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leave the stickers, or remove them, whichever. I left mine. Maybe do a "dry run" first to make sure everything fits. Never heard of kapton tape but If it works go for it. Other than that, nothing much to consider i think.


You can leave the stickers. One of them is probably PITA to remove. Kapton on dgpu should be enough 


No, it was a pretty easy upgrade for me. The only problem was that I used Grizzly Kryonaut paste not knowing it had a 1-2 year expiration that I just hit last month and now my temps are rising so I'm going to have to do this all over again to repaste, probably with MX4 this time. I didn't even bother with kapton tape, just used electricians tape on the gpu part and that worked fine for me.


I recommend PTM7950. After applying this stuff on several of my devices, I stopped using traditional thermal paste because of the noticeable improvements to temps. The stuff on Amazon works great if you don’t want to order the expensive moddiy stuff.


Thanks. How long does it last? Hopefully longer than Kyronaut lol


I'm not sure since I just recently started using PTM7950 on my devices and haven't had to change them yet.


A PTM7950 thermal pad would give you better results once it has had time to thermal cycle for a bit and should last a pretty long time. As for Kryonaut it isn't a good choice for laptops or anything that'll exceed 80C since it'll start to dry out and require a repaste (as mentioned on their site).


Thanks, and yeah, I found out the hard way with Kryonaut. I often let Handbrake run overnight on this lappie so I'm hitting 80C+ quite often.


It'd be nice if you could post a before and after temperature. I'd like to see how effective it is.


I will. But the thing is I’m also going to change the stock paste with PTM7950 so it will be difficult to tell which will be the bigger difference maker


Oh. How long does the stock paste last? Also, at what temperatures does a CPU throttle? My T480 never allows itself to go above 80 for any extended period of time. Sometimes I notice all the cores running at 2.4ghz ish under heavy load and I wonder if that's thermal throttling.


I got my T480 used so I'm not sure how old the laptop is or when the thermal paste was last changed. My idle temps are about 41-45C according to ThrottleStop. Max is 100C probably when I was testing some AAA games (Street Fighter 6, FF7 Remake) on it with my eGPU. Going to test Street Fighter 6 before and after I install the dual heatpipe and paste.