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tip 0% lol


Brilliant, I cook all my own meals, have zero desire to be price-gouged for the privilege of eating-out.


Seems a little dramatic just tip zero


this story seems a little faux to me lol


Right. At best, the person at the register probably said something about something being required on that screen and OP took it as a great offense. If were to believe this story, which… yaaaa


Then everyone stood up and clapped!


It was a slow clap naturally with “Chariots of Fire” playing in the background 🤣


We found Charlie Kirks reddit account


I’ve worked in the service industry 16 years and have never once heard of someone straight up telling someone a tip is required. Be pissed off at the lazy owners who won’t edit the settings on their software to take away the tip screen on everything. Just zero it out and move on, I promise the worker wants you to leave aswell lol


Actually, I went to have my legs waxed and the girl told me that I needed to give an exorbitant tip (over 20%) minimum and in cash only. I tried to tell her the definition of “gratuity” and I wound up dropping a $20 bill on the counter and leaving.


definitely weird behavior


Precisely. And even so there is *always* a "no" button


I don't tip for anything upfront. I'm treating myself if going out to eat. Most all make more per hour than I make with my social security only income.


There's a feature on the screen that reads, "Custom" Hit that and put in, "0"


How do you “pre-order” without paying right then as well OP? Did you call in the order? I am calling BS on this post.


It is common to pay upon pick up in the rural upper midwest America. There are still a few holdouts here who don't accept anything but cash or checks.


And none of those places require a tip like this


Depends on where you live. Nice places let pay at pick up and keep door dash food in the lobby. Ghetto places you have you prepay amd they keep the food behind the counter and need i.d. Me and my girl have a joke that these places have free food just sitting out. Then some rando with a phone in his hand grabs the bag looks at the phone then walks out. I could fake that and get free food. It would only work till i made the area ghetto and they'd have to put it behind the counter and need I.D.


I used to work at a sandwich place where you could order online and pay when you arrived.


We have plenty of local places that take phone orders where you can pay at pick-up. I still pay when I call an order in to avoid this. It’s paid for when I walk in. Yes I want my receipt.


I had no idea that you could order chips and a drink ahead of time at local places like you could at Subway restaurants. Just odd they said chips and drink because it’s just over explaining “placing an order” and most people making up stories add extra tidbits of info that you normally wouldn’t do. Most people would’ve said “placed a food order at a local shop and when I went to pick it up, they required a tip before I could pay. I said “no I don’t” and walked away.” All the extra tidbits of info is most likely made up.


I doubt its made up, who tf would make up some stupid story like this? Its not monetized!


It may depend on the place. I call and order my sandwich, salt and vinegar chips, bottled tea. I give them my card and they ring it. I walk in, pick it up off the shelf and walk out. Lunch only place.


I just love you anti-tipping warriors who enjoy the convenience of food service, but think it their moral duty to stiff servers with very intricate and belabored explanations as to why they’re morally righteous.


Doesn’t sound like they had a server but rather attempted to pick up a carry out order.


I love when they feel they have to immediately go to Reddit to talk about the thing that in all likelihood never happened


They are not "servers" .tipping acual.servers is totally different .


But if their pay depends on tips...


Pretty sure a lot of states require the difference to be made up. If you work a tipped job at $3/hr, state minimum is $15/hr and you make $12/hr including tips, your employer will have to pay more until it meets $15/hr. They can only pay $3/hr as long as you're meeting $15/hr after tips


Always a tip zero option


I went to an artisan ale place, got what I wanted off the shelf, put it in the counter, the cashier rung me up, and then the tip screen appeared. This happened Wednesday. It’s getting crazy. 


I’ll take “Things that never happened for $100”, Alex


‘Sniff sniff’ sure does kinda smell like it


I've gone in to pay for gas and the clerk tried to demand a tip .


I’ve been somewhere where the employee has to skip the tip screen. I walked out too.


Proof please. It’s not legal to require tips.


Restaurants do this all the time


I’m not sure if you mean gratuity for large groups or something that is stated on the menu like that, that’s not the same thing. You can’t force someone to tip you for like fast food or delivery, they always have the option to decline.


You absolutely can. You are legally required to post a sign though. Many restaurants do this for even single person. Don’t think I’ve seen this at a fast food place, mostly sit down places in nicer areas at major cities


This story sounds incredibly made up lol, I’ve never been somewhere where I “HAD” to tip


It happened to me last Tuesday. I went to a fancy organic bakery, and they wouldn’t let you bypass the tip screen. I eventually put in 5 cents just to get on with my day, but I won’t be going back there. All they did was ring up stuff I got off the shelves myself. They didn’t even give me a bag. Fuck them.


You couldn’t put in 0?


I tried. It wouldn’t let me. Then it just got embarrassing trying to bypass it with them looking at me so I put in the 5 cents.


Some places are trying to pull this crap , it's illegal , but they try anyway


We used to force an 18% gratuity on customers at a restaurant I worked at. Any table of 6 or larger.


Force? Thats completely normal everywhere in the country and always spelled out in detail… thankfully you’re no longer working there -


That's normal, "large" parties pay an auto-grat. Generally can't be billed out individually either.


I hope this does not become the normal or no one will eat out-people don’t get a tip for doing their jobs-making sandwiches.


This is the way. Or, if you have it, pay in cash, add whatever tip you want (including $0) and bypass the card reader altogether. Let people whine, cry and bitch about it. Last I checked, the law doesn’t require me to pay tips. Don’t like it? Change the law require it and watch business drop even more. LOL Customers shouldn’t be a party to an employer’s commission of wage theft.


Ida taken the food, but you're better than me


Hopefully, youda done it in front of a police officer, and had to explain it to the court… not funny -not cute - pathetic.


I doubt I'd get more than a slap on the wrist for that, at most like $250 fine, that'd be fair for my stupidity


I’ve seen this. I put in 0.00 enter. It works. I refuse to tip outside of sit down restaurants where servers are paid like servers. If you make a standard wage, no tip unless I get exceptional service and I am in a mood where I want to share a bit of my good fortune. Guilt tipping? Never.


If I stand to order I don’t tip. If there’s any guilt associated tipping or expectation prior to service I walk out.


Great guidance.


Good for you


Hell yeah brother, I'd walk out too if they tried to extort a tip from me.


I have issues tipping period … never tipped a Starbucks girl in my life… Covid happens now everyone wants a tip nah I’m good ask your employer


Especially when fast food workers in my state are now making $20/hour.


And you think you could live somewhere on $40,000 a year or less? We’re losing our young families and servers and people who pump gas and work at grocery stores because they can’t afford to live here even at $25 an hour .. I’m sure you’d be complaining if you want to a sit down restaurant and they were shorthanded … this is happening all over the US…


This is a terrible take lol


Good man


And then everybody clapped!


I would tip a penny and wink at the cashier and tell her not to spend it all in one place if she wanted to say that. It's definitely not a requirement and there's no way it should be. Tipping culture has gotten WAY out of hand


I totally agree! Especially when you did not sit at a table and was served.




If there was a button that said “just the tip” would you have pressed it?


If the woman looked like she deserved just my tip then yes


You’re very generous sir!


Played correctly.


Pay with cash !


It's funny when people make posts about turning around and leaving a place and all the things they ordered there. As someone who works in a coffee shop rn, people like you are the type to be all "😡 I'm never coming back here!!" and then come back the next day. > Like, we didn't make the change. Management/Corporate most likely reprogrammed the registers. Making a big dramatic show at the cashier's does nothing but make them laugh at you. We just think you're an idiot for coming back to a shitty business over and over again.. > Make management hear about it if you actually care. It'll do a hell of a lot more than yelling at minimum wage cashiers.


That's literally what they did. Management will see that a meal was unpaid for and food was wasted, and over time they might care. They can also ask their staff what happened. It's not solely the customer's job to fix these issues on behalf of a business, they have plenty of ways to fix it themselves


Management doesn't care about food wasted, this is literally an industry where we throw away all remaining food at the end of the day. We're supposed to keep bakery displays fully stocked until the very last minute before closing so there's always at least a few dozen things to throw away. They literally threaten to fire employees who try to minimize what's thrown out. They just don't care. > Op did nothing about it and then made a reddit thread to feel better about their shitty day. It's what redditors always do because they're afraid of confrontation. > Management pays a lot of attention to the customer support line. There's always a phone number for it somewhere. But no, nobody ever wants to use that unless they're complaining about an employee. If they're complaining about a company policy, they'd rather just throw a fit and make a reddit thread about it.


They don’t work for the company, though. Why do you feel that it’s the customer’s responsibility to address issues within the business?


Keep crying, Cinderella. I'm sure one day you'll find your prince charming that tips..


I don't want you to tip I want you to call corporate. That's the only way it's ever gonna change. Corporate doesn't care when I tell them how many customers spit in my face over tipping policies. They just threaten to fire dissenters. You have no idea how the franchise economy works. You have to go spit in corporate's face for it to change anything.


Pass. It's not MY responsibility to get YOU more money. Pick a better job to begin with. Servers should stand up for themselves.. The only thing that will come from me complaining, is spit on my food. I've watched Waiting.. you don't mess with the people serving your food. No. You short them on the tip AFTERWARDS lol.


You must be either trolling or just stupid because I still haven't mentioned anything at all about my pay or my job duties. YOU'RE mad because THE PINPAD asks you for a tip. I am not asking you for a tip. But I cannot magically change the pinpad. Only management/corporate is able to reprogram the computer to not ask you for a tip. I dunno what you want from me psycho.


No bud, we just don't care anymore. We, the customers, are tired of paying for your mistakes. Your poor financial decisions and life choices are not our problem. Period. Keep crying.. we will care even less. YOU'RE mad at everyone because you have no life and you boss sucks. Sounds like a YOU problem.


It's not about me getting more money. I'm literally asking you not to tip. That's less money for me. I don't want your stupid tips. I just want you people to stop yelling at me over things that are out of my control. I'm not asking for more money or a better job. I'm asking the average person in public to not be a deranged psychopath. I'm asking to be able to go back to having normal blood pressure.


But you want me to do your job for you and complain about your wage to your boss.. that's not my problem dude. That's yours. YOU figure it out. Like I said, find a better job. Your problems are not ours. Acting like I personally spit in your face. Go cry lol


You’re clearly furious about this, if you read what they’re saying they’re not asking you to do any work for them, it would benefit you the customer in the long run…


You're clearly furious about my opinion lol 😆


You’re the one working for the shitty company


Man U getting killed out here lol


In your world deciding not to buy something after learning about the real price with forced tip is making a big dramatic show that's also worthy of ridicule. Ok snowflake. Op didn't mention yelling, didn't mention a tantrum.


OP pre-ordered lol. And op clarified they weren't using cash. Typically when you pre order you have the option to pay ahead of time time so there's no hassle when you pickup. The only reason for them to even go through with placing the order is that they saw the forced tip when they were ordering and went "that can't be right" and then decided to go in person and when told about it again decided to say "no I don't have to." > The world would save a lot of time and effort and stress if people learned how to read.


Maybe they called in the order. I did that the other day because I was driving. They didn’t require a card. I paid at pickup.


On a scale of 1 to pussy - how soft are you?


Unprotected testicle.




Umm you are wrong I’m sorry but I have never come across anything aside from door dash where you see a tip before you pay… what world are you making this up in?


Keep making up scenarios and trying to justify pop up mandatory tip on a freaking take out fast food sandwich. Mandatory pop up tip on a freaking take out fast food sandwich. "That can't be right." Not everyone wants to or should have to use the app to pay before receiving their item. In what goofy world would that be right.


some people just prefer to pay on receiving the item, not pay in advance. saying "no I don't have to" is a perfectly reasonable response to being told you have to pay more for your food than you should be


My mind is blown that people are so much in to boot licking that they're making up scenarios and twisting words to justify a pop up mandatory tip on a fadt food take out sandwich.


I have issues tipping on carry out. You didn’t serve me.


Someone actually once said they deserved a tip, because they got your order together... You mean they did their job?


“The employer pays me to show up (mostly on time), the customer pays me to work (mostly good and at my speed)!”


I usually only tip $1-2 on carry out with a few rare exceptions. My local sushi place never messes the order up, remembers me and my order to the point where I don’t need to give my name when I order over the phone and they always put the extra sauces in the bag without me having to ask for them. I always tip them well


counter service in general is where I draw the line unless they go above and beyond.


Correct ! 💯% agree.


Pay with cash. Problem solved!


That's what I started doing now when picking up a take out order. I keep cash on me just for that to avoid the tip screen. The only time I tip now is when getting sit down service or delivery.


What's cash!? Seems like a distant memory to many of us.


I am a waitress. I literally work for tips, but who can tip for a takeout sandwich or a coffee? This crap is getting out of hand. I was talking to someone the other day and they try to pay cash to avoid every machine asking for tips all the time.


Another option is to use a mobile app if the takeout spot has one. Many of those don’t prompt for a tip. I have bad feels about choosing $0 for a tip at a drive-thru just before they make my food out of my view. ☹️


And don't forget to round up to the nearest dollar to support whatever cause....


This is the way.


I was on Blue Street at a place there. They automatically charged a tip added to the bill. No one knew until we got the bill. I never went back there.


You could also just tip a penny. I think a very small tip shows you didn’t like the service or don’t want to tip, more than no tip.


Bullshit, there's no requirement to tip on any card transaction app


Wow. What a badass.


fake post - no process systems require a tip - and i highly doubt a small take out joint requires a tip - if idiot counter person lied about policy them you did the right thing


yeah there are. The closest Jimmy Johns to me has mandatory tipping its like 20, 25, 30 or "custom" and you literally have to press custom and enter "0.00" to add a $0 tip before it will process. The look on their face is priceless everytime I do it.


That’s still allowing no tip if you can zero it out, OP claimed that wasn’t an option. OP made up the story.


I don’t think they made it up but rather did not realize that they could choose 0 as a custom tip amount, and the cashier’s insistence that they are obligated to tip was the icing on the cake.


Yeah I guess op might just be really stupid.


I wouldn’t call someone stupid for something they don’t know. I’m sure there are plenty of things that you don’t know.


Yeah the idea that the person posting on r/tipping doesn’t know how to zero out a custom tip is kinda ridiculous, I’m back in the OP made it up camp.


i stand corrected- and i can’t believe you have to go custom tip to leave zero - what a scam - i’d leave zero and never go back - plenty of other places that have more respect for their customers than that - thanks for sharing


Yup. I just had the same thing happen at a local ice cream place. The girl behind the counter knew exactly why I had a weird look on my face and told me to hit “custom tip” and then zero because it wouldn’t process the transaction otherwise.


crazy but at least we know how to deal with it - just enter zero!


Lol correct. I probably looked like a moron bc I just kept staring at the screen like, “Why can I not see the no tip button”.


There are some where you have to fill out a tip, even if it's 0%. I've done it plenty of times. That's probably what happened to OP, but the guy behind the counter either didn't/couldn't clarify or OP just misunderstood and didn't bother to get clarification.


I set up a clover POS and I can tell you beyond a doubt that you can in fact turn off the “no tip” option and set the 4 buttons to be varying %s, therefore requiring someone to tip. But like…. No one would actually do that right? Right, guys? Guys?


i stand corrected - and i would never tolerate it as a customer




There are places like this I've heard. Unless you've been to every restaurant in the country, I doubt you would know.


well you have no first hand knowledge to refute it either - others who do have first hand experience with this have corrected me - so instand corrected


Daughter is in service, paid her way through college and Law School as tipped employee. Hard worker in a high end steak house. As a result of watching her hard work. I always tip, generously. Even for take out or pizza. Literally the people that work take out at restaurant chains, think Carr&ba’s, Chill&’s only get server minimum wage. They have to package the food. You may be stiffing a student or a single parent. Bonus if you tip cash, server won’t get stiffed. Owners are playing games with a new payment method called DAILY PAY for wait staff. Servers have to pay a $3.49 transaction fee to get their tips.




Why would you need to tip on pre-ordered pick up food? Tipping the cashier?


Or if they don’t want to pay whatever the transaction fee is, they can get their tips in their paycheck. If they want the convenience of daily tip payout, they pay the fee. I’ve worked jobs ranging from warehouse to construction to IT and I’ve never had the luxury of getting paid daily.


No they don't get server minimum wage. They get federal minimum wage if they don't make enough in tips per hour.


I don’t know why people say this like that’s a good thing. $7.25, that’s poverty wages. For working hard.


"Working hard"


Found the person who hasn’t worked a server job


I have. It's really easy. Johnny rockets even made me dance.


They stated a fact, not that it was a good wage. But it is positive (in a very silver lining kind of way) that at least even if in tips they make under the minimum, they get paid up to at least a certain amount. Otherwise they'd be screwed. That doesn't change the fact that $7.25 is an unlivable wage obviously.


Of course it is a terrible wage, but blame the government for not increasing it, or for adding a cost of living increase the last time they did raise it.


Blame the government kinda, it’s really the powerful restaurant lobby and other interests that dump millions into campaign funds that keeps it low.


I'm not saying it is causes its definitely not but people just keep assuming that servers only get paid $2 something an hour if they don't get tipped which is untrue


Too bad, I tip fucking huge. Like, I tip 40 dollars on a 13 dollar hair cut, every time. IT'S MY CHOICE TO DO SO. If someone told me I had to tip, I would have done the same thing. You must be out of your god damn titty flippin mind.


Not sure what being single has to do with tips 🙄


If you don’t have children or a partner you’re less deserving of livable wages apparently


This isn’t a high end steakhouse where you get waited on from start to finish. Sounds like Jersey Mikes or something similar. Where the employees get paid better hourly wages and do not rely on tips. I have been in hospitality my entire adult life pretty much. There are plenty of things that do not require tipping. Pre ordering a sandwich does not require a tip. Literally interacted with the customer for 5 seconds. Not to mention, OP said the tip was required. Tipping is never required.


when you say tipping is never required do you mean that the clerk was lying about having to tip?


Trust me, no hourly workers are getting paid well at Jersey Mikes.


Where was this?


This I agree with and I’m a generous tipper. But not here. No, nope, nada! Name and shame.


Bypass the tip area on the very bottom.


People like this (OP) can’t read lol


What’s the name of the restaurant?


You do realize that you could have put a tip of zero right? Then you would have had your food and the satisfaction that you didn't have to pay the tip.


There’s no common sense to be had with people like OP


Seems more like fake rage bait than anything.


There is more satisfaction to be had in letting the business eat the cost of the sandwich they made.


Yeah, it's the principle. I don't like to be fucked with. I don't love, mandatory Health Insurance fees added to my bill that are slightly disingenuous, but don't tell me I have to tip. That's how you go from getting a tip, to losing a sale.


That is ridiculous on so many levels. I probably would’ve took them a Penny


This is what should have happened. They also should save your information and picture and put you on the Banned List.


OP put themselves on the banned list.


Who the hell would go back.




👏👏👏👏👏 Good for you!


You should never be required to tip… I am a server I tell everyone that they are not required to tip but here is the suggested amounts … but you should be able to type in 0… I have seen many self service kiosk and I have not seen one that requires a tip… what establishment is this


Right because what if I’d like to put the tip is zero on the official ticket but I’d like to give my server 100 bucks in cash! Them forcing me to tip on the ticket is ridiculous. I often pay my servers with a cash tip because as low as they get paid and they don’t need to be paying taxes on any of the gratuities they get.


I tell all my friends to tip in cash… it is untraceable… but tip the same amount you would on card… you are a good one… I have seen people get a cash tip of 5 dollars on a party of 20… I hate having to slightly rely on tips… being a manager wasn’t better cause I was working 10 to 14 hour days…


I think you’re underestimating what servers get paid. I know a bunch and every one that works full time makes more than the median salary for the area regardless of the type of restaurant.


lol, getting downvoted because I think if BOH who is making 30-40k has to pay taxes then FOH who is making 50-150k should also pay taxes. Typical Reddit lol


and I think that’s irrelevant because more than likely they put up with more bullshit than most people deserve it, especially in society with all the entitlement and karens good for them you’re doing more than struggling and barely surviving being on front everyday dealing with idiots. One a day it comes to treat you like a servant Lincoln Plains nothings right it’s just the personality. Be thankful they’re the ones taking on the punishment because if it weren’t for them, they’d be spreading there lovely personality to different establishment or in their life that we don’t need to unleash to further detriment of societal norms


Irrelevant? Comment I replied to said they were low paid, and I said they make more than the average person. So yes, it’s relevant. As for the rest of your rambling, I have no clue what your point is. 🤷🏽‍♂️


They aren’t required to tip. They’re required to make a selection and they’re too entitled to push one more button, and too dumb to see the option to not tip


I hope you folded your arms and stomped when you told them!


Is that how you reacted when you didn't get your $2 tip? 🤣


I couldn't care less either way, but posting on reddit like you're some hero is gooooofy 😅


So because you couldn't figure out how to select no tip, you threw a fit? I highly highly doubt that the employee said you have to leave tip. Much more likely they were saying you had to make a selection to proceed. This sub is delusional lmao.


This. Like you can’t continue with your purchase without paying more.


Yeah, pics or it didn't happen.


Well i don't have a Pic but I experienced the same thing you had 3 choices 18% 20% 22% and no option for other you had to Pic 1 of the 3 no other choice


I 100 percent do not believe you.


I 100 % couldn't care less


Me neither. You are either a liar or a fool though.


I'm neither but apparently you are a complete asshole


yeah usually with stuff like that, theres a custom option and you can just put 0


Yeah, no POS is going to let the operator force a minimum 18% tip (or any tip). They won’t want to deal with any potential legal issues.


You are absolutely correct. Like I said in my other heavily down oted comment, a lot of this sub is *delusional*


there should always be a zero-tip option,(i have seen some places put a sticker on the screen that just so happens to block the view of the 0% tip option though) if not there is a custom tip option, click that and enter 0. or just pay with cash.


There are several places that have programmed out the $0 tip option, so I guess they don’t need stickers anymore! There is usually an option for a “custom tip”, but I guess that could also be programmed out!


Lol. Can we tip $. 01?


Things that didn’t happen for a 1000 Alex


Who does that tip go to? The person running the till?


Glad to know that I'm not the only one that does that!


Literally braver than the US Marines


I found the butthurt server who didn't get her $2 tip lmao 😂


Fuck you, Airman. I know soldiers and marines that would die for you to have the privilege to talk shit on them.