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###FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE: WHAT DOES IT REALLY MEAN? --- [**Jewish Currents - What Does “From the River to the Sea” Really Mean?**](https://jewishcurrents.org/what-does-from-the-river-to-the-sea-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/NfAvk) ---- [**Forward - ‘From The River To The Sea’ Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means**](https://forward.com/opinion/415250/from-the-river-to-the-sea-doesnt-mean-what-you-think-it-means/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/rRXpW) --- [**Al-Jazeera - ‘From the river to the sea’: What does the Palestinian slogan really mean?**](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/11/2/from-the-river-to-the-sea-what-does-the-palestinian-slogan-really-mean) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/AF9yu) --- [**One Democratic Palestine, From The River To The Sea**](https://www.odsi.co/en/) --- [**Amnesty - Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians**](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/) [Alternative link.](https://archive.ph/s2B3f) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/therewasanattempt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People at work give me shit for not eating food that's been in the break room. I'm just going to show them this next time someone brings it up.


And then she says... "Oh, I'm fat but I don't know how... I don't eat that much!"


I hardly ever eat cake every day


And it was only one slice..


180 degree slice


As they said on Little Britain, if you cut the cake in half, that's half the calories. That way, you can eat twice as much!




Hollllly shit this made me cry hahahahaha


"But I had a Diet Coke!"


BOY DO I HAVE A STORY FOR YOU! I used to work as a office lady at a college. The people i worked with was like piranha when it came to break room food and snacks. To the point that if you didnt see the food being brought into the break room, you didnt get any! The college also had a cooking class, that was cooking ALOT, so there was always *something* to snack on. Cookies, cakes, dinner items.. candy and chips was also things they could figure out they wanted to make. Really talented kids. One day, there was a big bowl of cheese doodles on one of the tables. Someone had left their bag on one of the chairs, so in good old fashion, that person lost the chair and people munched the cheese doodles like never before. Though they had to admit, this wasnt the best snack the kitchen kids ever made. Tasted bland, must have forgotten the cheddar.. but it was really crispy and had great texture! The bowl was empty in minutes. Later that day, the science teacher comes strolling into the break room and see his bag moved. And the big empty bowl with just a few crumbles left. And he started to laugh until he cried and managed to squeeze out a phrase about how this school is the dumbest place he have ever worked. The bowl wasnt full of dull cheese doodles. It was polyurethane foam his class had made, and he was going to throw it away, but he got distracted before he got to do it. He admitted that using a kitchen bowl to bring the foam pieces wasnt the smartest, but still. I laughed so bad when i found out people ate that shit. It's been 9 years, and i still think about it every now and then and start to laugh. You'd think teachers was smart people, but here we are.. them eating a foam experiment. So im with you. Dont eat lunch room food. Or foam.


He knew what he was doing.


He's a pretty cool guy, so to be honest i dont doubt that either lol


I guarantee you he was either at home complaining to the wife or at a bar with his buddies and he said something like, “they are so stupid so glutenous, I bet they would eat styrofoam if you painted it yellow and put it in a bowl” and his wife said, “I doubt they are that bad. . .but it would be a great story if they really did” That was him winning a bet. Probably had a camera hidden somewhere.


Easy win for him lol


The camera was hidden in the bag, pointed directly at the bowl. Ever seen The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo?




I've read the Amazon reviews for those bears...that's some good readin'.


GLORIOUS 😂 I have to stay away from sugar too, i have reactive hypoglycemia lol so yeah, sugar free things are deadly if you dont know your limit lol


This is a great story. I'm taking foam to work and sprinkling it with cheese/chicken salt. Just watch those fuckers go for it!




Chicken salt is like a sprinkling from the gods on anything deep fried. Especially hot chips.


I have a slightly more depressing but still very funny one as well. This is an older cousin's recount of the story. 15-20 years ago my aunt and uncle had drug issues. Mainly opiates but they also liked to drink and would take just about anything including benzos. So one night they get fucked up and my aunt was in the kitchen cooking. My uncle is standing there eating whatever my Aunt is frying. But he keeps saying "This tastes like shit, Kelly" (not real name) but keeps fuckin eating it too. So my cousin looks over and my Uncle was eating a fuckin bowl of potpourri wood shavings. She's like "Adam, that isn't food! It's fuckin potpourri!!" He looks down, and says "Huh. Well no wonder it tastes like shit!" He ended up forgetting the interaction and eating more later😂 My cousin had to hide it from him.


Not the potpourri 😂 Though some of them looks like something edible for sure.


Well she was deepfrying it like they were fuckin French fries so maybe they got some of that savory smell on them too 🤣 I wonder if she salted them when she pulled them out😭 Pill-high people do wild shit.


favorite reddit story of all time


My wife works at a place like this! They devour anything that is left out!


And that's in public. Imagine how she cooked the dish she brought in. People are gross.


I've lived by the "no communal food" rule for decades. Despite others' odd stares, I've never regretted my decision.


Same. When I used to work in an office there was always someone out with a "24hr flu" or some similar issue. There is no 24hr flu... you had food poisoning. So, no, I will not be eating whatever half-cooked hamburger surprise you brought in for the potluck.


I don’t do potlucks or catered food events. I’ve worked at two different offices and people take extreme offense. But no. I’ve seen stuff lol. And no thank you.


Hope she wasn't sick, she'd be giving everyone a nice Christmas surprise.


😅 u ain't bullshitn 👍🏼


Fr, saving this right here. People are generally gross to begin with, but having to share communal food is even grosser cuz of folks like this


I've seen a coworker lick a knife clean while using the break room peanut butter jar, then go straight back into it


This is a perfect example of why ***not*** to eat food from people you don’t know very, very well. I worked with a woman that often talked about feeding her cats on the kitchen counter. At a food sharing event at work, she brought cupcakes and joked that her cats only ate *a little* of the icing. Upon closer inspection, dozens of cat hairs could be seen in the icing. Nope…no, no, no, ***nope***.


Same. Same. Same. Depending on how long the line is, when they give us a buffet lunch, I usually pass on that too. All those people hovering over the food. Yuck. This woman has a mental issue though.


I remember someone brought in donuts to share to the office. One person touched a glazed one, put it back down, licked fingers, touch other ones, all to find out which one they like. Not sure what the needs to grab and lift it, its a damn donut.


Violating chocolate cake like that can get you prison time in Dubai




My boy Rocco knocked them out cold


I bought like billions of strippers, mang!


Believe it or not


Straight to jail.


Please... PLEASE tell me someone confronted this hungry hippo and warned the remaining employees not to touch the trough cake.




Myth Busted


Found a double dipper..


Dipper Pines actually.


They are actually referencing the fact that this got busted by the myth busters.


This video cut off way too early. I wanted to see a.) If she would be embarrassed at being caught b.) What she had to say for herself.


"I... I have blood sugar issues."


\*..she says as she licks her fingers some more\*


It honestly kind of weirded me out how she licked a finger, gazed loving at said finger, and then licked another one until they were all clean. It seemed almost sexual. I guess it *was* chocolate, but still. Creeped me right out.


agreed, i really need to see the look on her face when someone walks in and says "wtf Janice!?"


Then picks up the lid of the cake and in sharpie on a piece of tape is her name. "It's got my fucking name on it janice!"


That is the one and only acceptable response, otherwise this is some bullsh3$ lol


Exactly. Cause HOW do you do this without shame. How. People are so juvenile.


Fuck that, let them eat cake! Send the vid on Monday.


Jesus, after recording 15sec of that behavior put the phone down and ask her what the fuck she thinks she's doing. Then throw the cake in the trash and email the video to all staff. Fucking pig.


This, 100%


Yeah, and get called into HR and be fired the next day.


Pig. Perfect word for this person.




I'd rather someone do this than what happened here


Dude even slided the slice out to make sure it remains perfect.




![gif](giphy|3o7aTpNQmV8scWO85q|downsized) “Naasty bitch”


Oh, she’s sharing alright. Sharing her germs with everybody.


I’d fire her. No way she is a good employee unless she works alone or that was her lunch.


Jail. All problems can be solved with jail.


Probably double parks her shitty SUV too.


What a piglet.


I'm grossed out about 4 times watching that.


I was grossed out after just one




This is the first thing I thought of when I saw this


Ahh Bruce Bogtrotter. I know I’m in the minority but watching this scene always makes me want chocolate cake.


Nice one lady, just sneeze in everyone’s mouth and call it a day.


What the heck. This is actually upsetting. She's just digging into the frosting randomly and taking bites. Grabbing random chunks off the top. Who does this? Instead of carefully cutting a piece out she's just digging in like a monster. Disgusting. This is why I never ate shares food at work. If there was a cake I would only have some if I was the one that cut it up and distributed the cake. How can she be so unaware? It's going to be obvious someone mutilated the cake too. She's just licking her fingers and taking multiple bites off the fork and sticking it back in the cake. So gross. I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. I would absolutely have to say something to this lady if I witnessed this.


Basically, this is the same as say fuck you to everybody who works there. It's an absolute disregard to the public health and She's not unaware. She knows she's contaminating the cake and passing her germs on. She's a self-aware, bad person. She's a total shitbag and she doesn't care. She vindictive, passive aggressive to all her coworkers and staff, she knows she's wrong, does it anyway, and thinks shes being clever. She should be fired.


The way she's licking her fingers gives me "individual with an intellectual disability" vibes.


Please don't insult people with intellectual disabilities, they don't deserve to be painted with the same brush as someone who purposefully infects the office treats this way.


She's checked out, she just doesn't care anymore. She's well aware people don't like her, gonna keep doing what's she's doing because she doesn't know much else. It's sad but can't teach an old dog new tricks.


There's a difference between refusing to learn new tricks and not able to, and this person is refusing outright.


Yeah it gets only worse with age. I'd just go back to my cell, put my feet up and chuckle to myself. Without cake of course, I'd kinda pissed about that. But otherwise not worth my aggravation, it's above my pay grade if I'm only taking a video of it and laughing at her.


Agree. I felt very upset after how many stab stabs she did with the fork. Like. How can you treat an office cake like it’s your personal one you bought for at the house ?? Then I saw the finger licks … I felt like I wanted to vomit and tackle her at the same time.


Seems really random. Mf must have gummy bears on top or something.


I so wanted it to turn around and see her reaction when she sees she's been caught on camera.


I'm saying, someone should've just left the cake carcass at her desk with a sticky note, something like 'we saw'. A normal person would experience at least a touch of burning shame atp


'We saw you. We're still watching. Now finish it.'




I had a co-worker that would actually go into my desk drawers to steal a few of my seasoned almonds out of the can. I eventually got so sick and tired of it that I took a full can and soaked the almonds in the hottest ghost pepper hot sauce that I could find on the internet. After they dried out, I placed them back into the can and back into my desk drawers. I temember hearing him huffing and puffing and running down the hallway towards the break room for water complaining that his mouth was on fire. He was hurting so bad that he had to leave work for the rest of the day.




This is actually awesome because unless you've previously brought up this subject, HR cannot do anything. "I ran out of my almonds and refilled my container with some new spicy ones I got. Why is this person going through my personal snacks which are kept in my drawer?" Like maybe a lawyer could chime in but there's no legal grounds for repercussions.


That's exactly my thoughts. Keep your hands off of my nuts.






People are nasty




And then she finished it all in the bus on the way home.


Nah I never eat "shared" food in work. I don't know how many, if any of these people wash their hands after going toilet, coughing, sneezing, scratching their arses. Nah!


People are nasty. At my first job, there was an older man that came into the bathroom with his ham sandwich. He laid it on the urinal. Took a piss. Grabbed his sandwich, took a bite. Then he walked out. Not that it mattered at that point, but he also didn't wash his hands. Super nice guy, but man, no sense of hygiene. He also had lots of missing teeth, and the ones he had were black. Good ol Shelbyville, Indiana. I shit you not.


What......the FUCK.


This was southern Ohio. The septic tank guys would come out with a big truck and pump out the sewage from the tank into the truck. My ex-boyfriend’s grandma, sweet lady, fried up a fresh batch of donuts, knowing they were coming that day. She heads out with the plate and the guys are using their hands to guide the pipe into the tank. They grin, wipe their hands on their pants, and reach for the treats. She told me this story decades ago, now I wonder what she expected them to do. They’re not going to ask to use her washroom; they don’t have hand sanitizer (wasn’t invented yet). Were they supposed to grab the donuts with their teeth?


Bobbing for donuts!


At least he isn't fucking up other people's food, he's just being nasty to himself.


People learned literally nothing from Covid.






She didn’t get like that being a dainty eater.


Time to send this to HR….


I watching this like: ![gif](giphy|Vi4MRwWi9sYpi|downsized)


She was in a diabetic coma. Lucky her instincts kicked in and brought her out of it !! ![gif](giphy|X05U0gOPkQ4G4)


ahahaha that gif is too much


I have a coworker just like this. Brought in brownies and when he was placing them on the plate he licked his fingers in between


Ugh the way she is doing it is sooo gross.


The only thing left to do is to deliver the cake to her cubicle. No one else should consume that, and this should not go unnoticed. I too dont eat or participate in work potlucks and so on. You dont know how people live, how they are, or what theyre up to. Could be intentionally or unintentionally poisioning you, could just be dirty af, might just spit in it. You dont know, and never would. Knew a guy once, think i was 17 or 18 and working at a machine shop (just a sweep) but the bosses brought in kolaches and donuts amd this dirty mf stinkpalmed almost all of it. (Put his hand in his sweaty ass crack and balls) and then touched and rearranged the foods. I really wanted that kolache too. Of course i told everyone...loudly and pretty aggressively, but he wasnt terminated for it. Poople are weird, be careful out there




You can do it Brucey!


Poor Bruce.


Honestly, I would consider this a fireable offense.


Best to keep a distance from it while it's feeding on it's prey, might lose an arm.




Karen, that cake was for everyone. You greedy B$%#


With that hair, I'd wager her name is Susan.


Since she started, she might as well finish it while everyone watches her.


When you realize 75% of people don't wash their hands after taking massive dumps, you'll never participate in another work potluck again.


Reminds me of Cartman eating all the chicken skin.




![gif](giphy|wTI6hkUqFn9OE) Lady pls. Stop putting your hand in it


She’s like Hanson from Scary Movie 2


This is so selfish and disgusting it sickens me.


She's disgusting.


AMA REQUEST: someone who ate the cake and is only realising their predicament upon seeing this video.


So someone just filmed it and didn’t say anything? I wanna see that part.


Had someone pick all the dry fruit out of a Panatone cake. Didn't like the taste of it but was happy to pick it apart, and leave the carcass, for others to eat... you're a skank Danni!






I bet she doesn’t smell nice either.




…and a diet coke.


There is a Miller Lite in the window


So selfish and disgusting or is there some sort of mental disorder at work?


Man that finger lick at the end was so cartoonish


Hogs in the wild. Fascinating.


CEO: Everyone back to the office! Later... Why is are employees all sick out?!?


Some people simply don't have a "slow metabolism" as they claim.


mine slowed right down after seeing this


This angers me to no-end!!!!!


Cmon. How do you not have the balls to speak up and tell this pig to stop


Kinda wish there was more to the story


Omg. I’m gagging- actually gagging. Please tell me the next thing that happened was the camera person threw that damn cake in the trash. Becky PLEASE keep your nasty fingers and fork off of people’s food, you absolute creature.


The only cake that chick should be eating is a rice cake.


That really wound me up.


Some rude ass shit bro. I mean what an inconsiderate A-HOLE. NO gatdamn home training.


People disgust me


Dirty fucking pig.


She did share with everyone… her germs


If I was the person recording this should screenshot and post this next to the cake


Hope the recorder reported her, that shit’s nasty


Ya nAstay🤢


What a sloppy pig lol. Some people just never learn how to act in their environment.




Piggish slob


Fucking kill her


Black is slimming


This is why I never eat food from the break room


Oink oink.


What a gross pig.


Addiction at its finest. Some of these types look down on ‘junkies’. We all got something that drives us. We all have to learn balance. Stop judging


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Cake head


Of course I see this during my lunch break 🤢 People are nasty.


Patty likes her chocolate apparently


You people disgust me


I just picture the chunky kid eating cake in Matilda


Thats f*cking disgusting!


I'm reminded of that movie Matilda and the boy who's forced to eat cake in front of everyone


Believe it or not, Straight to jail!


Just take the ho damn cake.


Hungry, hungry hippo.


At my workplace once we worked at a casino and ordered staff pizza day and someone picked off all the toppings and cheese on one of the pizzas


What a pig-human.

