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I know the point is racism, but I'm still commenting on the food. That looks like something you'd get from hospital or what would be fed in kindergarten.


Are you from outside the US? Cause that food looked way too good for the US to serve it kids or sick people. 


Yeah none of this food looks good but it would beat the shit they were serving me in bed when I spent 2 days in a hospital Edit: US hospital


I should take pictures of the meals my patients get served. I work in an incredibly affluent hospital and I get embarrassed by the food.


> affluent hospital Why the fuck is this even a thing?


Americaaaaaaaa fuck ya! Coming again yo save the motha fuckin day yea!


Lots of countries with free universal healthcare also have private hospitals with better accommodations, faster care, etc


When people have to pay for something additional, they inherently assign a higher valuation to it. This may or may not be an actual representation of quality.


Not sure about other countries, but in the UK the quality is being seen faster. Usually the same doctor who works in the private sector also takes NHS patients.


I'm picturing the difference is like between Eddie Murphy's Detroit police department and the one in Beverly Hills, like in the movie Beverly Hills Cop.


Only time i was in hospital, the first and 3rd night dinner was nice, 2nd was bland as fuck. Lunches were either ham and cheese sandwich or mac and cheese breakfast was often corn flakes and an egg toast and 2 rashers of bacon. I'm in no rush to have it again but it was far from as bad as imI thought it would be.


I spent 2 nights at Beth Israel Mount Sinai. The bland stuff, was ok. Only so many ways you can fuck up a ham and cheese sandwich. Or a turkey sandwich. It’s just bread and turkey. But when they try to serve you stuff like fish… nah man


I got a vasectomie and was served boeuf bourguignon after a dextro tablet and some orange juice. I was their since 8 in the morning and was still their by 13:00 so I got lunch. Love dutch hospitals


That’s so awesome lmao




Finland. We feed our kids and our patients in hospital.


My aunt is in a nursing home and her food works much worse than this


Dude the shit they serve in nursing homes is atrocious. I wouldn't feed that shit to prisoners in a CIA blacksite. It's downright criminal how we treat the elderly in the US.


Many of us Americans have no idea what hospital food looks like because we can’t afford to go there. When I’m seriously injured I just stay home and have canned soup and pretend that I’m getting medical care by listening to Doctor Seuss stories read by my girlfriend.


I viewed it as her rating that particular cafeteria's take on German food, not German food in general. I get that German cuisine isn't in the same league as French or Italian, but cafeteria food is generally subpar no matter the cuisine they serve.


Spent several months in Germany .... their food sucks. Well, except for the beer. And the sausages. Weißwurst & Weißbier .... yes please! And the sauerkraut. And breakfasts, they do better breakfasts than the French with better bread. And who can forget the wine. Damn .... I kinda miss German food now .....


Bread and sausage? Count me in.


And käsespätzle!


I just took it as her reviewing the food overall which just happened to be German. Not like "Germany sucks at food" or "this place sucks at german food" and more like "this is what I thought of this meal".


I don't think I see a speck of spice on any of those dishes...


I mean it looks fine for something they serv at a workplace cafeteria, it's not a restaurant


Stupid people who think nationalism is a personality trait will feel personally attacked when you criticize cultural things. Historically fascist places tend to get a bit more hostile to criticism, and their lack of awareness is always amusing.


German food isn’t even the most popular food in Germany. These people spew out racist bullshit to “defend” German food and then go eat Turkish, Italian, Chinese or anything but German food.


I have had good german food and even know how to make a few dishes (taught by an old german couple), none of them look anything like that slop.


Germans being defensive of their food is culinary Stockholm syndrome.


Definitely not all Germans responding, I’m fairly sure that fried chicken/watermelon/malt liquor dude is a yank, and probably a few of the other English language commenters. Either that or they’re young Germans feeding off of or copying US racism, because to my understanding those are not racial stereotypes in Germany.


Also watermelon, chicken and malt liquor is a damn good meal.


Malt liquor is hilarious. For ages I thought that it was some kind of super-high abv distilled beverage. The way people talk about it like it'll fuck you up and all The recently I found out it's just beer with like... 8% abv. In many places that's just regular beer.


Akeshwaley https://preview.redd.it/p5i6cqadb08d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26afc1ea4ff5e67b8c204681f110c2c59338fefa Malt doesn't necessarily have to contain alcohol, it's just some sort of a barley beer.


Okay, yes. But I also specifically was talking about Malt *Liquor*. Which is an American thing. It's basically a strong beer that has been relabelled to avoid some kind of law and has become associated with poor people getting drunk, but more specifically poor *black* people to the point that it's become a racist stereotype.


Yup they exist even in the Muslim world (non alcoholic but you're never sure because they can forget some of the yeast, and it starts making alcohol after being packaged) they come in different flavors (apple strawberry and cherry 0


German here: I'd pick that over the usual canteen atrocities every time.


I live in NL as an American black person and have traveled throughout Europe including Germany. You have to fight a (non-vegan) European man to take away his fried chicken. They legit love it and think nothing of sitting down with a box (or bucket) of fried parts at the bus stop or in the park.


That’s pure speculation on your part. Show me that “psychostanduser” is American. Because there are a ton of racist Germans dude


I think I make it clear that I’m speculating with “I’m fairly sure”, but my thought process is that those are racial stereotypes from the US based on what food has been cheap there; fried chicken and watermelon are both very North America, and in my part of Europe, not associated with black people whatsoever. Key though is the usage of malt liquor, that’s not a thing in anglophone Europe, and I’m willing to bet absolutely not a thing in Germany. So either the user is an American using American terms (likely, I haven’t seen her page, but a German making TikToks in English is probably marketing at a US audience? Idk) Or the user is a teenage German who is having fun with horrible foreign racial stereotypes on the internet. I believe that if it were a German user who felt strongly about racism they’d probably either respond in German using German stereotypes or they’d translate German stereotypes into English. Could be wrong, but that’s my thought process.


It's probably all LLM bots by now. Well and racists. LLM bots and racists. Social media is dead.


https://preview.redd.it/0g85ux6rry7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fedb45cdeac48a766df26ebc1c726b30bf75ddf Meanwhile, office canteen lunch in Denmark, Germany's literal neighbor


look at those fancy-as-fuck plates, and bamboo trays. This canteen is not exactly a blue collar worker canteen, and nowhere near a fair comparison. I'd have a hard time getting a restaurant to serve nicer dishes in Denmark.


Yeah but when do you ever really get a chance to flex your lunch?


I eat fruit roll ups every day, so every day my lunch gets flexed, stretched, and squished


> Germans being defensive of their … Average r/Germany experience


"You've barely touched your sauerkraut and onion pancake." 🤧


am German and never heard of something even resembling a sauerkraut onion pancake....


Fuck German food.


I’m not from Germany but schnitzel? With Kartoffelkuchen? Or bratwurst with sauerkraut? Omggggg


As a french person who goes to germany on a regular basis, I'm sorry, but foot (edit: obviously "food", german feet seem pretty regular to me) there is overall not great (there are always exceptions) :/


I know that the French set the bar pretty high, but context matters. It's a cafeteria, not fine dining. Most of those dishes looked great to me.


Personally I would have to get violent with anyone that hands me eggs drenched in mustard sauce.


Eggs + mustard = deviled eggs.


No. Eggs + Mustard = we fightin


I would hope you would choose another item that wasn't something that caused you to retch in the first place.


Or a plate of boiled potatoes and some white glop. It looked like the mystery food they'd eat on early episodes of the Simpsons.


It’s not just cafeterias, in the supermarkets, restaurants, food overall in Germany (especially meat) is really not great


As an Irishman, all other countries have the same quality of meat and dairy: not worth eating.


I’ve never seen an Irish restaurant and couldn’t name a dish tbh. Anything especially noteworthy I should seek out to try?


Irish cuisine is low on individual dishes. We just have extremely high quality diary and meat industry over here (lots of our farming is done on a smaller scale than in other countries, and we have a culture of care for animals that is better than our culture of care for our people xD). If you come to Ireland, basically any normal meals you'd be eating based on beef or dairy is going to knock your socks off.


While I agree, many Irish pubs could use a restock on salt. The contents of the dish were very good but begging for some seasoning for my taste when I was there a few years back.


I think Irish people are phenomenally bad at cooking. We don't need to worry much because of the quality of the ingredients, so people get complacent. My friends and partner rave about my cooking, and my secret is paprika and chili powder xD


Sounds good! I bet there are some good international restaurants there, which combine the sense of flavor and use of spices along with the really nice quality local ingredients that Ireland offers.


Spice bag


Don't mind me, I'm just gonna go ahead and take offense to that.


https://preview.redd.it/8sspfoulry7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ff66f2f5d31acd690f1c17161ac5aa941ddb8f My work canteen lunch in Denmark.


that looks nice.


A common complaint of german food (at least what my peers told me) is that although it looks good, it lacks taste. Candy is not as sweet and food does not have enough spices. I come from a country that uses a lot of spice though, so we are used to strong tastes.


Germany has lovely bread and pastries. Also, wild meat is the best in Germany. I'm just saying you don't need to use too much spice in food, just to make it taste good.


I holidayed in Germany last year and really enjoyed the food. Part of it was the novelty, but there were still many objectively great meals. Even just a meat & salad bread roll from the bakery was great. That said I'm from Australia and we just can't compete against good bread and good cheese. Not at the same price point anyway.


Plain boiled potatoes? I can forgive a lot of things about food, but it's not the kind of food I would eat voluntarily.


Boiled potatoes with cheese, ham, now we could be talking (that's raclette, and mine is ready, gtg).


None of them looked super appetizing. All of the places I've worked at have had much better looking food. Every one of the caffeterias at my job (there are like 7 different ones at each location that all serve different varieties of food) have better food than this. Being a cafeteria does not mean the food has to be gross.


As an Italian, i have been in france for 4 days and at the last day i threw up everything i could. Sorry :D


One time I was in Paris, and I was really craving pasta (amatriciana, to be specific), so I found an Italian restaurant that had it on the menu. As neighbouring countries, the chances of getting good Italian food in Paris was more likely than getting good Italian food at home, in Canada, where Italian food is easy to find, but it’s not like it is in Italy. The restaurant was Italian-owned and operated, with even the servers and kitchen staff speaking Italian. And the restaurant had great reviews and was abuzz full of people the night I went in. So, I was really excited to have my fave Roman pasta. Except for it was quite possibly the worst amatriciana I’ve ever had. I couldn’t believe how Italians, who are soooo protective of their food were serving this stuff. Even in Canada I could find better versions of it than in that Italian restaurant in Paris. I ended up leaving very confused, not knowing if they put their own spin on the dish, or if the restaurant had adjusted the dish to the French taste to the point it was almost unrecognizable. Anyway, long story short, and at least in that one night, I was pretty disappointed at the French *and* the Italians 😂😂


As someone living in germany i agree


Hey man its not where the foot comes from thats important, I've seen good feet from Germany, France, and the US alike. Joking aside, food judgements are always going to be a little subjective. And I think you've got to have many mediocre restaurants to have a few great ones.


That looks worse than British food 💀


Close battle tbh


it would be a stalemate if it wasn't for the Indian cuisine making some heavy lifting for the English


You forgot about the German doener


Best food in the country is going to be made by Turkish people.


The best cars in Turkey are made by Germans. Everyone has their speciality.


As a german i can say that food looks not good, but we can do better i promise 😊


Take that back!


I see no difference.


I actually hate people slagging British food off, come try a proper roast dinner with apple crumble for dessert then tell me it’s bad


Imagine being so fucking racist that you defend FOOD FROM A CAFETERIA. Good god, that stuff generally just tastes awful and is not comparable with the dish being home-cooked or at restaurant quality. Mf'ers need some serious ass whoopin.


I went to an expensive german restaurant in my country... the experience was exactly the same. hell, the currywurst was the worst! I've had more spiced ketchup than their curry!


Yea, Germany has a racism problem, we are goin back so the 1930‘s rn. I‘m sorry world. my folks are fucking stupid


It ain't just Germany bro I promise. Practically the whole world is stuck on this common misconception.


I’m 100% sure that most of these racist comments are not coming from Germany. The watermelon stereotype is not commonly known in Germany. I’m not saying that we don’t have a problem with racism, but I don’t think it’s worse than anywhere else in Europe, Northern America, China or anywhere else, really…


>The watermelon stereotype is not commonly known in Germany. It is commonly known with racists.


Objectively, watermelon and fried chicken are AMAZING. FWIW kinda the cafeteria's fault for not having them


I’ll eat fried chicken and watermelon every day compared to that crap.


![gif](giphy|l4FGBurtN1vrkWm5y|downsized) If it wouldn’t kill me within a year… I’d eat every meal deep fat fried… It would damn near be worth it.


I was working for a German company while based in Canada. One time, I got to visit our HQ in Germany, and got exposed to very similar food. Just because it’s cafeteria food doesn’t mean it needs to be miserable. I think OOP is being generous in her scores. The funniest thing about that trip was when we went out for dinner with colleagues, in one of the best restaurants in the area, and one coworker got a meal that included sausage (which looked ok), sauerkraut (meh), and literally a whole potato in its own separate bowl. No sauces or seasoning of any kind. No real texture or colour. Just a whole boiled potato, skin and all, in its own bowl. She didn’t get food, she got an ingredient 😂 Didn’t have a single memorable meal the entire week and a half I was in Germany. And I visited a couple of different places. So that one racist comment about German tastebuds at the end of the video gave me just a huge eye roll. What tastebuds??? Their baked goods and desserts on the other hand are top notch 👌🏼


As a german I can say that yes, we don't have the most exciting dishes in the world. And it's also completely fine if it does not suit your tastes. After all, it is good for people to have individual taste, otherwise this world would be quite boring.


100% agree! I should have also clarified that nothing I had in Germany was offensively bad to the point that it was inedible. Except for knödel, which I really disliked, but my German friends really loved it because it was such nostalgic comfort meal to them. Different strokes for different folks! I think we can disagree on food without having to retort to racist insults. But alas, the comments are from instagram, so it’s to be expected!


Racist remarks in regards to food is especially stupid, since cuisine really is something that each and every person has to discover for themselves. After all, no matter where you are from, you will know your national dishes, but that does not mean you will automatically like them. The "eggs with mustard sauce" (we call them "Senfeier" here, which literally translates to "Mustard Eggs") is something I wholeheartedly avoid. And if you travel to another country, lets say India or South Korea and you don't really enjoy the local cuisine for whatever reason it does not mean that it is therefore bad and disgusting in of itself. You simply prefer something else. That is fine, especially if you tried it and it did not suit your palate. People really should learn to differentiate, as the lady in the video did not say anything particularly bad. She simply disliked the dishes.


Let me just say that as a finn, our food isn't the most exciting either. But man, in my university they really cared about the food there. Food was delicious and salads spectacular. Health and taste was really made a priority. Also for only 3 euros.


Agreed! My partner works at a university as well, and their cafeteria has pretty stellar food! Not at all like when I was a student. So I ask him to bring me some hahahaha 😂


i actually had the opposite experience back when I was working for a large German company. They had majorly overhauled all cantinas and the food was suddenly really, really good. Now you also had REAL salad bars, REAL freshly made dessert and every cantina had a little convenience store added. Unsurprisingly, home office was less used thereon after.


Why are sp many of these comments criticizing the food, and so few the racism? Like... those comments are monstrous- and goes to show just how bad racism is globally. The US gets lots of press about it, but HOLY SHIT... priorities people...


I was about to ask the same thing


It’s actually typical on Reddit. If the comments aren’t themselves racist, it’s usually a denialism that avoids the elephant in the room


Europeans will ignore racism in Europe but are quick to criticize Americans about it.


One thing Reddit has shown me is that Europeans are generally extremely sensitive to criticism of any kind and very defensive.


My favorite is when they’re criticized of something and then get defensive and criticize the US. Even if the person doling out the initial criticism isn’t American 😂


Crazy how despite some of the racism in America, it is still one of the most accepting countries in the world. Lotta places in Europe and Asia where you would experience xenophobia and racism at a higher extent.


Yeah, the racism is a far worse crime than the food. But both are criminal offenses in Italy and France:


Europe has a massive problem with right wing nazi parties right now. In nearly every country here they are amongst the top 5, if not already the leading party in their country. It is unaccaptable to write such things and get away with it. So please call it out whenever wherever!


I never get the use of "watermelon and fried chicken" as an attack. I'm pretty sure just about every human loves the taste of Watermelon or fried chicken.


It's because of old Minstrel Shows. And yes, it's moronic. I have yet to meet any non vegetarian who disliked chicken and EVERYBODY loves watermelon.


it was a vile caricature of lazy (watermelon) and thieving (chicken) black people since even before the Jim Crow era. it's used as a way to say something racist without *technically* saying something openly racist. modern racists added red kool-aid and grape soda to the repertoire.


Fuck the racist POS in the comments. But also, all those dishes can be made a lot more appetizing than this caffeteria did ... now I want my Oma's Eier in Senfsoße


richtig bock auf ne deftige linsensuppe mit schnippelwurst :D aber die erbsensuppe währe auch okay


Macht mich fast rührselig auf's Student-sein ... manchmal hat sich unsere Kantine selbst übertroffen


The Germans are know for many things, at least 2 events in recent memory, food is not one of them.


come on, they also gave us the UE and David Hasselhoff!


"Germans have real taste buds" I'm pretty sure one of those dishes was boiled potato pieces and sour cream


can you guys stop ✋️ boiled potato with creme fraiche is the goat snack


You mean it's a snack for farm animals


I personally prefer boiled and then lightly fried so it's crunchy on surface and soft inside


>to post a review of your german workplace food without getting racially attacked *by people stuck in the 1950s* Watermelon and fried chicken?! Really? Still?! First off, *everyone* likes watermelon and fried chicken, and secondly, get some new material, you racist cunts.


getting new material implies racists people have more than one braincell bouncing around in that empty skull to begin with tbf


I love German food, but that stuff she got, I would never eat it.


The majority of comments in this thread focusing on the food and completely ignoring the racism. That's a shame.


I was thinking the same thing but didn’t comment because sadly, we expect this. It is a polite form of straw man-ing. It’s more comfortable to debate the taste of cuisine, so a little part of me understands the discomfort. But the worst are the comments like “what did she expect?”, legitimizing the illegitimate. We can do better than this…


Absolutely, and if it was a developing country the comments would be shitting on the country.


That German food looked like ass lol


Because it's cafeteria food, which looks bad in most places.


People like the food this the food that….THE RACISM BEHAVIOUR IS DISGUSTING


It’s cafeteria food. Pretty normal that it doesn’t taste good. No reason to be racist. But honestly, calling the potato soup with Wiener Würstchen „Bratwurst soup“ should lead to a write up.


straight to Untersuchungshaft


lol she was correct about the food though. Looks shit.


I’ve taken the liberty of looking these people up on Instagram heheh


What did you find


They’re ugly and lame. As expected


Are Germans generally racist towards immigrants?


A populist party had made [plans](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-67948861.amp) for going back to the glory days. And now they’re the [second most popular party](https://www.politico.eu/article/conservatives-finish-first-germany-eu-election-early-projection-cdu-csu/)


The right wing party here has way too many followers and those idiots get away with too many crimes towards immigrants which leads to more idiots doing hate crimes. So yes, we have a problem.


But it doesn't make sense to me since Germany depends on a lot on immigrants, doesn't the country need like thousands of immigrants every year to keep its economical state stable? If all immigrants got kicked wouldn't that effect Germany in a negative way?


It really doesn't make sense but when does it make sense when talking about racism?


Yes and no. The GDP has increased since the waves of immgrants. At the same time, many of them are unemployed (three times more than Germans), being a burden on the economy. Especially from certain regions.


Are they unemployed because of high unemployment rates or are they lazy to work? Looking at doctors they are always in demand and some sections in hospitals close because they don't have enough doctors to run it especially in rural areas, is that correct?


According to the Bundesagentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Agency), the unemployment rate of immigrants is three times higher than that of Germans. I think there are multiple reasons. One is definitely laziness. And the government has definitely failed to motivate people to work and to get them to work. When they can just receive Hartz IV and don't have to get a job, why bother? Wether you're pro or anti immigration, the current administration has greatly failed, leading to frustrated Germans. So that is why the parties on the right have seen such a big spike in popularity, since they promise change. And I'm not even gonna get started on the topic of crime rates and failed cultural integration. TLDR: The government has greatly failed in integrating immigrants properly, leading to alternative and especially right parties becoming more popular because the people are desperate for change.


Oh thank you for the info! What do you think is the right solution to this problem? As I've seen Germany made new rules for immigration making it even easier.


I think it's a tough matter. Easier said than done but what I would wish: More regulation for who immigrates, make it easier for those who come into the country to work (no waiting times of months to years until you're allowed to get a job), less paperwork (!!!), be harsher with criminals and absolutely improve programs to culturally integrate people.


I completely agree with you!


Hard disagree on the lazyness part. But I saw in a later comment from you that it would be benefical to rework the paperwork and requirements needed to work in germany and I agree with that. Because many immigrants want to work but literally can't because it is illegal for them to work. But instead of saying people are too lazy und would rather receive Bürgergeld (which is money for people in need from the state and it is not a lot) I would argue that it is just not worth it to work for many. Why bother working all day everyday for the same amount of money then Bürgergeld? Which is really not that much. Politics needs to increase payment for lower income jobs.


You know, I totally agree with you. As I said, it's both. Some are definitely lazy and I would say if you come into a country, you should do your best to work any job and be productive. But if you have the choice between receiving Bürgergeld and earning barely more by working... why would you do all of it for nothing? It really is a systemic failure. If people are lazy or don't want to get integrated, that is the fault of the country. The government has to make sure to solve that. There are many cases where migrants want to work but the government works actively against that and their employers get sued for not firing them.


And about hospitals closing and such I can't really give an informed opinion. But I don't think that too few job opportunities are the problem. The infamous German paperwork makes it especially difficult for those that want to work too.


That's a few points deducted for humanity


Why is there an Italian polka playing?


I was going to say…the background music should be something else. Cue a remix on the silence over the hateful comments.


Eggs in mustard sauce?! Wtf is happening there?


it's not bad tbh. with some peeled and boiled potatoes it's a nice vegetarian meal. i sadly don't trust mustard sauce anymore since my mom made some sauce that was able to kill a man. just bought the wrong mustard and did not tried it while making it.


None of those look appetizing, honestly.


"human" 💀


I just got back from Bavaria what I had plenty of really good food. The food in these pics didn’t look great. Also racism isn’t cool


German food is the wurst


As a german I kinda agree with her


I like German food. It is unpretentious and presented quite simply. However I absolutely abhor the raw pork mince with raw onion on a bun for breakfast.


Both the video and the comments are shit. Of course, the comments don't need to be discussed. We all know why they are shit. But the video is also dumb. You are commenting on some culture you are not a part of and labeling everything as shitty and bland. Of course, you will get hate comments from the locals, who have grown up eating this food their whole lives. Juat, imagine a white guy going to Ghana, or Ethiopia and rating their foods as tastless and shit, he sill be called racist and uncultured. In the end of the day of you don't like this food, bring your own and don't call the foods many people have grown up with shitty and bad.


I know us English get a lot of stick and rightly so but eggs in mustard sauce wtf. African food is also hit and miss probably the same everywhere.


Now we can’t even review our food for fun 💀 German food is good but this looks like hospital food/cafeteria food so I get her rating She wasn’t saying German food sucks… just hose dishes she got 😭


Of course they are going to attack her. Graded German food and gave just about everything a low rating.


I'm black and offended, at the same time, it's cafeteria food, I wouldn't judge American food off of John's Hopkins cafeteria. But they gotta get a new angle damn smh, EVEYONE LOVE CHICKEN AND/OR WATERMELON-Chappelle


Iam really surprised by all the negative experiences with german food, most times i go and have food in places of differing quality, sure sometimes there is bad food. But not worse than other places. To be fair all but the soup looks suboptimal but i. Only i. The fewest cases have had bad food there


I’m not new to this type of food being Lithuanian, but I would never touch any of that stuff she showcased, my god. Give me the watermelon and fried chicken.


What is Kartoffelputer and Onion Cake because they both look like they could be tasty (cafeteria probably butchered it but a homemade or restaurant version could be delicious)


Looks like hospital food tho. Those are commonly bad


That’s the grossest looking food i’ve seen in a while…


I admit when I think of cuisine I don't think of Germany, but I love a good sausage and last time I was there we stumbled into a sausage and beer festival. Fucking great time just chomping sausages and glugging beer. Good fun. Here we like to take the piss out of the Germans for being a but stuff and serious (and that's even by British standards) but when it's fun time they're a good laugh. Like "ve haff allocated ze fun time and it iz now, so let's haff fucking fun!"


Food looks clean dont know how healthy it is, but would eat.


Did you think it was going to be as good as Italian?… also what’s up with the Italian music shouldn’t there be some accordion music or something….


That looks like perfectly acceptable corporate “canteen” (as they are called in Germany) food. Unless you’re working at the likes of Apple, Google, FB, that’s on par with offerings at US companies


Hotdogs in a squash soup should get a 0 out of 10 no matter what country you’re from.


Fuck the food and the people that enjoy that bullshit


I mean 90% of instagram comments are like that


Maybe it's my British peasant ancestors screaming through my genetic memory, but I'd smash the shit out of pretty much all of that scran


Everything looks so good. I completely disagree with her rating system but respect her opinion as a person. I always remember there’s grown adults out there who don’t eat/like vegetables, so not liking German food is not completely absurd.


I may not live in Germany but I live in Czech Republic where food is very similar. While it may not look as good as it can. These foods are really great and easy. Cafeterias are cheap and provide food at a cost of quality. But trust me if you had these dished made at someone's home then they would awesome.


Pretty much all of that looks better than any school lunch I’ve ever been served in Scotland. I also had to pay for all of it


It’s basically different versions of potatoes and cream.


I literally laughed out loud at the "in Germany we have taste buds" comment. I like their cuisine but it's not exactly known for it's expressive or complex range of flavors.


I can only judge if I see the price. If those plates cost 10-15€ okay, it sucks, but if they only cost like 4-6€ then it's really not that bad.


The best food in Germany is Döner Kebab 😂 I do love their Currywust, Schnitzel and Flammkuchen


Tbh that looks bad. Except for tha omelette.


I've heard many a complaint about German food from us military folk abroad, but I think some of the looks pretty good


It must be a seriously bad place if she gives the Königsberger Klopse only 3/10 points. It is literally one of the best dishes ever invented.


The food looked great and all should be rated above 5. You seem to be like self entitled person… Just saying