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I go to macdonald’s about 5 times a week. And when they ask for a tip I usually just pretend I don’t speak English and just stare at them. I have very little respect for these people. 


Very little respect for yourself too if you’re there that often lmao


 In my defense It’s all I can afford!


That's false. McDonald's is expensive compared to packing a sack lunch.


That’s stupid. Fresh cooked meals are way cheaper. I can make a meal easy for 5 bucks.


You can buy a can of sauce and a pack of spaghetti noodles for that. But you sure as hell can't get meat, veggies, and everything else to turn that crappy can and package into something decent. Nobody eats like that man. Cooking at home is on par and occasionally more expensive than eating out. If you have professional cooking skills and knew what recipes call for - and actually went out and bought it all to make one single proper meal, you'd probably eat McDonald's also. We don't eat out at my house. We also don't get to eat enough at times. It costs approximately 1400 dollars for bargain brand groceries for one month. Approx 350 per week. All home cooked meals made from scratch - even things like bread biscuits and such as it's much cheaper to buy raw ingredients like flour, than to buy a can of biscuits or pack of bread. Even with our resourcefulness, 350 per week for two people to have 1-3 home cooked meals per day coming straight from the bargain brand. It's MUCH cheaper to get McDonald's for 3, than it is to get the buns, condiments, meat, fries, cheese, and drinks at home. Decent burgers for 2 people - $35 min. Shitty mcburgers and fries for 2 - $20-25 and leftovers for later.


Are you using grade A wagyu beef for your burgers. A lbs of organic 80/20 ground beef is 7$. This is 3 burgers. A bun is 50c. A lbs of potatoes is like 2$ which is enough for 3 people. Air fry your fries and all you need is salt. So I just made burgers for 3 for 10$. If you go bargain shopping and look for sales you get close to 5 for this. Now let’s take chicken. A lbs of chicken breast is 3$. Add carrots and potatoes and you have a decent meal. Again less than 5$ per person. I could give you tons of recipes. Especially for the guy who goes to fast food and doesn’t eat any vegetables. Fresh fruit and veggies add cost. A nice lettuce adds 1$ per person. A side of broccoli roughly the same.


None of that is reasonable or realistic. I'm not going to argue your details except to say you're leaving at the cost of crucial ingredients especially with a homemade meal. I've never served my family a plain meat hamburger or plain lettuce on the side. We sure don't eat garbage I'm a trained chef and don't just slop stuff together from random crap. If that's how your family eats that's fine but the price range still isn't realistic. I'm sure you do have a few receipts here and there that will evidence your claim - why don't you go ahead and tally up each and every one of your food receipts from the last 30-45 days and post them all for validation? Nobody in the world just eats plain chicken, carrots, and potatoes. That is hospital food. I give my family much better than that and you're failing to consider other people don't eat random tasteless garbage thrown together in a quick pot. Hence - the true cost of eating a health balanced tasty meal.


Do you really want me to add the costs of every spice. So yesterday I made chicken thighs. Salt, pepper, garlic powder, some chilli flakes. Pan fry them and made a sauce out of the fats rendered from The chicken with some chicken paste and sour cream. Some pasta to go with it. In the side green leaf lettuce with onions, salt olive oil and balsamic vinegar. You can call that garbage if you want, but this is a complete and very tasty meal. Cost around 5$ per person. And no I didn’t calculate the cost of my pans and knifes and stove. If it takes you 35$ to make two burgers you are doing something very wrong.


Yea but I don’t really like vegetables  *edit I don’t really like the taste of vegetables. I like that they are good for you. But I just don’t like how it tastes 


Did I say vegetables? Rice and chicken is cheap. Pasta and meat sauce is cheap. You are spending more for crap.


What are you talking about? McDonald's is way more costly than practically any other option


Tip for fast food? Never. I will never tip fast food. That is what sit down restaurants are for. I tip at sit-down restaurants.


You waited so long my milkshake is melted. Please remake this for me>


I'd be so petty about that. If they refused to remake it, I'd leave it and charge it back on my card.


Bruh, firstly; idk if you’re aware of the ice cream machine broke meme… well not only is that based off of real life, it’s way easier to make some fries and a McDouble than it is to make a milkshake. I get the sentiment but you’ve officially gone too far, like; is McDonald’s…. Even the bleeding hearts I argue with on this thread will agree that you don’t have to tip at McDonald’s… 😂 Hope you got whatever karma you were looking for, just chill and enjoy the milkshake.


McD's could get away with their shit being broke and bad service when they were cheap. Now that they're all inflated and expensive, they need to get their asses in gear.


Clearly the machine wasn't broken.


You got shitty service. The people in front of you got shitty service. Any ice cream order gets even shittier service. And it's McDonald's. Stop being so paranoid.




Liar! McDonald’s doesn’t allow employees to accept tips…it would drive business away.


As I’ve said multiple times, no employee was asking for a tip. It was on the kiosk ordering screen. Pay attention.


stop posting LIES. There is no McDonald's kiosk anywhere that asks for a tip... .NONE, NO WHERE. Also, they all still have a counter, you aren't required to use a kiosk.


Congrats on going to every single fucking McDonald’s on earth!


The last time I ate at mcdonalds was almost a year ago.... if they ask for tips on the machine now that's outrageous.


I saw a guy that's eaten like 30,000 big macs (I forget the number but it's stupidly big like that) so maybe this person is that guy.


The person from the maths problems is finally here


That’s just my cousin throckmorton


61 and have NEVER eaten any ‘food’ from McDonalds 🤮


I quit when I was 17. Never liked the food anyway, and that was where the basketball team went every single time and I got sick of it in a hurry, so I'd just walk to whatever place was next door or across the street. About 5 years later I was out late with friends and there was nothing else open, so we got McDonald's, and then I had indigestion for 3 days


I’m lucky enough to live in central Texas and we have Whataburger and Kerby Lane Cafe 24 hours.


Whataburger sucks too. Not as bad as McDonald's but still not good


Yep. Guess that’s why it won a Nationwide poll as one of the best fast food restaurants in America. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Here's the first result for "best fast food restaurants" on Google: 1. MCDONALD'S 2. STARBUCKS 3. CHICK-FIL-A 4. TACO BELL 5. WENDY'S 6. DUNKIN' 7. SUBWAY 8. BURGER KING 9. DOMINO'S 10. CHIPOTLE 11. PANERA BREAD 12. PIZZA HUT 13. SONIC 14. PANDA EXPRESS 15. KFC 16. POPEYES 17. DAIRY QUEEN 18. ARBY'S 19. JACK IN THE BOX 20. PAPA JOHNS 21. LITTLE CAESARS 22. WHATABURGER All those shite places beat your precious Whataburger in the poll, with McDonald's in the first spot. McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Sonic, and Dairy Queen all rank higher in the burger category. Still wanna claim these polls mean anything in regard to quality?


Since it is beyond you to actually put a link to your opinion, here’s one: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13301215/Americas-best-fast-food-restaurants-ranked-did-favorite-make-cut.html Whataburger was voted #4 by Americans. What you posted was based on volume and not quality of their food.🙄 But, I guess it fits your agenda. 🤷‍♂️ And, if “there are dozens of lists” as u/Cormorant_Bumperpuff says, then why didn’t they include a link to your link where they got it from?


There are dozens of lists and they're all different. White Castle made #10 on your list and they're all gross as McDonald's, so that invalidates any notion that the list is based on quality. You're an idiot and you have terrible taste, bye


Ted's regularly wins "best Mexican restaurant in OKC" and it's the second most bland, boring, over or undercooked food I've ever had. The first is some supposedly amazing Italian restaurant I went to with some friends after a hike, it gets rave reviews because most Americans just don't know good food. Same goes for everyone who thinks Whataburger is great, the majority is not always right. Talking shit on McDonald's and then praising Whataburger is such a wild take, that's like saying 50 Shades of Gray was terrible and then following it with "thank the gods we have Twilight!"




No, smart.


Did not happen. And, OPs first post!


It did happen. And so what?


Eh, you’re still sus as hell. Probably a liar. It doesn’t change my life though


Dude, they had to fix the ice cream machine.


Everyone knows the ice cream machines are always broke down. Guess that's your point.


Hurr durr hurr DOH


My McDonald's has the kiosk and the tip. Exactly the same as you described. Indianapolis.


No, they don't. They don't ask for tips. There is no tipping option on any McDonald's kiosk.


So does my Taco Bell. Same as McDonald's kiosk, etc...




I never saw a tip Option at McDonald’s


This is clearly a lie. The milkshake machine never works.


am i the only one? i don't like the taste of shake but i do love the McFrappe


That's the ice cream machine.


It's the same machine, I used to have to clean them.


Not real.


I was at McDonald’s yesterday and used the kiosk. No tip option.


I worked at McDonald's before, much like Walmart, they will punish you if they find out you're accepting tips. You're lying, there are plenty of places you could have used for your story, but you chose the easiest to debunk. 


This is a your mileage may vary situation. He was probably in a different state than you. Also a lot of the payment service providers have the tip function built in. They might not have asked for it to take tips. Shouldn’t call people you don’t know liars


All McDonald's use the same kiosk devices, the ones corporate tell them to. A franchisee has less freedom to do what they want than people give them credit to. As I said in another comment, they aren't going to risk losing their investment (because they pay a shit load to get a franchise), just so that the employees will get more money. 


I never said any of the staff asked for a tip, it appeared on the kiosk screen, there were no workers to be seen until they came out of the work area to “deliver” an order.


My friend, you were at a McDowell's.


Tip tier reference


no you didn’t. you’re saying this McDonalds is different than all the others?


There is no tipping at McDonald’s it’s against all their policies. There is definitely none on their kiosks




McDonald's, as a corporation, doesn't allow tipping, and to answer the "but it's a franchise location" that you respond to others, no one that puts in the money to open a franchise location will risk that for money they can't legally even accept. Owners can get in legal trouble for skimming off the top on tips, and they don't give a shit about their employees, so they aren't risking their investment for the employees to get more money. 


Very highly doubt it, the manager seeing them purposely take 20 minutes to make a milkshake will not go over well in a business that thrives on quick customer fulfillment


Plus literally nobody is tipping at McDonalds so even if they see that you aren't tipping, you'll be with 99% of the customers that don't tip at McDonalds.


There was never a manager in sight.


Bcuz you’re lying


There is absolutely no way that I would wait 20 minutes just for a shake. I would have asked for my money back by at least the 10 minute mark.


Same, but there’s not gonna be anyone to ask for a refund.


More than likely OP was waiting for the milk shake machine to get up to speed and this has nothing to do with tipping.


Yeah most times you go there the shake machine is not working


Weird. When I worked there tipping was not allowed. They pay at least minimum wage, so not a tipping model


I was at Subway this week, where I assume minimum wage is the norm, and there was a tip option included in the transaction. This was in Kershaw, SC.


Maybe he is referring to tipping the ice cream machine repair guy.


Wait, what was the address???


He’s lying.


No tip. That's just typical Macdonalds now days.


There are McDonald's where they serve you at the table with full service and still DON'T ask for tips and indeed are not to take them (I tip them anyway). OP must live in Hollywood or something if even true.


Definitely not true.


McDonald’s. 300 Market Place Dr, Oakdale, PA 15071 Go there yourself.


No reviews mentioning tips, but the reviews on google maps for this place are overwhelmingly negative, and mostly centered around wait times and wrong orders. Seems like you got lucky only waiting 20 minutes.


I mean it's McDonald's, what do you expect? I honestly don't understand why people still eat there; the food is gross, way too expensive, and it always takes forever. I went once because my pregnant wife was craving their fries, and it took about 15 minutes for that despite not being busy. I've taken the kids a few times, and no matter what location it takes forever


Are you sure it was a tip option or a donate to a charity question? I've never seen a McDs have a tip option. Their franchises have very strong rules on what they can and cannot do as it can tarnish the brand as is happening here.


Yes, I am sure of what I saw. I can read just fine.


Prove it. Go back when it's open, record it so it's clear you are entering that McDonald's placing the order on that kiosk, and post it.


Look how defensive you are. 100% false story.


They’re downvoting you but you’re right. No way a McDonald’s has a tip option.


Yup. Tip jar I could see, though it would get shut down quick. But a tip option on the kiosk is 100% impossible.


Where was this? According to McDonald’s cooperate that’s not a thing and could get this franchise in trouble. 1000% they dosnt name the location or the location doesn’t ask for tips. Basic propaganda.


McDonald’s. 300 Market Place Dr, Oakdale, PA 15071 Go there yourself.


I just called. Their kiosks do not accept tips. Got a picture since it affected you so much?


Weird. I just called and they said the kiosk does include an option to tip.


Who did you talk to


Just ask to talk to the store manager or assistant manager. I won't give out their name's or their number here, because I bet Reddit will think that's doxxing or some such bs. OP already stated which specific McD's they used, and everything else you can find via Google.


I did and they very clearly no McDonald’s is allowed to accept any tips….who did you talk to that said otherwise? I’d write it down I bet you get some gift cards out of it


lol of course he doesn’t. Fake story for internet points.


lol. Sure you did.




Could you let us know the location?


McDonald’s. 300 Market Place Dr, Oakdale, PA 15071 Go there yourself.


Don’t be offended. I’ve used kiosk in many locations and have never seen a tip option.


Which McD was it?


McDonald’s. 300 Market Place Dr, Oakdale, PA 15071 Go there yourself.




I honestly loathe tipping at the time of order because it seems to have zero impact on service. Have had numerous times where orders that included a tip were wrong or "forgotten" or super slow.


Last time I tipped before an order, I got a pizza that was both square cut AND pie cut. And I had to wait an extra ten minutes to get it because they screwed up the first one. Never doing that again. I'll consider tipping once the service is performed, thanks.


Never seen that. The few times I do McDonalds it is the one by my work which is probably the best in the state. Fast service, quarter pounder hot off the grill, fries hot etc…I would tip but they don’t ask at the kiosk or indicate it when they bring my tray.


I always tip 100% at McDonald’s




(it's /s if you don't know... The new reddit trend is to make fun of the people saying you should always tip 25-30% on your meal, coffee, massage, vending machine, whatever, by saying crazy tip amounts like 100% or more.)


Where the fuck are you seeing that? On this sub? Don't listen to lunatics


(again, it's /s (sarcasm) when you see it. They aren't serious, they are making fun of it ...)


That's terrible


I've seen this.


No you haven’t.






Crazy that that’s what it’s coming to.


It’s not coming to this. McDonald’s doesn’t accept tips.


I've been there, this is very true. They have a tip option at the kiosk now. Pretty much everything does.


It would be strange. But if the program set it up that way it’s possible.


Yeah bullshit. It’s against company policy and nobody is reprogramming their kiosk.


Yeah, the tip option is standard to the software. You're right, nobody did reprogram their kiosk.


There’s no tip option on a McDonald’s kiosk.


Weird. I just called the store OP provided and they said that their kiosks did have a tip option?


No you didn’t.


Sure did, dxde.


Yeah. I just called. They said they don’t have a tip prompt. Why did you lie?


That's odd. They told me they have a tip prompt. Why are you pretending like you actually called?


Here’s the thing: 1. Implementing a tip prompt would be impossible 2. If they somehow achieved the impossible, there would be no benefit to those involved who are risking their jobs and/or franchise business 3. When I called they said they didn’t have a tip prompt. Now, neither one of us can prove that we called, and even if we could, neither one of us can prove what was said on that call, so both your claim and mine are essentially moot. But when we go back to the first two points, we can see that what is being suggested here is false. No clue why you want people to believe this, but you’re spouting nonsense.




McDonald’s doesn’t have tipping. Your gaslighting


Looks like someone doesn't know the definition of gaslighting.


Or “your”.


McDonald's are owned by individual franchisees. Some of them have a different way they set up their payment system.


Nope. Some McDonald’s are franchise, others are corporate owned. None accept tips.


So someone has taken a picture of this right? Like should be easy enough to prove.




I only see it as deleted?






I’ve never seen this at McDonald’s. I call bullshit .


And you think just because it doesn’t happen to you means it doesn’t happen at all


I think because it’s impossible and untrue that it doesn’t happen at all.


It's because it's a franchise issue. McDonald's is either going to do tipping at all locations or none. Franchise owners have very little control over how they operate. I also doubt OP.


You are correct.


Where did you get that information? franchise owners have a lot of control over their business


They don’t have control to hack their payment kiosks. Use some logic.


Some franchises do some don't. Most don't because a franchise wants you to operate the business the same as any other one. The reason for this is that if I go to McDs in LA, it'll be the same as McDs in NY.


Except maybe prices due to local costs and availability of specialty menu items.


I don’t things that I’ve never heard of, never seen, and sound ridiculous.


How is it ridiculous? McDonald’s is own by franchisees


Some are, yes. But you think a franchisee figure out out how to hack their internet connected ordering kiosk that’s supplied by McDonald’s corporation?


But they use McDonald’s pos system. The whole story doesn’t make sense. He sounds like he went in and used a the screens to order but the hen he talked about then “bringing it out”. Was he in his car? Was he standing in the restaraunt or was he sitting where they couldn’t see him. None of this makes sense and just sounds like a reason to bitch.


Yeah that's why some McDonalds also have whoppers.




They don't franchises can't just do whatever they want.


Oh I missed your point I guess.


It's true, they have them in airports that ask for tips. I see it all the time.


No you haven’t.


I bought food at Orlando and no option came Up. Fake news.


Because Orlando is the only airport....


No… because McDonald’s doesn’t allow tipping.


Huh? What?


Maybe it’s an airport thing? I’ve never seen this.


Could be. Not all airports do it either. Really is a coin toss.


No airport does this. Stop.


Lol, you sure are triggered. Relax dude. If you don't believe me, I don't care. You will see it for yourself one day. Have a great night!


Nobody is triggered. But making up stories for internet points is silly. McDonald’s has a strict no tipping policy. An employee can be fired for accepting a tip. But you believe that somehow the manager at an airport McDonald’s hacked the ordering kiosk to create a tip option. Just stop.


I never said anything about the manager or hacking the kiosk. I simply stated the fact, that some of them do have a tipping option....it's not a hard concept to grasp. You do you though! 👍


You have not stated a fact. You either made up a story, or you misunderstood what you saw. Every McDonald’s in an airport is corporate owned. There aren’t going to be “some” that have a tip prompt at the kiosk. That’s simply not how it works. But luckily I travel for work. Which airport was this, I’ll probably have an opportunity to check for myself in the next month or two.


Find a different restaurant. This is disgusting. Basically they're not paying people but they're still trying to collect salary


Always complain to corporate


It’s a fake story. Nothing to complain about.


I think that’s a franchisee thing


A franchisee doesn’t have the authority to add tipping.


Authority is different from ability.


So you believe that a franchisee has the *ability* to hack the internet connected, company supplied ordering kiosk to add an unapproved prompt, which then calculates the added tip to the order total, and reflects these amounts on sales reporting and monthly P&L statements, and McDonald’s corporate has no idea this is happening? Girl please. Use your head. A tip jar I could believe. A prompt on the kiosk? 100% impossible.


Odd. I called the store OP is talking about and they said their kiosks have the tip option. Guess you're wrong here, dxde.


Weird. I called too and they said they don’t. Now what?


Well, it's obvious you're pretending to call.


Obvious in what way?


They should be taking stuff out in the order they receive it


Our McDonald’s also has the kiosks but I don’t recall them ever asking for a tip. But I’d be pissed and if would be enough for me to not go there anymore. I only drink their iced coffee anyways so it would be easy to quit going lol


Corporate doesn't allow tips for McDonald's employees. Id report the location. It will reflect badly on McDonald's as a whole, and I'm sure they would appreciate the feedback.


There’s nothing to report because it’s a made up story.


Moral of this story is fuck McDonald’s ,


No it’s just that you are the very lowest priority now. Counter service has now become kiosk at most of them and they will focus on filling all the drive thru and Door Dash orders to the point you may think they forgot about you, which in reality they kinda did.


Now that makes sense. Thank you.


Why are you eating at McDonalds is the real question. If this makes you stop eating ar McDonald's then hurray for you. May your life choices continue to get better. Just the tip


I never get people like you that seem to get so upset that someone chooses to eat somewhere THEY wanted to. WTF? Who gives a fuck where they eat, it’s a free country.


a nation is only as free as its lowest class


I am not upset at all. I don't care about you. I was trying to encourage your not eating at McDonald's anymore. Take it easy, man. The entire world is not out to get you. McDonald's is nasty. Just the tip


Why are you so upset? Opinions are like assholres, everyone one has one, but it sounds like you probably got a couple. Sounds like you’ve been getting just the tip when you’ve been wanting the full shaft.


Because he wanted a milkshake.