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Use it to prevent your opponent from scoring primary or secondary points. The fact is we can turn a leader with a 5x DWK into a 12 OC blob. An enemy would need to commit a sizable force to take that Obj away from us. Even if it only works once per game, it’s worth it with a lot of Pariah Nexus games ending with very close scores.


In my experience, the battle shock strat bonuses are a treat rather than a necessity to win with the detachment.


yep the upgrades and strategems are good, and work well with DA units. it's just the battlshock happens too infrequently on marine bodies. i'd have honestly prefered if you just gave DA's +1 to hit when wounded +1 to wound when at half. and run the bonus' at half strength rather than battleshocked.


There is one that you can reliably take advantage of, if you put the FNP banner on a squad in a transport. When the transport is destroyed they are automatically battleshocked so get a 4+++ against everything for the rest of the turn! I have used this with a repulsor and DWKs to secure an objective pretty handily!


What do the extra plus in this instance mean?


As the other user said it’s a Feel No Pain, generally speaking: Armour saves are a + Invulnerable saves are ++ Feel No Pains are +++ or FNP


Ahhh I knew feel no pain was just unsure about Tbf extra pluses thanks


Feel no pain


Kinda cheesy, but ok


What is cheesy is making everything rely on battleshock when it happens so rarely


The unforgiven task force very easily supports combined-arms lists. Terminators, hellblasters, dreadnoughts, whatever. The new detachment ability change that allows you to buff the OC of one unit per battle round supports infantry more than vehicles, but including one or two tanks is useful.   I would never plan to rely on the battleshock buffs. They occur maybe once every five games, unless your opponent is using a battleshock army like tyranids or nightlords. I would make sure to include a couple units that can make use of the battleshock boons, but never rely on it.   The Unforgiven task force is very CP hungry, so you should include some captains and/or azrael and/or some other kind of CP farm.   The unforgiven task force has some pretty easy access to lethal hits, so lieutenants are less important to use, but they can still be good. I would prioritize sources of sustained hits instead, like terminator librarians or Azrael. Similarly, giving a huge tank assault for a turn 1 armored push can be pretty strong   The strongest combo I use with the unforgiven task force is putting Azrael in a 10 Hellblaster squad and spamming Grim Retribution as many times as I can.


"giving a huge tank assault for a turn 1 armored push...", are you referring to assault doctrine? I thought doctrines were locked to gladius, no?


No, using the fire discipline stratagem in the unforgiven task force detatchment. It gives one unit assault, heavy, and ignores cover.


Greatly appreciate the clarification.


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