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Waiting for the update when you’re finally convinced to go to the ER and turns out you have three fractured vertebrae


Seconding this. OP please get checked out so you know how to treat your injuries


But before that we’ll get an update on how he got a spinal adjustment that made the fractures much worse


wait, so some herbal remedy + massage isn't the same thing as going to the doctor?


Four after the chiropractor 


there is no he would have gotten any sleep at all with fractured vertebrae right?


I slept with a compression fracture in one of my vertebrae for 2 weeks before I went to the doctor! It hurt, but wasn’t impossible to sleep. Mine was higher up my spine, I honestly thought I had a bruised or broken rib Edited to add: OP needs to get checked out! Spinal injuries aren’t something to f around with


That goes against all the medical advice my high school rugby coach gave us: "Just walk it off". If we can't trust high school coaches, who can we trust?


Coworker broke his neck and didn't realize for 3 days. I broke my wrist and didn't know until it still hurt too much, a couple weeks too late to do anything. Humans are weird.


Never underestimate the strength of denial. Everything’s good. Nothing happened 


I once walked home shitfaced, slept, the woke up at like 11am, sat on the toilet then saw the blood all dried up on the back of my leg. I had a 2 inch gash. Went to ER and they stitched me up with no numbing drugs, I never felt a thing.


He definitely could have. A friend walked to work for 4 days with 4 spinal fractures before going. To the hospital as the pain wouldn’t subside.


Someone link to the BORU of the guy who backflipped off the balcony


This is literally the dumbest shit I’ve read all day


Happens every year, all over the world apparently. People can help killing themselves diving into unknown waters. My home town can no longer put out the fishing and swimming jetties at the lake because of the risk of liability if/when people dive into the shallows breaking their necks.


I damn near killed myself diving into a pool and slamming my head on the bottom. I knew exactly how deep it was , I dove the same way in the same pool at least a hundred times. I cannot fathom jumping into unknown waters , especially at night like that . I really hope OP eventually gets convinced he needs to go to the ER yesterday , that shit is no joke.


Darwin award level shit


You really need to go to the ER immediately.  You could be aggravating the injury by continuing to walk around. Enough pain to make you cry is probably a serious injury.


Problem is, my health insurance doesn't extend to foreign countries. Will see my doctor if this shit still hurts this bad when I get home tho


If you have travel insurance, that should help. Even if you don't, you should still go to hospital. ASAP. It doesn't matter how much it costs - you are staring down the barrel of constant pain for the rest of your days, and that pain might be bad enough that you will decide to end those days early. This is not a joke, this is not just a story you'll tell when you get home, you are in real trouble right now.


Does this sound like the kind of guy who would buy travel insurance?


No, but maybe his parents were able to make him buy some. Our son is about to head overseas, and we've been nagging him to buy travel insurance before he goes - I'm literally about to go and nag him again!


Agreeing with the other person. Debt is something you can pay off. Permanent pain for the rest of your days cannot be payed off. Please go to the hospital, tell them your situation. They will help you with the finance part.


Life was amazing before the chronic pain began. Some days, it doesn't feel worth it. Took the light out of my eyes. Seriously, fella, you're going to regret not taking this seriously.


So long as the foreign country isn't the US, it'll still be cheaper than years of surgeries and PT if you don't take care of it Nevermind that best case scenario, you're going to be regretting this in your 40-50s when even if it heals fine now, it'll be back with crippling pain. Don't make it worse by not getting it seen in case it's something worse than you think.


Yeah, it's really cheap to go to the hospital in pretty much all countries aside from the US. I doubt it'll cost the OP more than $100.


Idiocy upon idiocy. Who travels without travel insurance?


The same set of people who drunkenly cliff dive into water with which they're totally unfamiliar, my bet.


If you're not in the US, it'll be cheaper than you'd think. Plus, debt is better than disability. ESPECIALLY if you have to fly home, get checked out. Untreated broken vertebrae or bones in general will **absolutely** be an issue on a flight.


I'm flying indeed...


Yeah, you could throw a clot my guy. See a doc.


It’s quite possible you broke some vertebrae. If you did, they can slip out of alignment from any sort of pressure, twisting, movement, etc with no warning and permanently damage your spinal cord. That means anything from lifelong pain to complete paralysis. The longer you wait, the more chances there are for this to happen. You need to get it examined and, if necessary, braced/stabilized ASAP. A chiropractor or masseuse will *not* help, in fact they may make it much worse. A coworker of mine is in a wheelchair for life after an accident like this. Please go to the hospital now, for your own sake.


Do you have an AMEX or Chase card? You probably do have insurance.


Most credit cards have travel insurance these days, but only if you book the trip using one (obviously). In Canada, anyways.


Username checks put. Go to a doctor you fucking putz


DO NOT go for an adjustment or massage. You may have a spinal injury and if it's bad enough you could have permanently damaged yourself. Incorrect manipulation of the area now could paralyse you.


If you wait you could be paralyzed forever.


You should probably go to the ER. You may have fractured your coccyx


Sacrum, coccyx, lumbar vertabrae, ilium... itd be insane to leave an injury to pelvic spine and/or girdle unchecked


I did that before and they just made me lay around for a week. Should still get checked though.


He wasn’t at the sand dunes


He wasn’t at the sand dunes


I feel like they've updated the spelling of that word. Isn't it spelled "Koksiks" now?


Absolutely no freaking way should you go and have any kind of “spinal adjustment”. Actually at any time, but right now you could seriously end up paralyzed.


Agreed, you get one of those guys to wrench your spine around they'll probably finish what you started. ER. Now.


Okay thank you


Someone’s gotta do AMA’s.


Damn dude. I met a guy who is *in* a wheelchair after doing something similarly dumb and innocuous (sliding down a hand rail on and landing on his butt) Seriously. You need to get it checked out before it turns into something worse or more permanent. Edit: In, not a, wheelchair 😆


>I met a guy who is a wheelchair I always wondered where they came from.


I don't know why this made me giggle so hard 🙈😂


LOL oops


Yeah me too. The guy is paralyzed from his neck down as a result of a dive dare. This truly is a TIFU....


First, you had better get medical attention immediately before you wake up and can't walk then find out you'll never walk again. Second...dude! Do you know how many people have died doing the exact thing you did? Diving into water they were unfamiliar with? A lot. It's very, very lucky you're not dead right now. I know you don't need a speech so sorry about that but I'm betting you have fractured vertebrae.


Please go to the hospital. Please.


OP, yeah this sucks but the real TIFU would be if you do not go to a hospital to get checked out. Go, now!


So I did something just as dumb when I was 16 going sledding after a blizzard. But it was like a week after the blizzard…so everything was basically ice at that point. Went over a jump, high in the air, landed HARD on my tailbone. I don’t know how I managed to crawl back up the hill and eventually into a friend’s car for them to take me home. The pain was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. (My friends were no help because we were all 16-17 and had no idea how bad injuries could ever be) Once I got home, I managed to crawl into the backseat of my mother’s car. ER visit only noted I’d probably bruised my tailbone. No kind of follow up suggested. Might have been told to take Tyleno/advil. They did nothing for this pain! The tailbone was one thing (and I was the girl who walked around high school with a pillow for my butt for a while!), but what it did to my back muscles was a whole other experience. As you recover, it hurts for months….and then you think it’s all better. But then you bend over in just the wrong way one day and your whole back seizes up and you’re in excruciating pain for days. Our muscles get hurt, they compensate for other hurt muscles, etc. it creates a lot of issues. So, It wasn’t just my tailbone that day. If I had gotten physical therapy early, I might have avoided the years of back issues I had. These days, it’s so much better. I attribute that to PT for a few years and having exercises that help my back muscles, having a baby and carrying that child all the time for years (core strengthening!), and recognizing when an episode is coming on. Dude, get yourself checked out. And yes, I laugh when I tell the story. I was so freaking lucky!


#ER. Right now.


A member of my family became quadriplegic by getting drunk and diving off of shit. You fucked up. Go get x-rayed.


OP, this is absolutely time for an ER visit. Any sort of fall onto your spine / tailbone from more then 3 feet is a situation in which we do immediate spine immobilization and assessment in first responder protocols. You have a HIGH chance of having fractured your vertebrae. Go get imaging done immediately and for the love of fucking god, do not see a chiropractor before hand. You can seriously hurt yourself continuing to move, and could make much worse if you got an adjustment. If you had done this with me in a backcountry setting I would be calling for a helicopter evac.


Just curious, what first responder protocols taught you to immobilize for a 3 foot fall?? I was an EMT for 7 years and that sounds a little silly. Same for the helicopter evac tbh. OP needs an ER for sure tho


WFR protocols. “Immobilization” might be the wrong term here, but it’s also a whole different ball game when you are providing care in wilderness areas. I am not talking “strapped to a board”, but more “lay down, don’t move, we need to check you out”. The idea is that you need to stop excessive spine movement until you can do a focused spinal assessment. These protocols only come in handy when determining whether an injured party needs to be evacuated, and how that evac needs to be facilitated. Everything changes when you are in a front country environment.


He said 3-4 METER drop. Little different.


No he didn't. The OP said meter. The guy I replied to said feet


My bad. I'm doomscrolling to pretend I don't have insomnia so I misread. Maybe the commenter above mistyped? Though if I landed hard directly on my tailbone from 3 feet up, I'd probably damage myself. But I have a spinal injury so it sounds terrible. OP definitely needs the ER and NOT a touristy masseuse/chiro.


Lol yeah I'm thinking he mistyped too


Finally a fitting post for this sub. You should definitely see an emergency doctor.


As a person who is loving the rest of his life with spinal injuries, go to the God damn hospital right now.


Unusual kink for sure


Haha. One too many beers last night, for sure.


You sound like a moron.


Tailbone (coccyx) fractures are unbelievably painful, and there’s nothing a doc can do for it. You’re going to be in a lot of pain for quite awhile. Edit: you might want to stop drinking before you do another stupid thing. 😐


He needs the booze for the pain.


You get to pay $2000 for the advice of buying a donut pillow from Walmart for $15


Well fuck


Nonsense! They’ll send him home with his ass in a sling!


Under no circumstances get your back adjusted you will fuck your back up even more. Go to the ER. Now.


I have a friend who’s a quadriplegic from doing the same kind of stunt.


This would be a good time to, at minimum, go to urgent care for an xray of your lower spine & pelvis...


Boys around your age have the highest instances of traumatic brain injury, glad you didn’t dive in head first 🙏


> Might check out one of those touristy massage places for a spinal adjustment fr FFS GO TO A FUCKING HOSPITAL. Or, you know, hurt forever. Your choice.


You need new friends.


Injured? GOOD! You stupid fuck, juping drunk to unknown water. What were you thinking. Oh, right! You emptied pocket so nothing valueable would be damaged. And sure - the touristy massage place will help for sure.


I don't know what's dumber, jumping into the water or thinking you can just walk off sharp pain in your back after you just hammered some rocks with your tail bone.


Leaving the country without travel insurance and considering going to "a touristy massage place" instead of the ER are right up there on that list as well. Just dumbness from start to finish.


You absolute fucking idiot.


Imagine being dumb enough to give yourself a spinal by jumping into untested waters in the middle.od the night, and then also being dumb enough to have a random tourist masseuse "adjust" your spinal in the morning.


Does it show I am 40 when my back starts hurting at the part about returning to the hotel at 2am because they were tired from traveling?


How does that remind me thing work because I need to know this dummy went to the ER and is okay or getting the correct medical care.


Hope you’re ok and have learnt a lesson? When your ‘friend’ dares you to do some sketchy shit just say “you first”


Part of becoming a real adult vs legal is when you appreciate the gravitas of these things like.... "Dude, you'd be a legend."


Fr if your neck or back are fractured at all you’re not going to have a fun time


You broke your tailbone, probably




Jumped off a rock onto…SURPRISE! More rocks. You are lucky you lived. Go to the hospital and contemplate every day how your fragile existence could’ve ended that night


Why car insurance costs extra when young.


Go to the doctor, I broke my coccyx and didn’t go in. It didn’t heal right and it’s been bothering me for decades.


I was at the beach during a festival when someone cliff slipped onto the rocks 40ft below. They survived, dragged from the water by their friends, completely messed up, life changing injury at the minimum. Not a fun day. Not a game I see worth playing.


You truly fucked up and you’re lucky to be alive. If you were my kid, I would I prefer if you told me the truth. “I did something stupid and hurt myself” so that I could help you however I could. Go get your ass to the ER and for the love of god dont let some crockpot adjust you!!


I have two friends in wheelchairs due to an ill advised dive. You are lucky.


Saw a post very similar to this where a dumbass back flipped off a balcony. He avoided the ER for a week, turns out he'd fractured a vertebrae and the doctor told him he would be lucky if he didn't permanently fuck his back up. Go to the hospital dumbass.


my father simply slipped a disc while hauling a heavy television for a moving job, he brushed it off and didn’t see a doctor. A few weeks later that nagging pain turned into agony and he couldn’t move, that’s the only time I’ve ever seen my father cry, he even begged to be killed. We had to take him to the ER, that slipped disk turned into a herniated disc as it had no immediate treatment. The only thing that stopped the pain was morphine injections directly into his back. He had to have surgery, and is on medical direction that he may not lift ANYTHING over 40kg EVER AGAIN. He also had to have a large plank of wood installed under his side of the mattress as a permanent treatment option, he literally cannot sleep in a soft bed anymore because it’s considered dangerous for him now. Think his negligence of going to the doc was worth it? Back injuries a serious “fuck around and find out” situation.


Did nobody learn from Adriana Chechik? Go to the hospital, dude. Your back is broken. Also, Lenovo sucks.


Dude as a college kid that also thought I was being tough, I’d walk n sleep it off plus didn’t want the shame and embarrassment……. It’s way worse after you make it friggen worse from being stubborn, at the minimal drop by an urgent care for yo motha


I've hurt my tail bone on 2 separate occasions and it hurts so much, the face you're getting pain elsewhere in your back I would go to the local A&E/emergency room to make sure you haven't done any damage


This guy is a quadriplegic from diving into water of unknown depth. Never do it! https://youtu.be/ZzNHxC96rDE?si=aOJwMijwpNt1CPLc


My first thought was The Sea Inside, a true story about a man who did the same thing, ended up a quadriplegic, and fought for the right to die for 29 years after that. But there are no shortage of examples.


OP any update? Please tell us that you did go to an ER.


Any update, OP? Many of us are worried about you.


I'm literally still in so much pain rn it's crazy


dude you gotta go to the hospital it's not worth permanently fucking your body up.. you said in another comment you don't have health insurance for other countries, idk what country you're in but it might not be as expensive as you think (or at least it might not be as expensive as the US/UK). just please get some medical care i see so many ppl on this subreddit who regret not going to the hospital sooner after getting an injury they thought they could push through. you may have PERMANENTLY injured your spine.


Not a doctor/nurse but...GO TO THE HOSPITAL, you can break your tailbone sitting down too hard on a hard surface, good chance for serious damage in your case


A kid from my high school died doing something similar.


OP, have you sought medical attention yet?


How are you today, OP? Did you go to the hospital?


I've been better. Managing well, still having fun but sitting down hurts SO bad


#Go. To. The. ER. This level of pain is not normal, and you are risking paralysis and/or chronic pain for the rest of your life the longer you let this go unexamined and untreated.


Jesus Christ.


Go to the hospital! Immediately!


You FU-ed by being drunk.. by leaping off a cliff into the sea.. PLEASE don't FU your life by not going to the a&E NOW!!! You could so easily end up in a wheelchair!! GO NOW!!!! Try not to walk about or move too much!!!


jumping into unknown water BLIND? without checking the bottom? Jesus christ you're lucky you're alive dude. get ur butt to the er so they can make sure you didn't permanently fuck things up for yourself. Next time make sure your buddy jumps first smh


This is the way quadriplegia happens (the decision to make jumps like this). Jesus. BTW, if you have a tendency to risk your life when drunk, you probably have a drinking problem.


I generally have better risk assessment skills yeah


This might be the dumbest story I've ever read on r/tifu. Not only did OP do the number one thing you never do (jumping into water without knowing the depth/hazards), now that he has a potential life altering injury, he is continuing to drink and is going to get a fracking "spinal adjustment" from non-medical personnel.  Keep your eyes peeled for "TIFU by going to a masseuse instead of the emergency room and now I'm paralyzed from the waist down."


Always check the depth. I taught that to my boys on vacation this year. Someone always had to get in and check the depth. I hope you heal without issue.


Do you know what a tldr is?


Sure, go to a tourist massage place for a potential spinal injury rather than a medical professional. Sounds like a great idea.


>Might check out one of those touristy massage places for a spinal adjustment fr.  Oh GOD please noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Go to a real doctor.


> pretty painful reminder of why one should check the water before jumping in. Nah. Reminder not to do dumb stuff when your "friends" ask you to do dumb stuff, especially stuff that may seriously injure you or kill you. I would reconsider being friends with them for that reason alone.


Going to a massage place for a "spinal adjustment?" Have you not tried cinnamon and apple cider vinegar yet? Dude...see an actual medical professional.


… You have a potentially very severe unknown spinal injury, and you think it’s a good idea to go in for a “touristy” spinal adjustment? It’s like you’re *trying* to become paralyzed.


Probably chipped your tail bone. Better to get it checked out snake sure that's all it is.


Bet you got your test papers face down huh


Go to a “meeting “ after you’re released from the hospital. You have a drinking problem






AI comment.


Suck it up and drink your way through. Our grandfathers would be proud.




AI comment x2