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That lady is an idiot, but she’ll never find out.


The pedophile being called "the brown person" was probably the least offensive thing they were called that day.


She probably didn’t know it at that point but I agree with that statment.


Not only did she just straight up categorize this guy as a "houseless" without even bothering to ask she also called him "the brown person". I honestly don't know if I've heard someone be more reductive in my entire life. Certainly not from someone who thought they were being the morally superior person. What a loser. I'm kind of not into that whole trio if I'm being honest.


Portland thinks they are always the morally superior persons. Bad writing intended


You’re blinding me with the virtue signaling. Stop.


Honestly, as a brown person I kinda found her idiocy kinda hilarious 🤷🏽‍♂️


As a brown guy raised in the area this the weird subtle racism I try to explain, saviour mentality sheesh


Its okay to say brown people like its okay to say black people.


It's also okay to say "this man" or "this person" and not immediately bring race into everything.


She's the poster child for Portland's: *"How To Have Superior & Righteous Virtues"* training and gatherings.


This woman personifies the actual white supremacy in the US.


Liberals are obliviously racist.


Lmao right! I just want to know why all these pedos look like they would want you to solve their riddle before attempting to cross their bridge. You know that fairytale troll look like Rumpelstiltskin, oh shit he was a pedo too!


Libs all blue dude does not look healthy.


She could see this and still never find out. People like that live in their own world where their agenda is priority number one


“Priority numba one!!”


Can I get those icons in cornflower blue?


The way I would’ve spat out “the child he was here to meet is safe too”


"I wanted to make sure the brown person was ok." "LMFTFY. 'I wanted to make sure the pedophile was ok'. Have a nice day."


Yea, but is it a brown child?


When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful & difficult for others. The same applies when you are stupid. - Ricky Gervais


I'm not positive, but I think this is actually not his quote, and that he was just using it. I'm too lazy to Google though.


When you die, you're dead.


Why? She though someone was being harassed and she stepped up. 


That part was good, but first, would she have done it for a white person? Or did she do it because of the color of the skin? The way she talked it she only did that because he was a minority. And second "I wanted to make sure the \*brown\* person is okay" is absolutely a racist thing to say while she is probably thinking that she is being anti-racist. White savior complex on display 100%


It was pretty damn cringey and a poorly worded exchange, but her heart was in the right place. She didn't know what was happening but she saw a dude in distress and looking uncomfortable and she stepped in to see if he needed help. I'd rather live in a city with people that are aware and care enough to get involved if they think someone needs help, than somewhere where people wouldn't bat an eye at someone being harassed.


I could accept your take if she hadn't said "the brown person" while assuming the brown person was homeless right off the bat. This lady is a racist on Don Quixote levels.


She assumed this guy was “houseless”. Do you think she would have made the same assumption if he was white? This seems like a perfect example of a person who thinks they are immune to any type of “profiling”, and yet does so multiple times throughout the day, believing she is in the right.


I would assume this guy is homeless, because he's wearing a homeless person's uniform and looks insecure as fuck.


She immediately assumed he was being harassed. If she really cared about the “brown person” (red flag) then she could’ve asked one or two more questions to find out what was going on. Just my opinion.


1. He was being harassed. Based solely on the comments here, I guess the guy is a pedophile, so the harassment is understandable, but she couldn't have known that before she approached. 2. What she saw was (I assume) a white dude sticking a camera in the face of a person of color who is dressed kind of shabbily. I'm not sure I would have assumed he is homeless but it's not implausible. 3. When she tried to talk to the guy in blue, the dude with the camera aggressively shut her down and kept the guy in blue from answering. He could have said, for example, "this guy has been messaging an underage girl. He's not homeless, he's a pedophile." 4. Her calling him a brown person was cringey as fuck but I think she was a little freaked out by the aggressiveness of the dude with the camera. So, you know, people can mock her or whatever but her actions aren't particularly mockable unless you are pretending that there aren't assholes who like to fuck with homeless people for views on tiktok.


He is also intellectually impaired.


Ok that is a good point: there are people who do disgusting shit for internet points, and that wasn’t something that I thought of when first watching this video. BUT: I don’t think the guy with the camera was being “aggressive” at all, and from the small clip we see here I think it was cringey as fuck for her to assume this dude was homeless. Again, tho: I appreciate that you brought up the fact that assholes with phones film themselves behaving horribly to strangers in public ALL THE TIME, so in that sense her vigilance was a good thing, even if her assumptions and word choices were shit.


If someone walks up and holds a phone close to me, that's aggressive by default. The guy wasn't being subtle. And given the number of shithead streamers exist now whose only goal in life is to make the people they're filming miserable, without the context of tiktok text overlays yeah, I'm gonna assume that the person awkwardly shuffling their feet while a dude talks at them while recording is being harassed.


Exactly. She also said she lives in the neighborhood, so my first thought was that she sees people who look like this guy getting harassed on the regular.


How is she an idiot? She wanted to make sure everything is fine. Yeah she worded it weird but she was compassionate with a person who she thought might be homeless and is assaulted. I dont get the hate, she moved on when she was told he’s fine. and you cant blame her for not knowing the dude is a pedo.


She worded it very badly. Cringingly. Other than that I think I agree with what you said


White savior complex is wild


She's not an idiot. She's trying to do right, it was just bad timing this time around. Nothing wrong with checking to make sure whatever it is you're witnessing is kosher. Calling out that she's doing it because she's trying to spot and fight racism isn't bad, either. It's just a little uncomfortable, and she's probably better off keeping the details of why she's being altruistic to herself... but in a world where the racist pricks are getting louder, I can see why she might think being loud about the other side of the issue would be called for (though I disagree).


No. “I wanted to protect the Brown Person” isn’t fighting racism, it IS racism. She unpersoned him and infantilized him. I don’t even credit her with good intentions, she’s a Karen high on her own fartsmell.


In what world are these things not all scripted though? Or am I being too cynical??


You are being too optimistic if you think that there are not really people this stupid and arrogant and with such a white savior complex. They exist. And I am a leftist but this is just embarrassing.


She got bigger balls than most people q


...I mean none of us would have known this dude was a pdf file if we were just walking by. I can see how from the outside it would look like this man was being harassed. She's not an idiot for caring about the well-being of a random stranger. Obviously dude is a POS, but none of us know that until we know.


Like us all, she's as wise as she is mindful.


Develop some nuance people. Homeless mutual aid lady is not wrong for her concern - which is not exclusively a PDX characteristic. That said, Brown person is still a POS in this situation. Edit: I would like to address the negative responses - which is mostly accusatory of racism and is mostly the responses I’ve received so far. Predictably, the rhetoric of all negative responses can be categorized under post-racial outrage. As in, there is no racial classification and using the term brown as a racial classification is of itself racist. Shaming me for addressing and acknowledging that the alleged pedophile is a brown person. Such Shapiro-Owens logic is performative at best and anti-antiracist at its worst. Let’s briefly handhold you through this shall we by flipping the script. Would you be just as accusatory and outraged if instead the person is white and addressed as white person? We take care of our white people. Edit 2: [Who’s That Brooown! - Das Racist](https://youtu.be/rP322FWfJWQ?si=2H_lDkDxjaafelDh)


I can think of 0 situations where referring to someone as "the brown person" is coming from someone who deserves respect of any kind.


Must not hang around many brown people outside of work


I know multiple brown people outside of work. So many so, I need to give them names to keep them straight. I call them Brown Person 1, 2, and so on.


That's fucking disgusting behavior. Totally dehumanizing, absolutely despicable. You're supposed to pick a defining adjective; Big Brown Person, Little Brown Person, Creepy Brown Person, etc.


‘Big’ is slightly offensive. They prefer ‘Fat Brown Person’, ‘Morbidly Obese Brown Person’, or ‘Jonah Hill in War Dogs Fat Brown Person’.


I'm in too deep with Big Brown Person to change my behavior without it being slightly uncomfortable to acknowledge and change my behavior. I think instead I'll pretend there isn't an issue, and get mad if they bring it up.


Yea right? Like what do brown people call each other outside of work? Brownies?


No, that's our word. We call them that. They can't use it. That would be insensitive.


Don't know why this is marked controversial lol my Indian friends say it all the time


Why is it ok to treat people differently based on skin?


Ask the police.


Think its more that a homeless looking guy was aggressively approached by a dude holding a camera. With all the tiktok/youtube content creators harassing people for views her heart was in the right place. The only bad part was referring to him as "the brown person".


… “homeless looking dude”… he’s in clean clothes and nice puffer jacket, no bags of belongings, just standing there on his phone waiting to meet someone… this lady assumed wrongly. And that’s even before the “brown person” shit


This interaction was held in a section of Waterfront Park that's close to a lot of homeless camps & tents. The area between the Burnside and Steel Bridges can be a bit sketchy; the rest of Waterfront Park is normally great. Around here, homeless people have been seen away from their stuff, including those who do have some sort of job.


Kinda glossing right over the “ brown person” comments


And this somehow means that it's totally not racist to assume that any non-white person visiting this section of the park must be homeless?


Ya she fucked up that whole interaction so hard. Talk about clueless. Now daft do you need to be to have this conversation, my god. Embarrassing.


What's wrong with brown person? I get that in the video it makes it seem like she saw someone that was brown and decided that he must be homeless. Im asking about the term itself, is it frowned upon on the states or something?


No: her assuming he was homeless was also a “bad part”.


It’s ok to want defend historically marginalized groups of people but as OP said, develop some nuance. Buttttt I have a feeling you’re asking that question in the inverse lol


Well that's what we keep trying to tell you but some white people keep treating us different


Because you're *saving* them... because they need to be saved.


Exactly.  That's kinda what the whole racism thing is about 


Imagine missing the point about the woman referring to him as “brown person” and then referring to him as “brown person”, while asking everyone else to develop nuance. Wild stuff.


She said "we" take care of "our" brown people lmao


And it's one of the most upvoted comments in this thread...


Yeah and his edit is dumb as rocks and still misses the entire point. Ah well.


Let's not forget the cameraman who tracks down these guys, then uploads the footage on social media and ruins any chance of the evidence being used against him. They could turn them in with all the footage, not posting it; but they need to post it and fuck up any ongoing investigation. The lady is the least worst out of the 3 people in the video (videographer is 2nd, obviously).


How does it prevent it from being used as evidence? People get arrested for shit posted online all the time. (I’m actually curious, not downplaying your point) It does at least out them publicly in way that might prevent further events. But definitely not as good as a sentence


There's an organisation in the UK where they Facebook live their bait traps until the police get there. In this country I can't imagine that it could impact the case too much if they continue to do it. At least if it's recorded you could get a confession?


Challenge: make a comment that you would only type on Reddit and never say in real life or use in real life.


You write as if you have intelligence but come off as dumb as the woman in the video


What does pdx mean?




It’s for the Portland airport but people call the Portland metropolitan area PDX for short.


Say "PDF File" five times fast


That's not what the person was using PDX for. The video is from Portland. The videos notes this is stuff you'll see in Portland. The person's context is saying this isn't specific to PDX, but can be found anywhere. How are y'all struggling this badly with reading comprehension? It's literally one comment into the thread.


Soft bigotry


It's a pretty common term for a person of color who doesn't look black. The cringy part here is how it was applied.


She said she "helps the homeless" and then right after that she was just "making sure the brown person is okay" and you don't see how fucking weird that is? The soft bigotry of someone with white saviour complex. People's reactions are completely justified, she is WILD.


Why does she assume he is homeless?


The area where the interaction takes place is only a couple of blocks from a lot of homeless camps & tents in the Old Town/Chinatown District.


This might sound extremely dumb but what's PDX?


Portland, Oregon. The airport is PDX and for some reason, people use that abbreviation to refer to the city, not only the airport.


Yes, I would think, that if someone said to me 'We take care of our white people' they are racist.


I'm sorry, but as someone who actually Is an Arab-American, I find that lady very offensive. If she ever walked up to me + my family and pulled something like that, she'd get the biggest telling off of her life.  She's a racist and doesn't even see it. Yet she probably thinks she's the savior of humanity in her own mind.  Virtue signaling white saviors. I'm completely fed up with them thinking we're inferior.


People in America are so racist. Like i get that they think it's not racism cause they see themselves as fighting oppression. But walking up to someone and being like this person is a different colour so i must defend them is so messed up.


Yes, it's just America that struggles with racism. Totally.


Europeans when they get within fifteen feet of a gypsy:


I want to say you might be wrong but then I would need to handpick the few people I know that would not call them that.


Not even gypsies. Let’s talk about migrants and refugees from Muslim countries


Europeans when a black player misses a goal:


Whataboutism is strong in this one


no whataboutism. people love to say that america is racist, as if they are from a country that’s any better. just pointing out is not “americans are racist” just “people are racist”


no place on earth free from racism, probably some researchers on antarctica right now saying the n word


And ironically the term gypsy was made because they thought the Romanians were Egyptian


Yeah, must be nice outside America where racism is nonexistent and the world is chill. Thank God we’re outsiders - thinkers - who learn the truth from Reddit rather than books or travel, real life shit. What a waste of time that would be


Every country is racist, it's just the particular way Americans show their prejudice.


The world consumes American media so the shit storm here is more available to people than other countries' shit storms.




It’s a dicey situation. The reason people are often more inclined to step into a situation like this when a minority is potentially being harassed is because America IS in fact very racist. Minorities are harassed pretty frequently. The lady in this video had good intentions but could have used better verbiage for sure. It’s a double edged sword because people will scream and cry “why didn’t anyone step in? Why didn’t anyone help?” when someone is actually being harassed, but when someone does step in, they are called an idiot. It’s a lose lose situation


And Portland has a loooong history of systemic racism that many here are trying to fix


I kind of took it as a guy recording someone and looks like he’s harassing them. Not the case this time but there’s a lot of videos where someone is harassing someone while recording. Without the context, this kinda looks like it as well.


Well, technically it is harassing… it’s just very well deserved harassing. Problem is everyone feels so justified in their crusades (both the camera man and woman) that they’d rather express disgust to one another than even calmly hint (or catch on) something else is at play.


I know what you’re thinking but this is Portland. Portland is just fucking weird man.


I promise we aren’t all like this lol


Eh. Seeing someone with a camera shoved in their face, it's not unreasonable to think they might need assistance. Additionally if they are from a marginalised group.


True but I'll take that kinda racism over the other kind any day. I would rather have none but I live in reality... and America


Because POC are never hassled, assaulted or arrested for no reason?


Portland is built a little different. Only place I’ve been to that is so aggressively liberal and pro-diversity, but with so little actual diversity (based on traditional metrics). While you’ll find *some* black and East Asian folks, you could go an entire day without seeing someone with that color brown skin. I guess that combination of factors leads to this


He was talking to a cop, so her concern was not misplaced. Even so, this dude is a steaming pile of shit.


As well as assuming he is fucking homeless!!! Wtf, lady??? Why assume that??


I mean look at him, he is dressed like he is homeless. There was nothing wrong with her stepping in generally. The only issue with her was referring to him as “the brown person” for whatever reason showing she is racist.


Nah, I disagree. Her assuming he was homeless is fucking weird, and just as cringe as her calling him “the brown person”. Do you think she would have assumed he was homeless if he was white?


'How dare that woman interrupt my virtue signalling with her own virtue signalling!' call the cops and be done with it instead of getting enough content to fit in some ad breaks.


Nailed it


The issue with calling the cops is, the guy hasn't done anything illegal. Contrary to popular opinion, it's legal to talk to 14-year-olds online and meet up with them.


Idk if its legal or not man but I do know that shits sus


Yeah but no cop is going to arrest someone just because they're "sus". They need to have broken a law and the cop needs to have evidence of that.


Really depends on what was said and what the intentions were. If you show up to a childs home, with roofies and condoms that's definitly a fucking crime.


This is true. If it was legal all these heroic child predator hunters would literally cull their population within days. But yet here we are with children still getting assaulted without consent lol.


In Portland the police don't do shit no matter how much evidence you provide. 


what is wrong with his bottom lip.... did he get Greyscale like in Game of Thrones?


Huffing paint maybe?


Maybe he saw Mad Max: Fury Road and fancies himself a Warboy but is trying to be a bit discreet about it?


^^don't ^^witness ^^me


[What is going on up here?](https://media.tenor.com/uvokyppZoTkAAAAC/sunny-in-philadelphia-charlie.gif)




I never know, man


could be a number of things, from circulatory issues to chronic dehydration.


eating blue raspberry candy with kids


Could be [argyria from colloidal silver](https://karger.com/cde/article/11/1/23/55999/A-Rare-Case-of-Localized-Argyria-on-the-Face#)


why tf would it be that


That hippy has been eating silver again.


Crack lips. Think the Dave Chapelle character...


![gif](giphy|OA1CDoCiAR48E) this character?


That's the one.


y’all got any more of those morally ambiguous vigilante tik tok pedo sting videos?


I feel like I remember somewhere that explained fake fentanyl has blue dye and makes their mouth turn blue


Jesus Christ this is such a clusterfuck, if the blue lipped dude wasn’t so earnest I’d fully believe this was a work of fiction


Making fake rage bait videos is a huge industry nowadays. You should need more than a guy's earnesty to believe any videos like this. I have not seen a comment verifying this is real.


Hey get it right it's the brown, blue lipped dude to you


Is this one of those pedo hunter groups? They think they're doing good but all they're doing is causing the pedos to be way more cautious 


Yeah, the caption said "arrest", but the video said "I'm a guy who likes milking this for content on the internet". While at the same time putting the pedos on notice that they need to make their methods harder to trace.


Not only that these groups can also cause evidence being collected to be thrown out. The TLDR; it's called "fruit of the poisonous tree". These groups are putting these pedos into spots to where they have to admit wrong doing, and with these videos usually goes viral their lawyer can have a pretty strong argument about how they were forced to give information without a warrant. I'm obviously not an expert here but I imagine there have been many times where cops were collecting information and these pedo hunting groups corner a guy they were monitoring, then they admitted to things (including the case the cops were working on) and because of that the cops had to start all over.


So I thought saying “houseless” was a little weird but then topped it off with saying “the brown person”


> "It's not homelessness, it's houselessness! It's houses these people need! A home is an abstract idea, a home is a setting, it's a state of mind. These people need houses; physical, tangible structures." - George Carlin


tell me you live in your mothers basement without telling me you live in your mother's basement.


I like how this could apply to any of the three characters in this video.


I live in a basement and it's co owned by my dad and someone else.


I mean she had good intentions she didn’t know , all she saw was some guy pouting at some other guy looking scared , and he does look homeless lol


I'm brown & I don't need any saving.


Is the brown person safe? You’re not houseless are you?


Hello my fellow brown person, are you safe?


The thunder sound effect got me bro


Had me cringing hard, r/iamverybadass material


Where is part 2?!


Same, pissed rn haha


Keeping Portland weird...👍


I see a lot of people calling out the decent, concerned person checking up on the brown person. Oh dear, so she had a poor choice of words but why is she the focus of so many comments - why even include her in the video? I wonder how many of the reddit warriors stepping in to focus their ire on her, would be the same people who would call out her out if she walked past another, random, 'houseless' person who was genuinely being harrassed. but, still it reminds me never to intervene in ANYTHING, Your wife or daughter being harrassed on the street? sorry, I cant step in to see what;s up. because I might not be 'word perfect'


He’s not brown!! He’s purple!😂😂


He just needed another sip of the Grimace Shake.


It looks like he's wearing silver lipstick


Lips look like ursula


As a mixed race brown person myself, I took 0 offence to this. Someone give the guy a chapstick before he goes to prison, them lips dry AF.


It's amazing how, in a video that contains a pedophile and someone who said "I just want to make sure the brown person is ok", the guy who's filming it somehow comes across as the biggest piece of shit in the video.


Dudes obviously a POS but put yourself outside the situation. You see a person of color dressed like a homeless person being aggressively approached by someone holding a camera, you wouldn't be concerned? She didn't know the guy was a pedo.


Why’s his lip so dark?


The dude is clearly not living the best life you can tell he is deeply messed up. The crude reality is that most people with Pedophile tendencies suffered severe abuse themselves. A little more compassion can go a long way. I was excited at first cause it looked like video guy was approaching it in a compassionate way, and you can see how the other guy reacted quite good to that. He is clearly living in a hellish reality and maybe just needs to be able to actually talk about it so that energy can start to go away... It is so sad, and people are just using this for clout, which is immensely sadder


His lips look green


White women love saving brown people.


White liberal upper-class feminist sees a 'brown person' immediatly assumes they are homeless while implying the other guy is the racist one


Assuming “the brown person” is unhoused is totally not internalized white supremacy.


As a brown person, “I am okay” thanks for asking


Colour people living in their own world. Just IMAGINE if you went up to a white guy talking to a black guy and made sure they were safe and weren’t being harassed by someone of the opposite colour. It’s called racism when you’re judging people by their skin colour and protecting them because they’re the same colour as you.


Thank you for checking in on us. Always check on your brown person in your life


What'the problem? In Spanish we have "Moreno", is normal and is not offensive. Make reference to the skin tone of someone shouldn't be a problem I mean, this is totally a 'merica moment 💀💀💀


That's nice of her 😃 (up until she called him "the brown person"😤)




That bottom lip is in dire need of some lip balm


He looks like he's been chewing on hot coals


I just think this is sad. This guy seem mentally challenged and ill. He probably tries to connect with children because he is at that level mentally. Everything that led up to looking that horrible can't be a good life.


How is being mentally ill ANY excuse to try to talk to children????


The people you need to watch out for is the self hating white lady


Brown person with blue lips lol


I know this person. What is going on?


“I just want to make sure the brown person is ok” 😂 that’s a fucking insane thing for some morally righteous person to say holy fuck.


I feel like this is a rare Win Win (Win). Lady won for saying something when it looked odd. Yeah she was wrong but good for her for speaking up and then leaving when she realized it was not what she thought. And good for the OOP for confronting a pedo in a non violent way. And good for us because it was captured on video. Win win (win).


Anyone defending her has never lived on the west coast. These folk don’t actually wanna make a difference, they just wanna make themselves feel important.


Damn, his lips, he’s clearly a crack head. I mean no offense