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Let’s have a guess in metric. Very roughly, the block looks to be about 6x4x4 metres, about 96 cubic meters. Limestone is not that dense, about 2.7 tonnes per cubic metre, so that’s roughly 260 tonnes. If a strong person cal hold 100kg above their heads, that would be 2600 strong people. The image shows about 24 people (6 rows of 4). So yeah.


so, everyone of them could lift around 10 cars. not bad


Strength rating of “4” according to my marvel series IV trading cards from the 90s


This is the system of measurement I like to use.




See, it's funny because the EUROPEAN way of doing things is ALWAYS the better one.


IDK The marvel RPG had ratings like Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent, Unearthly. Thats was a great system.


It's the only one I use at my job.


I think OSHA uses the same system.


Are you a Marvel trading card designer from the 90's with a time traveling hobby?


Uh...let me check... Let me see here...rumagerumage... Uh...no? Nope. No. Uh, definitely a 'No' to that.


Holy shit that stat hits in the nostalgia. Those cards were so dope


I had like 2 shoeboxes of those!


You win the internet today


In Marvel Super Heroes, a strength of Incredible or Amazing?


Hmmm, I’m only familiar with marvel ratings pre-1999 or so. It was a fascinating system though and broke down like this (disclaimer: composed from 20+ year old memories I made as a child. And I didn’t fact check any of it!) 1 - Weakling strength. Ex: a child 2 - normal human strength. The whole gamut, fat guy to buff bro, all are strength 2. Ex: Dr. Strange, X-Men’s Cyclops and Storm, Mary Jane etc. 3 - enhanced human strength. Light super strength, maybe you could bench press like 2k lbs. Ex: Captain America 4 - Super strength. You can pick up a car and toss it like half a block. Spider man is the classic “strength 4” guy, other examples include X-Men’s favorite fuzzball Hank McCoy (The Beast) 5 - I’m calling this super duper strength. You can toss a truck a block and a half at least. The only person I can remember is Venom. Jacked spider man. 6 - Crazy strong. You can pick up an oil tanker no problem. Ex: iron man, she-hulk, captain Britain 7 - unlimited strength and above. You can pick up The whole planet. Ex: Galactus, Thor (they nerfed him in the movies), Hulk, Silver Surfer And that’s it. A 1-7 scale where “2” is average. I dunno why I loved those ratings so much as a kid, but here we are, brain randomly still committing space to them for some reason!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvel_Super_Heroes_(role-playing_game) It seems I'm older than I thought. Again.


Haha oh damn! I was just a toddler when that came out. Looks like it would’ve been right up my alley, thanks for sharing!


Overpower cards??


That’s the scale I use!


I recognize that prof pic anywhere


They obviously used the magic potion. Didn't anyone see the historically accurate Asterix and Obelix movie with Cleopatra?


This is a very important comment. That (animation, not live action) movie was my favorite as a kid. I watched it so many times that my parents had to replace the first VHS-tape because the images had gotten vague. I still randomly get that song they were singing during the bath scene in my head. I think the movie was on Netflix about a year ago, genuinely laughed my ass off again.


There’s a _movie_? I only knew the comix!


There’s several! But cleopatra is the best I reckon. I lucked out and found a DVD box set of 7 at a local bookshop for $10! My kids loved them.


The one with the brits is also soo good. “Whats wrong Obelix? Isn’t your beer warm enough? I can get them to take the chill off!”


Boar with mint sauce... yummie...


With the stupid lion singing along.


People were tougher then


Dang millennials, can't even lift cars these days!! Probably because of all the avocado toast!! They ruined the car lifting industry!!! Back in my day, we would lift cars all day, now you never see kids going outside to lift their cars above their heads!! A great 'Merican past time ruined by lazy Millenials!!!!!




and that's only holding above the head, dropping this thing is a whole other story :D


Ancient humans truly were amazing


Doubt any of those people would be able to hold and move with 100 kilos above their head


I've been looking at this post for 10 minutes, they haven't moved yet


dude this hella got me haha thats two days in a row now that the silliest things sent me into a giggle fit haha


Genius 🤣




So it either has to be hollow or you use a support structure like a giant pallet?


I bench >300lbs and I can’t overhead press 220 (100kg) despite training that specifically fairly often. Not even seated which is way easier. Someone that is 150lbs (these dudes look smaller) is in the top 3% of modern powerlifters if they can overhead press 220lbs, let alone walk with it. Thats with better nutrition, training, supplements, understanding of muscle building, etc than these people would have. Obviously it’s a fake picture and fake numbers but even that wouldn’t do it!


Agreed, for the purposes of holding it for any extended period of time and getting it up in the first place I'd go with about 100lbs not kg


Obviously people were tougher back then, not a bunch of wimps like young people today /s


Overhead press is just a different movement, and it's not very correlated with benching strength. When I competed in Olympic lifting, I cloud seated ohp 265, and my bench was only like 285. But that's because I was putting weights over my head 5-6 days a week for years, and only did bench press a few times a month. And I lifted in the 96kg bracket. It's just whatever you train for.


Thanks for metric.


Yeah fr 🙏


Supplemental math for entertainment value! If the painting was done from a real life reference, we know they’re not limestone and also therefore not (necessarily) for the pyramids. What were those blocks made of? And what were they doing? If you’ve got 24 people x 100 kg = 2400 kg —> 2400 kg / 96 m^3 = 25 kg/m^3 Natural stuff in that range: - Some balsa - puffed rice grains if you really dry them out - Japanese breadcrumbs, according to one source - ???


> Japanese breadcrumbs Oh this image is actually of the Panko mines in year -6000. They were more lucrative then, today workers only dig up the tiny flakes you find used for frying chicken cutlets.


RIP the spines of the taller workers.


They're just built different!


I'd have said more like 4x4x10 or 12m honestly.


Cool math but 2.7 tonne is rather dense, concrete is 2.4


This picture is fine. It’s just that we don’t see the next picture, taken half a second later, when the stones have fallen to the ground and crushed everything in their path.


Aperture only open for a ns EDIT: It appears I have been schooled




Shutter only open for a ns* Aperture is the opening in the lens that gets bigger/smaller but is never fully closed. The shutter is what opens/closes when you take the photo letting light onto the film/sensor.




They're not even close. Each one of them is carrying a chunk of limestone two people tall and half a person square. We'll say they're 6ft, that's 108ft^3 . Limestone is about 135lb/ft^3 meaning each of these poor bastards has to carry 14,580lbs. If you give each of them a 150lb load you would need almost 100x more people than are here.


Yea but…. Aliens


Indeed, if they are Jaffa with Goauld symbiotes to give them more strength.... You'd be able to have like half the normal people!




Jaffa strength isn’t nearly this high. Must be some kinda Ori nonsense.


Anubis warriors?


They look way too alive to be cold warriors, I think Taste the Rainbow had it. There's probably a preacher levitating most of the blocks and making the humans think they're stronger through their faith in the Ori.


Not alien... xenosteroids


Sounds about right. I picture slicing that rock into at least that many slices in order for people to lift it over their heads like that.


It’s always funny seeing math in feet and pounds.


I really hate using it because of conversion factor hell but this is simple enough I did it anyway.


Yea, it’s so pointlessly complicated.


How much more realistic would it be if we assumed humans used to have strength relative to their bodies that ants have.


They were just built different back then


So how is this possible


It just wasn't done as depicted here. Simple machines. Sleds, pulleys, ramps, etc. Oh and 20,000 slaves working for 27 years helps too.


Problem is that 2400 people wouldn't fit under these rocks... I thought they were using logs to make them roll to their destination. Wouldn't work on sand though... Yeah, gotta be aliens.


They had roads, they weren't hauling these rocks across the dunes. Logs, ramps, pulleys, and a shitload of manpower. No aliens needed.


Reminder that this is an image not a photo. Misconstruing AI generated images as photos is dangerous even if done so without the intention of deception. Please OP, caption this as AI


oh my god thank you


To answer OPs question - maybe one, who did the prompt.


Right! Tons of goofies in here thinking this is real making goofy equations!


I love this comment, but you are about to fight an Hydra. You can cut one head but there are more and more.


Lots of limestone in Egypt so let’s assume those are limestone blocks. Density: 110-135 lb/ft^3. Let’s call it 120 lb/ft^3 That block is roughly 11 ft x 11 for x20 ft maybe? So volume of 2420 ft^3 That means: 120 lb/ft^3 x 2420 ft^3 = 290,400 lbs. If each of these men could hold and carry 100 lbs above their head, you’d need 2,904 men in that 220 ft^2 area under the stone which obviously would be a little too squished in. Edit: woah, glad you all like my math. Not sorry for not using metric system lol


So the real answer was 1. It took 1 person in the comments to make it math correctly.








Not a graveyard graph?




I hate that I can't stop laughing


Upvote to the person who actually answered the question.


You are the best kind of correct.




The math is technically correct but the choice of units is technically terrible.


Hail Mary project reference


Daaamn, this guy reads. 400iq move






I'm so lazy to translate this into the measurements I know. Still, thanks for the math. Gonna scroll down to see if anyone did the translation.


How you do those calculations with freedom units is beyond me


Exactly. Comments like these make me thankful for metric system


lol my undergraduate degree demanded only imperial so it’s what’s natural to me


Maybe there were giant ants


Nope, aliens. Giant ants, please, those would never exist, but aliens? Yes!


New question! How many ants would it take to lift the block?


If this was titanium though, it’d be 687,280 lbs. Which would be 6,872.8 people. We’re gonna chop off an arm or so from a guy.


Nah, Steve’s real strong. Saw him lift a Harley once.


I didn’t know he was going to be there? I thought that day was his rest day… oops




Good thing it's actually Styrofoam.


I see a bunch of babies who can't convert measurements in their head




Refuting math with none of your own?




4x the men in the picture or 4x the calculated men?


More like 100 times.


Why would you need 4 times that?


But what if they were like really strong? (Channeling my kindergartener)


Use fkn Kg's mate




I’m going to put some more math here, if 2904 men has to stand next to each other in an area of 220 feet then 2904 men / 220 feet equals approximately 13 people per square feet. Now just try to imagine that.


I've been to that concert!


So, no matter how many people are under that block, they're getting squished. One way or another.


We could possibly get the skinniest strongmen and see how the math works out


if you just fill the space underneath with human and prevent them from squishing out, they could hold a lot more


It’s ok that you didn’t use the metric system, because you did anyway. The whole imperial system of measurements are defined in metric and would basically fall apart if it didn’t have correct values worked out from their metric counterpart.


Glad you are not sorry. Only the well educated gentleman knows how shift between two systems.


Exactly if I’m gonna do all the math, you can convert it


"Not sorry for not using the metric system lol" 😐


Don't know about the math in this picture but the real way it was done, according to papyri and pictograms, was by rolling the blocks along tree trunks and sliding them on moist sand. They were carried from the quarry to the build site by riverboats, then pulled on shore like this and pulled up a looong ramp up to the pyramid. Truly one of the most impressive works of ancient architecture and planning around, fascinating all the way. Shame some people can only accept aliens.


If you know for a fact that a ramp was used to build the pyramids, you know more than professional egyptologists... How the stones were actually moved up the pyramids is actually a bit of a mystery, made more difficult to solve by the fact the Egyptian government forbids pretty much all archaeological research on the Great Pyramids. My personal favorite hypothesis is an internal, spiraling ramp with turning cranes at each corner.


I believe some research into the composition of stones indicated that the top half is essentially a bunch of cast concrete blocks that were probably formed in place or at least at the same level. Moving lots of water and sand uphill is a lot easier than giant blocks.


They carried a 10+ ton rocks on a river boats? You really believe that?


We have no idea how it was done. In fact, we can not replicate this no matter how hard we try without using lasers, and even then, there is a level of perfection to the pyramids that baffles archeology and engineers across the world. Maybe someday Egypt will allow the world back in to study exactly what the pyramids were used for and how they were actually constructed. Until then all we have is speculation from slaves to aliens and everything in between. We can say pretty conclusively that the official explanation of slaves using tree trucks and rowboats was probably bs because there needed to be tens thousands of master craftsmen on site for hundreds of years to pull something like this off by hand.


Here's what I would do for a rule of thumb: Consider the smallest area you could occupy if you were to be one of those people. Something like a rectangle extending just outside your shoulders, and a tiny bit of space front and back. This is the smallest area one person would be required to uphold by themselves, given maximum packing. Now imagine you were holding a slab of stone that area above your head. How thick a slab could you hold? A couple of centimeters maybe? I genuinely don't think I could carry more than a decimeter's thickness of any type of stone that size above my head. Since we picked the smallest area that was spatially feasible, that means a rock higher than that could never be carried by people from below like this.


those are styrofoam blocks. the pyramids were originally built using styrofoam. then over many, many centuries, the styrofoam spaces filled with sand and hardened into stone.


why is no one addressing the main issue with that AI created image of these super human strength workers carrying the blocks AWAY from the pyramid? are they stealing blocks? stone robbers? where they done for today and took the excess material back to their stone block storage so no super human robbers would just carry them away?


Instead of calculating the impossible weight, better think about their beautiful male skirts. What happened that a male skirt is not in fashion nowadays?


I'm a male that wears skirts often. I also get compliments from strangers every time I do.


it's the fine legs isn't it


Well, good for you, but that's not even remote answer to my question.


Actually, it is. They are fashionable, you just don't spend time around fashionable people.


If you had a support framework to support the earlier conclusion and enable the 2904 people to each lift comfortably with modern materials and support the full weight of the block I’d imagine you’d add at least 80000lbs, even more if you had to use wooden structures commonly available at the time. Probably could add another 800 people or so for that too


Assuming styrofoam blocks, it looks 5 people per block would work. Showing work: 5 • x = 5x The remainder of the men are there to hold the blocks down in case it gets windy.


I think a One Inch slab of marble is around the limit that humans could carry like that (I didn't do the math, I've just carried marble slabs before and the amount I can carry is about one human sized if we were all standing close together like that.) I'd say one person per person area x inches of hight.


Variant question: as smaller creatures can lift a higher multiple of their bodyweight than larger ones, how small do the humans need to be before they can lift the blocks as depicted (retaining the same relative size of the blocks)?


It’s hilarious to me that the number of comments on this post rn is 420 cuz you have to be smoking some good stuff to believe ANY number would work


It was before the processed diet. We were shorter but way stronger because those guys didn't grow up on fast food. We eat dirt and get fed bullsheet. If you're still reading I'm completely kidding. I am joking and know I'm wrong.


I dont want to be the aliens guy but hey my time to shine...what you're looking at in this picture is definitely aliens ...[tiger woods fist pump] (nailed it)


If this wasn't a block but actually hollowed out like a giant bathtub, you could probably shed 90% maybe 95% of the weight. According to other peoples math here that would reduce the amount of required people from 2600 to 130-260. Still more than in the image, but more manageable


These are the amount of men needed to pull a block like this on logs using ropes. Which will be much easier than carrying the block above your head. So I would just double this amount times 100 000 or so, but the block is too small to fill up that many people holding it so this would not logically work.


where did they get logs from in a desert? clearly alien human hybrids who escaped the sinking of atlantis gave them the knowledge to build these control towers to act as a beacon for our extraterrestrial masters on planet x


>where did they get logs from in a desert? From the Forrest, next to the desert 🤣


I get you’re taking the piss but it is a decent question and now I’m wondering myself where the trees came from - not just for this but for general Egyptian use. Can’t be arsed looking on google right now I’m just gonna pull this out of my arse ‘Cedars from Lebanon’ cos I fucking love those trees. Tho I have a sneaky feeling the correct answer is probably Egypt cos it’s not all desert 🌵


@[CandieFitzwilly](https://www.reddit.com/user/CandieFitzwilly/) this is how annunaki built the pyramids accualy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ1iggFnFYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQ1iggFnFYA)


More people than you could fit underneath the block. Seen numbers here around 2600-3000 people needed to lift it, the block is like, 30m2? At the bottom... So you would just need to fit around 100ish people in each square meter or 10ish in each square feet 😅