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What an insanely incompetent bunch of idiot loser adults








I would have volleyed it into next week!!


I would have helicoptered it from it's tail into the next county....




So long gay Bowser!


I remember just rolling the controller around until I got bored lmao


I would have rolled it up and catapulted it back to its own country






.. #Beatmeattoit oops I mean #beatmetoit


Enough monkeying around.


That’s bananas!


Rabies shot be damned, we're all in at that point. It's attacking your kid, how the fuck could you be a limp kicked loser like that is beyond me.


you remember that gag from cartoons where they are grabbed by the tail and repeatedly body slammed into the floor? yeah, that.


THANK YOU! WTF IS HE DOING!? That toddler did so great at holding on to that ladder! Toddler had ten times more instinct than that weak-ass father. *edit: spellcheck


Ladder 🪜 👍😊


dont think bro knows how badly a monkey attack can hurt you or even kill you.


Rather you than your child regardless.


I know exactly what that fur fuck can do to me. The point is I don't care. It's not going to get my child. I will put my self in harms ways at the drop a dime if it means keeping my daughter safe.


That's why it's better to let it go for your child so you can mildly annoy it with your shaky leg.


Don’t think monkeys know how badly a human attack can hurt or kill them …


Yeah they can bite and shit, but you got to use your x5 weight on the fuck and kill it. You can kneel on the fucker like an elephant and break its rib cages leg, arms, rear naked choke hold and and twist its head off. That fucking thing is not going to hurt my kid. And when the other monkeys see you murder that cunt, they will stay away.


Or swear to avenge their fallen brother


Bring it monkeys! I didn't want this war!! You started it!


Don't think bro (you) knows what it's like to be a father. 


Genes have been passed on....as a dad it doesnt matter if you get killed. As long as you protect your offspring.


I have 60kg and reach advantage


If it's that or let it keep trying to kidnap your child, do you really care?


I dont think they care too much, they had 3 other spares and they were letting them all climb ladders unsupervised for some reason


You wouldn't let a human steal your baby...


Hello me! Nice to know there's more of me. Rock on brother. Edit. Source. Have physically choked out an enraged chow threatening my 4 yr old daughter. Would've stood up and stomped it to death but my wife pointed the optics of that move were bad for little girls.


I find wives grow perturbed at the thought of having to answer questions such as “Mommy, why did daddy turn the puppy in to pulp?”


"Mommy, why did daddy lift the doggy up and body slam it into the ground ten times in a row? Why did he grab a metal pipe and start bashing its brains in while roaring like a lion? Why did daddy rip it apart with his bare hands?" "Because he loves you sweetie."


>Have physically choked out an enraged chow threatening my 4 yr old daughter. r/BrandNewSentence


Thank goodness for our wives. I've been in a similar situation and yes thank God for our wives hahah


I kicked an 83-yard punt in HS. I reckon I could kick Curious George at least 10 yards.


Grab it by the tail and swing that mfer like Mjolnir.


TBF he tried to block it with his flip flops so. Mom was not playing though, she was going to work. Coach must have had a lot of questions when they reviewed the tape.


My dude. You apparently can't even say the word "kill," and you want us to believe the rest of what you said?


Which is why you'll give that thing the most intimidating foot wiggle it's ever seen.


I was thinking grab it's tail and slam that fucking thing on the ground




Even more sad the 3 that just ran away leaving a baby to get attacked...


Hey they were super young likely terrified of what was happening. At least seemed to have screamed enough to alert people. Can’t be too upset over survival instincts kicking in.




I think that "fuck that monk" is my new favorite line ever!


Stop mocking him, he really showed the air who is boss


Grab tail. Swing wildy over ones head. Smash into ground. Repeat until desired results are achieved.


“But they’re crocs!”




Nah tons of similar sentiment, this guy sucks.


Everybody but Mom has some to answer for. The kids that ran off and left baby, smh. The dude especially though, like get between them, shut the gate, throw literally anything at it. He's more worried abt getting scratched than the baby losing an eye.


If my son left his sister like that….


I assumed they were running to tell the adults but nope, the adults come from the other direction!


My assumption was that the house has multiple entrances, and that when they came into the house shouting for help, the parents chose the closest exit


You'd prob throw ur flip flop at him and miss


Why was a baby on the 4th rung of a tall ladder without parents to begin with?


This is an underrated question


Why was the child on that ladder to begin with?!


Also, what was a freaking baby doing in the stairs leading to a pool? Unattended?, in a place of the world where middle class neighborhoods and wild monkeys intersect!


That dad is an absolute coward it's fucking shameful


Monkeys are scary to be fair, and that one was aggressive and determined. Every right to be afraid. Still, I wish he actually did something too


Being brave doesn't mean you're not afraid...


This is why I liked One Punch Man so much. There is a scene where a super strong monster is about to murder a stadium full of people. First a fairly strong fight steps up and fights him. He thinks he can win. It becomes pretty clear the monster is just playing with him though and quickly beats him. Then one of the weakest fighters in the whole series shows up. He attacks the monster and the monster quickly tosses him aside. The first fighter lying on the ground, himself beaten, asks what the weakest hero expects to accomplish. The weak fighter explains that he knows he can't win. He never intended to win. It is about fighting evil here and now. He squares up to the monster again. The monster beats him in one hit sending him flying. That is when the main hero of the story, one punch man, shows up, catches the weak fighters and says, "nice fight man". He then does his thing, and one punches the monster. Fight over. The question here is what is a hero? Is One Punch Man really a hero for beating the monster? Sure he killed it, but he was never in any danger. What he did wasn't really heroic in the sense of being brave. It was more like how a stapler, staples paper. He just did what he does. Is the first fighter a hero? He came in with no fear, and pure bravado. Though he fought to save the innocent people, he fought more for his own vain glory and in the end lost. Is the weak fighter a hero? He didn't accomplish anything. He was weak and didn't stand a chance. Don't heroes need to be strong? What is interesting is that they are all heroes. Heroism has different perspectives and different times call for different types of heroes. Here is that scene following the first fighter being defeated: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgTuzKSRfLg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgTuzKSRfLg) \*edit here is a clip showing the fight with the first guy and then one punch man. It doesn't show the bit with the weak guy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF8phIhdxho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF8phIhdxho) After that clip, One Punch Man turns the monster into mist.




It's unbelievable the amount of videos with so much useless adults. Fortunately mother's love never fails, at minimum they will die trying.




If u got offended probably you are one of those, just living of the regret of doing nothing when you could.


The mom deserves a medal. The dad deserves a week on the sofa.


I think those 3 at the start might have been kids, or at the very least teenagers


plus, one of those kids seemed to be about the size of a teenager and ran to leave the baby to its demise, wow


Dude was a bit of a pussy, no?


I've never met a pussy so afraid of a good pounding. I'm sorry. I'll see myself out.


I was thinking…. “grab by the tail and overhead slam on the ground like you’re swinging a sledge hammer!!!!”


Couldn’t have said it better. Like dude grab it’s neck to and choke it out! Touch my kid you choose death, regardless of species


If an animal tried to take my baby, I would wring its neck right then and there... fear of rabies and ebola be damned. Like, this is Nature 101. What the fuck.


The mon was doing her best. Fucking dad’s lame ass kicks half hiding behind her is embarrassing. Step tf up.


Agreed. I'm all for being non violent with animals but it's literally going after your child.. you kick that thing like it's the game winning field goal.


There is no such thing as non violent when your children are involved. ETA: Keep forgetting this is Reddit so for clowns talking about jumping off the top rope & such. I’m talking PROTECTION of your children.




It builds character


Everyone knew that. No need for an edit. Its called jokes.


Well said!


Let that little shit know how much mortal kombat experience you have the hard way. You can larp a barbarian vs a halfling. 


the ladder is there, use it! ![gif](giphy|21T8YiiFfFGHt0LC4m|downsized)


This is the way.


I think it was all a plot to get rid of the baby. The dad and kids hired the monkey to take it away because they're jealous of all the attention Mom is giving it. Dad was in the house trying to keep Mom distracted, but she managed to hear the baby and save the day. See? The video makes a lot more sense now.


First thing first: what are kids doing with a baby on a ladder?


The thing which I'm rather confused about is... What on earth is a monkey doing in a garden?


I think the monkey was watching the family from afar for some time, saw the meh father and mid mother ... and when the older kids took the toddler on the ladder, it just snapped and decided to save the toddler from that environment.




Monkey saves infant from being drowned by older siblings.


honestly wtf was even going on before the monkey


I don't like that kid's odds, monkey or no monkey.



And why is the monkey trying to eat the baby?


Baby meat is tender duh


The other other white meat




Relevant news article : https://metro.co.uk/2022/07/22/ukraine-refugee-2-fighting-for-her-life-after-horrific-monkey-attack-17048064/


So it was a Russian op.


>The monkey had reportedly escaped from a ‘pet zoo’ belonging to a millionaire in a next door property. >The wealthy neighbours also keep wolves, elephants and other wild animals near their home. Nothing will be done about it. The rich can do whatever they want. No one will step up to hold them accountable.


Not USA? It's outdoors. Monkey _wants_ in, monkey _gets_ in.


I just watched it again like 3 times and I’m not kidding, I think that’s an unfastened ladder leading to an above ground pool. Like holy fuck it’s a miracle any of these dipshits made it this far.


And where is this?? Why is there a monkey(?) in their yard??


I don’t know where this is but we used to get monkeys in our yard in South Africa. Humans destroy their living space so they are forced to look for food elsewhere Edit: a comment further down said it happened in Russia


Well that's an above ground pool. So 1 was cleaning the pool and the other 2 were goin to see if the baby learned how to swim yet.


This entire video is complete idiocy


The only one who's done well here is the toddler, surprising grip strength while their face was behind smashed into the ladder




That’s the most useless man I’ve ever seen


Baby put up a better defence of it's own life than he did.  And babys are basically moving suicide machines normally.




Right?!? Holy shit, he couldn't even be bothered that much to protect his own baby. Worthless.




If any of the teens or pre-teens who *abandoned a baby* are related to him, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


I think the monkey was trying to rescue that baby from this incompetent family.


I lol'd. Ty.


Right? That baby was deprived of her true calling as Queen of the Monkeys




Grab it by the tail and fucking swing it over the fence. Jesus.


I would have yeeted that thing into the sun.


I was looking for this...       https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqicd48yc4n6b1.gif     But found this and might like it better....             https://imgur.com/tAfAn9o ..... edited the first since it was acting weird


He yeeted it and it came back. That rabies determination.


Bruh when he held it up with both arms and shouted "ITS A BOBCAT" im like, this dude is brave.


On the first video it took me a moment to realize the video was repeating. I was laughing at him yetting so many trash pandas like it was an assembly line!


He needs to wash his car


Thats the fuckin correct answer. Take that lil shit thing for the ride of its mother fuckin life.


Yeah I'm breaking the hammer throw world record with that thing.


Those are teenagers that just left a baby to be mauled???? WTF, and they didn't even run to the parents to alert them????


The way I see this is that the kids ran in the front door to go tell the parents, but the parents were on other side of the house and came out a side door. There must be a side door on the right because otherwise there would be no reason for them to be trying to get away from the monkey by going that way


That dude is afraid to kick a monkey that is trying to kidnap his baby?


*any human baby


That would be too much to ask, we did see three others running away, but I assume he would put up a bit more of a fight for his own baby that's getting torn in half. Those monkeys have tremendous grip strength.


Another instance of monkeys gone bad happened to a Ukrainian refugee in a Russian village. The two-year-old girl was attacked on July 22, 2022 by an escaped pet monkey, leaving her with severe injuries, per [*Newsweek*](https://www.newsweek.com/monkey-attacked-child-russia-ukraine-refugee-1727161). The primate pulled the girl from a swimming pool ladder and repeatedly attacked her, being relentless even when the girl's father intervened. The youngster suffered severe cuts on her arms and legs and lost a lot of blood.-I think this is the story?


Newsweek is being very generous with the father's... *Intervention*


Exactly what I thought 😂


Ukrainian baby refugee in Russia, in July 2022??? Sounds like a stolen child.


I guess that'd explain why the dad is barely attempting to interfere. Not your baby, not your problem 🤷🏻‍♂️


>The monkey had escaped from a "pet zoo" owned by a millionaire living nearby, who reportedly kept a range of exotic animals, including wolves, elephants and monkeys. According to the MailOnline, the menagerie is owned by the wife of a prominent Russian lawyer.  \*facepalm\*


Thanks for the info. I wonder why the parents would let a 2-year old near a pool unsupervised. Yeah she was with other kids, but they can’t be responsible for a toddler. The parents should have never left that baby’s side. Poor thing.


Good find, I think you’re right.


Step-dad vibes


Your not wrong. Apparently it's a kid stolen from Ukraine that's now in Russia, where this video was taken.


Wtf, it's fxking Russia, of course it is. Putins imperialistic war of conquest knows no bounds.


Mom was a badass. Dad was like "I'm not getting near that thing. What if it has rabies. I mean, that's not even my favorite kid."


So many questions…


And the only one with answers is mom and she’s literally got her hands full.


That man …. My god


Guys a pussy




Now we're talking. Damn right.


Pussies are tougher than whatever he is


Do you mean, "Guys, a pussy!" or "Guy's a pussy."




This is unbelievable. Of all the humans in this video, the fucking baby put up the biggest fight. The mom did her best, but everyone else was absolutely useless... what was the guy at the end doing? Those little half kicks while hiding behind the mom aren't doing anything. Where was the adrenaline rush? I'm no fighter but I would have gone animal mode on that thing and booted it off the screen ...


>Where was the adrenaline rush? It's "fight or flight" and for this absolute boar tit we can see which one he leans toward


Boar tit lmao


Can someone explain why monkeys have so many videos of them stealing kids and baby’s? Like are they trying to kill them or just add to a collection.


Probably aiming for the most vulnerable to be their meal. Yes, monkeys can eat flesh.


I have flesh, could you eat me, Greg?


monkeys WILL eat flesh. Can is an understatement. If you fight back to defend your kids they fuck you up as well. This is why our people kill them the moment they touch a child. We gave you fruits and this is the gratitude you give us?


I remember watching a documentary where with a specific species (or maybe just a specific troop), the males will snatch baby monkeys from other members of the troop and present them to higher ranking males to improve their status or something. They didn’t hurt the babies, they’d just show them off to the other males while chattering their teeth all excitedly. Is that what’s going on in all these “monkey tries to snatch child” videos? I have no clue. I also remember an instance at a Chinese safari park where a mom decided to change her baby’s diaper in front of the monkeys, and one of the monkeys ripped off one of the baby’s testicles (and I think the monkey might’ve tried to eat the testicle?). Here’s an article about primates snatching children, but it’s not particularly helpful: [https://www.distractify.com/p/why-do-monkeys-attack-babies#:\~:text=According%20to%20Total%20Tails%2C%20kidnapping,lead%20to%20them%20being%20kidnapped](https://www.distractify.com/p/why-do-monkeys-attack-babies#:~:text=According%20to%20Total%20Tails%2C%20kidnapping,lead%20to%20them%20being%20kidnapped)


Man I wish I could go back to before I read the line about the testicle


Monkeys may engage in baby stealing as part of complex social hierarchy dynamics. This behavior can be observed among female monkeys, where higher-ranking individuals might kidnap babies from lower-ranking mothers to control the population and gain power. However, it’s essential to note that such incidents are relatively rare and not typical monkey behavior.


Thanks, Chat GPT!




There was an attempt to kick a monkey...


I'm confused by this whole situation. Adults, baby, and monkey on ladder. Adults leave baby and monkey on ladder to chase women. Monkey grabs baby off the ladder. Women takes baby from monkey. Guy comes out to flail leg at monkey. WTF??? WHY AND HOW???


But Why was the baby on a fucking ladder? And why did it's "co workers?" Leave it to fend for itself?


I really want to know why baby is on ladder


![gif](giphy|10fTHeZVQug7hC|downsized) Me if some stupid animal in that size range decided to attack my child


dad was like "nooooooo, go awaaaaaaaay, stooooooooooooop"


that man is useless


God help me if I ever act like this when my child's life is one the line. That man is a total wuss. Embarrassing to watch.


This is divorce worthy if I'm that dudes wife. That was the most bitchmade shit ive ever seen in my life. Also the kids are kids but they're all getting a lesson on not bailing on the baby


Took me so long to work out what that was


I'm still debating if it's a kangaroo or gremlin


The father is useless


Dad is definitely NOT a rocket scientist.


I'm generally the type who chose animals over humans.. But in this case, fuck that primate. Kick it, hit it, grab and throw it. Do whatever you need to keep your kid safe (I'd do the same if a primate tried to take one of my pups).


Hello... this is the man department... TURN IN YOUR F'ING man card... like was he drunk? sigh of course he has a USA shirt on...


The rugrats movie irl


This dude is such a coward. I would be throwing that mf around by it's tail like hulk did to loki in the og avengers


Sissy boy


🤦🏽‍♂️ So many wrongs here but damn there was no rake , shovel or baseball bat nearby ? Use the f’n ladder ! And those kicks ? That f’n monkey would have had wings !


That monkey was definitely going to eat that baby! I'm not sure what those adults were thinking, though. Get that damn baby inside!


dads a fucking embarrassment, genuinely where the fuck is his balls. Like it wouldn't even be hard to kill it. he clearly spewed his talent into making money and failed basic masculine traits.




Yeah that one guy was useless.


Meaning of useless:


That man was utterly useless in his sandals.


Dude if you don’t kick that thing in the face 💀


he should kick the air a few more times. it gets more threatening the more you do it


Bunch of useless idiots. This is frustrating to watch.