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Nah uh, totally not a fascist oligarchy. Democracy




There are tier systems here in usa. Thing is this... minorities understand very very well this tier systems. But the rest don't. When shown these injustices they reject them outright. They believe in the ideal of freedoms that don't actually exist.


People prefer to believe the lie- than to understand they’ve been lied to.


And that's why Trump still has voters even after everything that's been going on rn. People don't like to admit they've been conned, so they double down.


Expect history to be rewritten to make sure nobody was conned, should this trend continue. I mean we've got this shit right now where people basically say "so what, everyone does it" when confronted with their criminal activities


Shark Tank Kevin


They dont think its a lie. They just think theyre the protected class. They think it only happens to minorities and it happens because minorities deserve it. They think they're among the millionaires/billionaires circle in the venn diagram.


It's far easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they have been fooled.


What tier does that make Israel?


Shit. Shit-tier....


Israeli citizens get free healthcare, while American citizens get to pay for their military.


Honest question; how do Americans (and I appreciate how broad that is) feel seeing this? I'm from the UK so the contrast between how your police/government operates state by state is kinda lost on me, I've only visited Florida and New York. In Europe (I'm looking at you, France) this kinda thing would be cause for revolution over how funding for the police is being spent if nothing else, especially when compared to the response of the cops in Ulvade (sp?) which I'm seeing comparisons made to constantly. Edit: this got a lot more replies than I anticipated, thank you to everyone who took the time to give their thoughts.


As an American born and raised in Maryland (most non-Americans don't know where that is, so the state that gave up land for Washington DC) I'm disgusted by footage like this. There was absolutely ZERO need for the police to use force like this, and honestly, police presence in terms of a protest should only be to counter violence or illegal activity.


Texas likes to talk about freedom this and we're so great, but it's pioneering the "make everyone a criminal" part of the plan currently. I just left Texas. Born and raised. What the elite have figured out is that if we can just make everyone have a criminal past, even if just a minuscule one, then we can force them into shitty work conditions just to survive and control their outcomes. If that person is a threat we can even charge with felonies that remove their right to vote, i.e. assaulting an officer with a camera as he's being thrown to the ground because the camera fell from his hands and grazed the officers shoulder. Texas is getting to the point where they don't care who it is, but you're going to do it the "Texas way" or face consequences. The "Texas way" being the major question here.


Don't forget that Texan is the second largest by prison population, state with private owned and operated prisons, and those owners are big lobbyists, donating more that $2.1M to republican candidates in 2020. Google it.


That's the thing about Austin, though... and if you've never experienced it, then you wouldn't know. Austin is the most *non Texas thing* in Texas. So when I saw STATE TROOPER on those vests, it pretty much explains things.


Texas likes to talk about freedom and then lives in neighborhoods with HOAs where they let some dork tell them what color they can paint their front door.


And don't forget, while we are arguing amongst ourselves over this BS the robber barons are working to invalidate the Labor Relations BOard and removing any protections or avenue of help employees may have.


Texas is a Nazi state, its run by fascist it should be no surprise that this happens there or any other Red state. What should be alarming is when it happens in a Blue state. With that said, Blue states NY & CA has some very Nasty cop problems as does WA. There is a reason I don't do protests, because people don't understand that this is not a free country and the pigs are used as if we were a police state.. Your freedom in this country directly relates to the size of your bank account. If you have a big enough bank account to defend yourself then you have freedom, if you don't then the govt can step all over you simply because you can't "pay" to defend yourself in a court of law.. Nothing screams this more than how slow the wheels of justice have turned against Trump. In fact the FBI had to be embarrassed by the House to even start to do their fucking job. Then what did they do? Mostly nothing it's been left to the states to deal with it.. Absolutely NOTHING happened to Trump and his enablers for J6th other than the pawns going to jail for a few weeks or months because they weren't rich enough to not get charged. Meanwhile no Federal case against Trump for J6... The Documents cases is a joke the way our Federal prosecutors is allowing the Judge (a Trump supporter) to throw that case away..


And, regardless of what the supreme court rules on the "immunity" case, the heist has already been pulled, simply by delaying the cases until post-election


Texas lawyer here. I agree with a lot of this. Your rights are directly tied to whether you can afford to enforce them.


The thing is, most(80-90%) of Americans don't see this. They're either too busy with their lives, or just checked out of caring at all. Among the rest of us, its unfortunately kinda split 50/50 between being (rightfully)appalled vs thinking something like "that'll show them commies" or "satan and the liberals are coming for the children"


Makes me sick too and you are right. They've got all of us hating each other. It's not just left and right either. We are fractured on class, race, religion, gender and region. There will always be a huge number of people happy that someone is getting abused by the state because that person is from an "enemy" group. I don't think enough of us will ever wake up from this and realize that we have been divided deliberately to the benefit of the .1 percent.


This! Couldn't agree more. It is so disheartening to see how few people understand this, the deliberate division. We the people have so much more power than most realize. We so greatly outnumber these corrupt organizations,, we could shut down anything quickly if we all came together on a matter. The ease with which they are able to cause derision among us saddens me deeply. People's fears and insecurities being used against them to keep them in a weakened position, it makes me sick.


And it's that split is precisely why no political action will happen about this. Half the population doesn't think about the protest being violently shut down as a free speech violation, because they've been brainwashed into believing that Israel=good just like America=good, and these protestors must be Hamas (or commies/arabs/others who=bad in their minds) who had it coming for being there. The rest of America's population is just too brainwashed or subdued by poverty and the subsequent need to compete in the rat race for survival to care about doing anything about this.


This pisses me off. We need a serious nationwide effort to rid police departments of violent, trigger-happy, fascist goons like these. There are good cops who've read and understand (and appreciate) the bill of rights, and then there are the ones you see here, who should be unemployed.


Literally the only time the cops can be bothered to get off their asses is to defend fascism.


Thr problem (and I'm saying this as a very pro union person) is police unions which were exempted from all the union busting over the last 60 years. Any attempt to rid a department of facists or reform their culture and the union calls for a soft strike where the beat cops all still show up to work and collect pay checks, but literally stop doing their job and just let street crime rise to get the public afraid and upset. This pressures politicians to abandon the effort. When crime goes up due to lack of enforcement, the general public begins to reject reforms seen as "soft on crime," which is the stupidest term. This should be labeled "smart on crime" and "preserving American liberty and freedom" If we treated police unions like teachers' unions, there'd be so much less shit like this. And what's more enfuriating is teachers' unions, like nursing unions, actually serve to make their work places work better for the public as a whole while police unions do the opposite... and the one that was exempt from all the neutering was the only union that needed neutering. (Probably because the police unions originally stood with the teachers and nurses during the protests against union busting which scared the facist politicians so they made sure the police were exempt to keep their boots on the side of facism).


It's outrageous. And we do have a history in the US of mass protests and riots against the police. Although those almost always flare up because of police brutalizing and murdering people after long periods of abuse. The specific triggering incident is usually a final straw. There is also the "defunding " movement. Our policing is a bad system. There is no policing by consent philosophy like in the UK. We started with the Peelian philosphy borrowed from the UK, but it didn't survive. Cops in the US largely exist to arrest criminals. They have no legal duty to protect people. They are public servants in paycheck only. I'm not in the All Cops Are Bad camp. There are instances of cops doing it right, including busting dirty cops when they could have easily swept it under the rug. But there is a ton of corruption, bias, and just incompetence. It is hard to fix because it is wrong at the root and it isn't like you can just hit a reset button and start over. We also use cops to handle things they shouldn't. Mental health intervention is a very obvious issue. I know a guy who got tased in his own house during a manic episode because they sent cops to do a "welfare check." He wasn't a threat to anyone. He definitely needed care and they took him to the hospital instead of arresting him. But when he wouldn't go voluntarily they used force.


> Honest question; how do Americans (and I appreciate how broad that is) feel seeing this? I feel it's really shitty. I really wish the US could care less about this conflict in general, but to see cops doing this to student protesters is awful. I'd be more understanding of the gov side if it was a real riot with people damaging others' homes and communities, but this is just students protesting on some campus fairgrounds. We often like to boast about freedoms but it really just depends where you are for what freedoms you got. I'd imagine in Texas you have more freedom of speech than, say, a Cali city, but if you dare say something bad against our deranged dog Israel you will certainly have pushback from Texas gov't. For some reason our elected officials love Israel more than they do America.


I live in small town, Ohio. Stuff like this feels totally foreign and surreal. These things just don't happen around here. If they did maybe the police would be just as bad, but I couldn't say. I think there is a major disconnect in America that allows someone like me to watch this and initially feel like it has no bearing on my life whatsoever. I know it's risky for me to say this, and maybe I'll get downvoted, but I and most Americans can "comfortably" watch this like it's a movie or TV show that has no impact on our actual reality. We'll just continue on our day to day life saying "that's crazy but I'm glad it will never happen in *this* part of America." That's pretty bad to say, right?


No it's not bad to say. I wish other people would have this kind of honesty. It's only when you admit to the truth can you reconcile it. Austin has a lot of protests, in general. This is very heavy handed reaction to a college protest. The kids agenda was to sit around and sing and chant. They had art breaks scheduled. Really benign stuff. Nobody deserved this. I don't care if they advocated for baby eating on the lawn. There's no reason force should be used on them. Anyway, Austin loves a good protest. I am sure more people will come out because they're beating up students.


Oh I understand and know of the tier system. I may be white but I'm on the lowest tier when it comes to wealth. My freedom as illusion because it's only guaranteed when you have the money to exercise that freedom


Lots of us here that don't claim Texas.


What? The only place on earth to twice declare independence solely for the purpose of owning other humans is not your freedom poster child?  I'm shocked


Unfortunately, the people in Texas indeed think they are the poster child for America without the slightest bit of self-awareness that they've become caricatures of themselves.




The BLM protests showed that it happens everywhere. Cops are assholes, by and large. The "trap and detain" tactic used by New York cops comes to mind... they herded them all onto a bridge and then arrested them all because they couldn't get away.


I think the George Floyd protests woke a lot of people up. In every city and even small communities, we saw police brutality with our own eyes. Unfortunately there’s a lot of people who are brainwashed by the “blue lives matter” cult that sees cops as untouchable heroes who risk their lives every day to protect, not realizing that the police are nothing more than weapons for the state.


Happens in every state


I'd wager it's happened most places, planetwide, throughout time.


Land of the free, except for HOAs and jaywalking. ^^^^and ^^^^all ^^^^the ^^^^way ^^^^more ^^^^serious ^^^^shit ^^^^of ^^^^course


Land of the free (if you're wealthy)


They also tend to then claim they are free to own guns to prevent the government from oppressing them. However, if the cops can kill you for carrying a gun without consequences for them, you are not really free, are you?


Also their law enforcement is on edge and trigger happy, solely because they assume everyone they encounter is carrying a weapon. It's a false sense of security where they think everyone should own a gun, but everyone owning a gun is why they're not safe.


you don't hear from the ones that hate this fucking country. freedoms my ass.


I can't imagine that's even a teeny bit true.


Every time?


Freedom of speech when it comes to harassment and hate. Freedom of the police to whoop your ass when it comes to peaceful protests against the governments support of war crimes. 'Merica!!


actual oligarchy confirmed by Cambridge in 2014. Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/major-study-finds-that-the-us-is-an-oligarchy-2014-4


Thanks for linking that. I knew it was true, but it was still weird and sad to see it spelled out.


Well atleast we don't suppress dissenting protesters like china does to Hong-Kong 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅😁😁😁😁 /s


Wait, weren't y'all supposed to be like the arch rivals of Russia and China with totally opposing ideologies and all that?




In Russia you get arrested for protesting Russia's genocidal war but in US you get arrested for protesting Israel's genocidal war. See, totally not the same.


Completely unlike Russia, of course.


this clip could have easily been mistaken for russian police stopping protesters if they had different uniforms and spoke russian, but this will be called anything but violent censorship.


Freedom of assembly? Not in America, buddy.


Greg Abbott is stomping all over the first amendment.


Abbott doesn't strike me as much of a stomper.


“Don’t roll on me!”


Still a tread. "Tread on me harder daddy"


Greg Abbott is shitting prune juice on the first amendment.


Not like it takes effort from him he just empties his diaper or bag.


The only thing he expends effort upon is pretending to be a human being.




Seems more of a goose stepper tbh


Abbott signed a law in 2019 to protect free speech in college campuses https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/86R/billtext/html/SB00018I.htm


Lol. That law looks like a way to force schools to have Republican politicians with insane views give speeches on campus


Did you actually read it?


I did. From news reports, it appears that while there may have been some disruption, it isn't rising to the levels of §1(c). If anything, the police appear to be instigating the disruption, and so a court using the Act should toss out many of the cases police charge protestors, or journalists, with.


lol, good luck getting Texas judges to do anything to help citizens on the left of the political spectrum.


/r/austin mods helping out by squashing any post about this


5 of the top 15 posts are about the protest. What is being squashed?


Only 2A in Texas.


Rolling all over it? Being pushed over it by his wet nurses?


Those people choose to listen to his instruction.


Fascism at its finest. The USA is no place for truth.


Third world country with a grade A marketing team for its elite.


As a European having lived in NYC for half a year in 2010 I have been saying this a lot lately and wonder if there’s actual truth to it, like what exactly constitutes a second world country? The divide between rich and poor is huge, no proper public health system leading to people dying from the most basic shit, a LOT of people can’t afford their daily lives and live on the streets, widespread openly visible drug problems, massive numbers of violent crime,… or am I just too deep in the Reddit bubble?


Not to mention the highest prison population in the world followed a long way behind is Russia.


The land of the free has the least amount of free people.


*Land of the free? Whoever told you that is your enemy.* [insert spankin' Tom Morello riff]


Well, we had to get our slaves back somehow! /s in case that wasn't clear enough


Almost no regulation on anything important. A culture that increasingly is promoting ignorance, combined with extreme nationalism


So I looked this up some time ago. The first/second/third world country thing used to refer to a country's involvement in the cold war. First world countries refer to countries who are aligned with the Western bloc, and this was led by the USA. Second world are countries aligned with the eastern bloc and this was led by the Soviet Union. Third world countries have little to no involvement with either of those groups and this was led by India. So the phrase basically started to lose its original meaning after the cold war ended, and it slowly started being used to refer to developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, which I guess makes sense because they wouldn't have any stakes in the cold war. Now the phrase is pretty much outdated and it comes with a lot of stereotypes "baggage" when used. To me, it feels like someone is saying the word "barbarian". In regards to your question about the second world country, we rarely hear about it post cold war because of the fall of the Soviet Union. However, if we used the original political definition, they would be countries that favored communism. Edit: previously I said the original definition of second world countries favoured socialism, when it's actually communism.


*…countries that favored *communism.* Communism =/= socialism.


A second world country is one that was allied with the Soviet Union during the cold war. It's not a metric of development, quality, or levels of freedom...


Gucci belt bought on a credit card.


We just sent 17 BILLION dollars to Israel. Our tax money is supporting a genocide. We are buying the bombs that are being dropped on hospitals full of civilians and kitchens full of aid workers. If we try and use our freedom of speech to protest we get violently arrested. America.


Texastan is in no way representative of the whole USA.


This is Texas. Texas is...Texas. Texas is in the USA. But the USA is not Texas.


Who would have thought? Right? Nobody was saying it for the past 10 years that america is turning fascist ! /s


They're all so goddamn big and bad when they're tossing around journalists or arresting parents of kids who got shot, but we will NEVER forget them standing around while children were being murdered for a fucking hour


But they did bravely prevent anyone else from stepping up and helping. Such heros.


Texas cops really are the bravest. 


Did you see how bad ass their patches and phone cases were. The Punisher would be a proud boy if he could see how cops like to wear his logo


>but we will NEVER forget them standing around while children were being murdered for a fucking hour Actually, the people of Uvalde DID forget because they reelected the people involved.


That’s insane to me. I have 0 skin in the game and still nothing infuriates me quite like those videos of them standing around BULLSHITTING while you hear bullets FLYING into children in the background, and to look tough they’re tackling and arresting parents who might have been able to save their child


I remember one video of a cop standing in the Uvalde school hallway fucking off scrolling on his phone had the caption added: The sound of children screaming has been removed from this video to protect the mental health of our audience. That caption alone fucked me up. And to put that over a video of a cop clearly ignoring the sounds of children dying 30 feet away from him? Infuriating does not even begin to cover that.


3 possiblities come to mind from that: 1. Corrupt government - doesn't matter who you voted for because those in charge decided they won already anyway. 2. Inaccessible polls - can't lose if they can't vote. It's the Republican way! 3. Majority of voters are boomers who watch Fox News and fall for their scare tactics.


The people of Uvalde are a more gun deranged than America on average. They want guns. They don't care if children got shot.


The most moral police force


Israel is also targeting journalists. They really don’t want the truth of what’s happening out there. Same with the deep horizon oil platform blowout. Remember how they cut off all news or coverage of that? ( specifically if the beach), not the heli shots or the underwater oil spewing). It was very limited to those types of footage. Our govt is as fucked up as Israel. Oh wait, we are paying for them to kill journalists right?




Oh no… not just included. They are the targets! And in Israel they often kill the whole family, or target them when they are solely the only person around. I’ve watched so many videos from Gaza showing this is the truth. I think it’s over 200 killed now ( don’t quote me on that tho). It’s high…very high. Putin has also killed a bunch. It’s the same person but different bodies ya know? ( Putin, Netenyahu …Biden ? )




Ok. Same as in Russia. Don’t expose anything or out the window you go!


> Remember how they cut off all news or coverage of that? no


Were the majority of Reddit just too young when Horizon happened? Yes, at first there was not a huge amount of video (maybe because it was an oil rig in the middle of the sea) but after a short while it was wall-to-wall coverage of deploying booms, hourly updates on shut-off attempts, rightly lambasting BP execs and updates on surrounding natural environments.


Dude deep water was wall to wall for months then Hollywood made a movie about it. Of all the things to pick you chose that? There was a damn ticker on cnn counting the leak until the second well was dug.


Saying that there was news coverup on Deep Horizon is nuts. I worked at just an affiliate station at the time but they reported on it and showed the clip of miles of dead fish on every single news broadcast. CNN ran a constant counter or how much oil was being pumped into the ocean too.


Wow. America, land of the free?


Land of the fee


Land of the fleas.


Lord of the flies.




They were free to GET THE HELL BACK TO WORK!


Whoever told you that is your enemy.


Kinda ironic that the states which seem to pride themselves on firearm rights, calling for civil war, and the like, they also seem to have the most abusive government actors.


I always wonder what would happen if a women, gay or Black self defense group came to U of T exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights to bear arms? I wonder what Texans would say?


Would be interesting for sure. There are many growing LGBT groups that seem to be arming themselves. Personal fave is the “pink pistols.”


I always think how many lives could have been saved during genocides if only the people were armed to protect themselves against their government?


Bit complex of a theory there. In many cases people were armed or had resistance groups. Most genocides throughout history had years if not decades of gradual buildup.


I feel like most Americans have been far too comfortable for far too long. I do not want war at all. However, I have study war, geocide and etc. in college. The first few pages of my history textbooks are already repeating themselves right now. I guess why the people in power want to shut down higher education is to have a cheap labor force that needs a job to survive and people who cannot think for themselves to realize just how badly we are being ripped off here. So we are easier to control. Thoughts? Thanks.


There are certainly frightening similarities. Main thing to do is stay up to date and vote.


Same thing that happened with the Black Panthers. Suddenly massive regulation is needed.


Look up the black panthers in California. God-Emperor Ronald Regan, champion of conservative principles, made the most robust gun control the country had ever seen in California to combat self arming of minorities To answer your question, hypocrisy is not something they’d shy away from. The right to bear arms (or the strategic restrictions of it) have always and will be a weapon of white supremacy


Look up Tulsa 1921 for your answer


When that happened with the black panthers in California, Ronald Reagan rushed to have strict gun rights implemented.


Hey no one claimed they were a smart bunch of folks.




You're goddamn right.


All day.


Even your dad if he's a cop.


especially my dad bra


Even Paw Patrol


Abbott $hits all over the U.S. Constitution by sending in his Brown Shirts


I hope they learn what happen to the Nazi Brown Shirts when Hitler came to power and got rid of them all in order to consulate his power.


Fascists have only one endgame. Power. Fascists will use everyone to gain power without regard to anyone else.


Mussolini had a slightly different endgame. All he wanted, by the end, was a rope swing in the town square. May every fascist share his goals.


[This is what happened. You're correct.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives)


That is what I learn in college. No wonder why the state wants to shut down higher education by all means sadly. I am creating an underground school to teach history. It is not much but it is the best I can do.


Why do students always get fucked?! Same happened in Mexico and again in Mexico, China and other countries. Has this script NOT been over used? The matrix sucks sometimes. 😔


Students are taught to question things. This is what happens when they start questioning things. Especially if it's really wrong. Beatings will continue until morale improves. I just hope the crack down doesnt get worse. Already the narrative is these protests are anti-semitic, then it's starting to become that these protesters are pro-hamas. All false. The next step of the misinformation chain is that these protestors are actually terrorist. Once that false narrative cements, these cops are going to start using the ammo cases that they have stashed on their stomach. This was a peaceful gathering and the politicians are escalating it.


Too blatant. They just arrest them, give them a criminal record, then they can't vote, can't rent, can't get a job, and then the streets kill them off after one bad winter.


...or get them started early on that record thanks to an in-school "safety" officer. An easy start to a lifelong prison career and forced labor!


4 dead in ohio


Gotta get down to it


They're the only demographic that *can* protest. They have no responsibilities. If a plumber from new jersey wants to protest, he's got a family, job, mortgage, etc to think about. College students can plan it in an afternoon and have nothing else change. It's kind of by design at this point. Remember we can't cross state lines to "riot" anymore. And it doesn't matter if you went to *protest*, if it turns into a *riot*, you have now committed a felony.


Is there a longer video of this angle? Police say he shoved a police officer and that's what triggered this response but I haven't seen it. I can't imagine the guy can see too well when he's holding a camera on his shoulder. I'm guessing police bumped in to him, then blamed him for it. But the editing on this video is not helping.


Yeah. I’m sure the guy holding a giant expensive camera on his shoulder was shoving Reaaaaly hard at police. Probably with both hands too.


Yeah I know. I really like the way the officer holds his right hand as he's falling so he can't even try to brace for hitting the ground, and the other guy throws him down. It's kind of sad when you see people having more respect for each other in the street fight subs, when folks try to protect someone head of someone they were just fighting or hold them when they are falling unconscious so they don't get injured. But you get these "protect and serve" folks who don't even pretend to show compassion. But I guess if they've watched the 90s documentary "True Lies" about an American spy, they know the camera man could have a gun hidden in the camera and could pull it out at any second and shoot them. >https://youtu.be/disS0fs4rA0?si=15Std2VtWahX743d&t=4


People in street fights will protect the other fighter because nobody wants to catch a murder charge over a fight. Police in abuse situations go for as much damage as possible because they know they'll never catch that murder charge.


Here is a longer video https://twitter.com/nicksortor/status/1783272948289216895




I read he bumped into one. Not shoved.


When you describe it, it reminded of a high school. You are talking with your friends and aren't paying attention and you accidentally bump this huge guy. You apologize, and he claims you bumped into him and then you are shoved to the ground. He is a bully and these POS are also bullies.


Where's that? Russia?


No somewhere they call land of the free. LMAO


Texas 💀


Not surprised in that shithole called Texass.


Jackboots hard at work


If you told republicans this was footage from China, they would decry the fascist ocerreach of power. But since it's happening in a republican state, this is just perfectly fine and acceptable. Hypocritical, fascist, anri free speech ass wipes, the lot of them.


Did someone mention gun Control in Texas?


Fuck Texas. I'm so ashamed to be from here now. I used to be so proud. Now, I WILL NOT die in Texas. I will not raise my children here. It truly is disgusting what it's become.


Land of the free


What freedom does the USA actually have?


Freedom to work for a shit wage and get accosted by police


Fucking awesome, I'm moving there 🧳💼


Freedom to go fucking bankrupt for getting sick.  Freedom to get shot to death and have people defend the shooter's "rights." Freedom to have no guaranteed vacation or sick time at work.  Freedom to pay more taxes than the wealthiest of the wealthy.  Freedom to be forced onto the street and have your very existence criminalized.  I can go on...


Freedom to suck Israel cock


The freedom to work or to starve.


This is that freedom Americans keep going on about.


Freedom of the Press. Denied their constitutional rights. A federal crime.


Give the people what they paid for! I'm sure all these students parents pay taxes. Show them what money can buy!


I'm glad my tax dollars help these fat fucks larp as military. Someone should have said there was a school shooting. These pussies would have never showed up.


According to the conservative CATO Institute's "Freedom in the 50 States" study, here's the list of US states with least personal freedoms: Texas (50) Idaho (49) Wyoming (48) Kentucky (47) South Carolina (46) Further details here: [https://www.freedominthe50states.org/personal](https://www.freedominthe50states.org/personal)


four dead in ohio. (texas)


But... What is this about?


Students protesting a USA backed genocide.


These men aren’t just licking to boot, they’re sucking it’s cock, there’s a special place in the next life for soulless bots


Fascist pigs


Right wing America for you.


Another camera man captures the camera man


Can someone tell me what the protest were about?


Our governments role in aiding Israels genocide against the Palestinian people.


College students want their college to divest from industries that profit from conflict in Israel/Palestine


Specifically they don't want the colleges they pay for to have contracts with companies profiting from the war.


Which country in the Middle East did this occurred?




Land of the free!




Land of the free


No use resisting when youre living in the land of the free free to control your mind, land of the free. Land of the free, united nation of hypocrisy Free to control your life, conspire your destiny I already know what youre gonna say, theres no use resisting when youre living in the land of the free I say this as veteran, youre all living in a lie and youre all guilty of it. I also wanna say Rammstein said it best, youre all living in America: Mcdonalds, Coca Cola, Big Corp. edit:  the average American could not identify a single Supreme Court Justice, could not say who was the Vice-President of the United States, could not identify our three branches of government, and could not find Iraq/Israel on a map. America is 44th in the world in acceptance of evolution, behind Turkey. I doubt that most Americans could tell you who was President when they were born


Free to die of poverty while your government engulfs the world in war and terror


Guys, did you know that in China ...


Holyshit! Russians really are brutal, aren't they.... Oh wait