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America doesn't have poor people, only people who aren't rich yet.


I'm sure they respect the parts of American culture that are worth respecting. Tipping isn't one of them.


Europeans typically are 50/50 ;but the one group that never tips is people from india


I always wonder, when we Americans go overseas WE are supposed to follow their cultural and customary norms. But when they come here, they don't want to do likewise and we are supposed to then also follow their norms or make allowances when we don't get the same courtesty? I mean either we do there and do as they do and vice versa or not. Gotta be a 2 way street.


Read up history of tipping and its racist roots


Tipping is racist! Racism is bad so tipping is bad and we shouldn't do it. I feel good to be fighting racism.


Not sure I agree with this. There's nuances to this. I've talked to Europeans and it seems like they often try to conform to our tipping culture when over here (although they usually get it "wrong" because it's stupidly complicated) but they also wonder why it's like this. To me that's much different than Americans telling Europeans that the fundamental aspects of their society are somehow stupid and wrong. Tipping is a part of American culture, but if you go to a foreign country and give a speech on what it means to be American, I doubt tipping is high on your list of things.


Most Europeans really try/want to respect local culture when they are here in the US, but you have to remember that their culture doesn’t have as high a tolerance for BS. Telling them that tipping is a) voluntary, b) obligatory, and c) at least 20%, and that it is d) a reward for good service as well as e) part of their wage, etc. etc. is all very hard to take seriously for well-intentioned Europeans.


Good for Europeans! Don't succumb to the exploitive tip culture! They will still serve you and will still get paid by their employers!




The UK has a gdp per capita equal to Mississippi and most of Europe can't afford ACs


The UK and Europe are not the same thing.




I hate the ac. It’s so cold everywhere right now bc of it. I’m sick in the summer. My girl is sick in the summer. We need ac here bc everyone is so damn fat. They keep saying it’s hot when it’s not hot. 85 is not hot. Lose some damn weight


Europeans don't have as much money (liquid cash). They can't afford to pay an additional 20% on top of the price.


I think it’s not being disrespectful. They probably assume that the bare minimum - employers paying the employees a living wage is a given in a first world country and world superpower. So tipping just sounds like what it means - additional appreciation credit for exceptional service.


Imagine the arrogance to travel to a country while being ignorant of their customs


This is pure projection.


That compares nothing before the arrogance to expect your wages paid by your customer, instead of your employer.


I'm sure they don't care.


I went to a neighborhood restaurant yesterday and the server took my order, brought it to me and then handed me the check with the suggestion of an 18% minimum tip (New American style and I spent about $60 for a party of 2). He never checked on me in that hour (which I don't mind but that's the only 'extra' service I can possibly get in a restaurant), but I wonder what % should I tip so pro-tippers and servers wouldn't call me a cheap loser?


There is no amount you can tip that will satisfy them unless you leave enough to make an internet story.


Spot on here. It has changed so much in the last decade or so. I remember circa 2010 and earlier, if you left a generous tip it was a huge deal. Now they don’t even pay attention. The only time you get a reaction is if you leave no tip!


For me, it depends on the type. Restaurants? Bring the food, check on x1. If I forget, I get off my ass at no cost to the server. With wages going up, I tip less. If they’re gonna make more than me and are responsible for less people than I, I tip less. I’m not leaving $20 tips on food. Get over it people. I don’t work for them. If it’s drinks, the had damn well better bring me more than one. That check comes and all I’ve got is my once drinks, the tip is $0. I drink maybe twice a month and I only want 3 anyway. So really they’ll call you cheap for not turning out your pockets anyway. Fuck them. Tip what you want.


They don’t need to. They’re tourists. Build a bridge and get over it


Tipping is a choice though. 


Neither are many americans it seems reading posts in this sub.


Good, progress is good 




Europeans shouldn't come to the US anyway. Stick to Europe, nothing here worth seeing keep moving.


I won't go there anytime soon. Many of us see the US as a dystopian oligarchy that doesn't care about its people.. We kind of pity how the government treats you. You do have beautiful national parks but I wouldn't risk breaking a leg over there. Y'all are welcome to visit. No need to tip, but if you do, please limit it to €1 per person. And linger around for as long as you'd like.


Well, you do have nice nature reserves. And I don't have to tip trees and canyons (yet)


Europe has nature too, no reason to travel to the other side of the planet to look at some trees or a hole in the ground.


True, I've only been to the US for business, and I took that chance to have a look around. But the nature is the reason why I would visit the US, if I were to visit again.


Oh you are just a baby really. My god. Get over yourself.


If you can’t afford to tip, stay out of the country, cheapskate. /s


Tipping is optional. They’re not doing anything wrong.