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Droopy Dog simping for terrorists.


So kidnapping hundreds and murdering thousands and launching tens of thousands of rockets at innocent civilians in an unprovoked surprise attack isn't terrorism now. Isn't there a law that once someone is clearly mentally unwell to the point he poses a risk to others he can be forced to be mentally hospitalized? Martin Griffiths clearly needs some time in a locked mental institute.


Hamas is just a social club. Kidnapping and murder is just their way of blowing off some steam. Come on, boys will be boys after all! /S (just in case)


Hey the Klan was marketed as a social club for years without *overt* racism. If they can do it so can Hamas!


>So kidnapping hundreds and murdering thousands and launching tens of thousands of rockets at innocent civilians in an unprovoked surprise attack isn't terrorism now. Israel has 7k civilians mostly women and children held hostage without a charge or trial, Israel has been commiting what it calls mowing the lawn operations for at least 20 years where it just randomly bombs Gaza oh and they built a wall around Gaza turning it into a concentration camp I would not call it unprovoked also Hamas has been repeatedly offering a full ceasefire in exchange for the trading of all hostages held by both sides, Israel refused and is now bombing and killing civilians in rafah the last place for Palestinians to go cementing this as a full blown genocide


arresting terrorists and holding them pellnding trial is 100% legal and valid, Israel is 100% within its right to hild them according to all international law until their day in court comes, the fact its taking weeka for that to happen due to the sheet amount of terrorists you are simping for does not make Israel holding them wrong. Also nice whataboutisim, go make a tictok praising bin laden with all your terror simping friends, or better yet go get mental help, I know you think you are well but thats only because you are too insane to realize how insane you are.


Egypt also built a wall


They don't ever acknowledge this


Emphasis on the ever.


Unlike Israel partial blockage. Egypt had a complete blockage


Sounds like you dont know what the fuck you're talking about lol. Every nation they go to they make enemies because they assasinate nations leaders when they get there, look up how it went down in egypt and jordan if you actually give a fuck about why things are the way they are, now nobody gives a fuck or will help them and has built walls all around them, cry wolf and bite the hand that feeds you all you want, this is the result. You also dont know what a concentration camp is apparently, check out world war 2, or what china is doing to the muslims there.


Provide a proof from a reputable sources for the numbers of incarcerated people you wrote here! Or else you’re spreading misinformation and lies. The Palestinians in Israeli prisons are not hostages but prisoners who were indicted and convicted for terror activities (from throwing rocks at passing motorists all the way up to war crimes such as dispatching suicide bombers, murdering civilians etc). Each one of them received legal representation, they are incarcerated with standard of living according to the international law, they receive top notch food, can complete higher education while in incarceration, have family and Red Cross visitations on a regular basis and are covered by the national health insurance like any other citizen.


Lol yeah all of Israeli bombs are directed at women and children and now 7k civilians, mostly women and children, are held "hostage". Wont someone please think of the children (and women)!! They randomly bomb gaza?? You think they just playing battleship and trying to hit stuff?? Ur fucken dumb.


Wait... So are the bombs directed (at women and children) or random? I'm confused


Sounds like a good start to your fiction novel.


The idiocy of Reddit is that Facts get downvoted. But Zionist’s feelings and lies are upvoted LMAAOO


Israel kidnaps thousands of Palestinians every year in the West Bank.. They just call them prisoners instead of hostages. Israel arrested hundreds of innocent people just to use for hostages negotiations, most were never even charged with crimes . Israel has taken hostages far longer and in greater numbers even long before Oct7th.


You mean arrests terrorists, which Israel has every legal right to do. You claim they are innocents so show me proof, 100% percent of them are either proven guilty in a court of law or are held a few weeks pending trial, both things Israel is legally allowed to do according to international law. But of course you know that already, your just throwing whataboutisim to try and deflact from your beloved Hamas crimes you little terror simp.


Sounds like you’re talking about Israel? I’m confused.


Sounds like your talking out of your arse, you terror simps are all the same.


"unprovoked" Opinion discarded


Yes terror simp, there was no provocation for 7/10 but of course that fact would make it hard for you to blame Israel so of course you ignore it.


You described Israel lol


No he didn't "lol". If he did, there wouldn't be a single Palestinian left alive between the river and the sea. "Lol"


The UN continues to be a joke


Get him outta that job. This idiot is a danger to world peace if he’s taking such a position. Like saying “oh the Nazi party is pretty cool, they’re all about taking care of people and promoting strong family values” and omitting the intentional, systemic killing of Jews, gypsies, albinos, and handicapped people.


Let's not forget that the nazi party was invited to America (not that you were, just throwing that out there). Many love them.


Wow... they really dieing on this hill huh?


That explains a lot.


Even worse than saying something limited as in, "Hamas is not currently recognized by x as a terrorist group," he said, >“Hamas is not a terrorist group for us, as you know, it is a political movement. But, I think it is very very difficult to dislodge these groups without a negotiated solution; which includes their aspirations. He specifically called Hamas a political movement, legitimizing their attacks.


LOL he wants us to believe that he really thinks Hamas would stop once Israel was obliterated. What a coward.


You are an insane Nazi.


LOL you are extremely protective of Hamas, huh player


Like Israel killing 28000 Palestinians in revenge is legitimate?


You mean, war? I know it's a foreign concept to coddled children in the west that have never been in so much as a fist fight, but when you conduct a state directed mass terror attack, war is the result and people die in those.


When you systematically persecute and oppress a neighbour state for years and illegally and violently evict people from their homes to settle their land maybe you should expect a terror attack. They say a country gets the terrorists it deserves.


Yeah, I get it. You support terrorism. Where do you live, by the way? Somewhere with laws against such? Do you honestly feel safe hiding your beliefs behind your internet connection? The police do have ways of finding out identities, you know. edit: Rhetorical question, by the way. Do not dox yourself.


I don't support terrorism, whether it's committed by Hamas or Israel under the guise of self-defence. I don't know why you would be under the impression that I'm doing anything the police of my country would be interested in? Is it because you think noone can disagree with anything Israel does without being antisemitic? It's honestly hilarious if you think disagreeing with Israel is illegal now.


Wow, so according to you, every terror attack in history is justified if a country "gets the terrorists it deserves". It would be interesting to see you share that view with the parents who lost their children in the Manchester concert bombing.


It depends on the context, of course - one man's terrorist, another man's freedom fighter. But I would suggest that in the lead up to this attack there was significant provocation by Israel and they should have anticipated that would have resulted in Hamas responding in the way they did.


in 2005 israel handed gaza back to palestine, removed their citizens, even dismanteled settlements near palestines land... what happened RIGHT AFTER THEY DID THAT... what happend? hamas killed the elected government in gaza, threw them from buildings to keep the population quiet and just started launching rockets.


Nobody's arguing for Hamas, or at least I'm certainly not. But moderate Israelis need to take some responsibility for the actions of their government, and we're just not hearing those voices.


maybe you don't know man but hamas for a long long time has spoken openly about things like "liberating italy's Rome back to being in the islamic califate" "returning spain to us through force" they are VERY open that they are all about complete islamic control of the entire world, through force. go look up their old videos about handing out machetes for each palestinian to behead a jew. can i ask is that defeating israel's government? they literally call for the death of every jewish person worldwide.. they are just another isis, they are just another taliban but with larger aspirations of launching into europe after israel is gone.


As I've said before, Hamas are a proscribed terrorist organisation. Unfortunately, terrorists gonna terrorist. Israel meanwhile is - or is supposed to be - a liberal political democracy, which status comes freighted with certain expectations of behaviour from the international community, even in the direst moments. Israel is currently not meeting those expectations, and indeed has not for a long time.


You’re assuming that those with expectations have a grounded view of the subject. In order to criticize Israel, you must first criticize the genocidal maniacs they are dealing with. Any organization protesting the war, that isn’t constantly calling for HAMAS’s dissolution, is being hypocritical. I don’t ever see big protests with “down with HAMAS+IDF”, it’s always against just Israel. There’s plenty of bandwidth to criticize both groups. World reactions to Israeli actions are also incredibly arbitrary. The sheer number of attacks against Israel because they have white Jews is astounding. Meanwhile we have actual genocides happening between non-Caucasians that are getting swept under the rug. Many people also ignore how Arab citizens, and minorities get treated by Israel. Despite repeated claims, they aren’t an apartheid ethno-state. 


Of course he’d say that, given that UNWRA has been assisting Hamas for decades. If Hamas are terrorists, than what does it make the UN?


Before the October 7th Massacre I had no idea how much of the world (including the UN) had an irrational hatred for the Jews. It’s scary if you think about it.


Not sure if it's a hatred for Jews or just a rabid love for 'slims.


Nah, it’s plain old antisemitism. What happened in October was a pogrom. The change is now some people can openly cheer a pogrom because Israel is fighting back. Something Jews have never done before (and it was time for them to do so!)


Agree with the fighting back part, but the discourse isn't that different from what Europeans have had to deal with when it comes to the mass rape and violent crime that's spreading due to islam. The rhetoric would be identical if the Europeans started actually taking action in the same way. Europeans get accused of racism, being far right nazis etc for even talking about it.


I hope the situation will improve in Europe (I’m an European btw, and I identify myself as a leftist) because it’s getting harder to ignore the facts… and because ignoring them is to give the far right a very big vote bag.


Nonsensical thinking is scary, especially when the individuals fall for propaganda easily


Sounds like he is encouraging Hamas to do an October 7th to his country and he would be fine with it, won't even retaliate.


"Just save me! Remember, I stuck up for you at the UN!"


Hamas doesn’t give a fuck about his country. They give a fuck about their stolen land.


The Arabs are the ones who stole and colonised the land, how the fuck do you think they got Muslims in Sudan without conquest.


Scholars of colonialism would disagree with you lol


No they won't. Jews have been in "Palestine" for thousands of years. Just because they were displaced by war and slavery doesn't change that. Jews have a "right to return" to their home land. This is an assault on human rights for thousands of Russians. Putin claims to defend the freedoms of Russians. Interrogating and threatening Ukrainians to join the Russian armed forces; Forcing retirees and those normally exempted to join the Russian army; TRussia consistently spreads false narratives in an attempt to justify its aggression against Ukraine. These include the narratives that Ukraine is an “invented” country, that the West is attempting to destabilize Russia by spreading “Russophobia,” and that Russia is “forced” to defend itself. Russia uses these purported justifications and claims of victimhood to try to obscure the actual origins of the conflict and to bolster domestic support for their war against Ukraine Several Russian leaders have recently stated that Poland has secret intentions to annex large areas of western Ukraine. In 91% of OHCHR-documented cases, Ukrainian civilians held by Russian Forces describe torture and ill-treatment, including sexual violence. There are also grave concerns regarding the summary execution of 77 civilians Ultimately, it is Russia’s own aggression that has prompted Finland, Sweden, Georgia and Ukraine to seek NATO membership. Putin claims that NATO agreed it would not expand after the Cold War. These statements are part of a broader, persistent Russian disinformation campaign that attempts to decrease Western support for lethal aid to Ukraine. On July 6, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ spokesperson claimed that weapons supplied by the West to Ukraine are being used by protesters in France Thousands of ordinary Russian citizens have been detained, charged, or prosecuted for spreading “fake news”. Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov claims that the West has launched an attack on the media that don’t obey its orders. The Kremlin claims that NATO is an aggressive bloc “aiming to defeat Russia on the battlefield. Not only has Putin’s thesis been deemed inaccurate by many prominent historians and political scientists, but the map Putin referenced did in fact label Ukraine as “Ukraine or the Land of Cossacks.”. Putin’s false statement was intended to support his own narrative that Russians and Ukrainians are “one people,” and that Ukraine never existed prior to being created by the Soviet government During a May 23 televised discussion, President Vladimir Putin claimed that Ukraine’s alleged absence from a 17th century map of Europe is evidence that Ukraine has no historical legitimacy as a country Russian statements are part of an established Russian disinformation campaign that attempts to decrease support for Western aid to Ukraine. Russia will continue stating false information to support this campaign You can replace "Russia" with "Palestinians" And "Ukraine" with "Israel". Their propaganda talking points are exactly the same, with the purpose of tricking people like you into supporting Hamas, the fact that you can't recognize the parallels between how disinformation is being spread by Russia and its allies means it's working. Russia is also claiming that Ukraine is committing genocide against Russians, so I guess it must be true../s


The catalyst for the expulsions of Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries was precipitated by the mass illegal migration of Zionist Jews (and persecuted Jews) into the region: [Palestine - Population Demographics leading up to 1948](https://www.cjpme.org/fs_007). > Modern Zionism was a movement born in Europe in the 19th century, but the Ottoman Empire controlled historic Palestine during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Starting in the 19th century, a number of disparate Jewish groups in Europe had begun cooperating to begin modest agricultural settlement in historic Palestine. These and other groups first came together formally in 1897 for the first Zionist Conference in Basel, Switzerland.[3] > The population of Ottoman “Palestine” is difficult to estimate because: > 1)There was no administrative district of Palestine. Ottoman census figures were for various districts, e.g. the Jerusalem, Acco and Nablus districts. The Acre district included areas in Lebanon, outside the borders of historic Palestine; > 2)Both Arabs and Jews avoided the Turkish census for three reasons: a) to avoid taxes, b) to avoid military conscription, and c) to avoid questions of illegal residence; > 3)The census figures didn’t include Bedouins (likely numbering over 100,000[4]) and foreign subjects (i.e. individuals with foreign citizenship, without Ottoman residency status) of which there were about 10,000 Jews. > Nevertheless, the Ottoman census of 1878 indicated the following demographics for the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre districts:[5] > Muslim - 403,795 - 85.5% > Christian - 43,659 - 9.2% > Jewish - 15,001 - 3.2 % > Jewish (Foreign-born) - ~10,000 - ~2.1% > Jewish emigration to historic Palestine grew over the first decades of the 20th century, especially during the 1930s. As the Jewish population in Palestine increased, the indigenous Arab population put pressure on the British government to control the immigration. Thus, in the 1920s, the British restricted Jewish immigration by fixing quotas and authorizing certain Jewish organizations to distribute immigration certificates as they saw fit. Nevertheless, with increased persecution of Jews in Europe, many Jews were not willing to wait years for immigration certificates. Thus, in 1934, the Vallos became the first chartered immigration ship to arrive in Palestine, carrying 350 Jews. By the time WWII had begun, tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants had arrived illegally in Palestine by ship. This illegal shipping of immigrants continued well into the 1940s. While the British intercepted some of the ships, almost all of the immigrants were eventually able to settle in Palestine.[6] > The Jewish community found other ways to emigrate to Palestine, exploiting loopholes in the Mandatory government’s immigration regulations. Students were not required to have immigration certificates to study in Palestine, so many enrolled at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and then remained in the country. Young women entered the country claiming fictitious marriages to Palestinian residents. Others arrived as tourists, and never returned to their former countries. In 1935 alone, almost 5,000 Jews entered the county illegally through these various means.[7] > In 1939, concerned with the rising tensions in Palestine due to the massive Jewish immigration – both legal and illegal – the British government issued Parliamentary Document 6019 (a.k.a the White Paper of 1939), slated to limit the Jewish population in Palestine to no more than one third the total. If economic capacity permitted, 75,000 Jews would be allowed to come to Palestine, after which “no further Jewish immigration will be permitted unless the Arabs are prepared to acquiesce to it.”[8] The principle argument against the accusation of colonialism for Israel is that Jews once lived on the land thousands of years ago. As you can see from the census demographics I’ve provided above, Jews were the most minimal minority in the region prior to Zionist invasion. Zionists will argue that the establishment of Israel was actually the “decolonization” of Palestine, even though there’s actually no such term, and no historical precedence for the concept of “decolonization”. The advent of the Jewish diaspora was not the result of colonization; generally speaking, Jews were pushed out of biblical Israel and other countries for practicing usery, which according to both regionally adopted majority religions (read: Christianity and Islam) was considered unlawful and a sin. If Jews were actually colonized in Palestine, they would still have had a significant populous in the region prior to the Zionist movement. They didn’t. Some guy had the idea one day that Jews all need to invade the land they left thousands of years ago, and now Israel has become a blithe on the world stage.


[Jewish - Roman Wars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish%E2%80%93Roman_wars) The Jewish–Roman wars were a series of large-scale revolts by the Jews of Judaea and the Eastern Mediterranean against the Roman Empire between 66 and 135 CE.[10] The First Jewish–Roman War (66–73 CE) and the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–136 CE) were nationalist rebellions, striving to restore an independent Judean state Result Roman victory: Destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple Widespread destruction in Judea and diaspora of many survivors Separation of Christianity from Judaism Consolidation of non-messianic Jewish sects into Rabbinic Judaism Consolidation of Jewish center in Galilee Territorial changes Roman Judea (Iudaea) remained under Roman control, renamed and merged into the province of Syria Palaestina Pretty obvious that the Jews were exiled by the Romans, and the Romans destroyed almost everything in Judea including the 2nd Temple, which the Ottoman Empire later claimed as their own, and built their own temple on top of the Jewish one known as "the dome of the rock" By your logic all Israel needs to do is occupy the land for some arbitrary amount of time, then they can claim "squatters rights" like the Palestinians in Gaza did. What's that saying you Hamas supporters use? Oh yeah, "history didn't begin on October 7th"


No that’s not my logic, because humans are supposed to learn from history. Israel is trying to be a new colonialist force in a post-colonial world. The arbitrary invasion of a land that Jews inhabited in Biblical time is judged only by the precept of western colonialism. The fact that the west is aiding and abetting Israel in its colonial aspirations, during the era of colonial reconciliation, is what has stirred massive protests around the world.


On that logic, everyone can return to Africa and take their shit..hang on, Europeans already did that. Zionist logic is hilarious. Don't they realise that the Palestinians were the original Jewish inhabitants...they are the indigenous jews. As a side note, I wonder why Israel bans DNA tests?!


Keep pushing Russian, and Iranian propaganda for Hamas. Maybe you should learn about how Islamic Fundamentalists regularly use child soldiers in their military before you make yourself look like an even bigger fool than you already are.  https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/11/30/irans-child-soldiers-syria  The Iran-Iraq war had as many as 550,000 child soldiers in Irans army that were sacrificed to clear out minefields for Iranian tanks, some kids couldn't even hold the gun right so they taped the guns to their hands.  As many as 9 out of 10 child soldiers were sacrificed in that war.  It's sickening that you enable and support Hamas using child soldiers, and it's well documented that they brainwash Palestinian women children to martyr themselves. Stop spreading misinformation. It's perfectly legal to get a DNA test in Israel. You'd know that if you weren't a raging anti-semite that supports Palestinians using their children as cannon fodder.


Hamas has repeatedly said that their ultimate goal is a world caliphate.






Do you have a document or specific statement that confirms this intention of achieving global caliphate?


You mean besides the decades of information that exists everywhere but TikTok?


And yet you can’t provide me with a single link? I’ll provide you with some evidence to the contrary then. If you actually read the entire literal translation of the Hamas charter, its clear it doesn’t refer to Jews as a whole, but rather the oppressive nation of Israel, in particular the Zionist Colonizers who have stolen their land: > "Israel will rise and will remain erect until Islam eliminates it as it had eliminated its predecessors." > “In so doing, it joined its hands with those of all Jihad fighters for the purpose of liberating Palestine. The souls of its Jihad fighters will encounter those of all Jihad fighters who have sacrificed their lives in the land of Palestine since it was conquered by the Companion of the Prophet, be Allah's prayer and peace upon him.” > “They have raised the banner of Jihad in the face of the oppressors in order to extricate the country and the people from the [oppressors'] desecration, filth and evil and until this very day.” > “[Peace] initiatives, the so-called peaceful solutions, and the international conferences to resolve the Palestinian problem, are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement. For renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion; the nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its faith, the movement educates its members to adhere to its principles and to raise the banner of Allah over their homeland as they fight their Jihad: "Allah is the all-powerful, but most people are not aware." > “The problem of the liberation of Palestine relates to three circles: the Palestinian, the Arab and the Islamic. Each one of these circles has a role to play in the struggle against Zionism and it has duties to fulfill. It would be an enormous mistake and an abysmal act of ignorance to disregard anyone of these circles. For Palestine is an Islamic land where the First Qibla(29) and the third holiest site(30) are located. That is also the place whence the Prophet, be Allah's prayer and peace upon him, ascended to Heavens.” > “In consequence of this state of affairs, the liberation of that land is an individual duty binding on all Muslims everywhere(35). This is the base on which all Muslims have to regard the problem; this has to be understood by all Muslims. When the problem is dealt with on this basis, where the full potential of the three circles is mobilized, then the current circumstances will change and the day of liberation will come closer.” > “When our enemies usurp some Islamic lands, Jihad becomes a duty binding on all Muslims. In order to face the usurpation of Palestine by the Jews, we have no escape from raising the banner of Jihad. This would require the propagation of Islamic consciousness among the masses on all local, Arab and Islamic levels. We must spread the spirit of Jihad among the [Islamic] Umma, clash with the enemies and join the ranks of the Jihad.” > ”The enemies have been scheming for a long time, and they have consolidated their schemes, in order to achieve what they they have achieved. They took advantage of key-elements in unfolding events, and accumulated a huge and influential material wealth which they put to the service of implementing their dream. This wealth [permitted them to] take over control of the world media such as news agencies, the press, publication houses, broadcasting and the like fighters.” > “The Zionist invasion is a mischievous one. It does not hesitate to take any road, or to pursue all despicable and repulsive means to fulfill its desires. It relies to a great extent, for its meddling and spying activities, on the clandestine organizations which it has established, such as the Free Masons, Rotary Clubs, Lions, and other spying associations.” > “The Arab states surrounding Israel are required to open their borders to the Jihad fighters, the sons of the Arab and Islamic peoples, to enable them to play their role and to join their efforts to those of their brothers among the Muslim Brothers in Palestine.” BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY: > “Hamas is a humane movement, which cares for human rights and is committed to the tolerance inherent in Islam as regards attitudes towards other religions. It is only hostile to those who are hostile towards it, or stand in its way in order to disturb its moves or to frustrate its efforts.” You have to be completely obtuse and ignorant to read the entire thing and actually believe the mandate is to kill all Jews or to achieve global supremacy. This is about STOLEN LAND and OPPRESSION. Also the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” actually makes it **explicitly** clear that this is about the land, and not about Jews. Period. And before you go pulling out the whole *“a Jew hiding behind every rock”* passage as a call for genocide: it’s not. It is a non-imperative verse in the Quran regarding the end times prophecy that claims the Israelites will return to Israel and be attacked by all 4 corners which will bring about the end times (the same prophecy, by the way, that is constitutional to American evangelical belief). Furthermore, the UN has enshrined the Palestinian right to armed resistance against Israeli occupation with the following resolution: > UNITED NATIONS > [THE QUESTION OF PALESTINE](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-184801/) > Right of peoples to self-determination/Struggle by all available means - GA resolution > 2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation **by all available means. including armed struggle** > 3. Reaffirms also the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the Palestinian people and all peoples under foreign occupation and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, national unity and sovereignty **without foreign interference**;


You realize the UN doesn't even agree with the UNs definition?


How do you mean?


That is one ugly fucker




Not uglier than Amy Schumer tho 😊


Go crawl back into your parents’ moldy basement disgusting antisemite


Oh no the basement dwelling insult coming from a Zionist on Reddit. I’ve never heard that one. You wanna tell me I get all my info from Tik Tok also? So predictable. It like you all read from the same cue cards.


How outrageous (and accurate). He's probably not a rapist like Amy Schumer though.


No, they are worse than a terrorist organisation . They are murdering scum dogs. But don’t worry what he says, because soon they won’t exist anymore.


Roasted babies and 14 year old girls with evidence of 94 different rapists in her body would suggest differently.


94:1? - I’m gonna neeed some sauce my guy


Is this the forty dead babies claim? Still waiting for the evidence on that...


Does it really matter if it was just 38? 25?  To me it matters that they died because of an intentional, unprovoked attack during a ceasefire. I am sad about dead Arabs/Gazans as well, but at least there it happens because of a very justified war and despite Israel going out of their way to prevent civilian casualties, not because they gleefully went in to rape, torture, loot and murder.


They died from IDF shelling of the kibbutzim more likely


You know Hamas filmed it all and gleefully shared it with their families? You know the international osint community took the effort to download it all and back it up, just like they have done with Ukrainian and Russian Telegram channels? It is documented behind all reasonable doubt what happened and while it won't prevent whoever you listened to to try to tell a different story - or you from believing it - the videos and conversations are archived on a number of places.


I've seen many of those videos, not sure which one proves 50 babies, or even a few babies were decapitated. Nor was there one with a massive gang rape. It's almost as if you just, like, believe the worst when it comes to Arabs without any evidence. Simultaneously, Israel has bombed... A long list of illegitimate targets, killed A LOT of children, MANY babies... And you're more than willing, eager, to ignore it! How odd.


I'm not denying many children have died in Israeli bombing. Stick to the facts. As for the mass rapes you didn't see, be thankful.


"I saw videos of Jewish soldiers mass raping Palestinian women and little boys, thousands of them. Be thankful you haven't seen them. Source: Trust me bro." There you go, that's the same level of proof as Israel has. Guess Hamas was just acting in self defense and we should send them billions of dollars worth of weapons!


Get fucked, old man.


don't have sex with the elderly


🤡 That's all there is to say here


*The United Nations’ UNRWA is currently being investigated after staff were said to have involvement in Hamas’s October 7 terror attacks.* *More recently, the IDF discovered a Hamas tunnel below the UNRWA headquarters in Gaza.*


Lol, it's almost like Israel is trying to deligitimize and attack as "terrorists" and "antisemites" any person or organisation that stands in opposition to their ethno-religious apartheid state in its genocidal ethnic cleansing, for SOME reason. Israel is just trying to make liebensraum, damn lugenpresse!


He looks like if Werner Herzog had a stroke.


Twice. Once on each side


All these guys have sold their souls to oil money from middle east.


Yeah because no Israeli politicians are in thrall to the dollar.


squeamish bag dam automatic shrill pathetic cagey dull cake elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i am sure he is pleasant to be around


More fun than Belazel Smotrich I expect, especially if you're gay.


Typical feckless chickenshit UN response.


Defund the United Nations.


We need to have our goverments stop funding the UN... At this point, what does it even do for what it costs....


United Nations is for real nations only, and Israel doesn’t abide by international laws and consensus. So good riddance!


Would you like a short list of all the nations that dont abide by International laws during war time?


Principally the United States, which is also responsible for shielding Israel from war crime prosecutions a total of 15 times (16 if you count the most recent ICJ hearing) in Israel’s short and violent history.


Un is a joke


Oh wow! So terrorizing Jews is acceptable according to the UN? Absolutely disgusting!


This is precisely why there's such an incredible challenge when trying to persuade chronic "Pro-Palestinian" protesters. The fundamental differences in views on the very nature of Hamas are so diametrically opposed to one another that rational discussion becomes impossible. And "Anti-Zionism" becomes little more than a dogmatic dog-whistle for Anti-Jew. These guys carry out suicide bombings, they launch indiscriminate rocket attacks, they use civilian infrastructure and personal as shields against militarily armed accountability. These "Pro-Palestinian" who claim that Israel does all these things fail to comprehend that Hamas is just as bad, if not worse. At least the IDF and the Israeli government can be held to account to an extent. That's why there's an ICJ ruling in the first place. But there is no such mechanism available for holding terrorist organizations like Hamas accountable for their own actions beyond direct military action. And that is when these "Pro-Palestinian" protesters tend to cry foul the most. This kind of behavior and its hypocritical nature is what truly p\*sses me off.


Of course the guy is named Griffith


By saying nice things about Hamas he's hoping for some Qatari/Iranian slush funds coming his way. "Free Palestine" has become a billion dollar industry predicated on the model that they can **never** establish a Palestinian state otherwise Martin and his UNRWA buddies have to find a new conflict gravy train. As we all know, if Israel isn't involved the pay is low.




These are the same people who put countries with horrendous records for women's rights, into leadership roles or on committees for women's rights monitoring, which allows them to shield their countries from any investigation or uncomfortable questions. The UN is the poster-child for corruption


It's official. The world has finally turned upside down.


He needs to be expelled from office. Coward.


Oh great, more stupidity from the UN


From Martin Griffiths' twitter: "Just to clarify: Hamas is not on the list of groups designated as terrorist organizations by the United Nations Security Council. This doesn't make their acts of terror on 7 October any less horrific and reprehensible, as I've been saying all along."


"To be clear, I shouldn't be taken seriously."


Israelis are delusional as shit 😂


Nailed it, buddy!


Thanks buddy!


As usual Israeli lies twist words and actions of others


Not really, the mere fact that a UN cheif publicly claims the UN is not identifying Hamas as a terror organization is what the claim is about and the clarification does not seem to change it.


Most countries in the world do not designate Hamas as terrorists. In fact it’s basically only the west. ~30 out of 190 countries of the world.  Shocks most westerners to learn what the world is like outside their bubble.


Because most countries 1) are not involved in the conflict and 2) western countries are outnumbered by islamic and tankie countries. Easy. The western world is the most open in terms of information flow, you know that, you live here. Go to your friends in Russia or Iran, see what expressing dissent gets you.


Last word


The big bad moslems made them do it!


Solidifying the UN as a terror supporing org. Past time to withdraw all funding.


Israel should withdraw from the UN. They’re not even a real nation, and they don’t abide by international law. So yeah, kindly fuck off.


Useful idiots


Sign the petition I made to replace him with an Israeli hostage currently in Gaza: https://chng.it/HZR9Q2Nbtj


What you’ll read in the article: Isreal: hey U.N please help us evacuate residents to safe zones Relief Chief: we will not Participate in the forced evacuation of Palestinians Isreal: alright Relief Chief: this is the worst humanitarian disaster we’ve seen to date Isreal: Why? Relief Chief: Because of the disparity of people not being able to escape the conflict 🤯🤯🤯 Relief chief: yeah I understand Hamas committed crime against humanity towards Israel but they’ll just have to get over it, Hamas is not a terrorist organization, we see them as a political movement, freedom fighters if you will 🥸🥸🥸


Long live the resistance.


Your forgetting that Israel bombed UN refugee camps


You mean parts of the UNWRA who’s employees are being probed for helping and participating with Hamas? Including the facilitating of kidnapping women for rape, with 9 major countries canceling any further financial aid for the foreseeable future


You know there is still no evidence for all that right.


"cigarette smoke is healthy"


And the nazis were lovely people that did no harm .. what a despicable thing to say


And I’m a multibillionaire…


What a sad fat terrorist sympathizing pussy.


Of course. Of COURSE. For the UN, Hamas is not a terrorist group. Israel is evil. My country Iran is an angel worthy of sitting on human rights councils etc etc. When is the world going to realise the UN is totally and utterly corrupted by *shithole* countries. The commies, the Islamists, the evil, all aligned to outvote and overpower modern progressive nations? It is the best we have but it is NOT fit for purpose. This ugly guy is an idiot who should lose his job but hating him is like shooting the messenger. The whole UN is a joke. Like why set up a separate refugee agency just for non-Israeli Arabs!?? And with ridiculous special rights and special funding that no other group of people in the history of the world has ever enjoyed? That turns out, surprise surprise to actually be a terror organisation? The whole thing is in the grip of anti-modernity world hellbent on destroying Israel, the West, modernity and progress.


Soooo... they sent in their people to rape murder and kidnap civilians in Israel??? Sounds like what terrorists do


'Yes it fucking is' says Redditor


r/theworldnews finally has a popular post!


Well then, I'm not a balding middle-aged man who's 20 pounds overweight. An example of human aerodynamics and a daily weight lifter.


He also said it was the worst human atrocity while looking straight past Russia and China


Israel has killed twice more civs in a few months than China did Uyghurs in a few years and 3 times more than Russia in Ukraine.


UN is a waste of space … and money.


He’s right


Lol, this is amazing! He got the ziofascists trying to cancel him with one simple idea! It's almost like you can only call Hamas a terrorist organization if you ignore the fact that they exist within one of Israel's concentration camps. That by thinking of WHY Hamas exists, WHY Hamas has killed people, all of a sudden, it becomes very clear that any group of people forced into the conditions that Israel has forced the Palestinians into would give rise to an organization such as Hamas that was willing to employ violence for a political end. The political end of revenge on their oppressors. If you want to call Hamas a "terrorist" organization, then Nat Turner's rebellion is a terrorist organization, the US founding fathers is a terrorist organization, the people in the Warsaw Ghetto were a terrorist organization, Israel itself, since it's founding, through ethnic cleansing for liebensraum, is a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! And the Zio-fascists HATE that idea!


Pretty sure that is the world position. Only western Zionist countries call them that


Israel is a terrorist state. Change my mind.


That's because it's not


Man, Netanyahu will be furious that the organisation he funded to terrorise Fatah has been labeled a Liberation group. He's gonna want his money back.


half of Palestine is occupied and the other half is blockaded you can’t be terrorist if you’re living in those conditions


Lmao this guy's name is literally kamakazi jihadi as in kill himself for a religious war. Why is this guy not perma banned. Disgusting


Lmaooo you’re literally mad at a username while trying to defend a state that’s on trail for genocide You do know genocide is the worst crime in human history


How can it be occupied when they never owned it. With that logic arabs are the ones occupying israel proper.


The un gave Israel the land while it was occupied by the British did they not? Or are you saying the British were occupying Jews in that land?


The British who owned the land gave the UN permission to give the land to Jews and Arabs. Which they did. In which the arabs attacked the jews, lost and now cry like victims even to this day. You don’t own land you refused then attacked another country to take their and lost.


[Palestine - Population Demographics leading up to 1948](https://www.cjpme.org/fs_007). > Modern Zionism was a movement born in Europe in the 19th century, but the Ottoman Empire controlled historic Palestine during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Starting in the 19th century, a number of disparate Jewish groups in Europe had begun cooperating to begin modest agricultural settlement in historic Palestine. These and other groups first came together formally in 1897 for the first Zionist Conference in Basel, Switzerland.[3] > The population of Ottoman “Palestine” is difficult to estimate because: > 1)There was no administrative district of Palestine. Ottoman census figures were for various districts, e.g. the Jerusalem, Acco and Nablus districts. The Acre district included areas in Lebanon, outside the borders of historic Palestine; > 2)Both Arabs and Jews avoided the Turkish census for three reasons: a) to avoid taxes, b) to avoid military conscription, and c) to avoid questions of illegal residence; > 3)The census figures didn’t include Bedouins (likely numbering over 100,000[4]) and foreign subjects (i.e. individuals with foreign citizenship, without Ottoman residency status) of which there were about 10,000 Jews. > Nevertheless, the Ottoman census of 1878 indicated the following demographics for the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre districts:[5] > Muslim - 403,795 - 85.5% > Christian - 43,659 - 9.2% > Jewish - 15,001 - 3.2 % > Jewish (Foreign-born) - ~10,000 - ~2.1% > Jewish emigration to historic Palestine grew over the first decades of the 20th century, especially during the 1930s. As the Jewish population in Palestine increased, the indigenous Arab population put pressure on the British government to control the immigration. Thus, in the 1920s, the British restricted Jewish immigration by fixing quotas and authorizing certain Jewish organizations to distribute immigration certificates as they saw fit. Nevertheless, with increased persecution of Jews in Europe, many Jews were not willing to wait years for immigration certificates. Thus, in 1934, the Vallos became the first chartered immigration ship to arrive in Palestine, carrying 350 Jews. By the time WWII had begun, tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants had arrived illegally in Palestine by ship. This illegal shipping of immigrants continued well into the 1940s. While the British intercepted some of the ships, almost all of the immigrants were eventually able to settle in Palestine.[6] > The Jewish community found other ways to emigrate to Palestine, exploiting loopholes in the Mandatory government’s immigration regulations. Students were not required to have immigration certificates to study in Palestine, so many enrolled at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and then remained in the country. Young women entered the country claiming fictitious marriages to Palestinian residents. Others arrived as tourists, and never returned to their former countries. In 1935 alone, almost 5,000 Jews entered the county illegally through these various means.[7] > In 1939, concerned with the rising tensions in Palestine due to the massive Jewish immigration – both legal and illegal – the British government issued Parliamentary Document 6019 (a.k.a the White Paper of 1939), slated to limit the Jewish population in Palestine to no more than one third the total. If economic capacity permitted, 75,000 Jews would be allowed to come to Palestine, after which “no further Jewish immigration will be permitted unless the Arabs are prepared to acquiesce to it.”[8]


Since you acknowledge the un and how it helped create Israel do also acknowledge the genocide case that’s been accepted and is on going at the un court? And are you really defending a state that’s on trail for genocide?


Do you mean the case the ICJ refused to call a genocide, refused to call a ceasefire and stated Israel has a right to self defense?


Beware the gifts of a thief. It's time to review the mandate.


Who are the theifs? The jews who are native to the land or arabs who invaded, colonized and stole it?


Of course not. They are the Palestinian elected government.


I mean true, they’re barely even a group at this point 😂 do they even exist still?


If Israeli genocide is effective nothing will exist in Palestine.


It’s not a genocide lol


The ICJ making Israel implement six measures to prevent a genocide in Gaza would suggest otherwise. It’s sad how you’re all falling over yourselves to spin that as some sort of victory for Israel when in fact the accusation has been substantiated by the ICJ ruling. How does it feel to support a country that’s been instructed to prevent a genocide?


So if I do measures to prevent getting aids, does that mean I have aids?


erm massacring civilians is not terrorism achtually


Oh this is good shit. Finally a story is getting more votes than comments on r/theworldnews and it’s because the UN is acknowledging legitimate Palestinian resistance. Suck it Zionist scum.


Zionist screeching


The only nation acting like terrorists is Israel! They have built a concentration camp called Gaza for one purpose only! Extermination


As always. Redditors wont read the article 🤦‍♂️


I did. He's an apologist.




We just need to negotiate, how about we do not let them kill all the Jews but only half? And later we can move to the next, advanced state of negotiations about how exactly they want to kill the rest of the Jews and in which order they want to kill the Buddhists, Christians and atheists.


How about you stop stealing land and return to **at least** the original partition.


Already tried it multiple times. After every war started by a new bunch of religious zealots who declare their goal to kill all the Jews, Israel gets new territory which it returns for promises of peace, then a new Iran sponsored group of zealots get in power and story repeats.


Bullllllshiiiiiittttt - the goal has always been to seize all of the land. The drive to establish the “Greater Land of Israel” is the central ideological goal of the Likud Party, which has dominated Israeli politics since 1977. The commitment to Greater Israel was enshrined in the “Basic Laws” of the Israeli state in 2018 when the Knesset passed the “Nation State of the Jewish People” law. This law states that the right to national self-determination in Palestine “is unique to the Jewish People” and that “the State views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value, and shall act to encourage and promote its establishment and strengthening.” This commitment is one of the “guiding principles” of the current Israeli government, which stated that “the Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel,” including “Judea and Samaria.” The phrase was also used by the Israeli ruling Likud party as part of their 1977 election manifesto which stated "Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." This slogan was repeated by Menachem Begin.


This is why they returned land multiple times in recent history. Like every land grabbers would do. Let's look at Russia, they grabbed part of Germany and Japan in WWII, then part of Georgia then part of Ukraine then they returned it for peace. Or wait, they didn't. This is what you do when you want all the land.


The whole purpose of Israel’s bad faith framing of the Oslo Accords revolves around military jurisdiction and determination of military outposts, which has been weaponized to evict Palestinians in the West Bank and establish new settlements. These settlements purposefully encircle Palestinian communities, with the agenda of eventually litigating to keep and maintain those settlements during peace talks.


So it was framing? Not two wars to "Push the Jews into the sea", terrorist attacks, thousands of missile attacks per year?


Resistance to the expansionism facilitated by the bad faith framing of the Oslo Accords - yes. Just like the expulsions of Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries was a reaction to the massive influx of illegal Zionist settlers: [Palestine - Population Demographics leading up to 1948](https://www.cjpme.org/fs_007). > Modern Zionism was a movement born in Europe in the 19th century, but the Ottoman Empire controlled historic Palestine during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Starting in the 19th century, a number of disparate Jewish groups in Europe had begun cooperating to begin modest agricultural settlement in historic Palestine. These and other groups first came together formally in 1897 for the first Zionist Conference in Basel, Switzerland.[3] > The population of Ottoman “Palestine” is difficult to estimate because: > 1)There was no administrative district of Palestine. Ottoman census figures were for various districts, e.g. the Jerusalem, Acco and Nablus districts. The Acre district included areas in Lebanon, outside the borders of historic Palestine; > 2)Both Arabs and Jews avoided the Turkish census for three reasons: a) to avoid taxes, b) to avoid military conscription, and c) to avoid questions of illegal residence; > 3)The census figures didn’t include Bedouins (likely numbering over 100,000[4]) and foreign subjects (i.e. individuals with foreign citizenship, without Ottoman residency status) of which there were about 10,000 Jews. > Nevertheless, the Ottoman census of 1878 indicated the following demographics for the Jerusalem, Nablus, and Acre districts:[5] > Muslim - 403,795 - 85.5% > Christian - 43,659 - 9.2% > Jewish - 15,001 - 3.2 % > Jewish (Foreign-born) - ~10,000 - ~2.1% > Jewish emigration to historic Palestine grew over the first decades of the 20th century, especially during the 1930s. As the Jewish population in Palestine increased, the indigenous Arab population put pressure on the British government to control the immigration. Thus, in the 1920s, the British restricted Jewish immigration by fixing quotas and authorizing certain Jewish organizations to distribute immigration certificates as they saw fit. Nevertheless, with increased persecution of Jews in Europe, many Jews were not willing to wait years for immigration certificates. Thus, in 1934, the Vallos became the first chartered immigration ship to arrive in Palestine, carrying 350 Jews. By the time WWII had begun, tens of thousands of Jewish immigrants had arrived illegally in Palestine by ship. This illegal shipping of immigrants continued well into the 1940s. While the British intercepted some of the ships, almost all of the immigrants were eventually able to settle in Palestine.[6] > The Jewish community found other ways to emigrate to Palestine, exploiting loopholes in the Mandatory government’s immigration regulations. Students were not required to have immigration certificates to study in Palestine, so many enrolled at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and then remained in the country. Young women entered the country claiming fictitious marriages to Palestinian residents. Others arrived as tourists, and never returned to their former countries. In 1935 alone, almost 5,000 Jews entered the county illegally through these various means.[7] > In 1939, concerned with the rising tensions in Palestine due to the massive Jewish immigration – both legal and illegal – the British government issued Parliamentary Document 6019 (a.k.a the White Paper of 1939), slated to limit the Jewish population in Palestine to no more than one third the total. If economic capacity permitted, 75,000 Jews would be allowed to come to Palestine, after which “no further Jewish immigration will be permitted unless the Arabs are prepared to acquiesce to it.”[8]


It’s called resistance against an illegal occupation, my dear: > UNITED NATIONS > [THE QUESTION OF PALESTINE](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-184801/) > Right of peoples to self-determination/Struggle by all available means - GA resolution > 2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation **by all available means. including armed struggle** > 3. Reaffirms also the inalienable right of the Namibian people, the Palestinian people and all peoples under foreign occupation and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, national unity and sovereignty **without foreign interference**;


Rapesistance! Wooooooooooo


Hahaha all the loser hasbara trolls losing their little minds. Keep squealing ya n*zi bitches.


The people calling for the death of all Jews also calling others Nazis. A classic on Reddit.


Yet Zionists will falsely use Judaism to push their agenda. How ironic.


Is this some AI generated answer that uses as many buzzwords from TikTok as possible in hopes to generate a sentence?


Is this some lazy ass response in the form of playful rhetorics?


You are a Nazi terrorist scum and the world will be better when all you Nazi terrorist scum are forcefully removed from it.


You, sir, are absolutely correct. Fuck those goose-stepping Zionists.


Pro tip You dont win arguments by calling the other guy a nazi


Correct. Their narrative is quickly crumbling.


As you can see, the world is slowly waking up to the truth and protests are obviously working if global leaders are walking in step.


You're a disgusting little incel who simps for Hamas and plays video games


This sub is absolute garbage 🗑️