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Maybe that's where all the pro Hamas bots come from.


r/worldnews is still up, so probably not.


And r/news


/r/news has been insane lately. They're banning people hand over fist. It's the anti-Israel way or the highway over there. This story most likely will never appear there.


Reddit needs to purge some mods over there as the sub is very anti Israel. I feel like Reddit needs to start kyc mods that manage big Reddit subs.


Reddit needs to purge dictator mods of all subreddits, not just news.


Good luck with that. During the big surge of Hamas propaganda I reported multiple misinformation and Reddit banned me twice - 7 days and 3 days and they didn’t even link me to what I did but they did tell me where I was being reported. Like bbc news I believe we have some anti Israel working for Reddit.


Same, I can’t believe this is how they let front page subreddits conduct themselves. I mean it’s the face of your company.


Actual its not about anti-isr*el sentiment. The admins are heavily pro-islam for some reason. I've experienced it in relation to my country too. I read some mod saying that apparently admins don't want anti-islam stuff on any mainstream subreddit. Not sure if its credible.


Well in fairness, Muslims will shoot up your HQ if you aggravate them enough.


Annnnnnd Islamophobia strikes again!


I doubt it. There's no organization that classifies organizations as "anti-arab" in the same way the ADL does. The ADL would be crawling out the tunnels to serve Reddit a lawsuit if they didn't shutdown anti-Israel discussion.


The number of hate reports that result in "does not violate reddit rules" responses is alarming. Like, I'm not convinced it's possible to say anything that reddit admin would consider hate that doesn't also run afoul of the rule against encouraging violence against someone.


Purge anyone who doesn’t support Israeli genocide , brilliant deduction my good man !


i was banned for saying something against Hamas. Insanity.


I'm sorry that being a Nazi didn't work out for you. That must be so difficult for you.


r/europe mods are particularly sensitive


I was banned without so much as a warning when I said the protests in Europe are not only against Israel, they're antisemitic. I reached out to the mods for clarification but I never got a response.


I called them sensitive and they got me banned for "harassment" for a week. Sad, pathetic people


My ban is permanent. There are more and more examples that these protests are antisemitic, but I suppose that is inconvenient for them.


Yeah I got permanently banned from the sub and a one week Reddit suspension. For saying Merkel has a lot to answer for 🤣


Palestinians are semites


Haha worldnews is only Zionist hasbara bots. Look at the comments


Pffff, I wish. They’re out walking aroundz


The BBC are probably desperately wondering how to spin this damming evidence of UNWRA's collusion with Hamas [https://camera-uk.org/2024/02/05/bbc-news-uncritically-amplifies-un-statements-on-un-agency/](https://camera-uk.org/2024/02/05/bbc-news-uncritically-amplifies-un-statements-on-un-agency/)


Israel colluded with Hamas by every definition of the word: [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html)


So which is it? Was gaza being starved or were they getting billions in aid?


Giving the Hamas leaders money isn't "aid": Furthermore, yes they were being starved. Diplomatic cables subsequently published by [WikiLeaks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiLeaks) revealed that Israel had informed the United States in 2008 that, while it would take measures to prevent a humanitarian crisis, it intended to keep Gaza's economy on the "brink of collapse".[\[12\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip_famine#cite_note-14) Precise calculations were made to determine the minimum calorific requirement (2,279 calories per person a day) to avoid malnutrition in the Gaza Strip, and these formed the basis for Israel's determination of the truck numbers for food supplies from 2007 to 2010.[\[13\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip_famine#cite_note-15)[\[10\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip_famine#cite_note-Reuters2012-12)[\[14\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip_famine#cite_note-16) The calculation excluded factors such as the collapse of agriculture due to the blockade which dried up access to seed markets.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip_famine#cite_note-Howard-Hassmann,_p.127-4)[\[c\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip_famine#cite_note-18) Restrictions on foodstuffs included basic commodities like pasta, -that particular item was reintroduced after [John Kerry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kerry) protested at its inclusion in the list of banned imports- and any delicacies, such as honey, sesame snack [halvah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halvah), [bamba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamba_(snack)),[\[d\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip_famine#cite_note-20) tea, coffee, sausages, semolina, milk products in large packages, most baking products and limitations on meat and domestic cooking gas.[\[17\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_Strip_famine#cite_note-21)


So as the elected and de facto government of gaza, hamas has a duty to not rip up water pipes to turn into missile tubes and use that money to provide for their people. Since they prefer to use the money on weapons, they must be removed to free the people of gaza. Edit: blocking like a coward. So they can smuggle in weapons but not food. Right.


That has nothing to do with what was posted. You're just an idiot/shill who got destroyed with facts and logic.


No, gentile. You’re the one who was destroyed with facts and logic.


The water pipes they use for missiles are non-functional. Wanma know why they are non-functional? Because they were bombed by Pissrael after pulling out their settlements from the Gaza strip


ok bot, keep telling yourself that


Ziocunts try not to deny objective reality challenge: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/13/world/middleeast/gaza-rockets-hamas-israel.html?unlocked_article_code=1.K00.dORr.AOFLZH6rCQBz&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


As has been pointed out here many, many times, Israel allowing Qatar to maintain good relations with Hamas was vital to Qatar's globally unique ability to mediate diplomacy with Hamas. Stopping those payments would have undermined those relations and left you whining even harder about "warmongering" Israel disabling the only forum of diplomacy by which ceasefire and hostage negotiations could be conducted.


>I MUST support a terrorist group! Nah, you're just a zogbot coping about your scheme being unraveled. We know Israel staged Oct 7 so they can get some sympathy to kill more Arab children.


Seems a little crazy 🤦‍♀️


Makes the elders of zion look like a children’s book


So if it was Israel that did it why did Hamas post videos on their accounts saying it was them?


That’s my point 🤦🏻 The guy is unhinged, his antisemitic vomit was enough to make Nazis look good


>the elders of zion You do realize that's a long debunked piece of Tsarist propaganda, right? It was debunked over 100 years ago. You're literally falling for century old fake news.


I know It was an antisemitic propaganda I was mentioning the guys point of view is worse 🤦🏻


Wow… get off line and spend some time around actual people. You have gone off the deep end.


Don’t forget gathering their blood to make matzoh for Passover, world domination and controlling the banks


Every time you weirdos unironically post that without realizing it’s a hit piece by far right Israelis crying that Netanyahu refused to invade Gaza decades ago and instead just let humanitarian aid through. Also, the hilarity of cutting his response to the PA to pieces to make it sound like he wants Gaza there when the full quote is literally him telling the PA he won’t fight their war for them and that a unified Palestine under the PA is almost as bad as Hamas.


Ok, this did this by, check notes, allowing aid into Gaza. Ok


Giving a.peace prize to the Hamas front. This is the clown world we live in.


Truly, the most deserving Nobel peace prize nominees since Vladimir Putin.


Who gave a peace prize to Hamas? I’m in the dark here.


Not to hamas but UNRWA was nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by a Norwegian Parliamentary official https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nationalreview.com/news/unrwa-nominated-for-nobel-peace-prize-amid-investigation-into-staffers-hamas-links/amp/


Hamas fanboys be like: A tunnel leading to a server room under a humanitarian agency? Sounds totally normal to me A video of someone being shot in Gaza with no shooter in sight? Must be IOF armed settlers. Clowns through and through


Judenhass gives you a superpower: the ability to, unfettered by logic or evidence, to blame everything you don't like on ~~Jews~~ Zionists.


It's very much the opposite. Jews never tell the truth about Israel:  [Hyman Bookbinder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyman_Bookbinder), a high-ranking official of the [American Jewish Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Jewish_Committee), once said "Unless something is terribly pressing, really critical or fundamental, you parrot Israel's line in order to retain American support. As American Jews, we don't go around saying Israel is wrong about its policies."[^(\[71\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_lobby_in_the_United_States#cite_note-71) Jews back their clan no matter what and go to great lengths to shutdown any discussion that doesn't fit their narrative. For example: Don't look at Gaza goy! What about yemen! What about Somalia! Don't you see this photo of a hotel in Gaza pre-war! Gaza was fine! Ignore the fact we keep their economy on the brink of collapse and kept them at the brink of starvation! Ignore that goy, that's antisemtic! 10,000 dead children? That's blood libel goy, look at the middle ages! Anudda shoah!


LOL and you give us gentiles a bad name. Fortunately not all of us are obsessed with slandering Jews.


Don't worry about dude. We have an innate sense to see through the bullshit. But this, oh man, this isnt a dog whistle. Its a fucking fog horn lmao.


Man stop being a cowardly little bitch, pretending you care about Palestinians, just outright admit you hate us


They are saying that these are actually batteries for a solar array


Yeah, because it's so unusual to put a server room in the basement... Literally nobody does that. They have 30,000 employees, do you think they use pen and paper to keep track of 30,000 employees. Well done Israel, another fine Hamas story out of thin air.


It's kinda unusual to have to go down a 20 meter vertical tunnel shaft then have to walk through hundreds of meters of small tunnels to get to your accountants office.


"Server room in a basement" sure thing buddy, reporters were escorted through a 700 meter long and 18 meter deep tunnelnetwork with many side-rooms confirmed by Reuters [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/) ​ >another fine Hamas story out of thin air You are not interested in the actual facts of the matter at all, otherwise you would read articles and reports from multiple different sources, instead of spewing propaganda slogans.


Ahh, so not connected to UNRWA at all. What's the story then? Why talk about UNRWA if it's got nothing to do with them?


>Why talk about UNRWA if it's got nothing to do with them? because it having nothing to do with UNRWA is just in your imagination, as you would know if you were actually interested in the facts and read the article >But Ido said Hamas appeared to have evacuated in the face of the Israeli advance, preemptively **cutting off communications cables that, in an above-ground part of the tour, he showed running through the floor of the UNRWA Headquarters' basement.** Nice try at moving the goalpost tho, and i appreciate you giving me the chance to show the intricacies of this whole thing to the people reading the comments.


The reports confirmed they had no way of knowing if it was under the UNRWA building...


that is true, but your reaction to this whole affair is not: I'm waiting for further evidence gathering by international agencies and the results of the UN's own internal investigation, which would be fair. It is: >Well done Israel, another fine Hamas story out of thin air.


Because Israel makes up stories about hamas and unwra and has since as long as either has existed. This is another obvious lie.


sorry not looping this whole topic again, feel free to scroll up.




>confirmed by Reuters israeli-military-says, says the source right in the link. I doubt there was any confirmation by Reuters about the claim.


Confirmed by Reuters for all the doubters: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/ “Army engineers took reporters for foreign news outlets through the passages at a time of crisis for UNRWA, which has launched an internal probe and seen a string of donor countries freeze funding over allegations last month by Israel that some of its staff doubled as Hamas operatives.” “Lack of cellphone reception in the tunnel made geolocating it as under UNRWA Headquarters impossible. Instead, reporters were asked to put personal items in a bucket that was lowered by rope into a vertical hole on the grounds of the headquarters. They were reunited with the still-tethered items during the tunnel tour.”


The problem is they hide behind their people and when Israel defend themselves they are accused of war crimes


There were Tzahal fighters at the music festival that was attacked in October 7th. It looks like Tzahal was using the concertgoers as human shields, doesn't it?


They weren’t armed or on duty. Try again


Surely if terrorists that are comatose or wheelchair-bound in a hospital are fair game, so are terrorists with all of their physical and mental faculties at a music festival.


Hamas shot girls begging for their life point blank in the face on video. They beheaded someone on the side of the road on video. They tried to behead a clearly non-Israeli worker with a garden hoe on video. Even if they were possible to consider legitimate enemy combatants by sick creatures like you that is pure animalistic barbarism. That is not the same as Hamas consciously using “their” citizens as human shields during bombing targeting Hamas in response to that barbarism. That is bombing they knowingly made inevitable after their attack and for which they did absolutely nothing to try to mitigate civilian deaths by taking actions like building even *one* bomb shelter in the entire time they’ve been in power or trying to aid civilian evacuation. You’re cheerleading for the ultimate enemy of the Palestinian people.


Israel defends itself by bombing Mosques, Schools, and Hospitals. Israel is defending itself when Settlers are escorted into a Palestinian village to burn, murder, and rape people. Israel is defending itself when it kicks Palestinians out of their homes and gives it to the Brooklyn jew. fuck off.


Hamas: Shoots rockets and guns from Mosques, Schools, and Hospitals. Israel: Let’s take out these points that are directly threatening our people. Retards: Why are they taking out these Mosques, Schools, and Hospitals?


Israel: I want to bomb Mosques, Schools, and Hospitals, hmmm... let's say khamas was in it. Retard Shill: HOLY MOLY CHOSEN PEOPLE! HAMAS WAS UNDER EVERY HOUSE AND SCHOOL! Go and kill those terrorists!


what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


As a child and young man I was lucky to have mentors who made me look at both sides of an argument. At work I was taught how to use information available to weigh risk, and how information and statistical data could be massaged and selectively used to present a situation in its best light by those wishing to misinform. As an amateur student of modern history all my life I have always been darkly fascinated by how extremist governments come to pass. How huge swathes of an educated population wilfully deny what is obviously true in order to follow an ideology. And then I see threads like this one with posters detailing report upon report from multiple sources of a UN Agency implicitly aiding the construction of a hidden data centre under their premises by HAMAS. This after recent proof of said Agency being deeply linked with terrorism up to and including their staff killing civilians... And useful idiots still line up to say that it’s a lie. Each time I understand the nature of man a little better, and how those older extremists governments came to pass.


Its all thanks to tiktok.


All thanks to china (and russia)


Don't forget to thank the local far leftists too.


I think about this all the time. In this day and age when information is freely available and evidence is there for everyone to see it only seems to amplify the spread of misinformation and conspiracy theories. I am an expert in a few things and I was present at one event that shaped history and yet the things I know to be absolutely truthful do not generally become the agreed upon history. It’s a game of telephone at worldwide scale. It seems like we as a species developed to trust confirmation bias, emotional impact, and appeal to authority over objective truth and reasoned analysis. I suppose this isn’t surprising when looking at how our society has been historically structured.


I knew misinformation is a thing, but it's the first time i experience it this strongly... This is definitely eye opening and we shouldn't forget it, especially with the technology to fabricate truths getting better. This is scary.


Defund UNRWA


Just donated $500 to UNRWA. I hope they keep the Palestinian refugees there, and they'll return one day to make Israel a beautiful Multicultural society!


Moron, Israel already is a multicultural society. Gaza is monoculture.


Oh yeah it has Moroccan jews, Ashkenazi jews, Mizrahi jews! Arabs are walled off and second class citizens. They get 1/6 the education funding (https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-03/ty-article/oecd-calls-on-israel-to-increase-subsidies-to-arab-schools-halt-those-to-ultra-orthodox/0000018a-f565-d3af-a3ce-f5e7481a0000), limited healthcare funding (Arab Bedouin have the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world). Israel doesn't allow marriage between jews and non-jews, doesn't allow non-jews to immigrate or have permeant residency status if they don't have a jewish spouse. Israel needs open borders, diversity, equity, and inclusion


Hmmmm....clearly you have never been to ISrael and only repeat hateful shit you read somewhere online.


Going to israel would be recognizing it's existence, and my money would be supporting their regime. israel is a hateful jewish apartheid state.


Ah! So you really don't care about facts and have created an account on here only to harass Jews and spread lies. What a sad life you must have.


I only speak truth about the Zionist entity. The jews harass anyone who doesn't support this on going genocide. >sad life Better than being a child murdering jew.


Bad bot


Thank you, zonefighter23, for voting on JustAnotherGentile. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Are you sure about that? Because I am 92.91264% sure that JustAnotherGentile is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


I think you meant to say Zionist, Hitler


>Oh yeah it has Moroccan jews, Ashkenazi jews, Mizrahi jews! I wonder how all those Jews native to the middle east, Central Asia, and North Africa got there. It's almost as if the entire MENA region is guilty of the ethnic cleansing they accuse Israel of.


Don’t worry. 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab and they contribute beautifully to the diverse mosaic already. They even serve in the IDF. Ethiopian and Asian Jews live there as well. It’s the most diverse country in the Middle East. You should save your money and not waste it on UNRWA. You’re lucky UNRWA is not on the terror watch list yet or you could have risked getting flagged for that donation. Whatever nation you’re currently residing in: take that $500 and contribute to the local food bank or homeless shelter. Help people around you. So many virtue signaling zombies worrying about Hamas. You have much more pressing issues down the road from your own homes. If you **must** donate to an international cause, there are Black Sudanese starving at the hands of Arab colonizers. There are starving El Salvadorans. Ukraine is selling war bonds I believe. UNRWA doesn’t need your money. They have billions in Qatar waiting to be repatriated from soon to be extinct organized crime bosses.


Oh yeah it has Moroccan jews, Ashkenazi jews, Mizrahi jews! Arabs are walled off and second class citizens. They get 1/6 the education funding (https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-03/ty-article/oecd-calls-on-israel-to-increase-subsidies-to-arab-schools-halt-those-to-ultra-orthodox/0000018a-f565-d3af-a3ce-f5e7481a0000), limited healthcare funding (Arab Bedouin have the highest infant mortality rate in the developed world). Israel doesn't allow marriage between jews and non-jews, doesn't allow non-jews to immigrate or have permeant residency status if they don't have a jewish spouse. Israel needs open borders, diversity, equity, and inclusion >terrorist watchlist yet With Israel controlling our government, give it a week. They'll order America to put UNRWA as a terror group.


I just donated a hell of a lot more to the IDF and got to write “from your’s truly, JustAnotherGentile” on one of their missiles. Thanks 🫡


Sure you did.


UNRWA never fails to disappoint.


UNRWA claims they didn't know about the Hamas server room under their headquarters. That had wiring going into it, and shared their Internet connection, and had racks of servers and cooling. https://twitter.com/UNLazzarini/status/1756377920254218556?t=pw2MSKWOKGkTU2wmkiHOaw&s=19


Shit gets even dumber if you know about cyber security, in order for them to have ANY plausible deniability they would have to admit they don't have a single person monitoring the devices connected to their network as the most basic of network sniffing would have revealed the servers on the network.


Not to mention the cooling that would be required


I mean that to, but im just pointing out the low hanging fruit in not having a single person on site that could pull up a list of IP address's. This is why everyone pulled funding after the accusations: everyone knows the organization is sketchy as fuck.




Then don't be surprised when you get hacked because there weren't enough people keeping track, regardless UNRWA are fucking liars.


Its either they knew and are lying out their asses and should be dismantled, Or they are so woefully inept they couldnt run a lemonade stand, and need to be dismantled. ...so which is it?


Still pro (Palestine) Hamas protests still going on so it must be an Israeli psyop /s Only one of those is true.


Sounds like a question from a geography school book: "What's the shortest route between UNRWA HQ and UNRWA school?". A: "Hamas tunnel".


They had scooters to help with getting around underground. Just... Fuck off with this.


Oooooo. Naughty naughty. I’m telling South Africa!


What else is the UN up to that we don’t know about?


But they will deny connection to Hamas .. that’s because they are Hamas !


UNRWA statement (per Reuters report) UNRWA ... does not have the military and security expertise nor the capacity to undertake military inspections of what is or might be under its premises," the statement said. "In the past, whenever (a) suspicious cavity was found close to or under UNRWA premises, protest letters were promptly filed to parties to the conflict, including both the de facto authorities in Gaza (Hamas) and the Israeli authorities."


That's an intel treasure trove assuming they did not wipe these servers.


Total coincidence


??? Even if it's true UNRWA knew about this, what should they have done? They don't have fighters to tell Hamas not do this. Telling Israel about the tunnels would've just encouraged an airstrike on the facility. Hamas has built tunnels under hospitals, schools, etc.


Probably should have gone to the UN. Since that is their job but sure what could they do 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait were still taking what the IDF says as gospel after they commit war crime after war crime and get exposed for lying repeatedly ?


this thread has bots/shills in it, prepare to get downvoted for speaking facts.


Paid shills gonna shill, truth hurts and they have lost the narrative despite mainstream media bias and thousands of paid posters and AI bots on their side.


Yo check if there is a list


Yikes “Reporters on the closely escorted trip entered a shaft next to a school on the periphery of the U.N. compound, descending to the concrete-lined tunnel. Twenty minutes of walking through the stifling hot, narrow and occasionally winding passage brought them underneath UNRWA Headquarters, an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said. The tunnel, which the military said was 700 metres long and 18 metres deep, bifurcated at times, revealing side-rooms. There was an office space, with steel safes that had been opened and emptied. There was a tiled toilet. One large chamber was packed with computer servers, another with industrial battery stacks.” https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/


Oh yeah totally


this sub is still a zionist circljerk i see. try r/worldevents instead


Thank you!


Just how stupid are those believing a word of what Israeli fascists have to say at this point?


Yikes “Reporters on the closely escorted trip entered a shaft next to a school on the periphery of the U.N. compound, descending to the concrete-lined tunnel. Twenty minutes of walking through the stifling hot, narrow and occasionally winding passage brought them underneath UNRWA Headquarters, an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said. The tunnel, which the military said was 700 metres long and 18 metres deep, bifurcated at times, revealing side-rooms. There was an office space, with steel safes that had been opened and emptied. There was a tiled toilet. One large chamber was packed with computer servers, another with industrial battery stacks.” https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/


"an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said." Gee. I wonder if they have reasons to lie about locations.


Gee, I wonder if you have anything to disprove the lived experiences of the reporters who followed them and were there in person. Somehow, I doubt it.


"lived experiences" of being led by the nose by these fascists? Yeah, that's some really reputable testimony right there. "Lack of cellphone reception in the tunnel made geolocating it as under UNRWA Headquarters impossible." "Trust us bro, we need to kill UNRWA bro, they're Hamas like greta bro"


Thanks for admitting you have nothing. I appreciate the honesty! 😘


Okay, Nazi.


Thanks for admitting you have nothing. I appreciate the honesty! 😘


Enjoy the JDAMs ❤️


You are genuinely evil. I say this without exaggeration.


Thanks for admitting you have nothing. I appreciate the honesty! 😘


You are genuinely retarded, and intentionally cut off the quote to make it suit your narrative. You are literally attempting to spread propaganda as you call someone you don’t know evil 😂😂 bot behavior


“Lack of cellphone reception in the tunnel made geolocating it as under UNRWA Headquarters impossible. **Instead, reporters were asked to put personal items in a bucket that was lowered by rope into a vertical hole on the grounds of the headquarters. They were reunited with the still-tethered items during the tunnel tour**.” You literally cut the quote off to suit your argument. Yet the next sentence shows how in lieu of geolocation the reporters used a different method. **Try so much harder**. In fact, just stop. The reporters were awake and fully aware of their location as they followed behind the colonel. They **were not** drugged and brainwashed like you apparently are. They knew the location and confirmed this complex existed. You treat anybody who disagrees with you as an infantile moron. That is why the PLO, Black September, Fatah, Hamas, Palestinian Authority, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State, Al Qaeda, etc are all so ineffective and total failures. These journalists confirmed it. Just admit UNRWA was complicit and move on. You aren’t helping the Palestinian cause by calling every piece of evidence of Hamas terrorism a Zionist lie. Pretty soon, people will figure out that every time you say “lie” you mean “truth”. Nobody believes you anymore. Except your reflection in the mirror I guess.


I mean, you *are* an infantile moron at best. **the military says** **an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said.** There isn't real confirmation, explicitly. You're taking the IDF Wehrmacht, famous for being unable to tell the truth about something as simple as a calendar and for their stage productions, as a serious source and honestly people like you are obviously just genocide advocates who slurp up every bit of sewage the Nazis put out for you. You are a Nazi and the world is done turning a blind eye to what you support.


I am quoting Dylan Martinez, independent journalist for Reuters. So I guess you are the idiot? 🤷🏻‍♂️ https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/ “Army engineers took reporters for foreign news outlets through the passages at a time of crisis for UNRWA, which has launched an internal probe and seen a string of donor countries freeze funding over allegations last month by Israel that some of its staff doubled as Hamas operatives.” “Lack of cellphone reception in the tunnel made geolocating it as under UNRWA Headquarters impossible. Instead, reporters were asked to put personal items in a bucket that was lowered by rope into a vertical hole on the grounds of the headquarters. They were reunited with the still-tethered items during the tunnel tour.”


You're misquoting an article to try and make your Nazis seem credible. Here's a dose of reality: **the military says** **The Palestinians have accused Israel of falsifying information to tarnish UNRWA, which employs 13,000 people in the Gaza Strip and has been a lifeline for the aid-dependent population for years.** **an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said.** **"UNRWA ... does not have the military and security expertise nor the capacity to undertake military inspections of what is or might be under its premises," the statement said."In the past, whenever (a) suspicious cavity was found close to or under UNRWA premises, protest letters were promptly filed to parties to the conflict, including both the de facto authorities in Gaza (Hamas) and the Israeli authorities."** **As a condition of taking journalists on the trip, the Israeli military did not allow photographs of military intelligence such as maps or certain equipment in the convoy of armoured vehicles they traveled in. It also requested approval before transmission of photographs and video footage taken on the trip.** So in other words, gotta take it all from the Nazis on faith. I'm sure the murderers that tried to spin a calendar as a list of names totally wouldn't bullshit reporters or strange coverage again.


That’s not a quote from the colonel. That’s Dylan’s quote. Gosh you are a pathological liar aren’t you? Hezbollah is recruiting. Go sign up.


I don't believe anything Israel reports, sorry 🤷🏾‍♂️


Username checks out.


Oh no it's the least original reddit response, here have an updoot


OMG, they have computers…. A data center at that… so WTF? More reasons to kill innocent women and children? Big picture folks, keep an eye on the bigger picture. This includes AIPAC purchases of most US politicians. You guys approve of this if you’re a US citizen?


I wonder if this Hamas server room is going to be like the Hamas guard schedule 🙄


Did they also find a calendar; a mint condition copy of Mein Kampf; and an MRI gun rack? Jfc, who actually believes this crap?


Yikes “Reporters on the closely escorted trip entered a shaft next to a school on the periphery of the U.N. compound, descending to the concrete-lined tunnel. Twenty minutes of walking through the stifling hot, narrow and occasionally winding passage brought them underneath UNRWA Headquarters, an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said. The tunnel, which the military said was 700 metres long and 18 metres deep, bifurcated at times, revealing side-rooms. There was an office space, with steel safes that had been opened and emptied. There was a tiled toilet. One large chamber was packed with computer servers, another with industrial battery stacks.” https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/


IDF are known liars why are we still using them as a source. We need 3rd party investigations.


Source: IDF


C'mon you guys should just give up lol no one believes your fake bullshit anymore 😂 Now the world sees the Zionists for who they are, lying globalists that think they can take over over the world and mainstream media included. They got you guys all on a payroll with all that money. Just know all you bots are worthless no opinions at all just say what your told 😂. Im ready for some fake links claimed to be proof from mainstream media now lmao we seen how much you guys get paid per like, comment and reply its like what .15¢ a sentence? 😂 This sub should be taken down with all that fake Zionist propaganda bullshit. Dont try to blend in with the Jewish people you are Zionists, an Evil people that want to cause harm on the whole planet or you've just been brain washed to believe that babies and children are bad.. dont be sheep 🐑 Free Palestine from Zionism 🇵🇸


Well… if you don’t believe it I better just ignore it then. Thanks for letting me know your take. I mean I read an article of people that went into the tunnel and saw it but you are sayings it’s a lie with zero proof so I guess it must be a lie


"i read an article about someone that knows someone that might've seen something in a tunnel so its true" /s You sound like a retarded bot not like the usual.. are they hiring elementary kids now? 😂 


What another great take 🤦‍♀️ they are lying cause my feelings say different. Just genius stuff here.


they’re not sending their best


This subreddit still Posts lies huh


What is the lie?




Nazi propaganda at that.


Oh, seems we have an arbiter of truth in our midst.


A Zionist with a the name repulsive… seems to check out.


Oh no, I've been called a Zionist.


Oh yeah, such a lie despite the videos showcasing it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QPhM57EpoRtS85me8mywj6QAyuUy_EuF/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ysvsE0sw25atxTOsGlWp8EO-jyyUDGfD/view?usp=drivesdk


Yikes “Reporters on the closely escorted trip entered a shaft next to a school on the periphery of the U.N. compound, descending to the concrete-lined tunnel. Twenty minutes of walking through the stifling hot, narrow and occasionally winding passage brought them underneath UNRWA Headquarters, an army lieutenant-colonel leading the tour said. The tunnel, which the military said was 700 metres long and 18 metres deep, bifurcated at times, revealing side-rooms. There was an office space, with steel safes that had been opened and emptied. There was a tiled toilet. One large chamber was packed with computer servers, another with industrial battery stacks.” https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/


Oh no! A server room 🙊


A Hamas server room Under unrwa facilities


Oh no. A Hamas supporter.


Probably your old office.


Found bluds place of residence.


Keep up, everything is Hamas there duhhh


Hamas bot? Where's your farm?


lol so delusional over here aren’t ya


Why would UNRWA have a hidden underground server room right under an above ground server room?


Why does the IDF still lie?


Why are you still a raging antisemite?


Why is calling “the most moral army” liars anti semitic? Self victimization complex


you are not calling Israels army liars, you call many world renown news agencies and reporters liars, without having any evidence.


No. I call Israeli government liars :)


There is a difference between criticising the Israeli government and glazing Hamas and pretending their shit tastes like vanilla.


And I’m criticizing the government :)


You implied that there being a hidden underground server room under an UNRWA building would be a lie by replaying >Why does the IDF still lie? to >Why would UNRWA have a hidden underground server room right under an above ground server room? despite, for example, Reuters confirming having been showed this specific hidden underground room in this article; [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-had-command-tunnel-under-un-gaza-hq-israeli-military-says-2024-02-10/) so you are accusing Reuters of lying. ​ Please point me to my error in this very simple logic chain.


No, criticising the IDF because they’re Israelis/Jews is antisemitic


Then you cannot read. I’m not criticizing them for being Jews. I criticize for all the tik tok videos they post destroying schools and homes. I criticize them for saying they want to kill all Arabs and posting it. I criticize them for stealing cash from banks. I criticize them for bombing ambulances. Not for being Jewish. That’s anti semitic and incorrect to do so. I am criticizing them for the terrorism and inhumane way they move around. Thank you for your time.


You haven’t once mentioned any of that, and where’s your proof other than Al-Jazeera or idiots who got fired or suspended for saying anti Arab things?


The IDF is so bright they post all their crimes on TikTok. So that’s the proof. IDF members social media like TikTok and Facebook. Those are my sources :)


>Self victimization complex We aren't talking about Palestinians


🤣🤣 like the one they found under Al Shifa, you should be embarrassed posting this crap


So you deny they found extensive tunnel network directly below Al shifa? https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-778679 PBS documentary in Al-Shifa hospital was prevented by Hamas members with weapons from accessing areas of the hospital: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/top-secret-hamas-command-bunker-in-gaza-revealed Article from 2009 talking about an intelligence claim of Hamas using the basement of the hospital: https://web.archive.org/web/20090206232152/http://haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1054569.html Article Hamas commandeered hospital wards in Al-Shifa converting them into interrogation and imprisonment compounds: https://web.archive.org/web/20230205050631/https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3668018,00.html Human Rights Watch states Hamas fired from inside Al-Shifa at Fatah forces: https://www.hrw.org/news/2007/06/12/gaza-armed-palestinian-groups-commit-grave-crimes Report that Hospital staff made complaints about Hamas presence in the building: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1906608/ New York Times reported on Hamas operating from the building: https://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/29/world/africa/29iht-gaza.4.18986499.html?module=Search&mabReward=relbias%3Ar Journalists seeing rockets being fired from the hospital area: https://web.archive.org/web/20230529141259/https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4553643,00.html Another report of journalists seeing rockets fired from the hospital area: https://web.archive.org/web/20230513143525/https://www.jpost.com///operation-protective-edge/gaza-reporters-tweets-hamas-using-human-shields-368689#! A Hamas member recounting how he and other Hamas members took shelter in a bunker under the hospital: https://www.terrorism-info.org.il/en/18321/ Local Palestinian journalist reported Hamas uses a section of the hospital for offices: https://archive.ph/BKbxc Amnesty International reported Hamas using the hospital to torture and kill prisoners: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2015/05/gaza-palestinians-tortured-summarily-killed-by-hamas-forces-during-2014-conflict/ https://twitter.com/Franke_schrijft/status/1725037285249306726 https://out.reddit.com/t3_17z40u3?app_name=reddit_ios&token=AQAAf6VaZc4w-AfAgugTRAIiVReQt1uWyZp1dRgSCYKXPfmFVvO6&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.timesofisrael.com%2Fliveblog_entry%2Fsurveillance-footage-shows-hamas-bringing-hostages-into-shifa-hospital-on-oct-7%2F https://www.timesofisrael.com/uk-doctor-who-worked-at-shifa-confirms-gaza-hospital-used-for-non-medical-purposes/ https://allisrael.com/italian-journalist-confirms-the-presence-of-hamas-command-and-control-center-under-shifa-hospital https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/02/us/politics/gaza-hospital-hamas.html?unlocked_article_code=1.K00.1IiY._MlhMhz7JzJ2&smid=re-share


Well done for documenting


Ill bet he won't be responding to that one.


Dang you got smoked


Hey dumbass, you gonna respond to the proof? You should be embarrassed posting this crap


You think UNRWA were able to sneak weapons in for Hamas? AK rifles could easily fit in a rice bag if disassembled and put in a big ziplock for example.