was the one in control of the situation." This right here is part of the problem. Two other officers are just as guilty in their involvement as Skeens - two other grown ass human beings who know right from wrong, with the power and authority in the situation to affect its outcome, stood by and did nothing. They are just as guilty as the single officer they chose to make an example of (this time).


Worse, they're now walking around with an even bigger chip on their shoulders because their buddy got fired in spite of "not doing anything wrong". They won't bother with self reflection. They'll just take it out even more on the people they should be helping to protect.


I'm glad he was arrested. POS And fuck Target. Not one of them had the damn common humanity and kindness to help this individual. Target and this cop are disgusting cockroaches.


We have a disabled guy in my area, I believe he had a stroke years ago, has a sign on the back of his wheelchair that says “please don’t be afraid, I may talk slow, but I’m friendly” Got to help him around my grocery store, and help him deal with his purchase. Guy can barely function, and only a handful of us ever sat and talked with him. Kindest guy I’ve ever seen, and seems super grateful for anyone that acknowledges him.


What about the fucking Target employee(s)? They couldn’t be bothered to help someone who was having trouble with self checkout who clearly had money? The Targets I’ve been to there’s usually an employee standing around just for that! Calling the fucking cops?!


Link doesn't work in my region. Why were the police there in the first place if he wasn't doing anything?


Another related[article](https://www.abqjournal.com/news/former-abq-police-officer-charged-with-felonies-after-alleged-unlawful-arrest-of-man-with-disabilities/article_cdfc08e0-21ae-11ee-a5b9-1b32eef62a97.html#:~:text=A%20former%20Albuquerque%20police%20officer,the%20state%20Attorney%20General's%20Office)


I still don't understand what they were doing there. Did staff call them on somebody trying to buy a bike?


He probably got stuck at the register, and by stuck I mean confused and unable to know what he needed to do to complete his transaction. Target staff were likely too dumb to realize he is severely limited or got frustrated with how long it was taking (probably a very long time since police rarely get to the scene of something like anywhere near the time of the call). He probably also refused help. Whatever it was the officers should have tried to help him complete his transaction. I wonder if there is also a potential for an ADA lawsuit, for failure to accommodate people with disabilities.


Nah that’s Albuquerque. The moment those cops heard they could go bully a disabled person they fucking flew to that target. Probably their fastest response time ever.


There's not a lot of info out there on how the call to the police was initiated, but in the video the cop states "you took too long" and he was being trespassed from the Target. So it seems reasonable to deduce that some Target employee called the police or at least indicated to the police that they wanted him trespassed. Without more details, I'm not sure we can draw any more conclusions based on the statements and video.


With only those details I think it's safe to say this is fucking insane




Holy shit!!! Wait....so you're saying this pd is so fucking bad that even the *trumpster dumpster* admit left the decree in place!?!! Ps, what's a "federal consent decree" lol


Its pathetic how few times cops will stand up against cops


Not surprised in the slightest 😔😔😔


So he was taking a while at the register and instead of the employees helping him they call the cops on him? What the fuck?!


I suppose people working at Target are just as stupid as the cops they have in that city.


Target employees and even the shoppers are entitled fucks for whatever reason. It's gross. Can feel it when you walk in if you don't look right. Not surprising that they called the cops probably before the guy even got to the register.


That why I go to walmart, like a gentleman.


Pinky-up cheers to you, sir. 🤭


Hello 911 there is a Walmart shopper at Target.


*Gasp* oh dear god no!


> even the shoppers are entitled fucks for whatever reason dang people shopping for stuff they need is entitled? fuck me then


Na this is Target slander. I once went to buy some nicotine patches and some other things I didn't really need. My card declined at checkout. I had the money but the bank was just refusing the transaction. So I call, they say they fixed it and I try again. Declined. The amount of time it was taking between calls was a while. This whole thing maybe took 45 mins. Really embarrassing. The important part though is this young guy who I was checking out with walks up to my trying to figure this out at one point and say's "It's none of my business but..." and holds out about the amount I needed. I declined of course and got it figured out and when I checked out I thanked him and he just told me he had been there before and wanted to help someone else out. It honestly means so much to me he'd be willing to help even if I didn't necessarily need it. That man is a legend. The people working at target are just like you and me. It's not some high end store where employees are also being paid really well. These are underpaid overworked people. Some are shitty people sure. One of the most power trippy managers I ever met was at a Walmart who thought she could boss around DoorDash drivers. Everywhere gets that. But in the end most of the people working at target/walmart or wherever are good people just trying to get by. They don't care enough to judge you. Edit: Actually think I came on too strong. I have my experiences, that doesn't mean someone didn't have another set of experiences. Take this as my opinion only and not as me invalidating someone elses.


TIL it’s illegal to have a disability of any kind.


Anything can be “illegal” if it meets two important criteria: 1) It can be used to single out “undesirables”. 2) Everyone lets it happen. What a damn shit show! This poor guy looks so confused and scared.


Honestly. People are disgusting and I hate it.


Whomever called the police should be ashamed of themselves and should not be working in a position where they deal with the public


I mean, we don't have enough information from this short video. Maybe the target employee tried helping but wasn't successful? Or the mentally ill person is a repeated offender and always does this and never actually checks out or has enough money to buy the product, but refuses to leave after the fact? Lots of reasons why Target could have called 911 on the guy.


Mentally ill and intellectually disabled are two very different things. And whichever, Target and the cops could certainly have acted in a more humane manner.


This is genuinely fucked up!! why was he kicked out of the shop and why was he "arrested"?


For "resisting arrest." How that's a precursor to arrest in the first place is ridiculous. Just the ACAB people that write that on every report to instigate charges and justify their harrowing actions. Lucky they didn't beat this poor man to a pulp first before bringing him to the station. Even at the station they've been known to lay life changing or ending beatings on vulnerable people. Why's a cop make 100k a year and doesn't even have training to talk to and manage mentally disabled people? That's the real sick joke of it all, that or they just don't give a fuck.


Target should pay for and deliver all of his goods for free. For life. They can split the bill with the cops.


Nah, just whoever called the cops on him, and the cops themselves should be in prison.




Why wouldn't you just help him? He clearly had the money. If anything it's a sale. Sales are good and good deeds are nice. Odd world we live in.


And if you talked to him for any longer than 30 seconds you should be able to tell he's developmentally challenged. He probably would have appreciated the help and someone nice to talk to. God, this has me so heated.


Longer than one fucking second, man. This is insane


Not one employee, not one customer, not one police officer offered to help. There was probably a customer making a tick tock about it, an employee annoyed and probably laughing at him while calling the police, and the cops going 'Jesus christ look what I have to deal with' Not one rational, decent human being in sight.


When the mentally challenged person is the most developed human around


Right. Less time at the range and more training in basic human kindness—treating people with dignity and respect, learning to have conversations whilst listening and keeping your hands to yourself.


Jesus how bout just walk up and be like.. 'hey buddy are you trying to buy the bike? Can I help you?'


You are so right! People don't know how/don't want to talk to people anymore, let alone take the time to learn actual customer service, situational awareness and de-escalation skills. Target never should have called the police. They are to blame for this. If the man ultimately didn't have enough money for the bike or whatever the issue, a Manager should have patiently and respectfully had a conversation, even if it took a long time to get to a resolution. That's part of the job! This is really upsetting.




Because they're lied to about them. And it starts in schools.




Exactly. The *ideal* taught in curriculums is that cops are these multifaceted keepers of the peace with a duty, in reality they are limited capacity extremists given weaponized permission. A small sample are the former instead of the latter, but even one case study of the latter dissolves the legitimacy of the others existence. So until all hired hands meet the standard, they shall all fall together. I’d assume some type of screening could stop most negative outcomes if an effort were made.


I'm willing to bet some teenager employee initiated contact with he guy. Heard stumbling/slurred speech and assumed he was under the influence with the world of exposure to challenged people's that teenagers have and just said I'm not messing with a junkie, call the cops.


I work with children and adults with developmental disabilities. This makes me very, very angry. It is literally my job to make sure stuff like this doesn’t happen to them. He doesn’t even need help, he just needs people to be patient, and they can’t even do that. He’s 100% in control and fully aware. He should have never been treated like this, it doesn’t matter how long it would taken him at “self-check”, he’s doing it himself without anyone’s help. These people are assholes. Had I been there and seen this I literally would have assed-out on those cops and they would have taken ME to jail.


I work with people who have severe mental health diagnoses and I help some who have issues with shopping precisely for this reason. I don’t understand why people can be so heartless. I’ve had to process situations where employees where “mean” multiple times with clients.


If I had been the person on the other end of that phone call I would have lost my damn mind.


The cops here are obviously terrible, but I want to know Target's role in this. The police repeatedly tell the guy he's being trespassed from the store, but they can only do that if a Target manager asks them to. Did a Target manager call the cops? Why didn't an employee help this man check out? Target needs to answer for what happened here as well.


That manager needs to be arrested not this man.


Yeah having a disability is a protected class. ADA.gov is going to be all over this one.


Well, yeah, somebody from the store had to have called for the cops to show up and walked over to the register.


"Im calling 911" Poor guy didn't understand he was being abused by the people he trusted to most.


He was taught to call the police and in his mind they were the good guys who will always help. Feeling so bad for this guy. He didn't deserve this. Hope he wins a big settlement and stay happy/healthy rest of his life


I know that was the saddest part. They said they were cops and he didn’t believe them bc like obviously they’re acting like badly trained, disgruntled rent-a-cops they can’t be the people I’m told to go to in a bad situation


Not only that but it is his RIGHT to call 911. To verify the situation is valid. These assholes did not let him talk to a safe person. Did not clarify through the phone what was happening. The interrupted him and abused him. Fuck these people. Fuck the bystanders. Fuck the on lookers. AMERICANS HAVE TO STAND UP AND DEFEND EACH OTHER. what would this have looks like is 2 or 3 other customers had said something. If a single cop had challenged his CO-WORKER (not fucking brother or family members, a literal co worker)


As an American I cant agree more. Fuck the Cop Brotherhood shit. Power means responsibility. They teach that shit in kindergarten


How bad are the police when you call the police on the police?????


How about helping him with his purchase? He's got cash, dammit


They wouldn't even let him put his money back in his wallet before dragging him out. Zero patience, zero empathy, zero chill.


Yeah, I have a feeling he lost some money..


Scumfuck pigs


Fuck the police.


Fuck Target too.


Usually i am like giving benefits of doubts to cops that maybe person was resisting or violent but not today. Fuck these motherfuckers. I hope they all have horrible things happen to them


Stop giving them the benefit of the doubt. Their job is to punish people when they make mistakes. Contributing to further mistakes is far more within their aims than preventing mistakes from being made. No crimes are stopped by their activities but many are perpetrated as a result of their activities.


They are legally not obligated to protect or serve their communities, especially in big cities like Albuquerque. Take a minute and scroll through /r/bad_cop_no_donut. They don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.


Him calling 911 for help broke my fucking heart. The look in his eyes the moment he realizes that the people berating and attacking him for no reason except that he “wasn’t moving fast enough” at a self checkout register are the police is gut wrenching. Fuck every one of those pigs and any Target employee that had a hand in them showing up there.


Exactly. And imagine the anxiety he’ll feel from now on about how fast he’s doing things. I feel so sorry for the poor dude. He was just minding his business.


Obviously mentally disabled person says "you're not the cops I'm calling the police." Officer, quickly: Are you refusing to identify yourself? Okay you're under arrest." Go. Straight. To. Hell.


then he says "we all have badges... not our fault you didnt look". what in the fuck... he should have walked up to this guy and showed him his badge first thing. then helped him checkout! is there really a time limit on the self checkout? and then to try and throw a resisting arrest charge on this poor guy. how tf do they sleep at night


Heartless dicks...




Gd right. I'm happy he's not gonna have to worry about money for quite awhile. I'm sure his SSI is probably shit, and he saved it up to buy that bike.


End qualified immunity jfc


Yup, and all lawsuit settlements come out of the police pension fund.


This altered my entire night. My blood is BOILING right now. What the fuck is wrong with our system that this could ever be allowed to happen and at no point during this painfully drawn out ordeal would anyone stop and say “what are we doing?”


All of them. Not one person even CONSIDERED helping. It just wasn't even an option. No cop, no employee, no customer, no passerby, no human being whatsoever even considered helping.


Am I missing something here? I see lots of videos of people stealing cart loads of crap from stores and employees are supposed to let them go without interfering. This person has money, is trying to pay although they are having some issues. Instead of helping, they call the cops and have the person arrested. It's a crazy ass world out there people.


Because your average American is a gutless fuckin coward who would rather have those less fortunate than them shunned to live in tunnels beneath our feet, than to actually have some compassion and take 2 minutes to help someone in need. The fact that anybody calls the cops for anything short of a death is beyond me. Worthless money pit of scum and rot.


Bruh, those are self-service registers. If you want to complain he was taking too long, pay someone to work a manned register. Fuck this shit.


Or an employee could help. Clearly they could see he may need help


And they wonder why they are called pigs


He just wanted a bike and had the money. If I lived there, I'd go every day and spend pennies. Those bastards




90% of cops in this country are just on a power trip


These are the type of moments in our lives we have to answer for in the end.


How about help the guy out? That’s fucked up


This legit is bringing me to tears. What the fuck......


This is so absolutely infuriating to watch. I hope that poor man is able to find some Justice for this bullshit.


Little boys who most likely joined the armed forces and never got their one confirmed kill while serving. Now, due to police loving ex-military types, even tho the majority are potato peelers instead of officers, give them a gun and immunity to harass and intimidate citizens instead of protecting and serving their communities and citizens. Or it's family members they decide to indoctrinate into the nepotism that is law inforcement. Just another round of dumbfounded dipshits with badges and guns harassing and illegally terrorizing normal US citizens. And they wonder why no one trusts the police.


That kill fucks you up, for anyone reading this with a similar teenage “lust”. It ain’t worth it, it doesn’t make you patriotic or a hero. It makes you a killer and you’ll never fit in again. You will never belong and the military doesn’t give a fuck about you either. Nobody does. Find something else to strive for or make sure you die while you are there.


Imagine bullying a mental disabled person fucking people are scumbags.


So did Target call the cops?


How the FUCK does “please” fail to deescalate a peace officer? Fuck whomever is “training” these horrible people


This absolutely breaks my heart. ACAB forever.


Nine days after the incident at Target, Skeens, Flores and another officer — Dustin Ketchum — shot and killed Keshawn Thomas at a Valero gas station after they said he had picked up a gun. Thomas family has since filed a wrongful death lawsuit as footage shows no gun in hand but keshawn trying to throw out $10 worth of weed in a baggie out the passenger window. ​ they beat up mentally ill people and shoot people with a dimebag of weed. peachy cops. ​ \-skeens and flores are the two of the arresting officers in this clip. Skeens has since been fired and charged for his involvement in this arrest.




This video is so disturbing. I feel so bad for that man and the way he was treated. Just awful.


Omg! Fuck everyone that made that hell come to fruition for that poor man!


Cops just earnin the hate!


Why didn't they just help him? Like slow him down and help him count the cash then put it in the tending machine... then put his groceries in the bags and move on? Need more info on this.


This is genuinely heartbreaking


People will boycott Target because of rainbows, and this is somehow ok. Gotcha.


God fucking damn it this is hard to watch. He needed to be given a little help, a little more time, and shitload more compassion. Equal parts heartbreaking & enraging, ugh.


The bullying. Why? I can't stop crying.


He literally had a pile of money. WTF?


Imagine an employee calling the cops instead of helping them pay.


Police officer or social work? Which is more qualified. Defund police to fund social workers so they may work together.


How much you want to bet Target called the cops and had them trespassed? Target is disgusting. Bunch of entitled, stuck up snobs.


This video makes me sick to my stomach. These fucking cops wonder why people hate them!? Well this is inhumane treatment. I hope everyone of these monsters get just what they deserve. If I was there I would have confronted them. My heart breaks. I worked with the homeless for many years, and I will tell you many cops are just evil. I have disabled granddaughter and I have nightmares about what her life will be. How do these monsters sleep at night!? Fuck them.


This is so incredibly wrong. This broke my fucking heart


As someone who is mentally challenged and knows mentally challenged people this absolutely infuriates me I want to just teleport to that video and stand up for her




This is disgusting.


Wait, they called the police and he got arrested because he was “taking too long” at the check out?! I hope he sues target AND the police station. Can you sue a police station? Idek


All the officers involved should have been fired. Every. Single. One. That whole depth needs a firing and a re-hiring. People hate the saying it's just one bad apple but if you finish the quote it goes "One bad apple spoils the whole damn bunch". That pretty much sums it up. If a police station tolerates just one bad apple they are all complicit in that cop's misdeeds. They are all tarnished by that "one bad cop". Plus, it's never just one to begin with.