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That car decided to say fuck this shit and go back to the wilderness.


*"Return to monke"* \- Google maps voice


As someone who hauls oversize, this is one of my biggest worries when splitting lanes. That some impatient prick will think "I can get around this way" and proceed with their stupid ass idea resulting in a wreck. One of the main reasons we split the lane is to try and keep people from running along side us in really tight areas. Yes, I know I could get over and "give you room", but doing so would not be safe for either of us, especially you.




You could just take a photo of it while driving. Equally dangerous vut at least you got proof to show manager why you're late


You’d rather die than be late to work? Why not just leave room what “situations”. If 5 minutes makes or breaks you being on time, you left too late.




Is it a spectacular job? Only person I know who commutes that far makes 180k and doesn’t want to pull their kids out of school. Unbelievably poor people live in cities. You can’t afford to live there or closer?




Maybe depends on the city but there are dirt cheap row homes in tons of cities if you don’t mind living next to abandoned buildings, vacant over grown lots, dozens of neighbors sitting on their stoops drinking and smoking all workday long. Just gotta move out of your comfort zone. I personally wouldn’t but I don’t work in the city and only need to go there for work, on the clock, maybe once or twice a week.


I don't get paid till the load gets to its destination and is off the trailer, and the paperwork is sent in, so no, I'm not "already getting paid".


That is how most jobs work tho... I don't get paid every hour it comes on my paycheck.


That’s what we have a fuckin billion dollars of liability insurance for.


When it comes to having an accident, we give very little shit about the load or damages to vehicles because we know all that is covered by insurance. The problem is people, and the very likely chance of a lawsuit, which a trucker will more than likely lose with out proof to back up their side if they aren't at fault. Even then, sometimes the people who caused the accident can still end up winning some how. Then there is the issue that many companies will let go of the driver after 1 accident, forcing the driver to try and find a new company to work for. Problem is that with that 1 accident on their record, regardless if they were at fault or not, many companies won't touch them. That's not to say all companies will let go of a driver, there are still a lot that won't if the truck driver wasn't at fault. Mega-carriers though, much more likely to let a driver go after an accident. Point is that an accident can easily cost the truck driver his job, and then for the next few years make it very hard to find a new one. I've known people who had to stop driving trucks because they couldn't find a job after an accident. On top of all that, if we do have an accident, because we have a CDL we then have to go in to be tested for alcohol and drugs. If we even hint that we might have been a little tired at the time of the accident, the whole thing could suddenly become our fault. If any issues are found with the truck or trailer that wasn't a result of the accident, the accident can instantly become our fault because "We shouldn't have been driving on the road in the first place". For you an accident is an inconvenience "Damn, car is fucked, but insurance will cover it. I'll figure out a way to get to work.". For truckers, an accident is soooo much more. "Shit, their car is fucked, are they going to sue? Am I getting charged for this load being damaged? Will I be able to keep my job? Will I be able to find a new one? Is something going to be found on my rig that makes the accident my fault even though they hit me". Before getting my CDL I didn't ever worry about having an accident. Even with the few accidents I've been in, the whole process of getting through it was an annoyance. Now with a CDL, I fear getting into an accident, because there is so much more to worry about for me than just my car. So yea, if I need to block people to hopefully keep them from doing something stupid and causing an accident, I'm going to block them.


So I’m also a driver, just for context. I do understand all of these things individually but I guess the main difference for me is I’m in a really good union, and even if you are at fault, there isn’t a lot my company can do to you aside from bombard you with weeks of more paid training, or TAW (time at work - you get to sit in the office and do stupid computer trainings for 8 hours a day to make your pay) But more to my point of liability insurance (and business insurance) a lot of those insuring companies also insure against lawsuits of many kinds- legal fees lawyers and all. Hell my union has its own legal team available to all drivers for job related issues and personal ones as well, even parking tickets on your own vehicle off the clock. I can see how it would be more difficult and troublesome of an issue if you didn’t have a company like this to back you, and especially so if they don’t want to leverage their insurance to protect you.


Yea, I could see how being in a union could relieve a lot of the worry about accidents.


Well that didn’t save time at all.


What was lost in travel time was made up in air time


He took a shortcut


Tag - you're it!


I'm gonna Honda Fit my ass into this ditch.


Who the heck would think that was a good idea, in a car that obviously can barely keep up with the truck, then go off the paved surface and lose all traction to try and pass a wide load on the right? What an idiot.


Yup. Also, r/idiotsincars


A junky - this is not a person of sound mind


To pass away*


In a hurry going nowhere fast.


Oh they went somewhere. Most likely the morgue.


That escalated quickly


This reminds me of a cat failing at something and the running off and hiding.


In case you were not aware, be very careful when driving on any loose surface or really any surface that isn’t good asphalt. The vast majority of automobiles are just not built for them and will nearly automatically lose control regardless of driver actions at speed.


I was absolutely not aware and would have just assumed you could do that. Not the type to off-road but why can't a car just drive in dirt? I've driven on dirt roads in Mexico and we drove regular but then were also not going fast. Is it going from the asphalt to the dirt that makes you lose control?


You said it yourself, you weren’t going that fast. Speed combined with cheap as possible vehicle equal less or loss of control when not on an asphalt road. Some vehicles will lose control from a pothole at speed, even on an asphalt road. To be specific, it’s the inexpensive suspension combined with small inexpensive tires multiplied by an inexperienced driver that usually causes this type of loss of control situation.


When you go from paved to gravel you can lose traction as we saw here.


Song name?


[Coal Chamber - Big Truck](https://youtu.be/5P9pd8JqVT4)


Glad they made it to their destination 🙏🙌


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Is it ok to not stop to help people like this?


Of course. Hyenas gotta eat too…..








I like me some coal chamber


#*You Shall Not Pass! *on the wrong side of the road, dumbass


Bring me a shrubbery


Right side of the road. It's South Africa. And people are not really experienced on passing or patience, as the common practice is to pull over to let the car behind you pass.


Why are people so stupid?


I blame yellow 5 and 6 food coloring in children’s breakfast cereals.


You just know that's in Africa!!! Hahaha!!


Aaaand now they just live there.


That Honda didn't Fit.


😂 What ?


How do people like this get their licenses. Cmon man they really be passing idiots nowadays


Good god...God.... I musta been lucky when I got bullied off the road while going 70mph (insurance scam tried to cause me to slam into him and I had to drive into the ditch to avoid him and since he was then behind me I jumped back onto the road and kept going)


U are busy? Stop it


Took 'em straight to the scene of the accident.


I saw a smart car do this successfully


Cruise on? Seemed like still spinning wheels going over the rise