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All 3rd party batteries can be hit or complete miss imo. The reason people recommend kingsener and such is that they put their name on the battery and actually does try to resolve problems when you encounter one (happens often with 3rd party batteries)


I see, thanks for the information! Another comment linked the AliExpress site for Kingsener batteries, I guess I must've been looking at the wrong thing? Regardless, I appreciate the help. It's good to hear that they at least provide some form of service, I'll most likely buy from them. Cheers!


I ordered this one off ebay but it's still in transit so I can't speak on the quality. Seller has a lot of positive feedback. [https://www.ebay.ca/itm/223141011199](https://www.ebay.ca/itm/223141011199) here's a link to the aliexpress kingsener one [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32988045114.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.742421889ljsPg&algo\_pvid=631cf756-f0ea-4099-87f4-8419fdcf9dfe&algo\_exp\_id=631cf756-f0ea-4099-87f4-8419fdcf9dfe-0&pdp\_npi=4%40dis%21CAD%2175.66%2148.43%21%21%2154.04%2134.59%21%402101c59517191633613722478efc7d%2110000000013840085%21sea%21CA%213568262598%21&curPageLogUid=NO8syIWMWAaD&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery\_from%3A](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32988045114.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.742421889ljsPg&algo_pvid=631cf756-f0ea-4099-87f4-8419fdcf9dfe&algo_exp_id=631cf756-f0ea-4099-87f4-8419fdcf9dfe-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21CAD%2175.66%2148.43%21%21%2154.04%2134.59%21%402101c59517191633613722478efc7d%2110000000013840085%21sea%21CA%213568262598%21&curPageLogUid=NO8syIWMWAaD&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A)


I appreciate the link to the Kingsener battery, the link I was given was one to their store where I couldn't find batteries to the T480, so thanks! Let us know how the eBay battery works out for you.


My experience with them has been meh so far. A smaller 22wh battery has lost most of its capacity in about 7 months (one of the packs has expanded, but I've been able to replace it with the one from the original battery, and the controller picked up new capacity after a few recharge cycles), I guess, and a larger 72wh one I've bought about 3 months ago just died a few hrs ago (the cells weren't welded correctly, so they simply broke off and the controller decided to lock itself). I'll consider myself lucky if I manage to unlock it So, if yours comes with a larger but dying battery, you may be better off trying to replace the cells. It's not too complicated, but make sure to Google some guides in case you want to try, since, as I've mentioned, the controllers tend to lock themselves once the voltage on one of the cells drops lower than a certain threshold, so you need to solder some power supply in parallel before disconnecting a cell. And if it doesn't work, you can still by a non-genuine battery afterwards UPD: Apparently the controller didn't lock itself after all, and just needed some time to make friends with the batteries or something: now it just works. Anyways, seems more like a viable option if you aren't afraid to tinker with this stuff from time to time or replace them so often the lenovo batteries don't look so expensive anymore 😅


Hmm, I see. I'll have to look into it a bit more. 7 months seem like a reasonable lifespan for a 3rd-party battery, at least in my eyes. Thanks for the tip regarding battery cells, I'll look into it. Good to hear the 72wh one sorted itself out for you!