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Fuck those guys.


*deport those guys We're not an apartheid state, which you can see makes them uncomfortable. They would be happier in their "homeland".


I'd say do something far worse to them.


Well well well


*lights a cigar


Yeah but they would have to fight in the army if they lived in israel.


Seriously. I don't even see them as Jewish or whatever, they're just predators harassing women. They should be on the ground with their faces scraping the concrete while they're being cuffed.


The early Zionists chastised the religious Jews that experienced anti-Judaism in Europe and didn't fight back. They dehumanized them as cowards and animals that didn't fight back as they were abused and their women raped by gangs of Europeans during these pogroms. Zionism is born out of a self-hating, nationalist ideology that essentially agrees with the sentiments of Europe's anti-Judaism that Jews were a weak, ugly, pitiful, loathsome people, and that Zionists were going to be the exception of that. They were going to be strong, handsome, übermenschlich by emulating their European oppressors. The widespread racism we see today towards muslim, brown, and black people across western societies, institutions of power, academia, private sector, etc. is much like the ubiquitous anti-Judaism of Europe. So these zionists are quite much in the same tradition as the brownshirts who attacked, harassed, and intimidated Jews.




fuck you, you anti-semitie fuck. Their jewishness has nothing to do with their racist, Zionist fuckary. This bullshit is why Zionist and their bought politicians can just dismiss actual criticism of Israel as anti-semetic. These cunts being jewish has as much, if not less, to do with their bullshit as my being American has to do with Bidens support of Israel's genocide.


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Fuck those guys and fuck Israel


Imagine if it was a Jewish woman being hounded by pro Palestinians. This would be front page news all over the country. The double standards are appalling.


Sort of like the George Floyd killing vs The Justine Damond killing by a black cop?


George Floyd wasn't shot. But yes, police extrajudicial killings should all be condemned and punished no matter what the victim looks like.


The uh, George Floyd shooting? Did I miss something?


Yeah, he came back and this time they just shot him on sight.


Someone/people would be shot very quickly


She would have been correct, justified; and encouraged to pepper spray or taze that fuck And if it was a perfect world that’s textbook stand your ground stuff. “I’m literally in your face, that’s right” Your honor, the defense rests.


Nazis gotta Nazi


Is that really enough to shoot someone? Asking for a friend xD


In the Gunshine state absolutely You can chase and kill a minor that’s running away from you armed with a pack of skittles


Well, not all minors.. Only certain ones


Coal miners?


Dude that's completely fucked up. Seen the precise description of that example, I'm really hoping you have just a good imagination and that no poor kid got killed like that but I've seen enough crazy shit to know better.




(Trayvon Martin)


Yeah. About that.


Unfortunately that was very much a real life example.


Gunshine state. 🤣🤣🤣


In Texas, if I reasonably believe her life is in danger, I can shoot him. Using America's racist history, I can definitely determine her life is in danger.


No, and thats not what was said. Pepper spray/taxing is ordinary force. Shooting someone is deadly force, which is not legally justified here.


Cops probably join in


I would bet they are police, at least they have the attitude


That's "my buddy's a cop so you better check yourself" energy. They couldn't pass the exam to become a CO but know someone who did.


Cops doing nothing to prevent a crime? I'm shocked. It's like they only subdue protests and issue fines.




If we’re simply going by numbers Israel’s disproportionate response to Oct 7, justifies about five more attacks at least. /s


literally the argument zionists make all the time. if israel has been making a proportunate response to october 7th what is a proportunate response to the last 212 days?


It's an endless cycle each side can make a rationale to inflict assymetrical violence on the other side from decades of conflict.


the problem is one side is like a million children with no military or statehood who have been surviving under complete occupation and oppression their entire lives and the other has the support of the most powerful countries on the planet to commit totally unbridled genocide. with that context oct 7th is a scrape on the toenail of a gigantosaurus. the asymmetry is entirely one sided.


Judging all Muslims by Oct 7th is just stupid. I bet those guys would start crying immediately if you lumped them in to something bad Israel did (which you have a LOT to choose from). Judging the many over the actions of the few is no way to go through life, son.


That will be lumped as antisemitism, you will lose your job, and will have to publicly apologize to gain any social status back.


The cops didn’t intervene because some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses.


we need RATM right now


What a fuck'd up religion to support. Not surprised that the racist frat boys would pick that side.


It's not the religion. It's the zionist beliefs. Judaism has nothing to do with these fucks pushing their genocidal zionism nazi shit. They just use the fact that they're Jewish as ammo against anyone who disagrees with them. Same shit as a Christian influencing national policy by using the bible, and saying anyone who disagrees is a satanist.


They are quite divided on their support for Israel.


People are tribalistic. Most people will side with their “tribe” regardless of the situation. Religion has nothing to do with it. Myanmar has been ethnic cleansing and committing genocide against the Rohingya for the past several years. Myanmar is Buddhist and the Rohingya are Muslim. I wouldn’t say Buddhism is a fucked up religion yet their Buddhist population supports their government. > According to UN reports, over 700,000 people fled or were driven out of Rakhine State, and took shelter in neighbouring Bangladesh as refugees as of September 2018 >A study which was conducted in January 2018 estimated that the military and the local Rakhine population killed at least 25,000 Rohingya people and perpetrated gang rapes and other forms of sexual violence against 18,000 Rohingya women and girls. They estimated that 116,000 Rohingya were beaten, and 36,000 were thrown into fires.[22][23][24] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_genocide


Ive been reading a bit about it. Rarely in the news. Horrific stuff there, and i do see your point.


Please do your best to separate Judaism and Zionism. Judaism is a religion, Zionism is a fascist, apartheid political movement akin to nazism. If we continue to pair them together the Zionists “win”. Oh, what’s that? The Haavara Agreement? Zionists and Nazis working together to create the colonial state of Israel? Surely this Wikipedia article full of sources can’t be correct (it is): [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement)


https://preview.redd.it/tq7m5bzfstyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f87eb1371d665e6f2e136fc78050d07d61860b3 Manly Man #2


Correct pronoun would be terrorist #2


Can we doxx this guy? If I were walking down the street and observed this I'd be right up in their hostile faces. How pathetic must you be in order to harass anyone, let alone an effectively defenseless woman.


They have been https://www.instagram.com/p/C6oemNMOazb/?igsh=MXJsYTduejhtdG40dA==


gotta go to twitter.


https://preview.redd.it/xdzeofjistyc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208ad87b6978a899974b00df6733c23b267bee5e Manly Man #1


University of Austin professor, lol




Found him: Dr. Jonathan Yudelman. Professor at ASU and former idf soldier. Email [email protected] to let them know your thoughts. https://x.com/stopzionisthate/status/1787595058499215668?s=46


[looks like he is on leave now](https://www.12news.com/article/news/education/asu-faculty-member-on-leave-confrontational-video/75-3b969412-f592-4007-8584-18340c704602)


I think ASU?


What a coward stepping up to a woman like that. Little twig arms spread out as if he has big muscles. Joke of a human


Wario and waluigi


For those of you wondering how the IDF views Muslim women. Literally less than human. Worse than that, deserving of harassment. Now picture an army of these bigots, with Manifest Destiny, an unlimited access to bombs and no adherence to International law. Self defense sounds kind of sussy now, huh?


If this is how this douche acts while in the US on camera, imagine what he would be capable of when he’s in Gaza heavily armed and with complete control over the people he’s harassing. I can’t imagine.


nothing more bitchmade than an idf te**orist


IOF. They are **NOT** defensive forces. They are aggressors. Israeli Offensive Forces.


Manly men right there. Blinken is mistaken if he thinks social media is to blame for this lack of misunderstanding the narrative. These actions right here, with no sound on, speaks volumes about these people.


Blinken should have known that proproganda doesn't work anymore, information travels too fast for them to manipulate. It's not if they knew that 5k bombs would be used to wipe out families, it's why didn't they put restrictions before shaking hands and smiling about the devastation that was about to take place.


What does he get out of intimidating other people?


A two inch erection


He's Israeli; they use centimeters. Same numeral though.


Right now most Americans don't hate the Jews, but rather the Israelis.. but if they keep up shit like this they might start getting lumped in with the Zionists here.


That’s part of Israeli strategy though. Go look at pretty much every press release Netanyahu has done in English. They want to stoke fear and antisemitism in the US because the more afraid American Jews there are (specifically those that are not orthodox) the more future conscripts they get for their settler project. That’s why it’s more important than ever to emphasize the distinction between zionists and regular Jewish people.


Fucking cowards wouldn’t do that if it was a man, What a fucking joke, i’ll get back to work now to support the welfare state


It’s not enough to do lots of war crimes and genocide, you also have to be a regular asshole, too


lol I wouldn’t cry if that dude got jumped. And just to clarify, I mean that specific dude. No class or demographic of people. Just the one guy.


They weren't so tough on Oct 7. They shit their pants and ran at the sight of armed Hamas fighters. These weasels are tough dealing with unarmed women and sitting in their tanks and jetfighters.


Assault. Arrest this fuck.


Why are these guys promoting Putin's birthday?


Bunch of Zionist p*ssies going after girls that can’t do anything back. Typically how they role. Group bullying when they all look like sticks by themselves.


So brave. Big man.


Self defense applies to all, but no doubt he’d instantly turn into a cry bully and scream “anti-semitism.”


Shouldn’t we just admit that the state of Israel was a brainfart and dissolve the state and move on with our lives


This is Johnathan Yudelman a new professor at ASU. He used to teach at Harvard.


Why didn't anybody come over and knock them out? I know there are many reasons not to, but still like wtf.


Right? In America, you are free to hate on anyone you want as long as you leave them the fuck alone. In my experience, we feel pretty strongly about that.


Sure, you are free to do as you please, but it doesn't mean there won't be consequences lol.


Such badasses. 🙄


I don't get it , we see the same here in EU. Myers exporting their country's problems to another part of the world.


Israeli bullies.


This guy is a fucking coward that targets women. Am I surprised that an ex-IDF soldier would do that? Not at all.


I just love how it's totally acceptable to be an islamaphobe but criticizing a government makes you antisemitic.


One of the best ways to create an oppressive state is to turn minorities on other marginalized communities.


Man all their faces look very punchable


People that aren’t of european descent, really need to stop thinking the police are there to help them. The police are the same trash as the ones harassing these women. Of course they aren’t going to stop their buddies. Smfh.


Amazing how people just watch a grown man intimidating a woman this way. Fucking scumbags.


He won't walk up to a man like that.


Earth... what a dump




As someone who is perpetually under a rock and ignorant of what's going on in the world. I saw the guy with the yamaka. I have to ask. Are the jews the bad guys now? I legitimately have not kept up with any of the goings on in the world...


The Israelis are the bad guys, so far. If they keep this hate up it’s going to be all jews. It’s not wise to go to another country and bring your hate with you. It’s specially not wise to harass small innocent women


Thanks for putting it in terms a troglodite such as myself can understand. I had recently watched a video where jews were stealing a man's fridge and they tried to hand him the milk and he slapped it out of their hands. I was really confused.


That was hilarious 😂, they were literally walking out of his house with the fridge in front of his family. Not laughing at the man and his family but at the thought that this is happening in the 21st century.


Absolute disgusting piece of garbage


Wtf is wrong with people? I can’t believe that people can’t have an opinion without becoming animals. Is this really how you want to represent your side? I fear for America, everywhere I look it seems like they are moving backwards, degrading. Average IQ is dropping fast. The news outlets are censored, education system is crap. Life quality degrades rapidly. Meanwhile Europe seems to be moving forward and improving. Great education system, great news coverage, great life quality. If I didn’t see it for myself, I wouldn’t believe it.


Oh man, I would so get the shit kicked out of me if I saw this. I'd take at least one of those fucks with me though


dude. That looks so scary. Like wtf


Sad thing is that is a Political Theory professor at ASU


As a fellow Jew I’d love to punch these fucks in the face. Can’t be a hate crime if it’s your own ethnicity right guys?




What’s the name of the guy? Come on Reddit, do your thing.


Haven't you heard, standing against Israel is antisemitic if the police intervened they would be committing a hate crime


Typical behavior


Fuck these Zionist fucks


Nazis in yamakas


This won’t be popular but after more than 50 years on this planet I am of the opinion that, spirituality is good and religion is bad.


Getting in her space in that threatening fashion is considered assault.


These Zionists are just mad and acting out because the world now knows they’re all evil pieces of shit. Your country is currently committing genocide and land theft. Wtf are you so angry about motherfucker?! Aren’t you getting what you want??? I’m so tired of these entitled lunatics. Why isn’t his scrawny ass in Israel helping to fight Khamas? Too busy trying to fight random Muslim women in the safety of America.


IDF Brown Shirts gotta Brown Shirt.


Jews want to victims forever so bad


At the end of the day shes human…geesh dude back up


That would imply that US cops are actually competent


there are 30 times as many evangelical christian zionists than there are israli ones. just throwing that out there, might be good context for this video.


People protesting on the street are generally not interested in debate. It may appeal to you in your mind but most people want to be angry


These israelis should be arrested for doing this on American soil


Won’t see any of this in MSM where they’re hyper-focused on one group being uncomfortable.


What did she do to elicit such a vile response?


Imagine being a "pro war protester."


See now if she pulled out a shiv and started going to town she’d be in the wrong right?


Do that in front of the right people and it would've been different energy


I would’ve cracked his skull


Notice his tactics to bring up October 7th instantly to the person questioning their actions. Instead of the topic at hand of an active hate crime. . She is seeing with her own eyes, needs no evidence (which she also has) this is disgusting. Its not just this one instance either. Look at Western medias bias towards the war. Constantly filling propaganda ad spots for Israeli. Its disgusting. And the younger non-corrupt portion of American sees whats happening and knows its wrong. Unfortunately our Politicians are bought and paid for and it aint by the people they represent... Look at how they are treating our students who are peaceful trying to protest.. Like criminals. When they kno damn well who the criminals are.


Men like those are why I choose the bear lol


I hate pretty much all religions. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are definitely in the lead though. But what I hate even more are asshole harassing other people. And what I hate even more than that are asshole men harassing scared women.


Telling a Muslim to take off their mask while wearing the silly little hat is ironic to a new level


Amazing that it only took them 80 years to go from dying because of Nazis to turning into Nazis. I know it’s complicated and there’s history and bad on both sides, but killing kids and blowing up houses or stealing them while the owners are at a funeral is fucked, no matter how you try to argue it.


Funny how they act tough with women! Try doing that to the men!


What do you expect from guys who like killi ng women and children


News be like: 4 poor jewish kids victimes of hate crime by a terrorist female antisemite


Fuckin coward asses


Typical zionists.


I am so tired of seeing those bullies and aggressors.


I only ever see these fucking losers harras women and old people. They will NEVER go up to a middle aged male and start shit like this. They are pathetic scared bullies that have been sold a lie by the most evil people in the world who only care for themselves.


I'm getting sick of these nazi scum pushing people around.


I thought the West, was the bastion of women's rights




Fucking prick someone him him!


Fuck terrorist supporters


Where are the "good" and "right" politicians that care so much about discrimination and racism to stop this? Oh yeah, theyre all hypocrites.


Regardless of how you feel about the situation between Israel and Palestine, we should not allow anyone, man, woman, child, Jew, Muslim, Christian, whatever, to be followed like. It will always lead to violence. We should be better than that. We should be talking, not fighting. I realize this conflict really goes far beyond the standard “creepy guy is following me” situation but it’s still a woman being harassed by a creepy guy. That’s not ok. It wouldn’t be ok if the genders were reversed. It wouldn’t be ok if one were standing there and the other was in their face. None of the behavior from the ones causing the issues is justified. There’s always more total he story, before the camera rolls, but this just feels wrong.


Stand. Your. Ground.


Any way to identify these douchbags?


Small men


Then they’ll say white and blue lives matter !


These guys are “good” they “really” made a “difference” and definitely “aren’t prejudice”


look i can’t hear the audio rn but from the video this feels like a really funny sketch


These are the chosen people tho. Chosen for what?


Then they scream everyone is an antisemite




Damn. In my own damn country. Sickening


If i were less sane they would be stabbed


Fuck those guys but why would the police interfere they're basically just having an argument


The middle east sucks so fucking bad. There’s renegade terrorist groups that attack people and make the general populations pay for it with casualties from war. Fuck that place.


complete trash!