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Make it black and white and it will look pretty close to some holocaust footage.


I thought the same


#Never Again^* *”except when we do it”


Someone quoted this in regards to this whole ordeal the other day. I couldn’t think of anything more apt: **The Narcissist's Prayer** By Dayna Craig *That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.*


Oh how the turns have tabled.


When Israel does it, it's defending their country and their people. When Palestine does it, they are terrorists.


It is pretty much the same ..


So the person that sent you the "self harm" bot with the suicide hotline, as a not so subtle way of telling you to k\*ll yourself, has been reported for abusing the report button, and will most likely get a strike on their account for doing that, just thought you might like to know. I call on all mods that see this, to start reporting those for "report abuse" and putting a stop to this bullshit, it's absolutely not appropiate and people should start getting some kind of punishment for that. And to all you that do it? You think you are anonymous and safe, but when we report a comment for report abuse and reddit agrees with us (which is most of the time) they will contact you and action you account and the strike system goes like this; warning> 3 day ban> 7 day ban> permanent ban.


Doing the work of angels, Sir!


Awww shucks, too much! Thank you <3




First, no idea why you were downvoted, this is a great question. You can take a link to the hotline message that you recieved, and bring it to Reddit.com/report and from there you can report it. You can only report it for report abuse if you are a mod, so take the "harrasment" option, and go from there. They will only get actioned once though, so since I did it already, I am just telling you for the future- or if you want to be super extra sure that they get a strike on their account. Edit: That is not the right place to go, hang tight, I am having a brain blip. Okay here is a link to report it: [https://www.reddit.com/report](https://www.reddit.com/report)




Defintely the case, and some people just hate mods and will downvote anything they are associated with- although I almost get that one because I have worked with some awful mods before and they give us all a bad name (but not here, all the mods are amazing here.) So that could be it too.


Thanks for that ! I appreciate your work ! Some people really need to grow up !


Thank you so much! And you are right about that, that's for sure, lol


https://preview.redd.it/z9570mxixa9c1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec926fef87c9513f0dbf4e6a27355ebb6a6d45d Does it really though?




Photos like that make me imagine just how horrific major bombing campaigns from history must have been. For example: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Tokyo


Give it some time, lol you think all the Germans wanted to be nazis


I did nazi this coming


I am waiting for the day when the butcher Netanyahu is tried for war crimes.


Unfortunately, you'll be waiting for a long time. As long as the USA is blindly supporting Israel and its genocide, Natenyaho won't have to worry about being prosecuted.


The US isn't blind, the understand fully well what is going on.


Not all is blind, but atlarmly a lot of them are.


The US will extend The Hague Invasion Act to include Israel before that happens.


"oh no, how can you say this? This is anti-semetic"


I don't get that sentiment either. Being against the murder of innocent people, many of them children and seeing soldiers and Israelis laughing about it should gross everyone out. There are many Jewish people speaking out about this too.


They want you to conflate Zionism with Judaism and literally change the meaning of the religion. Zionism is antisemitic in its own right.


It's not meant for you. It's for uninformed people to see and if enough of them say that they can act as if it's the truth.


Remember when everyone was so upset about possible war crimes in Ukraine? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Imagine being able to understand the CRAZY PRETZEL LOGIC that *checks notes* ….two things can be true?


I never insinuated that they couldn't be. I pointed out the fact that other war crimes in other wars are also taking place. Literally stating that both these things are true. So go fuck yourself.


The point is that yes, both are true but only one of them is being condemned while the other is being bankrolled by the US.


People forgot about Ukraine awfully fast... I think that's what their point was.


I was in disbelief when I saw Zelensky showing his support towards Israel. I was like, at least you'd be the one to understand what's going on there! In the same breath, the West will talk about Russian atrocities and then show support for Israel. How can you do that?


This isn't an attempt to claim Israel isn't committing war crimes.




All the way to the sewer


From the sewer to the grate.


Yes , how dare they allow people to publish content that shows a party committing war crimes, they should be hung , off with their heads . A superior race should not be exposed oppressing lower races. Not all people are equal , some people are more equal than others. /s


Nobody here knows anything about what is going on


Nah, pretty sure we are aware this is genocide


Just because you want to deny the FACT that Israel has been massacring Palestine before Hamas even existed doesn't mean people don't know what's going on. It means you listen to US propaganda


No they know everything about it, in fact they know even more than the IDF and the Palestinians in Gaza, after they saw this one guy on reddit say this and that...


If anything it's an attempt to show possible war crimes being committed by the IDF.


So when these children from Gaza grow up, that is if Israel doesn’t kill them all, I have a feeling Israel is going to be real sorry, trust me they won’t forget


There is another video of an Israeli soldier explaining that he was looking for babies to kill but the closest thing he found was a 12 yr old girl. ☹️


Saw that, such sick mentality.


You just outlined the talking point for why they think they need to kill children too.


This plays into their hands too. They call it mowing the lawn, do they not?


“Possible war crime?” They’ve been bombing civilians since October. There’s no doubt that war crimes are being committed by Israel.


Israel is fucking disgusting. Literal Nazi behavior.


Self defense they said


Be grand they said *narrator* it was not grand


This is how everyone who accepts prisoners accepts prisoners, lol. You check them for weapons. Police do this throughout the world as well. It sucks, but so does an IED strapped to someone's chest when they are waiting in line to be processed. There is a clear, obvious distinction between this footage and the old footage from the bad guys in ww2. There is no mass grave behind these lined up prisoners. Pretty large discrepancy in OP's logic.


Found the logic. My guess is these guys were still in the city after they were warned to leave. Therefore anyone left can be considered hostile. Also detaining a massive amount of people like this requires a thorough search before determining who they are, what they are doing, and why they're being detained. The stripping can be a reason for that




The USA isn't 'all the countries'.




Yup, it's pretty important to stop accusations of war crimes with crummy evidence in their tracks. Just like most hot phrases and words that have lost their importance throughout this past decade. "War crimes" and "Genocide" are being put on the list. Those are phrases that should not be used lightly. It makes people shrug off the actual evidence when it becomes available.


>It makes people shrug off the actual evidence when it becomes available. Not sure how you shrug off 21,300 civilian casualties. Even if 99% wasn't killed due to war crime, it is still 213 death due to war crime.


Agreed. Not sure what crimes are being committed here. Not saying it isn’t happening but this shows nothing.


War crimes are being committed here according to human rights organizations. The Geneva Conventions prohibit ‘outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment’. [source](https://inews.co.uk/news/world/israel-stripping-prisoners-war-crime-2798606)


OP’s claim of war crimes are corroborated by human rights orgs. The IDF did not need to publicly strip and film the prisoners, they could’ve processed and screened them with some dignity. The Geneva Conventions prohibit ‘outrages upon personal dignity, in particular, humiliating and degrading treatment’. [source](https://inews.co.uk/news/world/israel-stripping-prisoners-war-crime-2798606)


Reminiscent of the use of Santiago stadium by Pinochet in Chile


Remember, kids, it’s not a war crime if America is your ally.


And of course, neither Israel nor the US are signed up for the ICC


I don’t know. After seeing Hamas fighters fight in flip flops and normal civilian clothing, there’s no telling. This situation is hell for everyone, especially the people of Gaza.


So terms like “war crimes” and “human rights violations” have actual meaning. Taking a bunch of people prisoner while you secure an area isn’t a war crime or a human rights violation. The text accuses Israel of purposely targeting civilians, which is a war crime, but there’s no video of that.








Israel explicitly targets civilians/civilian infrastructure and uses disproportionate retaliation. Both are war crimes. And what part of the conditions in Gaza don't violate human rights? Literally an open air prison.


And none of that is shown in this video




salt capable north history offer unused theory fuzzy distinct wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, Hamas would have just slaughtered them if it was reversed tbh


When you don’t learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. Anyone that defends the IDF and the current Israeli leadership is a morally corrupt person.


Ooooh nooo, they made them stand in a open field, in UNDERWEAR? Nooo the atrocities


"And has been accused of committing field exectuions".....on civilians...




With no proof or evidence attached, you know kinda like how some people will claim a celebrity or politician sexually harassed them just to hurt their reputation cuz they don't like them or something


As stated to another, I highly doubt this sole video is the reason for an investigation. Also, would am investigation be HELPFUL if these truly are false accusations? The fact people are arguing against an investigation is weird to me. I'd much rather people investigation accusations and hold those accountable if need be? Weird take imo.


I don't know of many people encourage investigations where they know or believe there's nothing be investigated.


The issue here is they don't know, they simply *want* to believe it. It's no different than anyone else who wouldn't want their homeland, people, etc to be the "bad guys". I guess I get it, but I wish people (humans in general) were better at just being...idk? Accountable? Not that there is anything (that we can prove/know in this video) to hold accountable to yet outside accusations and information we may not have. It would still be nice to be able to investigate human rights violations accused on ANY country. Even more so when there are so many distasteful videos that go beyond war and are direct conflicts of existence between the two countries.




Stereotypical logic from religious terrorist groups. Perform acts of terror and act surprised why they get punished.


Just curious what is the point of creating a list of war crimes if no one in the world is willing to stop them from happening


“Likewise, prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults and public curiosity” Geneva convention. Artical 13. https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-treatment-prisoners-war


How ironically disgusting that Jews now commit the same atrocities the nazi once perpetrated against them. "Never again! ... Except if we get to do it to other people, of course: then it's ok."


Good to see the hasbara showed up to downvote any anti-zionist sentiment


They wanna be nazis so bad


Israelis are nazis. Plain and simple.


The world is watching. History will remember and judge accordingly.


"They've put us on concentration camp so why can't we do it too? We are the victim here, its just self defense" - israel


Is that like a 10 and 12 year old boy there in the group!?


Man I just finished an article that described in gruesome details how hamas raped and killed Israeli women, but these people sitting in a square are the problem?




[https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.JU0.6aXM.rRwppB-XGo\_4&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html?unlocked_article_code=1.JU0.6aXM.rRwppB-XGo_4&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) ​ But no, clearly, the people sitting in a square is way worse. /s


Yeah, Hamas is shit, Israel is worse and the Palestinian innocents are the victim. There is no team Hamas or Team Israel, there is recognizing both of those groups are bad and the Palestinians are suffering. These rapings and killings are exactly why Israel funded Hamas, they are aggressive and would eventually retaliate so Israel could kill and claim victim


Is this sub just posts about Israel now?


Wheres the evidence of executions?


More propaganda 🤷‍♂️


Y'all. Today I saw someone complain that there are too many Israel posts here. What do you think? Should we stop sharing the failures of genocidal maniacs?


Never stop exposing them




Brought to you by the letters:HAMAS…. It must be true


This Halloween. I want to go as: “🔻”


They have a suicide bomber problem in the Islamic world, with Palestinians. Hence the striping of prisoners. That’s not pro Israel and anti Palestinian, it’s a fact and it’s why they do it.


Start a war, then, become the victim. It all needs to stop. Picking sides is ridiculous and mostly political, especially if you don't have a pony in this race, it just needs to stop. War is dirty business, if you don't want it, don't start it.


You can’t compare this to the nazi and holocaust. You just can’t.


Anything else on this sub other than Palestinian propaganda videos? 🙄


![gif](giphy|9MImM8x3OFnQ9DaQwb) Me reading these comments


Ok. This sub is getting overly political I feel...


These posts are such a stretch for this sub


And westerns really wonder, why many Palestinians support hamas?? lol


Average Redditer but do we know this is real or just more hamas propaganda




To claim they are not funded and equipped by the American government


The silver lining? Too stupid to not film the horrors they are committing.


So, where are the war crimes? Are they in another video or something?!?!


History repeating itself:


Yo chill this shits getting old


You've been banned from r/combatfootage for assuming Muslims are people


Hm. Jews die from holocaust. Jews create their own holocaust? Make it make sense.


OH THIS STARTED ON OCTOBER 7TH???? Somebody should let the Palestinians that the last 80 years didn't count


The worst part is the things we don't see. I can't imagine all the things Israel is doing without cameras.


For those saying this is normal for military or prisons , did you see at 40 seconds, the children among them? It is december and in winter, despite the sun it is around 15°c or around 60° F .


Investigating? Possible war crimes? Are they just choosing not to watch the daily videos I see posted of IDF killing or mistreating Palestinians as if they were a school yard bully with immunity because their Father is the Principal. It’s just embarrassing.


They are nothing more than modern day Hitlers.


This makes this whole conflict so complicated. Hamas commits war crimes and Israel commits them back. They both have a legitimate claim to the land and they both won't accept each other's narrative.


The Israeli army are no better than Russia.






So when the uUN discovers war crimes are they going to do nothing? Just like every other war crime.


That's because Hamas are terrorists.




OP is such a propagandist....


Not a war crime if they’re unlawful combatants, they’re being treated exactly how they should be treated.


Huh, this seems oddly familiar, hmmmmm.


Hey Israel isn’t the one gang raping women but sure 🤷🏻‍♀️








No you misunderstand they’re all Hamas this is perfectly fine :) (Sarcasm, fuck Israel)


Israel is a fascist state


This looks familiar. I guess Jews took notes in case they got to be on the other side of genocide.


You know that in the middle east there is a lot of suicide bombers right? What is your solution to prevent that?


“Possible” war crime? There’s no doubt they’re doing it.


It's so bizarre this is happening.


Oct 7th was the day Hamas offered the perfect excuse for this to happen. What did they try to accomplish there? I know it was bad before but it's much worse now. Israel hit back with everything and many world potencies are turning the blind eye because they are "defending themselves". Where's Hamas to protect their people now that they kicked a hornets' nest?




I hope they suffer every second in the hell, like rubber their skin shall melt in an eternal cycle, and then we ask hell are you full, it says is there more ? https://preview.redd.it/uoq1xql8ha9c1.jpeg?width=389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f427e4ecd85f8d03547ac5b1bd7157c3dc73af14 Free Palestine




All that’s missing are the small buildings to lead them into… Never to be seen again.