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Lebanon about to get their shit kicked in... Again. 


Maybe lebanon shouldn’t host a terrorist organization.


They don't have a choice, unfortunately. They have a large Shia Muslim population and a ton of Palestinians. Hezbollah enjoys quite a bit of support in the South and those who oppose them are put down.


Their military also got spanked by Israel and the various terrorist organizations that are there. That said, if they asked for international help, they might just get it.


There's a whole organization of 15,000 international UNIFIL "observers" that, unfortunately, are so defanged that Hezbollah prefers setting up their bases and rocket launchers adjacent to their observation towers and people. The peacekeepers are just an obstacle to peace.


It all comes down to that time that a force that was actually willing to use force got hit by massive truck bombs that collapsed the entire barracks, killing 300 soldiers. Lebanon has similar dynamics to Iraq - the conflict being very much religious in nature. The West doesn't want to get into another Holy War in the middle east.


To be fair, I dont think the Lebanese want Hezbollah, they dont have much of a choice


That's what these psycho shitheads keep ignoring. They're acting like Lebanon is a functioning state and didn't lose a significant portion of their economy to an explosion. Even before the fertilizer explosion, Lebanon wasn't doing so hot. Funny enough, partly because Palestinians helped instigate the Lebanese Civil War that gave rise to Hezbollah. The government cannot control them. They can't even ensure regular supplies of petrol.


>Funny enough, partly because Palestinians helped instigate the Lebanese Civil War I will never understand why the Lebanese are not really pro Israel. The Palestinians have destroyed so much for them. If they accepted a peace deal at any time, Lebanon would be a great state.


It was more mixed before the war. The Christians in Lebanon actually felt very positive about Israel for a while and (iirc, this part may be wrong), Lebanon was a legit travel spot for Israelis to drive up to. Now it’s mixed. You’ll even see it on the Lebanon subreddit. Many can’t stand hizb, and have commented repeatedly they don’t want war with Israel, but they won’t go so far as liking Israel with everything that happened then and everything happening now in Gaza. The Lebanese people are interesting. Lots of really freaking cool subcultures there.


I'm from Kuwait, where Palestinians sided with Saddam during the Iraq invasion because he promised them our country. They were working checkpoints, turning in resistance fighters etc. After the war, we kicked all 400,000 of them out. The people here still throw their support behind Palestinians though because they hate Jews more. Muslims will always side with each other over the outsider, then get right back to murdering each other.


I’m pro Israel, but Israel did bomb the shit out of Lebanon.


Oh I’m sure they did


.... why arent Muslims pro Jews?1!. Idiot.


Sorry is your assertion that all Muslims hate Jews? Or that there is not a large Christian population in Lebanon


Sorry is your assertion that all Muslims hate Jews? Or that there is not a large Christian population in Lebanon


So in your retarded suicide bomber apologist logic, the Lebanese government can't handle these carpet sniffing fucks, so Israel should just take the rockets fired at them quietly.  Good stuff. 👍


🙄 Clown. Go sniff glue, it's the only thing you're good at.


What was incorrect about what I said about your reasoning? I'll wait. 


Can someone please translate this retards logic and tell me what I got wrong? 




"Lebanons government can't handle Hezbollah so Israel should just allow them to fire rockets at them" - guy who took 30 years and 9 Trillion dollars to finish exactly where he started. 




It’s their country, maybe they should do something about it. They will have to eventually.


The Iranians dont want their leaders, the North Koreans dont want their regime. Sometimes the common people dont have the means to throw out the terror regimes. I wish I could say the same about the Palestinians and Hamas, but they fucking love Hamas.


One survey I saw had like 15% of the population wanting people more extreme than Hamas


The Iranians and North Koreans do want their regime. Indoctrination works


No, they do not


Really? Did you ask the North Koreans?


No, I take their constant attempts to escape by land and sea as proof enough


People leave every country


>To be fair, I dont think the Lebanese want Hezbollah, they dont have much of a choice The problem is with your sentence itself. "The Lebanese" does not exist as a coherent entity. There are the Christians and the Shia Muslims, and they do *not* get along very well. Support for Hezbollah is low in the former and almost 90% in the latter. It's the same issue as was with Iraq and Syria. 


I'm Israeli. I don't think they have a choice. Hezbollah, while elected nowadays, is rooted in too deeply. Iran is helping sow these seeds, and now they are deep within the Lebanese education, just as Hamas is deep in Gaza's and the West Bank's education. And that means that cycle of hate will continue for a long time. And those who openly resist? They might disappear. It happened in Gaza, in the West Bank they've been butchered and labeled as traitors, I don't see how it would be any different in Lebanon.


You think they have a choice? Hezbollah is much better equipped than the Lebanese army


You guys act as if nobody over there has any agency


They do, but the government is powerless against them.


Not everyone is a hero like you, most people care about getting killed, especially killed and then for nothing to change.


Maybe Israel should stop terrorizing Palestinians and instigating conflict with them and the Lebanese


Aw is firing rockets from densely populated areas proving to be a retarded strategy for the Palestinians? What a shame. 


So, have you actually read the news, where hezbollah has been firing rockets into northern Israeli towns? If you haven’t, I suggest educating yourself a bit on the subject. It’s honestly pretty shitty to the Lebanese that what amounts to a foreign group uses their southern border area as a staging ground to attack Israel.


It doesn't matter when hundreds of thousands of Israelis are displaced. Only if they're palestinians.


Have you read the news that Israel murdered over 10k children in the last few months? And that the whole world is standing by and not only watching it happen but also actively encouraging it in some cases?


Ahh, moving the goalposts, always a way to make a good argument. Hezbollah has been firing rockets into Israeli towns in the north since 10/8 or so, well before Israel began bombing Gaza, but by all means, go on.


Israel has been occupying and oppressing Palestine for decades. But by all means, go on


What do you consider occupied?


The Occupied Palestinian Territories. Also abbreviated as OPT


No one is encouraging the 'murdering' of children. They are encouraging the elimination of a terrorist state. Murder by definition is intentionally killing said person. They are not aiming go kill children. So it's not exactly murder.


The US is providing weapons which are being used to murder children. Even bypassing congress to do so. If that’s not encouraging, I don’t know what is. Blowing up entire neighborhoods knowing that children are there and that they will die I would say is murdering children.


Let me ask you something. Given Hamas' and even a large portion of palestinians intent do you think Israel would still exist right now if roles were reversed. And if so, would you even be anti palestine.


>Murder by definition is intentionally killing said person. They intentionally bombed 70% of Gaza and melted the flesh off of babies with white phosphorus...Just FYI.


Yes. But the didn't intentionally kill the child. Look war sucks but you can't expect Israel to be raided and have 5000 missiles launched at them and just sit there.


>Yes. But the didn't intentionally kill the child. They have killed more Innocence civilians than terrorists. Are they just extremely shitty at war? Or do they just not care about murdering innocent civilians?


So true


Isreal is a terrorist state that has been ethnically cleansing Palestinians (Christian & Muslims) for over 75 years. Through apartheid and military occupation they are now committing genocide. The Nazi isareli regime must be held accountable for their actions. You were saying? All I hear is ignorance and BIGOTRY. AMERICA supplies the isreali Nazi regime, meanwhile there’s kids in America that can’t afford school lunches, homeless epidemic, mental health crisis. Totally




There is no apartheid. You can't have apartheid across national borders, it's really simple. Military occupation is due to ongoing security concerns, because between the two groups, only the palestinians can't accept Jews, or the fact that they lost wars, like many other groups in history had to accept. You just want jews to be ethnically cleansed from the region while you call other people nazis. >America that can’t afford school lunches, homeless epidemic, mental health crisis Lol, the US spends more on this shit than any other nation on earth. Money isn't your problem. If it would be, you'd also need to stop giving billions to Palestinians.


Ooook. I know some Lebanese people. I asked, “if Israel goes to war with Hezbollah, does that mean they’re at war with Lebanon?.” I received a long rambling answer that summed up means, 🤷‍♀️.


If Lebanese government was worth a shit, Hezbollah wouldn't exist 


So bomb the Lebanese that are incapable of removing Iranian Proxies?


If those proxies are endangering Israelis, I don't see why Israel shouldn't. 


>Lebanon about to get their shit kicked in... Again.  This you?


Yep. Did sniffing the carpet today make you incapable of reading? 


So you want to kill Lebanese civilians to get rid of Iranian Proxies? >If you don't leave me alone, I'm gonna kick *his* ass


>Lebanese people. I asked, “if Israel goes to war with Hezbollah, does that mean they’re at war with Lebanon You don't get it. It's war, in war governments don't care about people. They care about goals. And why should the Israelis stay quiet as ATGMs hit houses and civilian vehicles, as well as military targets?




>Hey retard. The Iranian proxies are Lebanese.  Wow! The proxy in Lebanon, holding their government hostage is Lebanese? Wild! Stop projecting the intellectual insecurities you have onto me, makes you look like an **asshole.** >Don't strain yourself with your mental gymnastics for Oh Jesus Christ, like the mental gymnastics you twist yourself into to defend Israel killing 10,000 children? You're so into it, you want them to stack more tiny bodies like cordwood.


Considering we have absolutely no say and our calls not to join the war are actively ignored and we can’t do anything about Hezbollah then no not really.


Israel lost the first time. They had to withdraw


Israel is doing gods work. A good terrorist is a dead terrorist


Why every state I dislike is a terrorist


I don’t dislike Lebanon , Hezbollah isn’t a state


israel is a terrorist state so


If israel is a terrorist state was is Iran? Who is Hamas? What about Isis? Yemen?


Noble martyrs looool


israel is an apartheid terrorist state verging on pariah state. To answer your question: A rogue pariah state (Iran), a terrorist organization(Hamas), a terrorist organization(ISIL) and a country in civil war (Yemen).


Well, at least you recognize the issue with the other states listed. Many on the anti-Israel camp think that Israel being bad somehow makes everyone else angels that can do no wrong.


Then equally most of the Israel settler cabinet should be taken out as they are living terrorists


Yea yea genocides are ok as long as it’s the right people. - typical Palestine supporter moment.


Sure. I actually am completely against the settler situation as well


Settlers are direct isreali governmwment tools. Any support you think hezzbollah has from iran isreal gives 100000 times more for the invaders OH wait i meant "settlers"




God do not need human to do is work.That is brainwash thinking instill in us from we were kids.The world used this same bullshit to do evil .Case in point the crusaders fooling people about holy war.No war is holy.This kind of thinking makes God looks weak.Would you expect an ant to do your work above its natural instinct? That foolishness, this sought of thinking makes wicked people have justification do evil and the world sleeps at nights thinking their evil doing is God's work.Every race it does not matter where they are from is God people not just Isreal,God is not partial and Isreal is not special just a race no more no less.


Get Hezbollah tf out the country Lebanon


Why does Lebanon want to do this? Because Iran told Hezbollah to?


I don't think Lebanon wants to do this, Hezbollah and Iran do.


Lebanon should just pay Israel to get hezbolla under control already. Win-win.


Well, Lebanon has basically 0 money to pay Israel with. But I agree with the sentiment. Lebanon should help Israel get rid of hezbollah and then make peace with Israel for some help from the US/France. That will be a win for everyone.


Lebanon could offer something else? Food? Water? Oil? Land? Trade? Labor? Really I think Israel would do it for free if Lebanon was stable enough to negotiate it and open to having the idf root them out (which could get messy)


I think that Lebanon economy is so bad that every resource that they could give the idf will be better served for the Lebanese people than the idf/Israel. What they could bring is public support for Israel. And maybe even some intelligence and army assistance. So Israel would definitely do it for "free". After that Israel will get what it really wants, peace with Lebanon and security. Which will make everybody in the region happy. Including Lebanon which will get some assistance like Egypt and Jordan.


Israelis really want to ski in Lebanon. Free lift passes?


All this can be solved by Lebanon asking for Israel’s help to get rid of Hezbollah


Lebanon can't do that politically and they know it. They also probably like the terrorists on their southern border to an extent. Keeps them out of the fray most of the time.


No one wants an east v west war. But sometimes I feel like if it has to happen it’s better to get it over with now. But I join with every other rational human in hoping that it can be avoided


NOP, but the terrorists destroyed Lebanon that used to be he pearl of Middle East so much , it’s poor as shit so basically Iran is the rich baron and the Teri are the goons goblins . Money 💰


IIRC last time, Israel bombed some highways, so Lebanon couldn't get trucks south with food, ammo. or fuel, so Lebanese troops couldn't engage. It "somehow" took weeks to fix the roads, just enough time for Israel to smack down Hezbollah and leave as the Lebanese army showed up.


Last time they went to war with Lebanon the Lebanese said afterwards it was a mistake. They got their asses handed to them badly. Israel appears to be done messing around, if the death cult wants to engage in a battle to the death, then it really does seem like Israel is willing to let them walk themselves right into the martyrdom they claim they want and will be waiting with JDAM's and a host of American toys to test out. We should all be praying to whatever skyghost or watchmaker you pray to that this doesn't happen. Lives don't need to be lost to this bullshit.


1. Resurrect Bashir Gemayal from the grave with Jewish Magic 2. Sound the Great Horn of Mount Lebanon to summon the Lebanese Christian Diaspora to reclaim their homeland. 3. ???? 4. Peace in the Middle East


God please no… I’m pretty sick of hearing about wars and deaths… like, can we give peace a serious shot or are we really at “no one wants this but, I guess we gotta have WW3 now” Because I’m pretty f ing far from that point myself. Everyone “we don’t want to expand the regional conflict” Also everyone; “we gotta do the thing that will expand the regional conflict” I’m not saying peace is easy - it’s not. It’s hard. War is easy. Anyone can start a war when and how they want to, but no one gets to choose when and how it ends. And one miscalculation and that’s a lot more dead innocents and I think we have seen enough.


I agree. Hezbollah should gtfo of southern Lebanon tbh


I'm kind of tired of this slow burn that is allowing hypocritical PoS to run the world and kill those they want at will with no repercussions. The world has gone to shit. May as well have a good show on the way out.


Well. Putin in Russia believes Eastern Europe belongs to him. Xi in China is chomping to take Taiwan. North Korea decided they don’t want reunification with the south, they wanna kill them Israel and Palestinians are doing exactly what you’d expect from them. Iran funding, training, supplying, and providing intelligence to, the entire “axis of Resistence” in the Middle East now makes them the number one state sponsor of terrorism. The US doesn’t know if they’re united or divided, with Texas and federal standoff, and the potential for Trump to win - this diametrically changes how the rest of the world will choose to behave. It’s a show… like… watching a dumpster fire in a flood…


More death and destruction and then the return to the status quo. That seems like the trend for every war in the ME so far


Israel wants genocide. Not war.


Israel is pretty thirsty for Lebanon's Litani river and to reoccupy a part of Lebanon again. The expansionist ideology of Zionism will never rest, even if they kick all the Palestinians out and take over 100% of the territory. There was a ceasefire in 30 days in the previous war, where Hezbollah embarassed Israel on the world stage. Almost 20 years later, Hezbollah is well armed enough to really cause a crisis in Israel.


STFU. Israel doesn’t want a scrap of Lebanon. Arabs just want to murder Jews. If Hezbollah said it would leave Israel alone and stop firing missiles at Israel this would be a non issue.


Did you see the map Zionists put forward a few months ago. They carved up the med.


The Zionists want a greater Israel. The settlers that eventually make it to politics will expand it more. Israel is facing water issues. Lebanons rivers will quench that thirst. "Murder Jews": always playing victim


10/7 is proof. Israel doesn’t want one scrap of Lebanon. Your daddy in Tehran can keep it. That’s who owns you. Just stop firing missiles. Lebanon is the aggressor.


Another Ziobot that has no memory before October 7.  Try reasoning with the settler leaders on this. They will kill you.


Zionism is the need to live in Israel. That's it. Nothing about greater Israel. That's some Lehi bullshit.


How do you define Israels borders? What is "Israel"? 1920? 1948? 1967? Current? Future greater Israel? Zionism is cancer, thirsty for expansion within the middle east.


If you want to define it, you can use the Judea and Samaria and kingdom of david borders. If you actually want it to be somewhat acceptable today, then go by the partition plan or by the 1967 borders. Why the 1967 borders? Because you don't get to start a war, lose it, and make demands. Edit: Thirsty for expansion? As I said, you are talking about extremists, like Lehi. Nobody else wants that bullshit.


No? I'm Israeli. Nobody here wants to touch Lebanon, we just want Hezbollah and Hamas gone. You might hear extremists say they want to occupy Gaza, most Israelis don't.


Yeah, but your country is FILLED with extremists that make it into politics. The youth are docile enough to serve for these expansionist fucks. "Most Israelis" are this way or end up serving it.


You're wrong and blind. Hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets this year to protest, myself included. The only reason this coalition is in rule is simply because Netanyahu the scumbag managed to promise EVERY stupid useless party power. And thus they all agreed to join him. Next elections will be VERY different and we'll make sure of this.


“Neither”! There is only one rabid state that is hell bent on committing mass murder and constantly instigating it’s neighbours with air attacks while crying I am the victim…So not sure if the term neither would apply here…


It won't be easy, but it will be the Israelis graveyard as it was in 2000 when they withdrew in shame from South Lebanon, and 2006 when they tried to invade. The Lebanese are united, and there is nothing that will unify them more than if Israel tries to invade or attack. The battle will shift to the streets of Haifa, not Beirut.


Here is a picture of what Beirut looked like after the war with Israel: https://aje.io/d4yq7 Yep, looks like they won 🤣🤣🤣


I don't think there were any winners in 2006. Lots of damage, yes, but hard to say any side gained any advantage over the 1.5 or so months of that conflict.


The Economist declared Israel the looser: https://www.economist.com/leaders/2006/08/17/nasrallah-wins-the-war


You do understand that you are protecting one of the most failing countries in the world right? Lebanon inflation rate for 2021 was 154.76%, a 69.89% increase from 2020. Lebanon inflation rate for 2020 was 84.86%, a 81.86% increase from 2019.


What does that have to do with the topic? I provided references from credible media to you above that Israel was defeated in 2000, and 2006. Even Lebanon with a high rate of inflation, will defeat Israel in 2024 if Israel dares to set foot in Lebanon. Courage and resolve have nothing to do with inflation. Let 2000, and 2006 be a reminder. Israel can not even defeat Hamas now according to international media: [https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-no-win-situation-gaza-after-months-war-crush-hamas-2024-1](https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-no-win-situation-gaza-after-months-war-crush-hamas-2024-1)


Your references are saying that Israel didn't win, they don't say Lebanon or Hezbollah won. You can't win a terror organisation. The number of deaths and the amount of destruction caused to Lebanon does not come near what was caused to Israel. And even now the amount of destruction caused in Lebanon and the amount of dead soldiers the Hezbollah has (~170 in Lebanon and some extra in Syria) does not get close to the damage the Hezbollah are trying to causes to antennas in Israel XD It's obvious how disappointed the Palestinians in Gaza are from Hezbollah who are too scared to get into the conflict when Israel got into fuck it mode. Even they know that Hezbollah is trying to stay out of this conflict, here is a source for you: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/hezbollah-leader-nasrallah-regrets-war-1.582144 https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/11/12/palestinians-in-lebanon-disappointed-that-hezbollah-wont-escalate Israel just sent some hamas official to meet his maker few weeks in the middle of Lebanon didn't they? What was Hezbollah's response? Another antenna attack? But obviously I won't ever convinced you, you guys always win, like a famous Yemenite poet said, the Arabs win the war before it even started, no matter what the outcome will be.


You keep jumping from topic to topic. Bottom line: Israel did not win in 2000 or 2006 just like I said. Right now, Lebanon and HA are just skirmishing with Israel. You have not seen anything yet. Let Israel test and set foot in Lebanon, and let's see what happens. As I said, the battle will be in Haifa, not Beirut.


Sorry mate the battle is already in Beirut. Why don't Hezbollah attacks Haifa? Israel is literally killing Hezbollah terrorists and hamas terrorists left and right. Of course you ignored my points, because you have nothing to say. Nasrralah regrets the war, and he's in hiding ever since. Way more deaths and destruction to Lebanon, you destroyed some houses while Israel destroyed literally everything in sight. Even your own politicians are crying to Hezbollah not to start anything because they know Israel will return your country back to the stone age (if you are not already there). You keep saying when Israel set foot in Lebanon because that's the only thing terrorists know to do, hide behind civilians.


Keep coping. Most of Northern Israel has been evacuated: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog\_entry/residents-of-northern-israel-feel-abandoned-says-head-of-regional-council-near-border/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/residents-of-northern-israel-feel-abandoned-says-head-of-regional-council-near-border/) Israel has not been forthright about its losses on the Lebanese border. Multiply the number of officially declared dead soldiers by 10, just like in Gaza. Israelis are packing their bags and leaving. 1/2 million have left already: [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231207-report-nearly-0-5m-israelis-left-israel-after-7-october/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231207-report-nearly-0-5m-israelis-left-israel-after-7-october/)


You're right in terms of military objectives, yes. Ridding or deterring Hezbollah wasn't achieved. We can see that in Northern Israel today. And, if I were to make a bold prediction, I don't think Israel would be able to achieve that this time around. At least, not without the active support of the United States army.


Do you think the US will set foot in Lebanon after their humiliating withdrawal in 1983? Here is the NYTimes article as a refresher: https://www.nytimes.com/1984/04/08/magazine/america-s-failure-in-lebanon.html IMHO, Israel will be defeated again and again. An apartheid, parasite state like Israel can not survive in the Middle East no matter how much support they get from the US or anyone else. Just my honest 2 cents.


The US has done some crazy things; Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq... so I wouldn't count it out. Especially, with a congress that gives standing ovations to a foreign head of state (referring to Netyanhu's speech to Congress in 2015).


Yes, agree, but a lot of the top US brass still remember their humiliating defeat in 1983 in Lebanon. The US will not send ground troops to help a failing state like Israel.


Is that why they have the most prosperous economy amongst its neighbours while the others rely on drinking goat piss and force marrying 9 year old girls to have some sense of achievement according to their book?


Interesting that you bring this up, since Israel is a HAVEN FOR PEDOPHILES: [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/) Most Israelis know what I said is true. That is why most have dual passports, and SHTF bag ready. Israel's days as a colonial zionist outpost are numbered.


Yawn… you need to do better than that. A cbsnews article, really? Being illiterate does something to people. Maybe check into your christian churches if you‘re that keen on pedophilia. They‘re a safe haven for sick ppl like you that support them. https://www.ecaglobal.org/facts-tell-another-story-in-orthodox-churches-of-russia-greece-and-serbia/


Some random Tabloid, is more authoritative than CBS? Ok, How about the Epstein Mossad Operation? Israel is a cesspool for pedophilia.


Don't even try to argue with that guy. In the middle east Arabs always win, always. Surprisingly enough they are also always the victim.


Read this and cope...From the Guardian: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/may/24/israelandthepalestinians.lebanon](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2000/may/24/israelandthepalestinians.lebanon)


Israel averaged about 30 losses a year during that conflict... peanut butter probably killed more Israeli's during that period.


Not peanut butter because Israelis eat bamba from birth practically so very few people are allergic to nuts but I get your point lol


Haha actually you're absolutely right, that was a specifically bad analogy haha


Have no doubt war is coming and a new Middle East just awaits the Biden admin to end.


lebanon quite literally can’t afford it


Only a complete religious psychopath would start a war against a nuclear superpower.