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That Uber driver was on point! Lol


Instant 5-star rating


It sounds like you simply walked out of her life, therefore I don't think you have much of an opportunity to turn this around. Really, you should learn how to swim.


Clearly a reddit user


No way someone with that rizz is a Redditor!


Driver woulda gotten a nice tip a couple days later when I finally laughed at that joke. Dude was on fire hahahah


I would've adjusted my tip to 25% just for the joke he made, holy shit.


Wow I never expected something like this to get so many upvotes! Thanks all :-)


This isn't your everyday kind of stupid.


This is... *advanced stupid*.


Needs to studied.


We need to setup the syllabus


Yeah, I don't think stress from seeing him almost die is why they didn't have sex.


1) Depending on the type of cover you may have just caused hundreds of (dollars / pounds / other) of damage that she now has to payout for. Could explain the going cold of the evening 2) You should probably learn to swim. As you just proved to yourself you never know when you might end up neck deep in water. 3) Definitely look before you leap next time. But hey we all do dumb shit, it's what makes us human.


Hundreds? I was just quoted $4k for a new cover on a 17,000 gallon pool.


I was low balling it to not make op feel bad, obviously depending on whether its automatic or not and how large the pool is etc the price can skyrocket, but thank you kindly for providing some numbers as although I know they can be expensive I have no real figures to back it up.


Op should definitely feel a little bad. Don't hold back lol 


TIL I have no idea how many gallons of water a pool has


Yeah, my knowledge of pools is apparently, "It's a large pool the size of a large pool," level. Huh.


Same here. I just went to look for Olympic Swimming Pool sizes for some frame of reference (it's the only "standard" size I could think of), and they are like 660,000 - 1,000,000 gallons. I also Googled "17,000 gallon pool", and this image came up. Seems like a fairly normal backyard sized pool (at least for in-ground pools in my area of the US). https://www.pinterest.com/pin/recycled-this-17000-gallon-swimming-pool-last-night--109493834666046124/


I've got an above ground 21ft round pool, at a pretty standard 52 inch depth and IIRC it's something like 13.5k gallons if that helps at all with visualizing. 24ft round would be ~17-18k gallons.


I’d have to imagine it’s no more than 5,000 gallons if it looks remotely like a trampoline. Unless this is the fanciest pool cover of all time, or it is custom fitting to a weird shape (which is once again unlikely if it looked like a trampoline) I can’t imagine it hitting 4 figures.


Does the depth of the pool matter in this scenario? Wouldn't it just by an X by Y scenario


I’m confused, isn’t a pool cover just a big mesh? Why is it so expensive?


> You should probably learn to swim. Can't swim when you're encumbered by a pool cover pressing against you under water.


I agree it was lucky that the room mate was there, but even so accidents happen and OP never knows when he might fall in a canal or river or water fountain or a lake or a friends uncovered pool or any other body of water, and would be unfortunate if op were to perish because of lack of swimming ability.


Yep my friend who doesn’t know how to swim and I got over confident, she went to the deep end of a private pool we were at- no one else there- and started drowning. I jumped in to save her but she started drowning me, holding me under and she is larger than me. It took every ounce of my strength, pulling my knees up to my chest and kicking her off me as forcefully as I could back towards the edge so she could grab on. We both silently climbed out shaking, coughing and freaked out, without saying anything our eyes agreed we’d never go to a pool together again. I’ll never swim with someone who doesn’t know how to, fuck that. I thought I was going to die lol.


Holy shit what the fuck. I don't think over-confident quite covers it. "I don't know how to fly, but fuck it I'm jumping off this building.


I was trying to give her floating lessons in the shallow end and she was doing well. Why she launched herself off the edge of the deep end… idk, we literally never spoke of that incident after lol we were both a bit traumatized. She wasn’t even far from the edge, she pushed herself off a bit and started flapping around frantically, unable to move anywhere but under. Moral of the story, don’t swim unaccompanied with someone who can’t swim? Or don’t go near bodies of water with someone who can’t swim? Lol.


It easy to panic in an environment you aren't familiar with which is probably why your friend couldn't rescue them self a couple of feet from the edge, logic and reasoning go out the window and I'm gonna die fills your head. I agree never swim alone with someone that doesn't know how always better to have a second pair of eyes at least.


Safety covers look a lot like trampolines to the untrained eye, but it should've had no problem with one person jumping on it. if it failed from this, that means there were already problems. i would guess the anchors installed in the deck were failing and came out


That's very true of certain types of covers. Op didn't specify so I posited an idea as to why OP's date may have suddenly gone cold. Judging by how OP made it sound like he was basically completely submerged and there was room for two in the pool / cover mix my guess would be as you say the anchors failed or it wasn't an anchored one to begin with. Or it was an automated one that could need to be repaired or replaced which could cost quite a bit. Unless OP replies with the pool / cover combination we may well never know though I dare say after the experience the last thing on OP's mind was writing down the make and model of pool cover.


> Safety covers look a lot like trampolines to the untrained ey no they don't pool covers are on the fuckin ground LOL who the hell has an inground trampoline? like I know they exist, but most people don't have one in their yard


I know, right? I would have thought the patio, fence, lack of padding or springs would be clues, too.


Aside from the drainage issues that can turn them into pools, I feel like they should be way more common. I’ve got a business idea for Low Down Tramp in-ground trampoline installation but I’m still looking for funding.


They are pretty common where I live. In fact, mine is going to be installed in just a couple of weeks.


My husband's cousins had an in ground trampoline in their yard. Literally dug a pit and put it in it.


Yup. I know a few people with in ground trampolines. It’s a great set up.


My in-laws do. They're like upper 70's pushing 80. Kinda bizarre, it came with the house & eventually sun damaged so they bought another one instead of having the hole backfilled.


I think more people have one in their yard than in their house.


I grew up with one in my backyard. its nothing special literally a normal trampoline in a hole. its far safer, ours in particular had gym style mats you could land on if you overshot..


Inground trampolines are pretty popular now... all the benefits of a trampoline without the huge fall risk that the old "trampoline on legs" type had if you didn't install the netting all around it.


A non zero number of people. They are definitely a thing, and getting more common. Insurance for having a trampoline is insane, it's slightly less insane (and sometimes the only way you can get insurance) if it's in ground.


Inground trampolines are quite popular in some areas. I was visiting a friend in Utah, and you could see half a dozen of them in back yards from their deck.


Above ground pool?


And in what world does an above ground pool look like a trampoline? lol


They have in ground trampolines for safety. Pretty common


They Absolutely fucking do not. This sorry is insane and OP must have literally never seen an in ground pool OR a trampoline in his life. This guy is fucking stupid. And learn how to fucking swim people!!!! It's not funny


Even being able to swim, a pool cover is like a gnarly net if you jump into one. It’s definitely dangerous for people to jump into a pool cover, swimmer or no.


Oh yeah definitely, I certainly wouldn't want to try it. Being a swimmer wouldn't have hurt though especially as OP has said they have thought about learning.


Just don’t do the dumbest of shits cos that’s how you win the Darwin Award


4) stop being a man child


How can you mistake a pool for a trampoline?




That's fair I guess, I have never seen a submerged trampoline


Seems like a great hiding place for spiders and other assorted creepy crawlies.


Hi, exterminator here. You're correct


Great point, I'm calling my contractor to install one right away.


I'm calling my democracy officer, disgusting bug sympothizer


Democracy officer here Your orders from command are to do the following ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️


Suddenly helldivers.


I mean, technically this was submerged


Huh, I remember at least three of my friends from childhood had submerged trampolines. One had dug out a pit for to make an above ground pool more an "in ground" pool, but took it out every winter and put a trampoline in it's place. It's not necessarily that uncommon. But it's certainly not normal.


Our house came with one! Now it’s been replaced with an underground/submerged *above ground* pool. Dug the hole bigger and plopped that sucker in ther e


Have you ever seen someone put an inground trampoline in their yard before? Is that a common thing in your area over swimming pools?


I've never actually seen someone install an ingrown trampoline, but I have seen more than a few ingrown trampolines. My parents have one. It's quite common to have ingrown trampolines where I'm from, but I don't think it's more common than swimming pools in general. In the heat of the moment, I saw what looked like a trampoline and reacted without thinking.


FYI. In Ground, not ingrown.


This dumb motherfucker can’t even swim and thought a pool was a trampoline. You think he’s smart enough to consider that trampolines don’t just grow by themselves?


I was assuming it was one of those things where people have heard something, but heard it incorrectly, and if you pronounce ingrown like in-frown, then it kind of makes sense?




Lemme guess, Uzbekistan?


We had one growing up, but my dad was kinda crazy and couldn’t sit still. He was ALWAYS working on projects outside.


TIL what an in-ground trampoline looks like


The black and white telegraphs your trauma / sadness to me in the funniest way bc I don’t think it was intentional 😹😹😹


Yeah but when have you ever seen a house with no kids with a submerged trampoline


Why were you in the back yard and not in her room?


I was following her lead. She was showing me around. When we got to the backyard and I saw what looked like a trampoline, I surprisingly stopped thinking with my dick and started thinking with my feet.


I've now realised why in my country it's mandatory to have a fence around a pool. 


I guess if they have never swam before then they have never seen a pool before either.


Even if so, in my head a pool doesn't look anything like a trampoline, and I have to assume they have seen a trampoline before


Some weird clash of cultures probably, like not being able to swim too. To be fair this kind of mixing of social circles is one of the best things about Tinder.


That’s because none of this is real


Im flabbergasted as to how you thought a covered swimming pool was a trampoline.... And also, how did you know that the dude was naking jokes about you in the shower? Did you take a shower with him?


I'm sure most of this story is exaggerated, especially since op repeatedly reminded us this was life or death. Or Op fulfilled a long-lost fantasy of being saved by a naked bro


Or this is just another creative writing exercise like so many others on here


Thats kind of what i was thinkin


I was changing in his room which had an adjoining bathroom / shower. He was talking to me while showering.


you should've hooked up with a dude that night, he was clearly a better option out of those two


I assume he was in a master bedroom and the shower + bathroom was attached? Or maybe it was just nearby


For the love of God people. LEARN TO SWIM, its very very easy. It doesn't take much getting used to being in the water to use nothing but moving your hands back and forth to keep you above water, even in clothes. Or just floating on your back. If you find yourself in a situation like this, don't panic, when you start panicking you forget the basics. Just get comfortable in the water, learn to float on your back and keep your head in the water in a 2 foot kids pool.


In this case, he was being impeded by the cover. You can't move your arms or leg as freely when you're submerged and wrapped in a tarp. If you can't move your arms or legs, you sink.


Something I see in the news probably every year almost is people drowning in pools or lakes, because they don't know how to swim. Often they've moved here from places that swimming isn't as common an activity, and I guess they may not even know the dangers. They'll end up either drowning themselves, or underestimating the danger and leaving a child unattended or something Of course every so often someone will try swimming in the river, and that's just a terrible idea no matter how string a swimmer you are. Between the current and the pollution, going in there unprepared is basically a death sentence. I took some adult swim classes through the YMCA, and I was pretty much the only person in the class who wasn't new to the country and totally unfamiliar with being in the water. Some of the guys in the class were just these super buff types, and couldn't swim at all, they'd just immediately sink like a rock. Made me feel like a fuckin god with my basic swimming ability though.


> I guess they may not even know the dangers. Not know the dangers???? Surely they understand that they can't Breathe water


That's not what I mean though Stuff like how you can drown in water that you could standup and be well above How using flotation devices wrong can make it harder or even impossible to get upright and out from under the water Things like tides and currents be incredibly dangerous Very Cold water being a huge shock to the system A big one I see is people not knowing just how hard it is to save someone who's drowning if you don't know what you're doing. It's so easy to get pulled down by them when they're panicking. It's not uncommon to hear about a parent drowning trying to save a child There's a lot that can go wrong. I used to talk a lot with a guy that ran a local diner. Went there all the time in highschool, went there a ton as an adult. Hell it just so happened that I was in his restaurant when I got my first professional job offer. It was a slow day so we just sat talking about it for a bit. Man was legit a world class athlete. Traveled around the world for events. I forget exactly what he did, it wasn't swimming though. But he was a very strong swimmer, very fit and strong person, swam a ton. Went swimming in the ocean during one of his trips and got swept away by the tide. Never seen again.


I guess it's just so foreign to me I can never understand not knowing these things born and raised in/on a coastal town where fishing is second only to logging on an island. So this type of stuff is ingrained at an early age


There's plenty of places where recreational swimming isn't a thing And even if it is, different types have different risks. Pools, lakes, rivers, oceans, all have their own things you need to know about.


I get why people don't learn, some people's life just doesn't really require it, it does seem really weird as someone who grew up swimming tho, basically like telling me you can't ride a bike


She didn't decide not to sleep with you because of trauma. She decided not to sleep with you because she thinks you're an idiot.


Yeah, to me the funniest part of the story isn’t the initial fuckup, I’ve been young and dumb and impulsive so I sympathized. The funny part was him expecting that sex would still happen afterwards.


On some level I admire the level of stubborn horniness to still be dtf straight out of a near-death experience. Like you get constricted, nearly drowned, humiliated, and once you’re dry and safe you go “Well, glad that that’s over with! Now where were we?” Neutron stars will be taking notes on how to be that dense


Gay guy saved your life, you could have at least given him a bro job.


Imagining it from her point of view is amazing! Invite a guy over to bang. You don't even really like him but he's fit and unlike the other guy at home he's straight. Before you can even make it up to the bedroom he turns to your backyard and shouts "ooh, a trampoline!" (I know you probably didn't but it's funnier if you did) and takes off outside in a dead sprint. You don't have a trampoline, so it takes a moment to process. By the time you realize he's talking about your pool it's too late, you can barely eek out a "that's no-" before he's careening through the cover. You brace yourself to pretend to laugh at the fact that this idiot just fucked up your pool cover before realizing that he's thrashing around way too much for someone who should be at least physically healthy. This motherfucker can't swim! You race inside because you are NOT dealing with a dead body today on top of a ruined lay. Luckily gay roomie is home even if he's naked and just as wet as your date. Roomie successfully saves the day! Wonderful, until he starts eyeing up the drowned rat that you brought home and insists on taking him back to his room. You have time to pound back half a bottle of leftover Chardonnay from the fridge before your date comes down in gay roomies tightest shorts and top. You wave him out the door while vowing that this time you will really delete Tinder for good.


Excellent narration.


Sounds like you just bounced right out of her life; I don't think there's much chance to rebound from this one. In all seriousness, take some swim lessons.


Did... you think jumping on a trampoline was going to look cool to this girl?


5 year old brain does not process these kinds of deep thoughts


doesn't matter it's fun


Idk, she could have joined in if it was a trampoline


Don’t know if it looks cool but it’s a helluva lot of fun. Honestly, if I were her, I’d be lmao. But if it had been a trampoline, I’d have joined him and liked that he had a fun side to him.


Never seen Big?


So you thought it was an in-ground trampoline? Or you thought a solid above ground pool/cylinder was a trampoline? Either way, Darwin almost got ya.


NTA divorce pool girl marry grim reaper


>Naked wet guy joked that it's been a while since he went skinny dipping and offered to borrow me some of his dry clothes. I said it was okay, but he insisted. Well, I suppose he wasn't using them.


.... I don't believe anyone is that stupid.


This may be the best TIFU I’ve read in a long time. Thank you for the good laughs. Sorry about the missed opportunity.


This is a vintage style post I haven't seen in years.


Ah well! At least you know to get swimming lessons now.


I guess the inverse of “don’t put your dick in crazy” also applies, and that girl knows it.


Do you normally have problems with impulse control like that? Cause just instinctively jumping onto someone's trampoline without caution/asking first is surprising to me. I would just take it as a learning experience and move on, sucks but could have been way worse. And who knows you still have a shot, you do have to return those clothes


You could offer to pay for damage and she may come around afterwards.


How the hell do you mistake a pool for a trampoline. Son, I think you need a professional wrangler. You're clearly too dumb to live unsupervised.


You know, there are very few concrete "how do you know if you're too young for sex" mile markers. Thinking a covered pool is a trampoline, though... I think you may have found the perfect test.


You're the reason it's mandatory to have a fence around a pool


Darwin almost got you.


At least offer to pay for the cost of the cover/stuff you damaged. It's hella expensive


Yeah, you need to replace that pool cover..


They used to be called jumpolines, until your mam got on one in ‘82.


I really want to know if this was an above ground pool, or if OP saw what he saw and assumed at-grade trampoline before swimming pool.


>and offered to borrow me No, he offered to *lend* you some clothes. Borrowing is what the person in need does, lending is what the person providing it does.


Every bit of this story reads like fiction.


Absolutely reads like a creative writing project. Notice how both people involved in the story wanted to have sex with him at some point. Just feels way too much like a sitcom episode. Entertaining read at the very least lol


Dude fuck yeah. Love a good "golden retreiver brain" moment


I thought this would be about a girl who you called a "trampoline" because guys were bouncing up and down on her all the time..


That's where I thought this was headed with trampoline in " ".


Drowning gave her the ick No coming back from that


OH My God! tramoppoleen!!




And you didn't even offer to replace the pool cover your dumb ass broke? Those things are not cheap.


Damn should have slept with the gay guy


My username is relevant. I have nothing of importance to add.


Thanks for the laugh, sorry that happened to you. To be fair, her mind might be on the financial impact of your “trampoline” accident. I’d offer to help cover the cost if you can. It was just a mistake though, don’t beat yourself up. For what it’s worth this wouldn’t be a dealbreaker for me, but she might need some time to figure out the pool cover situation. Helping her with the cost could eliminate that stress. Better luck for next time! And thank god for that naked roommate!


How tf do you mistake a pool for a trampoline..


I once mistakingly grabbed and took a big bite out of what I assumed was a pear in a dark kitchen at work, turned out it was a fucking avocado. My wife won't let me live that down. Everytime we see a pear it's "Oooh wait, is that an avocado?" Or when we see an avocado: "Oh shit... Look, a pear" You didn't get laid but you have a probably even funnier story out of it. A friend of mine accidentally blew off a girl on a night out when she was hinting about him taking her home "Oh I sure hope I get home okay.... On my own...." "Yeah, me too!" that shits a way better story than: "I had sex this one more time in my life"


That housemate is amazing dude. Imagine just enjoying your shower and next thing you know you’re diving into a pool to save a housemate’s tinder date from drowning 😂 That story will stay with him for life haha


Y'all are falling for this? This story makes no sense and is filled with creative writing flair.


Eh, I’m inclined to agree it’s too well written for that level of dumb. Still funny tho.


Sure. This happened


a few years back i jumped into the wrong pool at my date's house, thankfully the lifegaurd at the community center pulled me out before i drowned. at least you had someone there to save you this time - that must've been one wild evening!


Look at it positively, you just made a bro with a crazy story to tell to people


Should have hooked up with the dude instead lmao. You don't see a fanfic-like setup like that in real life.


In the past two weeks my doggoe did the same thing except she ran on water and sunk at the end. She saw a cat on the wall. Forgot it was a pool thanks to the cover, and blitzed 3/4 across diagonally till the end she got to the side and clung waiting for my help.. At night these pool covers really do make an illusion of solid ground! All the best for next time OP


i hate in-ground trampolines!


They used to be called jumpolines until your mom used one


Well this just officially made it into my top 5 all time favorite posts. Thanks for the laugh and the hilarious mental images.


Maybe learn how to swim LOL


Wow that in ground trampoline is way bigger than a normal trampoline, that must mean it's more fun!


We all know she realized you had deadly levels of stupid; and that’s why your dick only got wet in the pool.


Maybe it was divine fate stepping in to stop a bad decision from being made. Maybe you just needed a swim.


The part where there was only physical attraction and nothing else really explained itself when op was dumb enough to try and jump on a trampoline while at a hook ups house. That being said this post screams that it was written by an ai. I can’t imagine how anybody can be dumb enough to think a covered swimming pool is a trampoline. I’ve never seen a trampoline built into the ground, especially not in someone’s backyard. Either op is the biggest moron I’ve ever seen or this post was written by ai.


This is the first time I've ever laughed at a TIFU


You deserved this




There is no way this is real. No one can be this stupid, unaware, and inconsiderate.


Counterpoint: they are a Redditor.


lmao this was hilarious to read, shout out to the uber driver


at least it had water in it, you could be paralyzed right now


Good writing


At least you all have a great story for the rest of your lives better than living a boring life


Dude you almost got David Dunn’d


was it an in-ground, or above ground pool..?


wow, what a twist of events. reminds me of a scene from a sitcom where everything goes wrong in the most unexpected ways. good to hear you made it out okay, despite the plunge and the confusion. life sure can surprise us sometimes.


Eegads, I have "lethal weapon" vibes from that. Well done OP for still being in the land of the living. I doubt they'd have helped, but now you're not gonna get some nookie, go get some swimming lessons.


TIL from the comments that there’s a such thing as in ground trampolines.


"naked wet guy" "pool girl" 10/10 for the names


Did you hang out after that?


Mate, you’re Bruice Willis from Unbreakable


I’m crying laughing.


This was hilarious omg


This TIFU has to go into the hall of shame!


As someone who lives in Florida, I am so glad nobody has pool covers.


Hey, maybe don’t jump in people’s pools or “trampolines” without asking first and stuff like that won’t happen…


Damn that was impulsive of you. At least you made it out ok


As soon as your original date is no longer interested, you're free to sleep with the guy who participated in your pool rescue. That's what I'd do, considering being in his room, changing into his clothes, while he's taking a shower.


Used to be called a "Hopoline" til my mum used one.


You’re an idiot.


What a story, Mark


How is it possible to mistake a pool cover for a trampoline?


Natural selection at its finest.


Bahahaha, seeing naked wet guy's dick from a low angle is fucking hilarious 😂.


News flash…it wasn’t the “trauma” of seeing you almost drown babe. You acted like an impulsive child and she realized how stupid you were and got the ick. I’m shocked she didn’t laugh at you when you asked if she still wanted to sleep with you.