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You knew every shtep of the way exshactly how it works... but you walk around that fucking mansion...in your $500 shoes and your diamond ringsh...and you act like buttah wouldn't melt in your mouf Edit: corrected spelling to shtep and exshactly


And you don’t want it to get ugly?  TOO LATE 😠


I want what I'm ENTITLED TO!


You’re entitled to shit!


And don’t forget the Lladros and Porsche cayenne


All she really wanted was a Hyundai and a simple gold heart on a chain.


And for Tony to have a normal life selling patio furniture


Like the peppah 


Don’t forget braces. Usually it’s tits they want




I want what I’m entitled to.


It's easier to just get a dog


Are ve not men?


You’re entitled to shit!!


Good thing for me then your book don't mean oogatz to me!


He's here for ze rent! Ze rent! Ze rent!


The Gates of Hell are locked from the inside.


holy shit what a turn of phrase. where did you get that?


Sun Ta Zu?


Zoo! Turtle Back Zoo, you fuckin' ass kiss!


Yeah the chinese prince Matchabelli


Quasimodo predicted all of this you know


Do I have to reference my main man Dr Krakower again ? Carm was an enabler - and the one thing she could never say was she didn't know. Her hands were as bloody as Tony- er she washed his bloody hands


Right? The show spells it out for her and the audience and people still don't get it.


I think it's possible to recognize that Carmella suffered at Tony's hands while also acknowledging and condemning her complicity in his crimes and the moral culpability that comes with it - I don't think anything in the OP is at odds with that.


Exactly. What makes the show do good is that there is no black and white morality as evidenced by how emotionally invested we feel about in retrospect pretty shitty people who are at times capable of good.


Agreed, I mean the entire point of the show is observing Tony's continued suffering and we have no trouble acknowledging that its perpetuation is down to his own choices. We should be able to appreciate that Carmela was facing the same issues.


Yea it’s weird. People feel like q show needs one bad guy, so Tony being bad somehow negates anything Carm did. It’s like people can’t entertain the idea that everyone sucks here.


Fuck that was a good scene


Both actors delivered big time I love that guy The critique of psychiatry and society in general Amazing


Great points. He’s got it up *here*, this kid! I once saw somebody on this sub-with complete confidence- try to call carmella a better person/more sympathetic character than skylar white and my jaw hit the floor. Carmella is a vain, shallow mob wife who only feigns outrage when something effects her, while Skylar White is an *actual* victim of circumstance.


Great comparison skyler was a hostage Carm was a pig clutching her pearls


You're not listening.


Always with the draaaama


This all sounds very gay


It's just their blood pressure meds. Ignore them.




Discontinue cock!


There’s nothing gay about hell


I’m sure you didn’t come up with that yourself


Love the sinner, hate the sin.


Maybe you're gay, you ever think of that?




She was gay, Carmela Soprano?




I understand where you’re coming from. Although she is a spoiled mob wife, I felt bad for Carmela a few times throughout the show. One that comes to mind is when Carm hears the girls gossiping about how one of the mobsters knocked up a stripper and were gonna be having twins. Carm goes on a rampage to get Tony snipped so his infidelity doesn’t cause an unwanted child. I mean. Damn… just divorce his ass and be done with it. But she can’t cuz Tony is Tony. So she compromises and wants him to get a vasectomy. I can’t even imagine what that situation would be like for a woman…. And Carm doesn’t deserve it at all! She’s an attentive parent to Meadow and AJ, a homemaker, a killer cook, and she’s gorgeous. Tony was fucking up.


And it shows how demented and self centered Tony is that he gets OFFENDED by even that. Like, she's telling him, "fine, you're gonna cheat no matter what, but at least do this one thing," and he acts like she's being unreasonable, starts the whole "I'm a traditional Catholic" gaslighting. He really is a contemptible, selfish, baby of a man.


As soon as he found out his mother tried to kill him, he blames every single problem he’s ever had on her from that point forward. He is incapable of taking responsibility or accepting blame for his actions. It’s always someone else’s fault


This reminds me when he gets offended because Gloria said something that reminded him of his mother. Excuse me sir, are you not dragging this unstable suicidal lady around creating a bond with her telling her you’re connected to her and ignoring your wife then acting surprised that she fell for you and wants you to herself? You created a monster. This is your doing. And then she kill’s herself and he makes it all about his self esteem. “Am I that horrible?” YES FFS


Tony just doesn’t care. He does whatever he wants whenever, no matter who it hurts




Don't forget he's a strict catholic


The scene where she decides she doesn't want him to get the snip anymore and instead goes 180 and says she wants a BABY... I cringe myself inside out every time. Carmela is fucking pathetic.


It's hard to feel sorry for someone who has knowingly profited from serious/violent organized crime every day for (I dunno)maybe 15 years at the start of the series and 25years-ish by the end. Carmela knows the deal, all of it, and always did. I don't think she really "loves" him either. Remember when they're separated and Tony's chasing Melfi very persistently and she basically admits that she's attracted to him and interested on some level etc but, well, he's a mobster. Carmela could have ended their relationship at any time. She stays with him/takes him back because it's easy and all she knows is being a mob wife/parent.


You get a pash for that


Carmela ain't Skyler White.


Even Skyler isn’t perfect, but Skyler’s a saint compared to Carmela lol


It’s an honor to be joined by men.


and not cornholing cocksucking midlife crisis havers like married carmela! he should fuck a catchers mitt!


>Edie pulled all of that out. You know, sometimes what happens in here is like taking a shit.


I like to think of it more like child birth


Trust me, it's like takin a shit


They're all sources of pleasure though


OP, men are talking here.


How about this humidity


She's entitled to shit.


While that is true she k ew what she was marrying into. And if she didn’t the psychiatrist she went to laid it all bare in front of her. He even told her the hard truth even when she tried to evade and he didn’t take her money because it was blood money.


You know the wine makes you emotional.


She can live in a dumpster when Tony is gone for all I care


she knew exactly what she was getting into when she married him and went along anyway, reaped the rewards of having an insanely rich husband and only questioned the morality of where the money came from when it affected her negatively, at which point she'd sit and cry about it in the mansion that she got from it


She knew who she was marrying. COMPLICIT.


Fuck Carmela and her crocodile tears. She was ready to fuck half of north jersey including the clergy. How about the dead bodies that paid for her guest house? The dead bodies she knew were piling up over the years. Fuck her and don't make me a sap feeling bad for her. She's just as evil as tony, but she's better at putting up a facade.


Oh Boo hoo


I’d bang Carmela all day every day. I like that 2000s woman look she has. 


Probably the least of his misdeeds.


She knew *exactly* what she was getting into, and was perfectly fine with her lavish lifestyle being funded by Tony and his crew killing people that probably had spouses that they cared for the way she wanted Tony to care for her. For every time she dreams about having some romantic husband, there’s probably an equal number of instances of Tony or Paulie or somebody breaking the kneecaps of a great husband in order to fund Carmela’s spec house, or her new shoes or her earrings. She made her bed, and she needed to lie in it


That is inaccurate. BUT...it explains the relatively high number of posts that portray Tony as a hero.


Oh poor you


Honestly I thought her best moment was here https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8CBfKlR02x/?igsh=MWF6OXJmb24xNmtoaQ==


Lots of women and men in relationships w narcissists ( NPD) and sociopaths go through exactly this And worse Hey what’s Carmela bitchin bout Her husband was a piece of a$$ Least he was when chee married him


OP is very sensitive to the plight of women


you better watch your step OP


Ok but you gotta get over it


adrianna got it worse from a physical aspect but atleast there were no kids and actual marriage involved lilac personal shopping….whateva happened there


I think it petered out.


It’s sad when they peter out like that


I loud get it.


Thanks you very much


She grew up in the neighborhood!! She knew what this life was about!!!!


It’s one thing after anotha wit that family


Dr . Ruth ova here...


I see your point, but Carmela, or any of the wives in the show were ok with the lifestyle as long as they felt better than someone else. Early in season 1 Charmaine had to tell her to basically stop treating her like a charity case, and Tony wasn’t her type (I’m assuming Carmela and Tony must’ve had a few convos about Artie not being as successful or rich as Tony); and even then Carmela was only focused on the fact that Tony and Charmaine hooked up instead of understanding that there are people who have qualities that she doesn’t have. Later Ro and another wife (can’t remember who) were talking about how Artie was a good dude, but had a Carmela only started to really push for more for herself when meadow was in college and started showing independence from her parents, mainly Tony (starting with the Hasidic homeboy). Then, when the Russian told her Tony that she was better than her, and that Tony slept with the one legged nurse is when Carm really began to see, there is a life outside of Tony Only when she hooked up with the teacher and he left her did she realize (or I hope she realized) no one is good enough, then she let Tony back in the house, and decided to tolerate him for the marriage Was it an emotional roller coaster? Yes. But she had plenty chances to leave and move on, and decided to stay to PICK THE FREAKING BONES


You already got your cut outta the bird feeder, OP. I’d ask for my take but wait there’s nothin!


Carmela, who da fuck did you tink I wuz when you married me huh? You knew my father! You grew up around Dickie Moltisanti, an your uncle Eddie, whare do you get off actin all surprised and miffed when there’re women on the side? You knew the deal!!!


I mean that’s the whole reason Carmela mom doesn’t like Tony. It’s not just the fact that Tony does that. It’s the fact that Tony is sloppy about all of it. 


OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!! That's the Boss of this Family you're Tawkin About !!!!!!


Poor you


Are ve not men?


She chose that life and was completely enthralled with all the materialistic bullshit that came with it.


It's an honour to be joined by men?


Yeah yeah. They came in on the good ship lollipop


Carmella is the worst type of person, she’s happy to live the lifestyle she’s become very accustomed to and then tries to make Tony feel like shit for providing exactly what she wants.


I often wonder if 'Livia ended up so twisted and nasty because of the way Jonny treated her with his lies and deceit as well - I mean it couldn't have helped to have your only son and your husband lie to your face, and you know they are lying, as you lay in a hospital bed miscarrying a baby,


You are not wrong. However, this was the moral flaw of both Carmela and her mother. Carmela and the family always knew was Tony was after he brought roses for both ladies and new drill for Hugh on Tony and Carmela's first date. The, the mother, tries to say that Russ Fegoli, some assistant at the Vatican during a very dirty time, indeed. Need I go on?


She is constantly making excuses for people she knows to be total monsters, especially Tony. It echoes what the viewer has to do to keep watching. She's more our eyes than Tony, IMHO.


Was a fun Show . But its not real. Soap opera with killers. Where’s Ludacris when I want him to interject?


Fuck you want, a boutonniere?


First of all, Carmela doesn't "have to" lie next to him every night, she chooses to. Also, I'm pretty sure she knew what she was in for in getting into the whole mess by marrying Tony. Like she didn't know all these guys had side chicks?


The more I rewatch the show the more it becomes apparent how *not* innocent Carmella is throughout the series. I’m specifically referring to the numerous scenes where she is quick to flex on Charmaine when they are forced to move into a tiny house, and again when Ginny is losing everything while John is in jail where Carm shows up specifically to show off the new car that Tony bought her. She has virtually no pity for Angie when she’s passing out samples in the grocery store — “Gee Angie, that’s so tough”.


I’m a woman. She and the other wives turned their heads in exchange for gifts and status essentially. Once you’re that deep it’s hard to figure out which way is up. By the time she has done that it’s too late and she’s too comfortable. Plus kids make it much harder. Also Tony is a sociopath whatever it’s called and if you’ve ever dated one let alone marry then you have nooooo idea how that can be over time it’s brutal!!! Still don’t feel bad for her though she asked for it all ❤️‍🩹


Are u really emphasizing Tony's cheating over his depraved acts as a human? If I were Carmela I'd be wondering looking at him next to me at night.... did he kill Adriana? How many has he killed? Who did he maim or beat up to buy me this necklace or pay our mortgage? His cheating would be the least of it. I'd be worried about the blood on his hands or the influence his rep as a mob boss (come on all, even the kids knew) on my children's morals and work ethic and future. His sticking his dick in someone else would be bottom of the list!


Still going this one


Women bitch about everything. We shouldn't continue to chase their feelings.


"Oh i'm so depressed, but let me stay with this guy cause he has all the money and power i could think of, but oh how sad i am"




You all talk like it is real life.