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My new favorite


Same. It’s been a while since I’ve literally laughed out loud. Thanks, I really needed that!


And then you realise that with this camera angle it can only be fake.


Who cares, so is Holywood


Lmao no shit Sherlock


Do you walk into movie theatres and tell everyone the movie is fake too?


These meme icecream guys set themselves up to record all the time. The guy looks stoned af. I would do some shit like this.


Or this guy has his camera pointed there on purpose to post videos of interactions with customers. Preferring the ones that he trolls with the cone trick. But this was a good one. How many shop have we seen that have cameras setup to catch the funny interactions with ice cream like this? And if it is fake? Who cares. It’s a good comedy skit then.


I mean, the video probably is. But the video angle along isn't enough to say it can only be fake, as why couldn't it be the stall owner posting the video afterwards for some laughs?


Every party needs a pooper, that's why we invited you.




Yeah…we all know that. It’s a skit.


Don't care. The dopey grin with the mouth full of cones made me laugh.


It's still a very hilarious and well-timed skit even though it's clear he's a comedy content creator when you go to his IG.


Well obviously when he gave the money back.


Turns out dude likes waffles


Man’s lactose intolerant, he’s happy with his cones


I just realized. All their cones are handled several times over by customers then


This would be illegal in many countries, because of food safety laws.


Yeah I was finna say even if they don't give em the same cone. They're at least throwing it away. But I've also spent enough time in food service to know sometimes your employer doesn't give af about the rules


Ugh... I know I'm old now because I saw "finna" and my knee jerk reaction was... SPEAK PROPERLY! Time to quit social media.


I just thinks sounds fun I apologize. I know it's incorrect I was definitely raised differently lol but life is kinda lame so I might as well make it a Lil fun on the way.


See... I know this! It should be fun! I was the kid annoying my parents with the latest slang. Now I've gotten old and am shrivelling into a grumpy old human. You do you. I'm just finna be over here being all nostalgic and shit. (Did I use it right?) Bahahaha


You're good haha I understand. I feel myself getting there and even now I can only spend so much time around my current generation and below lol.


Same thing happened to me a few years ago. I used to be very into the skating of boards when I was younger. I used to kick the flips and ride the nose wheelies and all that jazz. Couple years ago I saw a couple young whipper snappers chucking themselves down some stairs right next to a sign that read “No Skateboarding.” I was just about to yell at them, as I’m pretty sure they’re the same punks that’re always on my lawn, but then I remembered that 20 years ago I was hurling myself down them same stairs.


I used to kick the flips and pop the ollies too. Now I just pop the knees and accidentally kick the coffee table. I’m trying to get back into. No more stair sets or handrails, but give me a buttery ledge/manny pad and a four foot mini and I’m in heaven. Kick a flip for me sometime, I’ll kick a flip for you. Also rabbits are awesome!


These comments are on fleek.




Also, remember when Emerica made those ‘G’ stickers to put over the ‘N’ on ‘No Skateboarding’ signs? I found it hilarious to put them on ‘No Parking’ signs instead.


'No 'G'arking'


This made me laugh, thank you I, too, am a grumpy old person who hates people on my lawn


I used to be the one annoying my mom with “man, cmon dude” Now I’m getting Skibidi sigma’d bro 😭


Everytime I read Skibidi my brain goes straight to the music video by [Little Big – SKIBIDI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDFBTdToRmw) over anything else.


Finna is not even improper, it's simply using an AAVE term, a dialect of English. You're just becoming old and *ignorant*. What used to be called "ebonics" (racist connotations) is now called AAVE, African American Vernacular English, which was coined by linguists and is the official recognized term. In AAVE, "finna" simply means "I'm planning to" or "I'm about to." They were simply typing "yeah I was going to say[...]" in a different manner but still a valid sentence and isn't slang. AAVE follows a grammatical structure and vocabulary and aren't in fact "slang" words but rather just a dialect of English typically used by Black Americans but does not mean all Black people speak using AAVE or that only Black people use AAVE.


This guy Finna's. I don't think it's fair to call them ignorant to a word they haven't been exposed to. Let's dial it back a bit.


bro said finna 💀


You are not alone on that one. My eyes immediately saw my brain.


It's the one term I've NEVER understood. All other words get shorter, mix two words or make them easier to say... but finna? You've gone from guna -> finna. Just why?


"Fixing to" is a common southern way to say "getting ready to". Fixing to go is contracted through "fixin' ta go" and ends up as "fi'n' 'a go" and finally "finna go".


And now I know, thanks for explaining, it won't annoy me half as much anymore


HaHA! My context clues were RIGHT!


Folks been using "finna" since long before any redditor was born. You gotta accept the fact that you're gonna come across southerners sometimes, ain't worth quitting social media, we're everywhere, and we will stop at nothing to make the English language convenient.


Genuinely curious about the origin of it. I always thought it was a one letter spacing mistype of gonna.


"fixing to" means "getting ready to/preparing for". "finna" is just how it gets pronounced with the accent in conversation. Example: "Sadie said she had her bathing suit on because she's fixin' to go for a swim." Or: "If you don't get in this house, I'm finna leave your ass out there all night."


Really cool! Thanks


Finna's been around since the 80's


1780s. Atleast.


Really? I'm finna find out


Hi, Finna Findout! What a cool name! Is that Dutch?


The trick I use is to use the words completely inappropriately once I learn them just to annoy the people who overly use them. Urban Dictionary has kept me in the loop for years and I keep it right next to my Google app because I use it that often for situations like this. In the case for “finna”, it’s basically shorthand for “going to”, so instead of just using finna on its own, I enjoy using it as “finna gonna” which has legitimately started fights in certain friend groups and it’s hilarious. So as an example, instead of stating something like “I am going to quit social media”, you instead would say “I’m finna quit social media”, to which you change to “I’m finna gonna quit social media” and watch people have a fucking aneurysm and want to strangle you. Bonus points for psychic damage if you’re a parent. Hope this helps you stick around :)


Gold. Absolute drippy gold. I finna gonna hella slay at this. No cap, no cap, on god. Skibidi!


A natural born artist, for fr real. Go now my child, cause mischief!




Not in Turkey! Side note: I’ve also been food poisoned there three times.


It *would* be, if it weren't obviously staged.


no shit thats why he is mentioning it


They usually do it with tissues to keep them clean. The fact that he is being given them without makes me think it's staged


Not the camera angle?


No, the camera angle is real.


This is how you get the unique taste


I’ve seen that the ‘play’ cones are separate from what you finally get your ice cream in


i had asked the same question from another video like what do they do with the cones other people touch, seems so unsanitary.


Mmmm 😋


And i didnt even notice at first but the guy dumps the ice cream with the cone into the ice cream bucket lol


They *should* have 2 piles of cones for this reason, meaning that dude just ate the finger cones


Normally each customer only ends up handling 2-3 cones, 1 or 2 prop cones that get thrown away, and the real one. People that do this end up costing the stand like 5+ cones, so the good ones just stop and ones like this are bitter and stupid.


Never thought about it ewhhh


This is the best response to these type of vendors


Lmfao how? That’s literally the point of Turkish ice cream vendors. Half of what you pay for is the tricks they put on with the ice cream and cones. He’s just a dick


Well first based off the angle of the camera and the fact that he got the footage, its staged and its just a funny video. But yeah, going to a Turkish ice cream vendor and being upset they mess around a bit is like going to a club and being mad theres music.


TIL you can't just get a fucking ice cream in Turkey without getting clowned on.


just go to any vendor that doesnt have ottoman fez on and you will get it. Fez is not worn by anyone other than tourist entertainers.




Exactly. This isn't just "Someone who sells ice-cream in Turkey." This is a street performer that uses Ice Cream as their main prop, set up at market stalls or tourist areas. Imagine someone walking up to a living statue and getting angry at them because they change position when someone donates money, instead of just standing there like all the other non-living statues.


All these people complaining about the vendor don’t live in Turkey and will probably never go so why do they even care lmao


Right? What the fuck is this madness?


You've got options. Some vendors always mess around, some vendors never mess around, and some give you the choice.


well you could just tell them you don't want the shtick and they'd give it to you normally.


can they have a night where it's a solid 20-30 decibels quieter? I'd love to listen to the music if it weren't deafening. I understand you're meant to use hearing protection but *even still*


Your first claim is not logically sound even if your conclusion is correct. If I was a vendor I would have a camera placed right there to see my technique **AND** customer reactions.. Why is that clear possibility not a factor in your reasoning, regardless of if your conclusion is correct or incorrect?


Damn DJ and his fresh beats..... I came here to the club to have meaningful conversations....


How do you know the guy didn't set up the camera like that to capture the reactions of people he tricked? From the number of these videos I've seen it appear it's pretty common for vendors to do.


> He’s just a dick He set up a camera behind the guy in the stall, it was clearly a planned skit lol.


What I don't understand is why he was told to leave. His hands already touched the cone. Are you telling me that the vendor's gonna *take back* the 5+ cones he hands to people to reuse them? That sounds extremely unsanitary. Even if he doesn't reuse them, then they would be going in the trash anyways right? Let's say I don't sit there eating the empty cones, am I just gonna sit there for however long with multiple cones in my hand? I understand that trolling is part of the vendors job, but does eating the cones itself ruin the trolling being done? Didn't look like it to me. Am I missing something?


It’s just a skit lol


I think they usually have paper or something on the cones (but it is a skit) but it is still kind of unsanitary because the top is not convered, so people could end up touching it actually.


Because the vendor is sets out to prank customers. They probably would not like being on the losing end of it and/or they don't like losing so many cones to a single customer.


Exactly. Just play along. People here complain that those cones are probably handled by many other customers and not safe to eat. Well, duh. You're not supposed to eat those. He's gonna give you a fresh cone and let you catch it after some tricks. People who eat the cones to get rEvEnGe are just dumb


I like to think the vendor is in on this one but people who do this are no different than hecklers at a comedy show. Jealous of any attention that someone else is getting and so desperate for attention they need to try to take it away.


Wdym? You go to the Turkish ice cream vendors for the ice cream AND the tricks. You know what you’re getting into and it’s quite fun!


I wonder if the redditors that complain about these vendors also complain that the chef at the teppanyaki restaurant was chopping things and tossing things and lighting things on fire in-front of them rather than preparing the meal in the kitchen and serving it to them


it's amazing how many karens exist on this website.


Not only that but those are separated with the regular stand where u just get the icecream without a hassle. if you go to trick stand its on you.


and what if you don't know? i've never seen turkish ice cream irl


And after he ate the second cone, the vendor knew what he was getting into. Sure, some people want the entertainment too, but not everyone does, and that was a pretty clear way to show he was not interested in the tricks. At least, it would be if this wasn't a staged video.


Tell me you are dumb without telling me you are dumb.


“Good for him that will show the vendor…” Bruh, the point of the stand is the game. You can tell them you just want the ice cream, no games and they’ll just hand it to you.


Nice try, Turkish ice cream vendor. You can’t fool me.


And no cone I suppose


It's McDonald's all over again


Don't dish it if you can't take it


Definitely staged


There was an attempt to fool the stupid. Some stupids were fooled.


The camera is filming behind the vendor. I don't think they are hiding it very hard. Just a funny sketch


Ok but did you see how I noticed it was staged? Yeah, I'm pretty smart.


Smarter than the comments suggesting it was real at least.


Yeah, but I can't give you full credit because you forgot to be weirdly racist about it.


Some people on the comments are discussing this as if it wasn't staged...


I mean it's obvious but it's still funny


Yeah, I know, it’s a good bit but everyone in the comments doesn’t seem to understand that


Reddit has proven over and over again to miss obvious sarcasm or jokes. That's not going to change anytime soon


well, to be fair the ice cream vendor didn't add "/s" to the end of the video so how were redditors supposed to infer intent from the previous statement. Smartest people on the internet.


No bro he definitely planted the camera in the stand without anyone noticing and recovered it later. Of course it's staged, they're not hiding it. Everyone knows it's staged. It's the visual equivalent of telling a joke. Jokes probably didn't actually happen, and if it did its certainly exaggerated, but we enjoy them anyway because they're funny


99% of the comments don’t reflect that people understand this


They're also the same people who actually believe that it's impossible to just buy an ice cream in Türkiye without having this happen to them. I'm starting to think that the self-proclaimed smartest social media website on the internet isn't that smart.


Do you discuss movies with people by constantly opening "i know they're following a script, it's fake"


Why are you defending fake skits on social media?? People are regarded, and a reddit is becoming dumber by the minute TikToks, Instagram reals and Facebook bullshit is being pushed to the front page by regards who don’t get its fake and you’re out there comparing it to movies?


Oh no, the "mOvIeS aRe aLsO fAkE" people are here.


> Everyone knows it's staged Honestly, no. Looking at these comments a fair few people don't know this skit is staged, despite it being so obvious.


That's the problem. Not everyone knows it's staged. Just look at the comments.


I don't think people are suggesting the customer planted the camera. I think they are saying it's possible the vendor set up the camera to capture customer reactions and got this. It seems like a valid possibility.




My man looked so happy at this moment


he didn't care about the ice cream he just wanted the cones


Meme template


He’s definitely makin em at night


You get what you f\*\*king deserve, I guess.


How lucky there was a camera there and already recording.


I mean, it's either staged or the vendor himself wanted to film his tomfoolery


Second time I’ve seen it and I’m still cracking up.


First time I've seen Turkish ice cream tricks get turned so hard on the vendor. The last cone snatch got me rolling.


I laughed so hard when he grinned and pretended like he can’t chomp any more and then went sike 💀


I'm sorry I don't like people playing with my food especially after I already paid for it? Now I gotta rob you.


Aww turned on the sound expecting Benny hill 🎶


Aww, come on. You saw what he was doing. He was doing the customer version of *exactly* what you were doing. As soon as he reached the maximum cones you'd accept eaten, you should have given him his ice cream and sent him on his way.


Best ending to any video.


We talk about boomers not having media literacy and then also share this.


I would just keep putting stacks of them into my pockets


"Hey bro, can you put my phone up there so that you I can film my stupid face as I eat everything you give me?"


Good thing he was able to set up his camera and tripod behing the vendor, beforehand. Appreciate good camera framing


When life gives you empty cones, devour them with enthusiasm


Snatching that last cone was perfect




lmao this guy is maximus


When you're in for the game and being teased by the vendor, their little tricks are fun, but when you openly show that you don't want their plays and they keep it up... I just wanna do like this guy


Staged. Camera behind the counter. Next.


Staged and fake... Lmao


Big brain time




The ai was the poster.


Just give him the damn ice cream


why are so many comments like 'serves him right'. That prank is literally the point of the stand.


Fake af


What else was the guy meant to do with the cones if the vendor just kept giving him more?




Not even funny


Bro I love cones. This is an absolute win




Boss Move


Mf paid Him


I watched it 3 times grinning like the man. I don't understand why the vendor chose to get mad. Just fix my ice cream and stop being a dick or I eat your cones.


[This fucking face](https://i.imgur.com/Y9lWm4w.jpeg)




I mean they do give you the cone


Staged lol


Dude just wanted the cones


Good one. Always hates when they do this to kids.


Why keep giving him comes if you know he’s gonna eat them and you don’t want that? Lmao what a donut


free 3 cones and his money back? now that's the art of the deal


Shouldve spat it out in the ice cream


Well I mean it’s the guys fault he keeps giving him a new one when he should have let go of the ice cream, not like he could sell the one the man already touched