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She can go somewhere else if she's not happy.


It’s shit like this that keeps me out of restaurants altogether.


Usual suspects


If I was the waitress I would sue. She has bills to pay. I stand with servers.




And people wonder why I don't tip.


This post is a pretty accurate gauge of the intelligence of this sub.


I used to wait tables. I had enough dignity to not demand tips or throw a tantrum if someone did not tip


This post needs locked.. They are at Dicks. The host, servers and managers are meant to be… dicks… that is literally the whole concept of the restaurant


Thank you, I was just about to post this


Ask for the manager. If they wanna become Karen's then act like Karen's. It happens enough times the entitled fucks will get canned.


I could be wrong. Ut i think its one if them places where you go because the staff is rude its like their calling card they put the duntz cals on everyone and just be assholes as their gimmick


Nah you‘re right. It‘s Dick’s Last Resort


Well then this post is misleading and should be taken down without that context


"The quality of the service you provided was only worth $2.50. Can I get my change back"


I say it again . Severs jobs are like delivery driver doordash. It was never meant to be sustainable for paying bills. It’s a good side hustle on the weekends. Otherwise you gotta serves at 5 stars/ extremely busy restaurants to make end meet


You act like fine dining service hasn't been a real profession for a long while. They likely make more than you do. But I also argue that just because it's supposed to be a side hustle doesn't mean that you shouldn't tip them. Driving 15 miles to deliver someone their Chinese food at 9pm on a Wednesday evening deserves more than the $4 the app would offer without a tip. And even if the app paid $10 you don't think 15 miles, not having waiting at the restaurant and dodging traffic is worth something something to you? Yes delivery is expensive. But when it comes to what the actual cost should be, it's still cheap.


So close all restaurants during the weekdays? Because it's just there to be a good side hustle on the weekends? Why should ANY full-time job "just be a side hustle"?


Because job that depends on others people pockets change / traffic will never be sustainable. Lmao I work as a server and know there aint much to earn on the start of the week when less people dine in.


It has been sustainable for a long time, although I don't agree with the way that it works. Servers usually make more per hour than many jobs. I tip 15% on average. I get yelled at that in subs like these. It's either "tip nothing cuz service is always bad, 110% of the time" or "Tip them your first-born child", with very little in-between.


Fine dining should just be it's own thing. Everyone else is just pretending to have money. Rounding up to the nearest $5/10 is slowly becoming my normal.


Terrible servers gonna say it's fake and a server would never do this.


This is literally their jobs. Notice how everyone has dunce caps with insults written on them? It's Dicks last resort.


How retarded do you feel now knowing this was at Dicks?


It's at dicks. The servers job is to treat you like shit and insult you. It's what their theme is.


Damn if only there was way to pay servers without tips


I never challenged a customer about a tip or lack there of. It’s always a gamble no matter how hard you work or level of service you give. I have endured a lot of abuse from customers over the years. Mainly because they are trying to create a reason not to tip by making the server get defensive. It got too much and I stopped waiting tables.-


This is one of those restaurants where they are mean to you on purpose.


She needs to have the same energy towards the manager/restaurant owner. I remember this video. I would've grabbed a manager and got my tip back. If money is that hard to come by get a second job, or stop serving altogether. Tips are not required. I'm someone that's an avid tipper, but the entitlement is getting out of hand. The girl she was yelling at was in high school. How gross and inappropriate can you be.


Hey dummies, this is Dicks last resort. The whole point is they are mean to you.


But why? I rather just go to Hooter.


This needs to be voted to the top. If it's a restaurant that has the theme of being rude this is perfectly normal behavior.


Manager. Immediately. Comp the meal. Fire that server.


Now we know who doesn’t deserve good service.


Out of curiosity, what's considered good service?


You have obviously never been to a Dicks Last Resort.




Better: tell the customer they are no longer welcome in your establishment.


All good. Plenty of restaurants out there


The place is meant to be mean to you


Oh in that case, $0 tip. What a shit gimmick


Well don't go then moop


I'll need to see your manager.


Dick's. https://dickslastresort.com/


Find a job where your boss actually pays your wages, rather than random customers.


This. This is what I mean. Tipping used to be a way to reward a good server and now the while service industry feels entitled to tips without putting any effort. I am pro-tippjng because I don't want problems but this would make me dig my heels in and not tip her.


Good job missing the entire point.


Some are known for not tipping..


People with common sense


So I guess they hire Dicks at Dicks..


Bro this is dicks it’s the whole gimmick😂😂😂 yall reaching


No, but you could tell that she was serious.


It’s her job to sound serious and so what if she is?? Not only does she do what any other server would put she puts on a whole fucking show to go with it.


To hound someone over $5 is unhinged. If you look at the tik tokers who posted the video you would understand that the Waitress was being completely unreasonable. Sure, I commend servers, but to trip out on a teenager over $ 5 is absolutely not okay.


Bro it’s dicks that’s the whole gimmick is that the servers are dicks they are supposed to call you names a berate you it’s the whole fucking reason you go there. You people are fucking dense😂😂


This is called aggressive panhandling, and it's a crime.


This is at Dicks...you are supposed to be rude to the customers.


2 things can be true.


She's mad at the wrong person. She needs to be angry with her employer, not the customer. End tip culture, servers need to strike and demand better pay. They should also realize their employer does not consider them essential workers or they'd pay them more!


This restaurant is supposed to be dicks to its customers. It's the gimmick. It's called Dick's; they even give you a paper dunce hat with something rude written on it when you dine there. I'm not sure if this is staged, the customer not understanding, an actual argument, or the customer trolling the server who has actually gotten mad.


They realize their gravy train is ending.


True dat!


I get this is a Dicks, but I pity the person who tries to yell at me like that. A) I am going to put you in your place real fast B) I am just going to turn my back to you and walk away when you respond. C) let's hope you don't physically assault me and we never get to a C.


Watch out! We got a badass over here!


Lol its sad you have to be considered a "badass" to stand up for yourself and not allow someone treat you like that.




Good for you! And it doesn't take a badass to standup for themself. It's sad people like you don't realize that.


Starting a whiny, voice-cracking diatribe and then turning around and leaving before you get a response is not strength, that's weakness


Cool story!


^ soft


Im all for not tipping, but this persons way about handling a situation is awful


I get that's the point of the establishment.... considering it looks like a Dick's..... But in general if this happens the answer is "Tips aren't mandatory and if you're relying on them then maybe you should reconsider your profession or place of employment"




That's BS and you know it. It doesn't hold the right person accountable for what servers get paid and that's the business themselves. See this is the bullshit that happens that businesses get a pass on all the time. The federal tipped minimum wage is $2.13 an hour and the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. So if a worker goes into work and doesn't get any tips they make 7.25 an hour minimum. If they make tips but it doesn't cover the gap between 2.13 and 7.25 the employer makes up the difference. But, employers cheat the system by claiming tips that don't exist in order to avoid paying the difference. So if an employee comes in and works for an hour and they get no tips they're required by the business to "tip out" 20%. If they made no tips or the tips amounted to less than 20% then they are paying money they didn't receive. The employer still counts that 20% on the books and thus avoids making up the difference in the federal minimum wage rules. This can leave employees owing the employer. You'll see this regularly complained about by servers ("I ended up owing the house $1.25 after 3 hours of work" and similar comments). This happens pretty often and openly and people think it's legal. It's not. It's wage theft. Businesses also play games like charging servers for walk outs or charging servers for returned food. It's all theft.


Thanks for proving the ignorance in this avenue of life.....I said 'If they don't like the industry, then change it', as a response to 'No one should react negatively or in anger to someone not tipping because it's optional'. Please re read it until you comprehend the ideation. And for your information I'm in the medical field and I've worked in multiple different facets; if I don't like the culture in one facet; then I change it.... same concept in the service industry.... there are plenty of places that don't rely on tipping or the nature of the client doesn't afford "bad tips". Educate yourself


And people wonder why some of us hate the 'tipping culture'.


You probably shouldn't go to a restaurant who's whole gimmick is being Dicks to their customers. That's literally the job.


Bad food, bad service. Yep. Definitely not going.


The foods actually pretty good imo


If it not Asian cuisine, then it probably garbage. I like my pho and spring roll.


that is the point of this restaurant...they are supposed to yell at you


If I gave you good service, and you don’t tip, I tell you, “bye don’t come back!” As you leave


I'm sure every business owner that hires you just loves that. Idiot


Or you could ask your employer to pay you more. You probably don't want to hear this but the best tip a customer can give a restaurant is repeat business.


That doesn’t affect the server in any way, in fact if you come back again it’s another table you are marked down with 0$ gain. It’s just a waste of my time.


Yeah, have a feeling with that attitude, there’s a reason you aren’t getting tips


I get plenty of tips, but I’m saving myself and my coworkers from having to waste their time serving some asshole


Well that is the one restaurant where the servers are allowed to act that way


This looks like Dicks last resort in vegas and servers act like that lol


I have seen this in many settings , massage parlors , nails , restaurants! It is totally uncouth to be running after the customer demanding a higher tip or even asking for a tip !


This is Dick's and it's how they're supposed to act. You guys are morons.


Y’all are all dumb as rocks. This is a restaurant that’s whole gimmick is to be mean and rude to their customers.


Really rude thing to say about rocks


What's funny, they don't like it if you play back. My idiot brother (who works in food service) didn't know the gimmick and when he went there, the server thew the silverware on the table. He picked it up and threw it on the floor and said "try again." They got booted.


Is this a novelty restaurant of some sort? Why do the customers have giant paper headdresses with writing on them? And the server has a vulgar shirt?


yes. The place is called "dicks", and has a gimmick of constantly insulting you. Honestly a dream job for customer service workers, since roasting customers to their faces is just part of the job description there.


Thanks for the warning. A place to remember to avoid.


Tipping culture turns servers into Beggars


And beggars are annoying and obstinate!


This sub in a nutshell


Had a bartender do something similar (but not as aggressive) to my brother. Tipped $5 on a $40 tab. The bartender didn't even give us good service...he was too busy trying to talk to every woman he could.


Hope your brother asked for the money back


He should have. We just never went back.


Focus that righteous anger on her employer instead. We never see that stance taken. "Oh, you're just gonna pay me $2.13 an hour? Ok, that's fine!"


Isn’t this from one of those restaurants where the whole business model is for staff to be rude to customers?


Yes but not like that


Exactly like that




There are people on this sub who will claim stuff like this never happens.


It certainly happens more at restaurants where that's part of the gimmick. Like this one.