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I like Librarian with my other terminators, personally - the sustained hits are really nuts when rapidfiring storm bolters. I’m pretty casual but I got to deathwing assault onto my teleport homer turn one with 5 termies and a librarian in the last game I played, and the other player wasn’t able to nudge them off of it until the last turn.


You can’t use deathwing assault to rapid ingress.


You’re right - I can only rapid ingress on the enemy’s turn in the second round or later. But can’t I deepstrike the terminators on the first turn during my reinforcement step with DA assault? If not, is there ever a reason to equip this enhancement? I’m, er, obviously new to this lol


You can definitely do a normal deep strike turn 1 with Deathwing assault.


Thanks! This is my first army and I’m more confused by how this deepstrike thing works than any other rule. Hope you don’t my asking a follow up question. When you do a turn 1 deepstrike, that’s going to require 1CP for relic teleportarium, right? Or is there a way to do the standard 9inch deepstrike for 0 CP? These units have the deepstrike tag but their rules only describe the use of rapid ingress, sadly. Edit: I found the answer by reading the rules, surprisingly. I feel like last time I checked, the deepstrike rules just said to check the unit for further details, but I looked in a different place this time. Since me and the boys are just doing casual “only war” matches, I’ll probably stop taking DW assault since we’re not using a mission pack that restricts turn one deepstrike.


You can use DW assault to deep strike T1 as it overrides the rule about no T1 deep strike. Otherwise you have to wait to turn 2


You can use it to deepstrike first turn, you just can’t use it with rapid ingress as Deathwing assault specifies you have to use it in YOUR movement phase. Still good to get them onto an objective early or deepstrike directly into their lines ready for a turn 1 charge.


The teleport homer only lets you use rapid ingress for free.if deep striking on your turn, it does nothing and you are not required to set up near it


Ah, I see where my words were confusing - the presence of the homer was irrelevant to my ability to deepstrike. Thanks!


Honestly in ICTF I like the captain. Just because I think feeding the knights AoC, martial Mastery, and unmatched fortitude is better has a ton of value. Also 1cp interrupt is a nice threat to have. I like the librarian but I think you’d get more with it attached to terminators.


Captain imo. Captain hits harder and can give 1 of 3 different strats for free. Rerolling charge is great.


I’m pretty sure his ability works on all stratagems now with the balance dataslate, you just can’t use the stratagems multiple times and it’s -1 CP cost instead of free


Ya there are 1-3 good strats for him to make free.


Ah I thought you just meant the battle tactics


Ancient and captain


But wouldn't the ancients buffs be useless because knights already hits on 2+ and they get +1 to wound from ICTF


+1 OC is always useful, they won't always be attacking something on a vowed objective, it let's you bring a second enhancement (the 6" consolidate is very nice on DWK), and you can give him a thunder hammer that hits on 3s, which goes to 2s with his ability. Also, the +1 to hit effectively just gives them the "ignore hit modifiers" part of the regular deathwing terminators. All of those aside, putting another bulky body in your -1 damage unit with free strats means you're getting more value out of those Edit: oh I guess it also gives you another body for wrath of the lion if you want to use that


>All of those aside, putting another bulky body in your -1 damage unit Tbf the ancient wont benefit from the -1 damage unless your opponent uses precision weapons and decides to kill your ancient rather than your captain.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this idea. Captain with Deathwing Assault and Ancient with Singular Will make for a very nasty unit to deal with.


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I use captain because the reroll to charge when deep striking is too good to pass up


Captain is awesome. Having access to tons of free/cheap strats (especially Heroic Intervention being 1cp now making it free) makes it very easy to get your DWK stuck in + doing damage. Frees up your CP per turn for other stuff.