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"im anti-zionist, not anti-semetic" people when they see an old Jewish person:


Wait I thought Islam was the religion of peace ?


That is not even a lie they try to propagate anymore. It’s so obvious how evil and war hungry the religion is at this point.


yes, because an 88 year old lady is in charge of Israeli military and foreign policy. great job guys. big win for the caliphate right here.


The so-called "religion of peace" strikes again.


I am surprised she was not raped first. I heard it is resistance by all means necessary…


"It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France. I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country.” How the fuck are we here AGAIN??


This is just going to get worse in Western Europe. More and more and more of this


Ah yes, the "bravery" of the typical mohammedan cockroach...


At least now there is acknowledgment in the media that the attackers are Muslim and the attacked is Jewish, in the past they would have said, two crazed man attack a random elderly woman for no apparent reason.


Meanwhile isreal just dropped multiple 2000 pound bombs on an UNRWA school full of displaced Palestinian children at Nasairat refugee camp. Dozens of children are dead and hundred more injured


When you use a civilian area for military purposes it is no longer a civilian area. If you want to build tunnels to protect your bombs but not your children then you’re the monster. Twist ending there huh? Lol


The monsters are the brainwashed people who keep killing children and civilians and pretending that these were human shields. Keep going the genocide Mr nazionist


That is disgusting, they should be punished but more disgusting is the land grab Israel is sneakily up to in West Bank and the mass murders (genocide) in Gaza. And the enforced starving of a population!!!! Israel should be punished too….


Jeez, man. Listen to yourself. A Jewish grandma is beat up and that’s all you can think to say? Get a life.


You idiot.. she's an 88 year old french women..did she fight hamas with her bare hands? You people lost your marbles..


She’s not even in Israel numbnuts


Where ever there is abuse I am outraged. But I see u are blind to the atrocities carried out on old ladies elsewhere!


Woh, I expressed outrage for the elderly French lady and hope her attackers are punished ! At the same time I express outrage for the mass atrocities that the Israeli apartheid regime that has led to the murder of 16,000 plus children??? And not that u or most viewers care on this subreddit, I am outraged that many, many elderly Palestinians ladies have been murdered or de-housed and force starve by a country no less and there is no outrage expressed here!!!


This reads as “all lives matter”


Turkey is butchering Kurds by their thousands..I think it's time to abuse some muslim kid in Indonesia..by your logic..


With your logic to justify that violence, every single muslim woman should be raped and hanged naked on streets, because islam is the reason why middle east and Africa had and having genocide of evey other religion than islam. Israel hasn't done 0.0001% of butchery what mohammed and his rabid spreaders did


Woh, as I have several times - it is utterly evil that happened to that elderly French lady and I hope the attackers are punished. But at the same time some 16,000 plus kids, children have been murdered by the Israeli terror system! Many, many elderly ladies have been murdered, de-housed and starved by the Israeli machine. Where is your condemnation for these mass atrocities??? I think BOTH are evil and BOTH shroud be punished. But I know this subreddit is blind to the humanity of the displaced and oppressed Palestinians


Go protest for muslims in sudan. More are being butchered. But it's OK since muslims doing it ?


You can’t help but bring your hatred for Jews into everything, can you? The only thing “sneaking up” in the West Bank, is the Palestinians there who are increasingly gaining support for Hamas.


Thank you for the kind considerate sentiment expressed in this comment for the victim. Clearly you feel empathy for her and utter outrage towards her perpetrators for this. We are lucky in these dark times to benefit from moral heroes such as yourself. Bravo sir!


“This sucks but she deserved it”  Wow. Fuck you.


That’s not what I said. I said the perpetrators should be punished. She does not deserve any of it. And as u said to me fuck u


There is no but to a story like this. The parallel to the situation in Gaza attempts to justify what these animals did. Fuck them, Islamic fucks following in Hamass footsteps. Israel doing a good job wiping out radical fucks.  Fuck you, fuck these guys, fuck every last Islamic radical antisemite. 


You're disgusting Bunch, just when I think you can't get any lower you just have to.


You mention one evil and horrible attack on an innocent old lady and who I think deserves some peace in her autumn years. It is an utterly horrific event to happen to anyone And I agree, the attackers shroud be punished. But I also think as this sub Reddit is so supportive of isreal mass murder and displacement of many old ladies in their 80s and many of those old ladies have been victims of isreal violence and ethnic displacement several times prior to Oct 7 , shroud be reflected upon with equal horror


Honestly. Just stop with that on anything to do with Jews. This is about just the horrible ugly crime of beating a very old woman just for her identity. And you’ve come to justify it. What does this old lady in France have to do with the West Bank? She’s in France..


Can we finally be honest? They say about Israel what they wish to say about Jews.


Woh, 16,000 plus kids murder by Israel indiscriminate bombing! And that is nothing compared to an attack on a single person…. What happened to that old lady in France is utterly despicable! The connection to the evil that Israel is doing on 2.2 m Palestinians, is that this subreddit is just like Israel , shouting out loud if some person of Jewish faith is harmed even slightly but is silent or down out lies about the evil Israel is doing to Palestinians in occupied areas daily, and forget about the current genocide and ethnic cleansing. The daily dehumanizing practices Israelis put individuals young and old like that French lady is so hard to comprehend and shroud not be allowed


But this lady doesn’t live in Israel or Gaza, she lives in France and therefore this story is surprising and shocking. It’s not..hard to understand? No one is disputing your points, but not allowing shock and sadness when a Jew in the west is murdered ‘because Palestine’ is a dangerous path. 


All available evidence shows that Israel has followed the laws of war, legal obligations, best practices in civilian harm mitigation and still found a way to reduce civilian casualties to historically low levels." John Spencer Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point Her who should I listen to urban warfare experts or a guy who defends old lady’s getting beaten?🤔


I see u must work for the Israeli propaganda machine - but any human can see clearly it is not a war but a destruction of a society trying to destroy a people once and for all , so isreal doesn’t have to share the land us stoke and is still stealing from Palestinians


All available evidence shows that Israel has followed the laws of war, legal obligations, best practices in civilian harm mitigation and still found a way to reduce civilian casualties to historically low levels." John Spencer Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point


What a lot of rubbish. Israel is acting on its final solution in Gaza while pretending it Hamas fault. Disgusting evil apartheid regime that unfortunately is getting away with genocide cause it has USA backing it