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The way she looks so pleased with herself is chilling.


Look at the all the top maga mug shots. Either smiling or trying to look tough. No ragrets.


What's wrong with yogurts?


It sounds like it's coming back up.






She’s thinking about her inevitable gofundme mountain of cash by claiming to be the real victim.


Don’t worry someone will wipe it off real good in there


Give her a little time in prison, I'm sure that smug ass smile will go away.


MAGA going to make her as a guest speaker in a rally I bet.


This comment right here is what’s wrong with America Edit: the downvotes only prove my point so keep em coming.


I'm sorry, did the Republicans not march a couple on stage who were infamous for pointing guns at protesters walking by their house?


Definitely the same thing


Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer and he's a Republican hero




Just because it was ruled as justified doesn't make it not murder.




Legal murder. If someone killed your wife and got away with it, you'd still call them a murderer


Proves what? The majority say you're wrong? Needs of the many my guy


I don't think my comment is the issue here.


Biden might. Given this is a Zionist women trying to murder Palestinians


All our presidents have supported Israel. Only your side runs over protestors, shoots up grocery stores, savatoges power stations, bomb planned parenthood centers, plot to kidnap govenors,and uh, oh yeah, attempt to murder brown todlers.


Please don’t forget the gallows they built for Pence.




I'm not even from America you fucking douchebag. And Yes, Biden openly cavorts with warcriminals like Netanyahu and Gallant. Fucking Blinken was shaking hands with a guy that the ICC is pursuing arrest warrants for. Your govt literally invites war criminals into your country, supplies bombs and munitions to an apartheid regime who are reminding folks of how Nazis were acting back in the 30s, Biden is providing political and diplomatic cover for the crazy fucks in the Israel. Donald Trump can choke on a catci dildo down his throat, so can Biden. Atleast Trump doesn't even pretend like he's a decent human being while Biden acts like he's the paragon of goodness while he continues to send bombs that are dropped on innocent people in Gaza. You can get fucked as well if you support this geriatric Zionist ghoul.


You silly Billy. My first sentence said literally every president, on both sides, supported the zionist murderers. The rest of my statement is about the maga fools, not the government.


Bruh why do you assume he’s on the right just because he doesn’t like biden. I’m a leftist and I fuckin hate biden


Bruh, I never said what side I was referring to. It was implied through context. His words *heavily* implied he is on the right.


Exactly. It was the whataboutism nature of their reply.


So, you\`re a trump supporter? Because the US only has 2 options.. you know..


Jesus, the two party system has turned Americans into brainwashed tribalist morons. Fuck this country. We deserve to suffer.


To be fair - countries with 27 parties aren\`t much better - as it takes ages to even form a government after elections - but ... 2 isn\`t great either. I think the choice between 10 different ones - if they truly are different - would give some choice, and a more leveled government.. i\`m open to other ideas though.


I think folks here misunderstood your intention. First, you called the guy out by asking if he supports trump since he "fucking hates Biden" (because he's probably a false flag) Second, you simply acknowledged that countries with a fuck ton of parties do indeed struggle to legislate in a manner similar to the U.S. - Then you offered a potential middle ground. Band wagon downvoters.


With my second line, i might have forgotten the /s . Though, as far as anyone can see - there really are 2 parties in the US - Democrats and Conservatives.. Any others are either very covert, or not talked about / to..


The irony of this comment being on r/therewasanattempt is lost on you, isn’t it?


"Bigot tries to drown a 3 year old, based on parents religion." A three year old child has no religion.


That's true but The religion was the motive for the hate crime so the religion does matter in the context.


That's why I changed the headline to reflect it more accurately.


It's actually because the child and their family are Palestinians, so yeah it's worst.




No reason to attempt to drown a fucking three year old


My dad is religious and never once made me go to church.


May she rot in prison wtf, she almost drowned 2 children. The little 3yo girl had to receive CPR bc she wasnt breathing.


Poor kid, if that wasn't bad enough her family will probably be made homeless now for the the cost of the CPR recieved.


Couldn\`t they sue this person - as the cause of the CPR requirement is directly due to actions done by that person.


Sure, but if she only has $2 they only get $2 at most. ETA: I forgot about victims' funds. In the US, the state/county/etc would most likely have a fund to pay medical expenses for victims.


Not sure how it works, but here (Netherlands) the government will be after a conviction with forced pay.


We was released on bail. Talk about a flight risk.


I hope she wasn’t starved of oxygen long enough that it caused brain damage.


Full story...Texas, of course https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-woman-arrested-allegedly-attempting-drown-3-year-old-palestinian-rcna158473


Ugh, I shouldn’t be worried that a sitting Governor will pardon her, but I am.


"Sitting governor" made me laugh.


Lmao r/fuckgregabbott


The state AG will likely derail any justice before Abbott even rolls out of bed and slithers to the shower.


But if he showers won't that wash off the piss?


Not if it is a golden shower.


Tears of the undocumented immigrant children that were separated from their parents that nobody knew where they were. There’s a factory somewhere in Texas where brown people are forced to cry into funnels that put everything into a large vat that he and Paxton use as lube. If MTG can make shit up and be taken seriously, I may as well be able to do the same.


Always in the one star state. It's not a flag, it a review.


Oh she was intoxicated, now she will blame alcohol which made her act like that otherwise she loves everyone and not like the person she became due to alcohol.


Lol "allegedly"


The way that woman looks makes me want to break TOS.


I have so many intrusive thoughts right now




No. Overpolished white woman in her 40s.




Try to murder a child? Life in prison please


She'll say it would be antisemitic to judge her since she was only doing her part in Palestinian genocide


I bet I know what news channel she watches


How could you know? There’s Fox News AND Newsmax. No way to pick which one!


She's probably planning on going on tour with Kyle Rittenhouse


Difference is, that the 3 year old didnt attack that rascist b*tch with a loaded glock.


Rittenhouse was not defending himself, he went to a protest with the intention of shooting someone


That lie again? You want someone that went to a rally to kill someone, look at Michael Reinhoel murdering Aaron Danielson 4 days after the Rittenhouse story as "retribution" for Rittenhouse. That's an actual murder without self defense.


I'm not defending killing people at all, and that's just blatant whataboutism. Rittenhouse went to a protest armed and with the intention of shooting someone.


That's not what the judge and jury found, that's your opinion. The same opinion that lead to Reinhoel to go shoot someone in retribution. Call it whataboutism to deflect if you want, but the facts remains unchanged.


okay buddy, whatever you say


"The woman, identified as Elizabeth Wolf, 42, was approached by officers as she tried to leave and placed under arrest for public intoxication." https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/a-woman-is-accused-of-attempting-to-drown-a-3-year-old-muslim-child-in-possible-hate-crime-incident-1.6937798#:~:text=The%20woman%2C%20identified%20as%20Elizabeth%20Wolf%2C%2042%2C%20was%20approached%20by%20officers%20as%20she%20tried%20to%20leave%20and%20placed%20under%20arrest%20for%20public%20intoxication.


Elizabeth Wolf is her name


Shouldn’t be surprising after that 6 year old Palestinian-American was stabbed 26 times last October in the US.


She has a punchable face


Good comment


That psycho looks mighty pleased with herself


How is it a "possible" hate crime?


What if she came from the future to kill future Osama Bin Laden and this was the only way? How would you know?


Dang it youre right she does look like Sarah Connor


$25,000 bail for attempted murder - additional $15,000 for child abuse (or whatever legal wording). It almost sounds like Texas supports trying to kill innocent children. I’m sure plenty of people have had higher bails in Texas without attempted murder.


She's probably pro life


"Possible hate crime" >The victim’s mother told police Wolf was questioning where she was from and if the two children playing at the pool were hers, the release said. Edit: Format


Elizabeth Wolf


Who wants to bet that she'll be speaking at a convention by the time the election comes around? God, what a depressing sentence.


This is Zionism.


The most moral woman in the world. Bibi Net and yahoo


How does one fail to drown a 3 year old. They’re not exactly known for their swimming prowess.


OK how many years is she getting?


Can someone explain why this woman was charged with attempted capital murder but was released on bail?? She held the child under water!


Texas love shining through.


How disingenuous do you have to be to say “possible” hate crime. What, do you not believe her?


Her daughter is scared of the big bad “wolf” now (last name of her assailant), that is so tragically sad… Texas still have that death penalty thing? Because we found a worthy candidate.


ah, the problem is the hate crime, i see. And i should trust the judgement of media.


She should rot alive


Is she posing for her new LinkedIn profile pic?


Expect more of this as the christian nationalists start digging deeper into what their god allowed and demanded in their book. There’s no limit to what you can justify with religion.


This lady is a fucking psychopath.




She looks like she’s tried a few times before


Honestly she lost that fight to a 3 year old she should be EMBARRASSED dude


God's divine and perfect plan


POSSIBLE hate crime? My brothers in Christ, if you're drowning a child, there's some major hate there.


Drown her


Is this end of our world ? Like wtf, why do Americans and Israeli just act like good is evil and evil would be good ? Wtf is wrong with these people ?


I assume she failed the test to become a Greek coastguard then.


That’s terrible that they forced Islam on the child.




I truly hope the shit you say online gets traced back to you irl man. You’re in dire need of consequences


You should touch some grass.


*Me?* Lmfao thanks for the suggestion




>Definitely this woman is a piece of work, but I think there is something missing from this story that's cause it to sensationalise the 'drown a little Muslim' aspect. >There was probably some interaction between these two women before the 'you're not American' comments flew out. The comments probably had something to do with controlling her 3 year old child. >If there's one thing the media today is good at doing its helping a minority be a victim. >If there's one thing the media today is good at doing its helping a minority be a victim. This coming from you is just precious! Friendly reminder - you quite literally invented an entire scenario to shift the blame partially on to a minority for no rhyme or reason.


I didn't invent anything - if you don't like the possibility that there's race baiting going on in this story you need to take a look at what is a racist and who benefits from distracting from the details in this story.


This bit is you literally inventing something: >There was probably some interaction between these two women before the 'you're not American' comments flew out. The comments probably had something to do with controlling her 3 year old child. So how many "race bait stories" versus genuine cases of racism happen?


Wow, didn't think I'd wake up to see someone defending an attempted child murderer. Kinda glad I can't see their comments.




I've never been so shitfaced that I tried to drown a child, even when provoked. Please don't make up scenarios to defend racism.


Well, the mother was wearing a hijab and so visibly Muslim. And the attempted child killer was drunk and clearly racist. You really think it needs more? What sort of valid justification do *you* think she could have for trying to kill a 3 year old? Because trying to claim that attempting to murder a 3 year old child is just an excuse to "help a minority be a victim" sounds a lot like you're a racist POS trying to twist blame onto the mother because "mUsLiM!!"


I started my previous comment condeming the perpetrator as a real piece of work - in English, this is a derogatory remark - it seems that your lacking in grasp of slang has you jumping to accuse me of racism - a Hijab indicates the person is likely a Muslim. Muslim is a religion and does not indicate a specific race - calling someone a racist should be something that you are held accountable for. This claim of racism should have some weight to bear for falsely using it as a means to an end. It should have the same shame as using the n word. Unfortunately this is the world we live in - people are dismissed and called names because they are white and assumed to be racist because they attempted to understand and ignorance prevails. If I were to victim blame in this case it would be to suggest that because the mother of the victim is Muslim she would have very little exposure to drunk people and would not realize that even a small slight could provoke things to escalate as unpredictably as they did. I pity you for your victim complex. It will only take you to being treated like a pariah. You will blame racism for this too - and until you realize that it is you that is the racist, you will remain a victim as a self fulfilled prophecy. If you can't see that the media is race baiting- you are poorly informed of who is expected to run for president in the US.


>I pity you for your victim complex. This just in; **Pot meets Kettle**




Why do you think she's Jewish?




Fuck all the way off.


Israeli fascists (as distinct from Jews) are legitimately responsible for enough suffering to last a thousand lifetimes. No need to ascribe random horrible acts to Jews more generally.