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This means all the Jew-haters will be getting a free pass for anti-Jewish hate crimes. WTF!!!!!


Yeh no. Calm down.


It's hard to calm down when I see my fellow Jews in the UK getting beaten and harassed while the police just stands there doing nothing. With a justice minister who is pro-Palestine, things will get even worse. Jews who are getting attacked will get no justice.


Being pro Palestine doesn't just automatically make someone a jew hater. That kind of black and white logic is false and doesn't help debate. There was nothing black and white about Hind being murdered.


Yes, it does. Palestine is a state that discriminates against Jews and openly calls for the murder of Jews. Abbas, the leader of the PA, is a well known Holocaust denier. His administration runs a "martyr's" fund that pays people who carry out terrorist attacks against Jews. The other leaders of Palestine, Hamas, are even worse. Anyone who supports that state is by definition a Jew hater. It's like supporting Germany in WW2.


Sorry I'm sure you're well meaning and it's good you're fighting against anti semitism because it's a hugely important issue right now, but there are elements of both "sides" that deserve support. Someone describing themselves as pro Palestine (and pro Israel for that matter) can mean a whole plethora of things, from fully supporting hamas (which I don't at all) through to supporting Palestinian human rights to a self autonomous state where they can make decisions without influence from Israel who don't show the best interest in Palestinians. It's not black and white. Just as pro-Israel doesn't automatically mean you support Ben Gvir, the illegal settlements and Palestinians held without charge. That's if you're a decent human being, which I hope you are. I'd describe myself as pro Israel as far as Israel has a right to exist and it's a very forward thinking and modern society full of lovely people - even if there are bad apples like Ben Gvir. Any debate is not helped with black and white thinking, in any topic, especially controversial like this. By calling anyone who demonstrates support for a free people, as anti Jewish, the people who can see the nuance just find this view pathetic and actually harmful towards actual anti semitism.


Most Palestinians don't want to be a free people so it's inaccurate to call them a "free people". They voted for Fatah and Hamas. Those two far right parties that believe in tyranny are what most Palestinians want. Free people would not vote for those types of parties to govern them. There is no major political movement in Palestine that is seeking to create a free liberal democracy. You can't say you're supporting a "free people" when they themselves don't want to be free. They want to have an extreme right wing Islamic theocracy and an apartheid state. That is what pro-Palestinians are supporting. Not freedom. Not democracy. Not socialism.


I don't know what you mean by Palestinians don't want to be free people because 1 - it's a basic human right to not live under occupation or control from a group that you have no part of, especially religious, political and with the same aims, so I'm unsure why you seem to think that's OK. 2 - literally thats what Free Palestine means. Free from israel. 3 - you seem to claim you know what's best for the people of Palestine and therefore deny them self determination because of that. And then you wonder why they resist? I mean if the above were true that they enjoy being part of an occupation or control by Israel (in Gaza for example) then it's a little weird that something like Oct 7th would happen right? So clearly the contemporary notion that Palestinians are somehow better off under Israeli control is not really working out is it? And ok, so I see your point that maybe a majority of Palestinians might want an Islamic theocracy. Maybe turkeys might vote for Christmas and they'll want to live like the people of Iran. Obviously it's not in Israels interest or the West to have another Iran, but frankly we don't actually know that's what will happen (because we haven't seen them vote out of the system of control of Israel) and two, there's no ethical reason why Israel should be part of that. Again. It's not working. There needs to be another solution that doesn't involve Israel imposing control, even at the risk of an Islamic theocracy (which can happen either way by the way, just made worse by Israel) So I don't know what you think Israel has to gain from denying a people self determination. Not only is it clearly damaging security but it's just unethical. That's what I stand behind, and that's it. That's why I am "pro" Palestine and a lot of people I know are - we are pro Self Determination. Pro Israel doing the right thing.


>I don't know what you mean I explained it very clearly. They voted for tyrants. That means they don't want to be free, obviously. It's simple logic.


And so it begins...


The United caliphate of Britain?


united caliphate minister of sharia


5th column


It has to get worse before it can get better. Brits and most other westerners are too shortsighted and dumb unfortunately. See how the there is a migrant problem all of a sudden, who would’ve thunk it.


Civil wars are coming.


No. The indigenous population is too old and too confornmist


Jews need to be leaving Europe. It will clearly not end well.


This is a stupid comment, stop fear mongering.


>stop fear mongering... ...is what they said in 1936 in Berlin....


Imagine comparing a real democracy to fascist Germany and saying it's the same thing.


Daily reminder that Hitler was Democratically elected too .


So were most authoritarian despots. The parliamentary system in the UK will never spawn someone like Hitler simply because of how it is set up.


Weimar Republic also had a parliamentary system.


Sthaph... You're killing him...


Poor kid literally has zero clue about historical facts. Thank you for trying to educate him, but clearly, he lacks the intellect needed to understand.


Ohh, they know. They always know. They WANT Jews to get caught in a genocidal trap.


That's fair, and now that I see it, it's painfully obvious.


This kind of racist shit is why i do not celebrate a labor victory. I support social democratic politics, not neo-nazi politics.....


What's "neo-nazi" about not wanting civilians to be bombed and shot?


You know that it is islamic fighters who make this war happen. And i know that you know. You are a bad liar.


>with the hard left in power Lol what? This party came under fire for remaining neutral too long, and specifically booted the last leader from caucus for being too socialist and anti-Semitic.




Hopefully she can set aside her political bias for the interests of her kinsmen working alongside her. England is for the English after all.


She won’t. You know it.


A new era of "justice" 😠 


Well that's not good


With the state of Europe and the state of UK and everything going on in the world, what the UK needs is left wing rule and left wing "justice" (hmm no not really).


Oh good, and antisemitic, pro terrorist scumbag. Just what the UK needs right now...


well of course. she's certainly not doing anything to dispell stereotypes.


What's wrong with wanting people to be free.


This is great!! I support a #feeepalestine!! American and Israel are the world’s two biggest terrorists!!


Jihad Watch describing Labour as "hard left" 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 What an absolute trash news source.




This is wonderful! Maybe she can now influence UK policy to stop supporting the genocidal state of Israel.


Why? Israel is just trying to live in peace and gets constantly attacked. Send more help


Maybe what is happening to Palestine is karma for all the Islamic conquests?


Excellent news, I am sick of Israel getting away with mass murder, torture, kidnapping, ethnic cleansing, land stealing and terrorizing with impunity!




Name a single terrorist act made by Jews in Europe or the US during the last 30 years.


The destruction of Gaza airport to name one https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses Israel terror is daily event for all Palestinians ever since Israel stole the Palestinians country , far worse apartheid regime than South Africa ever was. Educate yourself, in the last 20 years they allowed 500,000 settlers illegal settle in West Bank. They continue to steal their land destroy their ability to self determination and are unfortunately backed by USA, eu and uk




Wow. Jews control the media and now Jews are behind sexual assault and exploitation in the entertainment industry? Here…your clown nose fell off. Seeing as how you are so insistent on embarrassing yourself in public you should proudly wear it.


That's some vile conspiracy shit




This is disgusting. How can you spread anti-Jewish conspiracies and think you're on the good side?




Did you seriously just link an Arab Palestinian terrorist act against Jews in London? Oh buddy, this is so embarrassing. But please, don't remove or edit your comment. It must be preserved for feature generations as a testament to what Israel is facing and to average "Palestinian" lover IQ.


Wow the projection is strong with you.


I am sick of terror supporters like you spreading hate, bigotry and violence.




But all that is perfectly fine for Hamas to keep doing. How.. noble of you.


Occupied populations are legally allowed to resist oppression. Educate yourselves and see how most Israelis i their nasty apartheid regime treat Palestinians daily, prior to Oct 7. You would be horrified and disgusted but continue to look with blind eyes 👀


> Occupied populations Oh.. you mean the people who agreed to the resolution of the Six Day War. Who latered agreed to the Oslo Accords.. only to turn around and create Hamas and start terrorist attacks? Funny how people like you only bring up legality when it supports your argument. But deny it when it points out Hamas are terrorists who regularly and repeatedly attack Iseral after signing peace agreements. They fucked around on Oct 7th. Now they want to cry when they find out.


It's the opposite. There is an actual attempted genocide by Muslims against Jews.


Now do hamas. I’ll wait.


It they were oppressive regime inflicting daily dehumanization that Israelis have institutionalized against Palestinians on a daily basis, then yea I would shout. But the figures and history speaks loudly - if u can see past isreal propaganda machine


Hamas is an oppressive regime.


So ironic


I agree!




5th column rep right here