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I wouldnt tip at a food truck, ever..... And, I would never tip before I got my food or service...


Bunch of people bitching about tips lmao this is the economy we live in either live in it or piss off to a different country this is America ho


No tip for u


I am interested where is your delineation? Most people are bitching that the line has moved. A food truck is just short of fast food. Hell most of the time it is. They don’t wait on you. They don’t bring you the food. They hand it to you through a window and you piss off. People are Asking for tip and guilting people were tips never before were expected. If food is involved in any way that is not a fast food joint there is a tip request. I got prompted for a tip a couple days back at self serve candy store. I literally walked it, opened the barrel, got my candy out in a bag, weighed it, and was charged and asked for a tip. I never even interacted with a person. Shit is getting strange.


Not tipping in that situation either. $15 sandwich is a generous tip lol.


Work in a food truck every year for about 2 weeks. As the cook, I promise you the food came out just as fast as it could be cooked no matter if you tipped or not.


Only tip when there's good service


This tipping culture is out of control. If I have to order my food standing up, there’s not going to be a tip.


IMO tipping before receiving food is crazy. People are more likely to mess with your food or drinks if you don’t tip well. Same for all the food delivery services. Nothing worse than giving a huge tip just for the food to be late or the shopper to pick shitty produce.


That’s horrendous. I hope you don’t go there again.


You're insane for paying $15 for a shitty sandwich. I've never found a food truck with great or even good food... Hell, I wouldn't pay $15 for a sandwich from a real restaurant.


Never tip the owner. The owner sets the prices. If the owner wants more money for the service, the owner should charge more for the service.


There’s a fine line between being able to charge more and not getting business because food prices are too high.


If you think you don't get enough money for your product, then you charge more for your product. As the owner, you set the price. If the market doesn't support the price you set, then the extra optional price won't be paid, either.


Tipping owner-operators of food trucks rubs me the same wrong way as tipping owner-operator for hair/nails. They are owner operators and have set their price. Why the hell do I need to tip? If I am literally swiping my card on their square on their personal Iphone/... WTH?


I’ve always been told the same thing…. and I’m just sick of the tip culture. Sick of it sick of it. there’s a salon / massage advertising in my area now that her and her team do not accept tips. The menu prices are what they are. Im going to give them a try…


My father told me years ago that if the owner of a restaurant serves you, you should NOT tip him/her it's kind of insulting to him/her to be tipped. That was about 45 years ago. I've supposed that rule applies to owners of other businesses but maybe everything has changed since then. (????)


Tipping in general is out of control. I can see if your actually doing something above and beyond your job description or are in a job that has traditionally always tipped to make up for ridiculously low wages, but expecting money from strangers simply for doing the task you are employed to do anyway is ridiculous. And the social engineering that’s used is bs. I basically stopped going to these establishments that encourage this type of thing because they so cheap they try to subsidize employees benefits, or just allow an employee to make a tip jar and basically aggressively panhandle via social pressure.


I remember when I was younger my mom said it was an insult to tip the owner


This sounds somewhat familiar come to think of it. My grandmother would clue me into all kinds of old school social etiquettes. They kind of extinct now but every so often I recognize someone prescribing to them and it reminds me of the grace and class of that woman.


We never turn it around . We say we are good and if they say what about a tip I’ll turn it . We do have a cash jar out ! People have different preferences on tipping but I don’t want more of ur money unless u want to part with it


and here I thought the story was going to be about tipping the truck over.




Like cow tipping, but more messy.


Is the truck owner-operated or is there additional staff involved? Anyways, you can’t go wrong being overly generous, but if you don’t want to, then don’t.


If I have to order my food standing up, there’s not going to be a tip. This kind of bullshit makes me want to get some phony bills with Bible verses to put in tip jars.


I do at a local taco truck but only because it think it’s outrageously underpriced and I want it to stay there. Sometimes they just boop it all through, sans tip. Usually I don’t. I’m a good tipper generally, I hustle don’t seek this pressure with POS machines at times when it’s not customary to leave a tip.


Most places most servers do end up with their tips on the same day there is a rare occasion that credit card tips are paid out on paydays and some places. Especially here in Vegas if you work on the strip. In addition to tip pulling done by most of those who are dealers at the table games.


In my food truck, cash tips were day of, credit card tips were added to each paycheck every 2 weeks. It’s pretty standard from what I’ve seen.


I don't pay $15 for a sandwich...


Food trucks are expensive!!!


No more expensive than getting a good sandwich from a cafe where I live.


I still haven't seen a sandwich that expensive in a good cafe... nearly $10 is already too much... for the cafes when frequent, our huge sandwiches are $8 to $9.


A lot of fast food sandwiches like Arbys and things like a Big Mac can about $6 to $10, so it's wild to me to think a good specialty sandwich from a quality food truck wouldn't be at *least* double that horrific crap.


Stop paying with cards for food cash all the way, no goffy tip thing to navigate on the always changing pay app, if I’m giving a tip that person has it that day(my mom worked a tipped job, waiting for tip payouts sucks )


You mean servers have to wait until payday to get paid? the horror..... /sarcasm


Lies servers get their tips that day stop being cheap and using ur mom as an excuse or maybe shes was the problem


Sorry should have put this here but not all servers get their tips the same day. It is very rare but there are some places that choose to pull and or take the credit card tips and pay them out on paydays. Cash tips are always given same day and this is from somebody who's been in the food industry and restaurants for 30 years


This is the way!


I don’t like the ‘service fees’. I have looked at how much UE and the like charge for those junk fees. I would rather tip my driver/delivery person as they are who are doing the work. The restaurant (especially sit down type places) does not have to turn a table, seat people, etc. So why do they jack up the menu item prices for these delivery services? That, on top of the junk, opaque service fees have made me choose to not even place the order. I will admit to placing an order, putting a decent tip on there, then zeroing it out and giving the driver the relevant amount in cash. At least that way, I know they are getting the entire tip that they have worked for. In another part of my life I did Shipt and cash Tips were ALWAYS preferred.


It’s absolutely not the restaurants jacking up the prices. They’re getting screwed just as hard as the drivers.


See my other comment here somewhere. I stand corrected.


They jack up the prices because GrubHub, Uber Eats, et al take a huge percentage of the tab for themselves. You want to do the restaurant a favor? Call them directly and place an order for delivery. But be aware that many restaurants have farmed out all their deliveries to the delivery services so you may have a hard time finding one that can bring you your did themselves. But if you do you'll avoid the absurdly inflated prices and service fees


I see. So UE etc. screws both the restaurants and the customers? Honestly, sounds about right. I appreciate the insight. I did not know the merchants got it coming and going. Even my favorite Chinese place (the shabbier the place, the better the food kind of place) that used to deliver, albeit to a limited radius now farms out to either DD or UE. I’ve come to the conclusion that half of what dining out is about is the presentation. It’s lovely when my steak arrives cooked perfectly and still sizzling. I’m only going to get that by going to the restaurant itself. So UE and the like expects me to pay a premium price (while they are also gouging the restaurant too) to have my food arrive cold and tossed in a plastic container. That’s not dissing on the drivers. They can be as careful as possible. Some dishes just don’t travel well. Me thinks, in the future I will just get off my duff and go out.


Some insight into this topic: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/09/technology/delivery-apps-restaurants-fees-virus.html


Yeah I don't know food trucks seem like a profitable venture because you don't have the staff of a restaurant so pricing is generally quite a bit lower than in a restaurant. For example if I'm paying like seven bucks or eight bucks for a really good cheeseburger with a bag of chips I'll tip a couple bucks but if they're charging $15 to $17 for similar portions I'm definitely not going to be tipping much because they are already operating at very large margins. For a point of sale tip questions I usually do tip just because I know that the food is going to be good depending on where I'm going and I make sure the chefs and backroom staff get some tips because chicken wings are tasty. 20% at my chicken wing place and 20% for servers everybody else, 15 or less.


I’ve never seen a food truck of any sort, besides the common roach coach with fried foods not be insanely expensive. We have one locally that specializes in grilled cheese sandwiches for 20$ and that’s the base item. Nothing crazy, just a grilled cheese sandwich. It just gets worse from there.


Hmm, can I ask where you are located? I'm just outside Minneapolis-Saint Paul and the pricing really varies from truck to truck.


California. Probably explains everything 😂


I'm in CA and there's a huge food truck scene in my city, with lots of great ethnic and specialty foods along with typical American diner type fare. The cost is either cheaper or about the same as going to a cafe/restaurant.


You cool paying 20$ to stand on the street and eat a grilled cheese sandwich you could make at home for less than 2? Nm. There’s always going to be a difference of opinion and prices depending on where and who you are. But to the original point, I have a hard time justifying dropping 50$ at a food truck then 5-10 bucks for a tip to what are usually sole proprietor outfits. I’m sure some outfits are big enough to have employee run trucks but traditionally its owner operator I believe.


You talking about grilled cheeses sandwiches as if that's the only type of food available at a food truck just tells me that you haven't frequented enough food trucks to have an educated opinion. It could just be an issue of your town sucking when it comes to food selection, but that doesn't mean it's that way everywhere. In my city a lot of food truck menus rival anything we can get at a restaurant.


You could be right. I’m not attacking the food truck industry. Or saying you are wrong. I’m saying 20$ grilled cheese sandwiches are a bit over the top. As an example. And that tipping on top of that seems redundant. I don’t frequent food trucks often. you’re correct. Maybe I’ll check a different one out if I happen across it.


See that's the weird thing. In New York you can get great food for cheap and it's insane cost of living there, I don't understand the discrepancy.


We have insane cost of living, insane taxes, insane prices on just about everything. Licenses, permits, and any other kind of pay to play instruments are exorbitant ,complicated, on a tiered scale with multiple payment schedules, renewal, or recertification requirements so I mean I get it. I just choose not to partake. As I have my own life subscriptions to pay for😂


Sounds like my business's worker comp insurance they keep sending bills and surveys and bills but I'm pretty sure in Wisconsin I can just cancel it because I only have two employees.


Yeah it’s nuts. Every year my property tax has the same 400 and change levy for this never ending storm drain study. Owned this place since 2018 and it’s been on there every year. Or something like it. Evidently storm drains are impossibly fascinating and who ever does it is incredibly wealthy. 😂


Everything here is though


No idea but food trucks here are crazy expensive.


I only pay in cash at places that force unreasonable tip amounts on already overpriced food for lousy service .


Why would you eat at those places at all, though? I mean, if the menu says the sandwich is $15 and you think Jesus, that’s a lot for a chicken sandwich… leave? Because I leave all the time. Also why I avoid 90% of Austin food trucks. Because that’s what they’re all like. You pay 200% more for food that takes :30 to get and is basically Chili’s quality.


Chili's quality? They are THAT BAD? Wow.


My mom and I went to a Christmas craft fair together last year. We are hungry and decided to go to one of the food trucks outside. Korean fusion. The way it worked is you walk up to an iPad that's mounted there, you go through the menu and order what you want, you pay with your credit card. Then you stand back and wait for your food to come to the window. There was an option for tip when paying. I think we did 10% as a no spit tax. But we really felt it was absolutely ridiculous to be asked for a tip. I have since started getting comfortable with doing no tip or just a dollar in those situations. I promise you the people behind you are not paying attention to what you are doing on the screen. But even if they are, they are watching to see if you hit no tips so that they won't feel guilty doing it at themselves later


Nah. Your prices reflect what you need to charge to make your intended profit. You literally made the product I ordered and handed it thru a window. I owe you nothing more.


I don't think it's a tip for service , but just if you feel like tipping . It also really does suck working in those trucks


Then the wage and price ought to reflect that. Don’t bully customers.


Lmao, a question to add a tip is not bullying. There's literally an option to not include a tip. Don't feel ashamed about it, I can guarantee they're not cooking your food any differently. They're likely too busy and not petty enough to open your ticket, review your tip, then proceed to start cooking.


Ur comment should have more likes poor sir ppl act like the ppl working make the ios programs that ask for tips


Yet another example of guilt tipping


Why u feel so much guilt it gives u the option its not like u pay and they choose their own tips




Part of the way tips have always worked is that they are incentive for them to give you the best service. Ever go to a restaurant that is fully booked where there are open tables but they are being held for those with reservations? Giving the host/hostess $20 to seat you right away is the same thing. Look at Uber Eats- the prices are inflated sometimes by 40-50% over getting it yourself and there is a separate place to tip. What happens if you click $0 tip? Most likely you will wait 90 minutes minimum for your food and when you do get it then it will be cold. However if you tip the driver well they bring your food first.


This is exactly right. I do Uber eats and I can tell you that how drivers decide to take a delivery or not is usually a dollar to mile ratio. Base pay starts at two dollars from Uber in most places. So a no tip order starts at two dollars. No driver (well most drivers) is going to take any delivery for only two dollars so it sits. As time goes by Uber increases the base pay to incentivize someone to accept the order. It’s a lot of wear and tear on the vehicle as well as the time it takes to deliver the food. Most drivers are going to be at least a dollar per mile minimum to deliver anything. 90% of orders, it doesn’t matter how big they are. What matters is how far you are from the restaurant. It’s also a factor if there aren’t a lot of drivers in your area. It will need to increase enough for them to drive over to the restaurant and then to your house. There’s also the added risk of being a driver on the road all of the time. When people tip for delivery service, they are paying for the driver labor hours, the wear and tear on the vehicle, and also risk factor that they are out on the road.


The tail has officially wagged the dog. Sorry, tipping is supposed to be in appreciation of good service received. What an absolutely ridiculous situation where tipping is now used to actually receive service. Glad I’m not in the U.S., and when I visit, I won’t go near Uber eats or similar. I use a meal delivery app most days. I almost always tip, but it’s on delivery - not after. That way, if the driver goes the extra mile/communicates/etc I will tip more than normal. At a restaurant recently in LA, there was an insect in my food. I quietly pointed it out to the manager, who apologised and said the dish was on the house. Fine. Then when the bill came, the server made it very clear that I was expected to tip based on full order including the ant farm that was taken off. Fuck off.


> I won’t go near Uber eats or similar. I bet some people here who are the most adamant against tipping will use these services, which completely promotes the toxic tipping culture. And to be clear, I will never use such services.


You are absolutely right. People who work for these delivery apps should be classified as employees, be paid a fair wage, be paid properly as driving employees, which is an entire thing on its own, and if they want to still make profits, they can just charge a distance fee or something to the customers that 100% of it goes to the drivers. But they would never do that because they would pay more in taxes just to have employees. It’s why we are all classified as independent contractors. We shouldn’t be, but we exist in a gray area between employee and independent contractor that these apps are definitely taking advantage of.


Tips are meant for people who don't get paid a fair wage and rely on you for livable pay. Typically, this only includes the wait staff at a restaurant, as they have been allowed to be paid under minimum wage and used tips to supplement income, or if I asked a service worker to do extra work that wasn't originally agreed to, then I tip. Pretty much every small business I use has a tip line on their card terminal and I ignore it. It just makes management look bad for being unable to charge the correct price for a product or service, in order to pay their employees a fair wage. It would be different if they worded it as, we won't charge you the last 20% until you are satisfied. But don't advertise a price, then stick a tablet in my face with a tip line, that's just bad business practices. I blame coffee shops for starting the trend of well paid employees asking customers for extra tips to do the job they are paid to do. It's the restaurant paying it's waitress $2/hr that you are obligated to tip.


What you’re saying, put another way, is that tips are for giving owners windfall profits and letting you subsidize their underpaid workers so they don’t have to. Is that what you actually believe?


Let me clarify, it's not up to the customer to run a business for management/ownership by being obligated to give their employees a fair wage, when a price has already been agreed upon. It's bad business and it's what management is supposed to be doing to prevent those bad business practices being passed on to their customer. It's more about laziness and ignorance, than windfall profits by ownership that is concerning, whenever you get the tablet pushed in your face to give a tip for a service or product that didn't require anything but a minimum amount of effort. I am all for a business being profitable, I wish windfall profits to all entrepreneurs and business owners.


They have to pay the difference upto minimum wage if the tips and servers wages equal out to less than minimum wage. Some states (the entire west coast, at least) everyone is paid the full minimum wage or more, yet the tipping culture is the exact same as the rest of the nation.


I'm just explaining why you are obligated to tip wait staff and why you aren't obligated to tip other industries. I am well aware that labor laws have stiffened in many states and it's not legal in all places for wait staff to have a separate minimum wage. However, it is still legal in many places and it's up to you to know if you are obligated to tip in your geographic area. But, it's just how restaurants were allowed to operate for decades in our country. You don't get a tip to pour me a cup of coffee, sorry.


Why it's even legal to not pay people a wage outright and put the financial & emotional burden of paying their staff on customers already paying for their food is beyond me and is really a vestige of when slavery was still legal (when you read about it, you'll know what I mean) In California, waitresses get paid minimum wage on top of their tips. So the $2/hr thing doesn't apply in that case and is just straight up guilt-tripping.


I have never given the person in a food truck tip. They're very often the owners/family member. So you're basically giving the owner who is probably the cook as well tip. With that being 15 freaking dollars, they probably (stupid not to) already priced their items to turn a decent profit on their own merit. If it was a food truck I really liked and they don't get much business I might consider it. The ones I frequent while very good, aren't under threat of going out of business they're always packed.


A $15 sandwich?? Damn


I just had a $20 fried chicken sandwich (with 8 tater tots) from a food truck. The lowest tip was $4. I had to hit the custom tip button and type in 0.00 to not leave a tip. I'm 95% sure they used the frozen fried chicken breast from Aldi.


Yup - maybe you haven’t been to a fast food restaurant lately for their $13-$18 combo “meal deals”….


Oh I’ve definitely seen entire meals for that price, I was surprised to see the sandwich alone being that much without a side & drink included in that $15


I have food trucks I go to often. I think it’s a good idea to tip people who handle your food a couple times per week.  Honestly, the food trucks I go to are all family owned and ran. I would rather tip these people working super hard who make me bomb ass food all the time, than some server who just takes my order and brings the food to my table. I feel like the food truck people are a lot more deserving to be honest.


Why? They’re setting the prices. Surely they have the acumen to set the price at a point they are happy with.


I don't tip anyone unless I'm in a sit-down restaurant where I am actually being waited on. If I have to stand in line to order my food, pick it up and take it to my table... yeah I'm not tipping.


This is the way


We need to stop caring what total strangers think of us. Who cares


I care if they're handling my food unfortunately :[


I think this comment was referring more to the people in line behind OP who he said could see the tip screen.


Tipping is a boomer era practice and should be removed from society. Pay people a fair wage, and charge them a fair price to cover your costs.


That's funny.... most younger people are the ones who shame older people for not wanting to tip 40%... they (WE) want to tip what was the standard for 40 years of our lives... that was 10%... only recently did the so-called "standard" get raised to 15 or 20% (by servers, of all people).


So you saw other people behind you in line place their order and then get their food before yours and you feel singled out? Or a computer just asked you a question and it upset you so much you had to make this post?


Not mandatory. Just a means to show gratitude. They work hard in those trucks.. it’s cramped, and it is *hot*. I’ll always throw a buck or two their way. No one’s expecting you to tip 30%, but a few extra bucks to show your thanks is a nice gesture.


don't go back


I don’t tip places that expect the payment and tip before services are rendered. To me, a tip is based on level of service. I’ll tip even a kind of crappy waiter at a sit down restaurant like 10%, but more like 20 for good service. Hair stylists and things like that also get tipped. Fast food where you pay up front, no.




...why would anyone tip a food truck?


it would be the same to tip a vending machine -- they need to add that option. :)


It's just a thank you , it really sucks working in those trucks


But isn't that what the price of the food is for?


It's not a "we expect a tip" it's just optional if you feel like tipping


It's just a thank you , it really sucks working in those trucks


No reason tip. Don’t even think twice about it.


I guarantee you the chef had no idea or couldn’t care whether you tipped or not


Most of the food trucks I've been to the chef, cashier, and the owner are all the same person, some of them have like a spouse in there where one does the cashier work and the other cooking the food. Either way the same money is going to the same household. Food trucks with how expensive they are considering their overhead costs, probably have items already priced to make a good profit.


the chef could easily be the same person in a food truck.


I agree.


You should not be tipping a food truck. Tips are for good waiters who serve you, check on you, clean up for you...not fast food that you stand in line for. If you wouldn't tip a McDonald's cashier or cook, you shouldn't tip anyone else who does the exact same thing.


I feel the need to share an anecdote that applies to all the chains. When I worked at Subway (long enough ago that the food and wages were respectable) we were **not allowed** to accept tips. The owner's son would occasionally put out a tip-cup, and people were more than happy to toss in a few bucks, but the policy was that we were to refuse tips, even when the cup wasn't out. So seeing chains now... McD's, Starbucks, other Subways, etc., fuck them all. They get wages, add their beef is with management and politicians to get better pay.


Yup. I agree.


If you’re going to not tip, atleast don’t be paranoid about it after the fact. Otherwise why punish yourself?


don't be paranoid, and don't go back to a fast food truck, that takes 30 minutes to bring your meal or has an upcharge(tip) to make it fast


the only tip i can give a food truck is to not charge so much.


There's a line so was busy and it also takes a while to cook chicken, if it's fried chicken there is usually not room for very many fryers in a food truck. So they may have been cooking previous orders before they could put yours in the fryer. I doubt whoever was cooking the food knew how much you tipped


I'm in Texas and I would definitely tip the food truck people it's hot as hell in there


I agree with this position. I see owner-operator as worthy of tips as much as bartender or other server working that role, on top of the added appreciation that they're in the heat to provide you the food. It's a business I appreciate so I'll give them something extra. It's nowhere near the same as tipping a franchise owner.


I'm also in Texas and every food truck around me is owner operated. I don't tip owners, they set the prices. If they want more, then chaege more.


For a minute there, I thought you were talking about the same thing as cow tipping.


I started carrying cash. No tip screen with cash payment




They’re already getting that tip on those jacked up prices. I don’t tip unless I’m sitting down in a restaurant usually.


If I'm standing up when I order my food, 99% of the time, I'm not tipping.


This why I don’t eat at food trucks. You pay sit down restaurant prices to eat standing up with your food in your hands in a paper dog dish with plastic utensils and they expect tips, naw.


Food trucks in my town make like caravans and roll around like settlers traveling the Oregon trail. They usually go to the same spot with like 6 or 7 of them in a big circle in the evening. They set up tables and chairs in the middle, music, lights, dancing, a playground. Lol it's wild. Honestly if you could imagine a mall food court but outside, it's basically like that. There are 3 or 4 places like this throughout my town.


Food carts used to be significantly cheaper, now when you consider portion size theyre usually more expensive than traditional restaraunts. Makes no sense. Definitely don't tip them (I generally avoid them all together now anyways)


Or you could have just tipped a buck or two. You are already overpaying for a sandwich so money mustn't be too hard up


Why not just tip everyone, then? The cashier at Walmart probably would like an extra dollar from every customer?


Back to the if you don't have enough to tip don't go out argument.


No...just saying 15$ is a lot for a sandwich. You don't spend 17$ at a food truck if you are worrying about money. That is all I'm saying.


There’s no logic there, and it’s obviously not true


Whatev tip don't tip idgaf. Just making a point that 15 bucks is a lot for a sammich


You’re saying all sorts of things lol


I know. I should have just said "damn that's an expensive sandwich for a food truck"


That deserves a double upvote




Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


It’s funny, that’s the attitude that leads you to not have money. If you spend it just because you can how will you ever save? Yeah it’s only a dollar in this case, but the dude worked for that dollar. If the money means so little to you,,I can send you my address and you are welcome to mail me all those extra dollars you don’t care about…


I'm just saying 15 bucks is a lot for a sandwich. I would never buy that because I need to save as much money as possible. But if you don't have a problem with spending so much what difference does a 1 dollar tip make?


“Spending $17 on a chicken sandwich and drink is ok, but not $18”


Tipping at the point of sale is so dumb, unless you’ve been to the place before and know the food and service is good. The whole point of a tip is to say thanks for the good food. Hopefully places that make you wait longer if you don’t tip go out of business.


Yeah, you're right. I never thought of it that way. It doesn't make sense to tip before the service is done. What if they give bad service and don't deserve a tip? I'm definitely not tipping at the point of sale anymore.


Appreciate the validation lol. I have a taco truck near my place and I know they’re good so I do tip at the point of sale. I did have a not so good burrito one time and I just didn’t go back until a few weeks later, so usually I’ll tip but if they mess up I just won’t eat there as frequently and they miss out on my business for having bad quality. If it’s my first time at a place i might not tip, but sometimes if the person at the counter is really nice or funny I might tip $1. Then if I enjoy the food and everything I’ll be a repeat customer and tip based on what I’m getting and stuff. If I’m on vacation I’m usually tipping every time, maybe small amounts but this is because I won’t be a repeat customer. I think it should depend on the situation and a lot of things, even my own emotional state lol. I once had someone ask for a tip and then forgot to put the sauce in the bag that comes with the food. I think that is the worst, when they don’t do their job and ask for a tip. At that point I should get a discount lol.


Well if they change service promptness based on TIP then that’s the first time I’ve actually heard someone in modern times actually use it as intended.


I don't like to buy food where the staff don't have a sink to keep clean. In Bangkok, they were clean the dishes in the Chao praya river.


but if they cleaned their dishes, the food wouldnt taste as good. the reason a hotdog from a street vender tastes good is because of all the rat droppings.


ummmmmm food trucks have 4 sinks. at least.


Food trucks in the US are licensed in the communities they serve. I believe they're generally required to have a sink for hand washing.


And you need a 3 bay for dishes. Wash rinse sanitize


Assuming they are properly inspected and licensed they are required to have a sink and ontop of it sanitization system similar to a regular kitchen (some states vary a bit) but sink is required


I own a food truck! We had our first event the other night. We put out a tip jar, never really tried to figure out the tipping thing on the square reader/app so we just…. Didn’t? We had way more cash sales than card, we only made like $30 in cash tips and that’s fine. The real tip comes in telling me how much you like my food by buying more of it.


Big mistake. We did an event last week. $2k in sales. $60 in cash tips, $232 in CC tips.


Not really important but I like when they write something other than “tips” on the tip jar.. like college fund.. or have two jars, one for Biden, one for trump (if you’re in the US). Those make me smile and oddly persuade me to leave some cash. I’m sure there’s a behavioral study hypothesis in there somewhere.


We were literally on our way out the door when we realized we didn’t have a tip jar. So I took a Cashews container I had in my pantry, dumped it out, crossed off the EWS part of CASHEWS with a sharpie and called it a day lol Side bow: went to a Dunkin where they had a “tip question” and you’d put your top in the appropriate cup with the answer. Tip question of the year was “how many people did Charles Manson murder?” The answers were 0 or 7 I was honestly shocked and awed by both the hilarity of the question and the place i had found it


That’s how tips should be. And even if people get a good sandwich they still leave feeling like they were pressured into giving a tip by those IPad / auto generated tips (usually gives you 3 huge choices of 15%, 20% and 25%. Then if you squint and look real close you can find another option that says “no tip”). But most customers feel like they’re being peer pressured into tipping.


100% that’s why we’re not fixing the “problem”. We typically tip for takeout since Covid bc my husband used to live off of tips so we get it, but we also get fatigued by the constant upselling/rounding up/donate to XYZ charity/etc


My rule of thumb, if I have to stand to order, I'm not tipping.


Do you tip when odering take out, delivery?


Take out, no. Delivery, I tip the driver because a service is provided.


Order take out, then went to pick up...no tip? Delivery, sure i understand that.


Used to be food trucks were the cheapest places to eat and gave you piles of food because they had low over head expenses, but somewhere along the way they became trendy and now the pricing is higher than the sit down restaurants and they expect tips although they own the food truck and are already making profits off the food.


Yeah I don’t eat at food trucks. 17-20 dollars for a sandwich. I’m good bro. I’m good.


I dont go to food trucks anymore, in FL a 30 minute wait time in blistering heat is not fun and 15$ is more then I would pay at my favorite sit down mexican restaurant. So I could get my 11$ plate and a sweet tea with free refills for 15$ plus AC and a table to sit at. Food trucks need to lower their prices or bring a tent and a friend willing to play waiter before I go to a food truck again.


Why would you tip before receiving your product. A tip is for a job well done, not a job well going to do.


Tips are actually meant to be given before, not after. It literally means To Insure Prompt Service, TIPS. Only here in America do we do it wrong, like most things. Lol


Lol, what a load of shit. You misspelled ‘ensure’, by the way. TEPS. Haha.


Omg, please learn English. Insure: to protect against risk. You tip to protect your risk of bad service!!! It's English, NOT the American dialect of English!!


Haha, idiot. Under your acronym’s logic, you’re not insuring, you’re ensuring. Believe me. Also, I’m English. And I know the difference between ‘insure’ and ‘ensure’. I also know that tipping should be done after service, as a gesture of appreciation. 45+ countries visited. Only one tries to pull this shit.


Omg, to insure, as in insurance. I haven't visited that many country but the dozen or so I visited tipping after wasvonly in the US or a few that patterned it after the US way.


You are literally talking nonsense. Nobody at all wants US tipping culture. Please learn the meaning and context of the words ‘insure’ and ‘ensure’. You are completely wrong. Tipping before would be to ensure, not insure service. Jesus Christ. Not exactly flying the flag for the American school system, are we?


Btw, thanks for proving me correct


I didn’t. But you’re too low-rent to understand.


Lol more proof. Thank you.


So, wanting INSRANCE to make sure you have prompt service can not he shortened to the word INSURE?? OK THEN. LMAO OHH HAHAHA HO HO HO LOL FOTFLMMFAA. Geez.


That isn’t what insurance is. You would be ‘ensuring’ prompt service, you absolute imbecile. Also, let’s just remember that unless you’re ordering standing up, you won’t be tipping until the end of your meal. When you order standing up - you aren’t receiving any service. You’re literally just buying a product. Again, you’re probably a bit on the dense side to understand how this skewers your argument.


Tipping is a city in China.


First of all it is “tip” not “tips”. Here is the history: https://time.com/5404475/history-tipping-american-restaurants-civil-war/


Odd, it's first written usage is from 1610 so it literally can NOT be American by orgin. Like I said, Americans twisted it around. Your link may be about its American usage, mine was not.


Repeat- there is no “s” One does not leave a “tips” Where is your referenced link?


i think the only thing they can link to is an article that says thats not what "tips" means or ever meant.


Btw, one does not leave a "tips" but one "tipS" !!!!!!!


Wow! No point in discussing


Lol do you even understand english???? So at the end of a shift a waitress does not add up her TIPS, with an S?? So you don't say if the service is good I will be TIPPING well?? I mean, it's ONLY tip right?? Smh, super thick, lol




😂 😂


😂 😂


Your comment is unacceptable. What's the reason you feel the need to be so hostile? Examine yourself.


What does the bottom of a receipt say? It says “tip”. Sure, once more than one is received and you need to add them up, THEN the “s” is added because it is now plural. Your explanation does not align.


You give tip, not give tips?? Sure thing.


As I pointed out a moment ago. The word would be ensure not insure. So all bets are off.


Omg, just wow. Insure as in insurance against. To Insure, to protect, Just fucking wow.


So one tip, but, not, one tips?? Again, English.


You previously stated that the “s” stands for service, which would result in the bottom of the receipt “tip” line be left to mean “to insure promptness”. Also, just remembering an “English” correction that was pointed out to me previously, the word should be ensure with an e not insure with an I. So you would actually be claiming “TEPS”. Hmmmm