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Welcome to America....


Does it give you the tip for doing their work?


Does the tip go to the self-checkout machine?


Hi! I'm Tippy!


One better- self checkout with two charity donation requests and then a tip request, all from self checkout. Fuck off.


Never round up for "charity" it just goes to their tax write-off. Donate yourself to a cause you care about.


Widely believed but incorrect.




That's not true. But it certainly makes the company look good when they can say they raised XX millions for starving kids with cancer but then again it's kind of nice to help those kids.


I saw a short skit about this recently... I thought it was a joke... Why would anyone tip for doing the work themselves?


I guess if you thought you did a good job. Lol


Is there a way to put in a negative number?


I wish dominos would bring back the 3$ pickup tip on your next order. Basically a 3$ coupon on your next order for not ordering delivery. I’d keep doing that since I live close enough.


They have some sort of $3 tip thing going on… but I think it’s to do with delivery. I kept seeing commercials about it on vacation recently.


Oh ye, something like tip now and get tip coupon for later type of thing. But you still pay a delivery fee as a service charge. So I don’t usually do delivery to save on that. 


Maybe we should start by defining the word "tip".


Is there a place/way to write "I tipped myself" on the machine?


I think actual grifts are fees you cannot opt out of, that used to not even exist, because they fucking should not exist. The main ones that come to mind are apartment fees for trash valet, pet rent, and where I live they even have this middle man package delivery service called fetch. The apartment companies apparently pay like $10ish a month for the trash valet or fetch service and then charge us $25 or more, so they can make more profit off of us. We are about to make our cat an official emotional support animal, so that we can avoid some if not all of the bullshit pet fees.


Emotional support animals arnt protected and they can just be like no, pay anyways. It's complete bullshit btw. Not that you would, but you can totally be denied entry into places as well with an emotional support animal btw. Like dont try and bring them to a restaurant or theater or plane.


I have been slowly moving towards the no-tip group after COVID. Service has been absolutely dog shit outside of smaller town we live in. The service has gone down, the expectation to tip has gone up drastically, and the expected tip has gone up drastically.


That's funny they wanted a tip for doing nothing and you doing the work you should have said to them you'd like a 15% discount because you're doing the work. The funny thing is payroll's 8 to 12% they want to get a tip for doing nothing so they'll effectively make more money.


When I first found this sub I thought it was just broke people crying and well there are some of those, the vast majority are posts like this complaining about about the tipping creep that is now seemingly everywhere.


That’s true. Only broke people complain about cost of living. Pass the grey poupon, please Mortimer.


Lol it did come across that way, col creep should worry us all. I'm lucky to have disposable income and a nice home but with enough inflation it will cripple all of us below the 1%.


Please someone explain to me why I'm asked to tip at a smoke shop when all the clerk did was grab an item off the shelf, scan its barcode, and ring me up. What service did they provide?! The service of doing the bare minimum for their job?


Please don't tip for that.




I work at a pizza place with a tip option, I just ask the customer to sign their receipt and if they see the tip option and feel like writing one in that’s great, if not that’s fine too. I don’t expect to receive a tip for customers coming in and picking up their own pizza but it’s nice that some people are generous and show appreciation in the form of a tip.


No disrespect but "appreciation" for "what"? I get it that we've dog-trained-programmed Americans to tip w/o logic. But, just between you and I ...."What are they showing appreciation for?" Especially when that exact same "appreciation" isn't expected for any other "like" interaction Picking up dry cleaning McDonald's Prescriptions When a person in retail bags/boxes pulls from the back/off the top shelf. It's not your fault.....Free money from suckers would be appreciated by anyone, but I'm just asking ....don't you find it illogical that handing someone a pizza may warrant an "appreciation tip"...but not handing them their blood pressure pills? No beef, it's just hilarious how ppl get programmed


I provide our customers with the best customer service possible, I even get the door for them on the way out so they won’t drop anything. Many of our repeat customers tip often because they appreciate the service provided, I don’t just “hand them a pizza”. Some people order 12 or 15 pizzas and I help them out to their vehicle even though it’s not required on my part, I try to always make sure the customer is taken care of.


I mean some people appreciate others just for doing their job and are feeling generous. I never feel pressured to tip cause fuck that but I do like making people's day occasionally.


Which is cool ...not a problem MY point was ppl get "programmed" to only ...show that appreciation and generosity with certain jobs but from a logical POV .... Why doesn't it happen to the pharmacy clerk that hands over a prescription or the person that pulls down a box at Target? We just don't get "programmed" to "reward" equally.....my observation is ppl get programming to "tip" one industry and what screw others? I always found it quite interesting how we tip a waitress at Dennys for doing way less than we ask of a person at the counter at McDonald's....that would Take the order Make fries Make a sundae Take the money Make change Sometimes, bag the order and give extra ketchup/sauces Yet nobody really deems "their" minimum wage gig "tip" worthy 🤔 It's just funny to me how that works..... The person that simple "hands" a pizza or a coffee looks for a "tip"....then we see these ppl in fast food running around like maniacs and we, as a culture haven't given them shit for years. Just an oddity I find fascinating.


Love this. You hand me my pizza, tell me a great joke, sing me a song I like, and tell me how good looking I am; then I might consider tipping you. Otherwise, you did what you were paid to do and don’t deserve a tip.


It’s a computer program. Ignore it.


Unfortunately, it's starting to become a norm in places where you'd literally think WTF? I used to work at a hotel and prior to leaving my boss proudly announced he was introducing a tipping option for the staff. I figured cool, for services like valet and housekeepers. Those are the staff that normally take care of a guest through out their entire stay. Sometimes they wouldn't get a tip because we were cashless and the guest had no way of breaking a large bill. He announced that the front desk have would also have the option to receive tips. I couldn't even fathom checking a guest in and displaying a tip line on the screen for the guest to add as they accept the charges for the stay. I was so embarrassed.


We should get a discount for ringing up our own our purchase


Depends on how you do it......


It is. But it’s also built into the computer program.


For the programs that have it yes. For everyone else a 3rd party service via QR codes strictly for tipping. Either way it seemed conflicting with company policy regarding monetary gifts in non-tipping positions. I asked how he was getting around that as we were a corporate hotel and had to follow policy. He couldn't give me an answer.


Just say no. It’s so easy


No tip


What's the place, people need to counter act on these low lifes....


"***I*** *did all the work, here.* ***I*** *deserve the tip. Where's the discount option?*"


No tip if i m not getting any extra service.


What is extra service really means? What is the main job function of a waiter? Take order and deliver your food. They will need to do those no matter what, the service part is just smooth talking you to order more or the expensive menu section. Tipping in USA is just a way for business owner to have you pay their employees.


The customer pays the employees either way. You just have more control over it in the US.


It is the other way around. If you depend on tips, you have less control on how much you make monthly.


Right. I, as the customer, have much more control over how much of a waiters salary I pay when tipping.


However everywhere else in the world, you don’t have to think about waiter’s salary anytime you eat out. Just eat and pay the bill, if you feel like splurging…yes, tip is optional but not an obligation.


But I mean tipping isn't really an obligation here in America either because the waiter salary isn't my concern to begin with they accepted a minimum wage job and get paid minimum wage why is it any of my concern if they get paid more than minimum wage they're getting paid to do a job they accepted.


I wish it wasn’t an obligation in USA…have you tried to put $0 on the tip?


I’m not pro or anti tipping, I don’t particularly care. I tip well even in countries where I’m not supposed to. My point is that people always suggest the establishment is somehow “tricking” the customer into paying the servers wage. That’s not the case. The customer pays the servers wage regardless. If the business has to pay it directly, they’re going to raise prices to cover the increased cost. At least in tipping culture I have some ability to NOT tip if I don’t want to. That’s the only advantage, though I’m nearly 40 years old and I don’t think I’ve hardly ever left less than 20%.


Sometimes tipping is not welcomed in some cultures, it is actually an insult. In US, I don’t blame people that they feel that they are getting tricked into paying the server wages…if you are obligated to tip regardless of the quality of the service. The key word is “obligated” and it’s not a voluntary gesture. Yes, businesses have to make money. I understand that, every restaurant outside USA can do this while still have a reasonable menu price. Let’s take example of fast food restaurants in USA, they can survive just fine. They also increased the price over time but people have the power to reject if they are too much. One of the reasons why restaurants falling all over the USA is people refusing to spent extra 20% on foods when they eat out. This is accelerating after pandemic where people have to prepare their own foods.


This take does not even begin to make sense, my friend. Nobody has to accept a tip any more than anyone is forced to tip. If you don’t want my tip, give it back to donate it to charity. Not my issue. Restaurant wages and expenses are all paid by the customer. All of them. There’s no other income in the industry. All money comes from customers. Whether you raise the prices by 30% or I tip 20% doesn’t really matter to me. Tipping culture gives wait staff the opportunity to increase their wage with exceptional service, that’s why people in higher end establishments can make a very lucrative career with it.


It wont make sense for most Americans since you have travel to a lot of different countries to see how they do it there and I have been to many different countries. https://www.exoticca.com/us/blog/where-in-the-world-should-you-not-tip/ That article may explain it better. I get your point, but I would rather US operate like others countries. Just up the menu price and don’t expect tipping to be an obligation of customers if you are a waitress.


My definition of extra service - you dont have to agree, and I dont ask you to - is if a waiter gets me things I need without me asking or if I ask for some particular stuff that isnt standard.


Obviously it’s your choice not to tip for standard service, but make no mistake, you are being subsidized by the rest of us. I hate the tipping culture in the US. But it’s firmly entrenched and the prices of food and services are reflected in this model. I guess I should give you props, this is classic game theory and you are winning.


Who said I dont tip? And take that subsidization bullshit outside.


If you don’t tip when you’re “only” getting regular service, you are being subsidized by the majority who tip for anything but bad service.


I worked in a fast food place that a tipping option on the pay screen. I always made it a joke to put people at ease. I know you're giving the restaurant money, but the machine is going to ask if you'd like to give me money... Most people laughed with me, and I'd always thank them for laughing. Some people tried to grumpily tell me they don't tip at this type of place, and I'd happily tell them they are just fine, i totally agree, but they have to press the zero option before it will finish the transaction. Sometimes when people would ask about it, I'd make something up like, I think the owner puts that there so he can justify paying us less.... it was probably true. I was always amazed how generous some people were.


I think since you did all the work that the business should tip you so put a negative number in the tip space.


I like this logic. It is the same for when I look at speed limit signs and only see one number. Nothing says that it is the upper limit of speed and not the lower limit-min speed.


[There's no rule that says no negative nilly numbers!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWxQBb3gyBM)


If I'm not sitting down with an actual server, there will be no tip, ever. And tipping by the food cost is ridiculous. $5 for good service, $0 for sh*t service.


I don't understand the percentage either. The server brought me out 1 plate, regardless of what is on it.


I use to be very uncomfortable to not leave a tip when there was no service. The ‘last straw’, was when I went in to order a pizza, and prepared to sit and wait for it in the store. I was asked for a tip. It’s just an annoyance, as now your thoughts have been interrupted. I mean, you thought your work was done! Now you have to work on figuring out how much and also why they are asking. Thank goodness, …I am much more comfortable now with ‘not leaving a tip’ when there is no service. So I can have my thoughts uninterrupted …peace. (I am (F), and an introvert).


Literally just quit a pizza place that did this (though that was not the reason I quit.) I struggled trying to figure out how to word the comments to the customers, because I also think it’s ridiculous. Basically decided on a middle of the road, “it’s going to be (total), you can insert or tap your card and follow the prompts on the screen” because I didn’t even want to open the conversation if I could help it. I’m very thankful that nobody brought it up, but it disgusts me that it’s there to begin with. I wasn’t paid well, but I was paid enough for the work I was doing, and it is so unfair to expect the customers to subsidize the company’s lack of give-a-shit. Unfortunately, the employees are stuck in a lot of cases, too, as it could mean their job in states with at-will employment.


I went to one of those DIY frozen yogurt places once with my kid - the kind where you pour frozen yogurt into your cup yourself, add toppings yourself, put your cup on the scale, swipe your card and go sit down to eat. No one else involved. One lady was standing behind the counter though and as I waited for the scale to calculate my -absolutely SHOCKING- price for two concoctions, she pointedly told me that I had two options to add a tip; I could add it with my electronic payment or I could leave cash in the giant tip jar right next to the scale. Sure enough, after I slid my card, the machine asked me if I wanted to add a 10%, 20% or 30% tip. It took me 5 additional steps to NOT add a tip. I'm typically a generous tipper. In this case, there was zero service.


it takes more energy to rant about it than to just not tip, you know.


Takes less money tho, goober.


It’s not about the Money honestly.


Exactly. It's satisfying to rant about something. And free. When your scrolling reddit anyway. It's negatively satisfying to give someone cash for doing a dipshit task. You gotta weigh whether the "scorn" from the idiot is worth it.


They need to update their settings because most POS systems have options to show or not show tips nowadays. As for tipping, I tend to do it more at sit down restaurants where I’m actually getting service. My dinner group has made some servers happy because we all tip 20% or higher unless the service was really bad. When I do carry out at some places, I will tip some because usually it’s me not wanting to cook dinner that night. I don’t do 20%, but at least something. The one thing I’ve seen people comment on is fast food. If you do the drive thru you usually don’t have a way to tip anymore because they take the card and process it for you. The other thing with fast food is if the drawer is off, that worker can get in trouble. I guess since I can’t really tip drive thrus, I at least show them extra courtesy and politeness. If they make a mistake, I’ll nicely ask to get it fixed. No Karen yelling needed.


At first it was hard to select “No Tip”, but as time has gone on it has become easier. Indeed, as time has passed I have become comfortable with NOT tipping anybody at all under any circumstances.


seeing as it's all electronic, I'm gonna start leaving AAA batteries as tips


Receipt for $187 Said gratuity auto included for parties of 6 or more. Ok fine. But then receipt asks for a tip. 0. Not playing these games.


I'm getting more comfortable selecting $0 when they haven't done anything.


SECOND great grift of our time.




I would have been gone when I discovered they only had canned cold brew. Not my idea of coffee.


Canned cold brew has it's time and place. Like when I'm out of all other options and desperate. There are these packets that you add to water to make an "iced latte." I'd choose that over canned cold brew actually. The packet is magic and even makes the latte foam.


Yeah I was drinking those packets like 20+ years ago, they’re surprisingly good.


I'd say surprisingly acceptable, if I add some creamer and that cold foam I like, then maybe surprisingly good.


Yeah, like tipping to carry out a meal. Like sure I’ll pay more just for you to do what you’re already being paid to do. I miss when tipping culture was more in agreement that there are scenarios where you tip such as at restaurants or a few bucks here and there and give more than a standard tip for exceptional service….Now though it’s like expected by every person with a pulse that does anything. A lot of jobs that should be tipped, aren’t, and a lot of jobs that shouldn’t, are.


“Other” ZERO. Boom


Maybe I'll start just putting $.01 everywhere.


You know actually because of this tip asking madness, i STOPPED tipping simple as that. No one tipping for the work i do and i do not need a tip , because a have a paycheck!!!


You don't tip for anything seems a little harsh? I mean delivery people? Waiters? Uber drivers? I mean some of those professions rely on tips for their main source of income


I still tip, but I have never understood this particular argument when it comes to W-2 employees. The minimum wage for servers is not different than for any other worker. The infamous $2.50/hr or whatnot refers to state-specific laws on how much an employer has to cover before they can apply your tips toward meeting the minimum. So if you made $15 in tips under that rule you would be paid $2.50 by the employer so long as the minimum wage was under $17.50/hr. If you made $5 in tips under that same wage your employer has to pay you $12.50 to make it up. Effectively this system requires employers to make sure the waiters are paid minimum wage, but if their employees are working hard then the employer gets mostly excused from paying them since their tips can count towards most of it. *Note: in some states the employer must pay the full minimum wage regardless, but this does not change the floor for waiters because it only changes the back end issue of cost shifting. The part I get hung up on is why a waiter is more deserving of a tip than someone working a drive-thru at 11pm. Or any other predominantly minimum wage profession that is customer facing. Also, if it's a really slow shift, isn't it possible for the tip given to a waiter to only result in the employer saving money and providing no benefit to the worker if you effectively tipped them up to minimum wage? The employer would have had to pay that. Where with other service industry work you know it is going to the employee and not being counted toward wages. I primarily still tip because I do not feel strongly enough to be one of the early adapters of something else. I also want to come back to good service and it is hard to get good service when one party believes they have been shorted.


I see what you're saying. But if minimum wage is 750 answer only makes 250 that means the restaurant only has to bump their pay up to that 750 per hour. Drive through at Chick-fil-A at least where I live they pay their people $17 an hour. So I guess when I say minimum wage I mean living wage.


Living wage is bullshit. For whom? Forcing minimums removes a lot of people from the job market and eliminates jobs.


Removing minimums just increases the amount of people who work full time and can't even live without government assistance. Companies paying near minimum are welfare queens relying on the government to make sure their staff doesn't die.


Destroying open negotiations destroys the economy by preventing trainees, pricing out humans for machines, part timers who supplement household income, young people who work part time during school etc. Motivation to learn new skills and grow comes in a meritocracy while artificially increasing wages stifles growth and punishes entry level workers. Communism does not work and forced pay is a form of communism. People who believe they deserve their own apartment, car, etc while contributing little are the problem. No Im sorry you don’t deserve $20 an hour for flipping burgers


If you can't pay your trainees a living wage your business doesn't deserve to survive. I ran a small business for 9 years and paid even no experience interns $20 an hour back in 2016. If your business sucks too much to do that, the sooner it dies the better.


Our society works because people earn what they deserve. Living wage is bullshit-living how? Sharing rent with roommates or you deserve autonomy with no skills? Rice & beans cooked at home or Panera delivered? Anecdotal examples are bullshit communism doesn’t work and you paid $20 because that’s what the market determined. How on earth is $20 any more of a living wage than $10 if the former is a single mom while the latter is a HS kid living at home? We must destroy the HS kid’s opportunity because someone else made poor choices and their skills don’t match their needs? Capitalism actually works because it’s a meritocracy and people are motivated to work hard and improve. Communism fails because everyone benefits ($20) while few perform


Society does not work on the US on any measures that matter 🤣


If you didn't live in an area where fast food workers were paid above the minimum wage would you feel compelled to tip them at all? >Drive through at Chick-fil-A at least where I live they pay their people $17 an hour. Going on the server subreddits, $17/hr seems almost unheard of. I routinely see $50-70k/yr. I have never seen a retail worker or non-tipped quick service worker earn that much. Even when you account for biased sample (low wages will post less) is seems like there is an inbalance. I guess I just have a hard time seeing your point when we are tipping someone at a busy restaurant we know has a ton of upside vs. not tipping someone who is never going to make more than that $17/hr without tips. My mentality in one sentence: it seems like the floor is the same, and both people are providing us with service, but one person has a very unequitable advantage with tipping culture. What are your thoughts on that? Do you think the work is different enough for it not to be tipped even though it is also customer service?


Yeah I see what you're saying. And that doesn't make sense. Could it be that people such as myself feel more comfortable about tipping their servers because of the time the server spends with them? Meaning I sit down restaurant my server will be tending to me for 40 minutes to an hour total. Fast food restaurant 5 minutes. I mean how to sit down restaurant I want the whole drink refill thing I want attentive servers to make sure I have what I need there really is an extra level of service that goes into that obviously versus the fast food place they literally take your order and then hand you a bag. But I do get what you're saying based on just what they make fast food workers should be tipped but no one seems to think it's warranted including myself


I started losing interest in tipping long before this became a discussion. It was when Chili's restaurants added a screen on every table where you could pay your own bill when you were ready. Not long after that our experience at the restaurant went like this... sit down and wait 5-10 minutes for someone to say hi > ordered cause by that time we all gifted out what we wanted > our drinks and food were brought out by several different people > never saw our waiter again > when we flagged him/her down to ask for the bill they would point at the screen. When you really assess what is happening here, there is much more value in tipping a worker at Subway that actually puts in your hand exactly what you wanted step by step, than somebody that just inputs your order into a computer screen and never thinks about you again. Note that I was a waiter 25 years ago at one of the busiest restaurants in the country. I made it a point to try to make my customers' experience a positive one. The ones that wanted to be left alone were left alone, and the friendly ones got the chatty version of me. So if I am not expected to tip a worker at a Subway, then I measure other workers compared to that Subway worker. Was their work input for me to get what I needed any better? If not, then why should I tip? Side story about delivery workers. Again 20+ years ago we would tip pizza delivery drivers. Then suddenly pizza companies started charging delivery fees of $2 to $5. Well, my tips used to be $2 to $5, so.... I stopped tipping delivery drivers. If there's already a fee then the service had been paid for and the driver has made the arrangements with their employer. This filtered up to any other delivery services. If I'm told in advance the cost that they are willing to accept, and the experience is nothing 'more' than the expected drive; then why should I tip? Now if the service is more than just the drive such as a good conversation or suggestions or finding a faster route, then they performed beyond the minimum and earned their tip. Overall, it is each employees duty to make their own negotiations for their own acceptable wages with their employer. In every interaction there is an expected minimum level of service in completion of a task. If the person performs beyond that minimum expectation then the customer ought to have a level of appreciation for that additional unnecessary service. That is where Gratuity comes from. It is a thank you for exceeding my expectations beyond the minimum. But if a worker is basically complying with the minimum so try I they were contacted to do, then they already agreed to the value that their worth and that's what they should get. Nobody is owed a "living wage", they are owed exactly what they agreed that they are worth.


The time commitment is an excellent point and I overlooked that. I still feel like there is not a fair equality in pay between some service jobs but I can understand the preference of tipping someone that is with you for a much longer period of time.


As long as we can all agree but if I pay $5 for a frappuccino through drive-thru shouldn't have to tip on top of that at Starbucks


Why would you tip a delivery guy? That's literally their job. Nothing about it caters to my individual needs or desires.


Amazon and fed ex pays well I think but I was thinking food delivery....they are literally catering to your individual needs and desires because you ordered the food


The delivery driver does the exact same thing no matter what you order. They aren't tending to your desires any more than the mailman.


If I desire pizza hut and the driver brings me a pizza he is literally delivering my desire. My mail man keeps bring me fricken bills....


So your logic is if someone brings you something you like they deserve a tip?


You said you don't tip because they are not fulfilling a desire or need...I just stated that if you ordered something they are doing exactly that if they deliver it to you. Servers, taxi or uber drivers, food delivery people and furniture movers all deserve a tip in my opinion. If you disagree then that's your perogative. If you don't tip and it's a small town then I don't think it's wrongnif they refused to give the people not tipping future rides or deliveries. To each their own.


Do you tip McDonalds at the drive thru? They are filling a desire.


I tip for services that I know do not pay minimum wage, such as servers or casino dealers. I also tip to people who come to my house such as movers or landscapers. I do flooring and tile for myself. I charge x amount...I own my own business so all the money goes to me yet many, I'd say 60 to 70%, people still tip on top of what I charge. Again, if you don't tip then that's your perogative. I was just stating that if your reason for not tipping is what you actually stated about delivery people then you are wrong about that. Use different reasoning...say I'm too cheap, or I don't care about other people, or I'm selfish or just a jerk. Say I'd like to but I can't afford to or saying only tip when I feel the service warranted it...or don't say anything at all. I don't care. But what you said was literally wrong. Not in a moral sense but factually wrong so I was just pointing it out.


I didn't say anything about desire. YOU stated delivery people do not fill your individual desire or needs...I was just explaining that they absolutely do.


Why work for a business where you have to depend on tips? Like I'm not trying to be insulting or anything but that genuinely sounds like an issue they should take up with the company. It's not my responsibility to make sure you get paid. I paid my 34.79 for the uber ride why do I have to tip extra because uber decided they don't want to pay the drivers a wage. It's crazy


Ok...let's not argue but instead discuss logically. I hear what you're saying BUT if uber has to pay a living wage then you will now be paying $50 for that same ride...and you'd be paying significantly more at that restaurant....we know servers and drivers don't get paid a living wage and they rely on tips...don't tip for bad service or rude drivers but ones who give you a pleasant experience you should obviously tip. If you refuse, then that's on you. And I think it days more about you than it dies the company they work for.


I tip well. I'd much pay $100 for a meal where they don't allow tipping so I don't get terrible fake flirting and small talk, than pay $60+ a $20 tip and get that trash with it.


Fake flirting and small talk? You're exaggerating to try to make a point. Good servers don't have to fake flirt or make awkward small talk.


Fake flirting works on too many goobers that it's impossible not to get that bullshit thrown at you unless you look dangerous and creepy. It's gross AF


Maybe if you're a single...if you are with a partner I'm sure it happens but it would happen less and be less obvious.


I agree with that but in the same hand lots of people that work tip jobs expect tips for doing the bare minimum. THATS where my issue lies. Is when it's become an expectation to tip regardless of whether the worker provided an amazing experience. I have no issue and encourage tipping those that go above and beyond but I absolutely hate when I get asked to tip for either self service or mediocre service. Know what I mean? I genuinely didn't mean to come off as argumentative. I wouldn't mind paying more


You didn't come across as argumentative I just wanted to make sure I wasn't coming across that way. I totally see your point also. And I totally agree that tipping when I go to the counter and grab a drink to go is just ridiculous. The Tipping thing is at a hand I totally get that. The one problem when paying more is if you're charged more for everything across the board and the companies now pay a living wage and those people that are horrible at those jobs whether that be drivers or servers I don't think they have any incentive to improve or to find another job.


Somehow chic-fil-a manages to employ people with excellent (or, at the very least, good) customer service skills. I've never worked there, but I imagine they handle performance management much like other businesses.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


That is also true. There needs to be changes to the service industry


I tip 20-30% at sit down restaurants. 0% at fast food.


I’ve been known to tip at fast food. For example, I tipped a guy at McDonald’s very well a few weeks ago. My mom has cancer. She wanted a smoothie. So ima buy her a smoothie because calories are calories. I get to the order screen and there’s no smoothie on the screen. I asked the guy if they still have smoothies. He was like “yeah, we had a problem with the machine earlier so they took it off the menu, lemme see if it’s fixed” and he disappeared for a few minutes. Then he came back and said “it’s fixed! Hang on while I try to figure out how to put it back on the screen so I can ring it up!” And he figured it out in a few minutes and he got me the much needed mom smoothie. He got a $20 for his trouble. Most would have said “machine is broke” and left it at that. He went the extra mile, and it allowed me to get some calories in my mom.


I sometimes just give them one or two dollars just to support and if I will be staying in a café I will definitely do .but it just really depends on the cashier and their customer service


"Depends on the cashier" well you see.....


As in if they are nice versus if they are rude and indifferent But even then I try to at least give one dollar


Lol. He said there's no cashier.


Hey, computers are people, too! /s




Did you even read it? They said it’s all self checkout w no people doing anything-


Yeah but I don't know I still feel like giving tip as a nice gesture


If you really want, I’ll do nothing and you can give me a tip?


I’ll do even less. I should get twice the tip.




I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for $5,000, Alex


Point of sale systems often have a default setting to accept tipping. Why do you think this person made this story up when it's extremely common?


Give yourself 2 dollars, your self service was amazing


I refuse to give tips at anywhere except at a sit down restaurant but the max I will give is 15%. If the service is less than great the tip will be downgraded. I was at a memorial service the other day and at the sit down dinner afterward the bartender had a tip jar on the bar, now if that wasn't in poor taste, I don't know what is!


Me too sit down only


18% and up and the white cloth on the table . In Europe we only call Restaurants with the white cloth on the table. 🤭 The rest are fast foods! 15% or less .


They are serving you


And if they aren't doing a good job, they won't be tipped or will get less than expected.


Get over it.


Yeah- nobody cares - go talk about it on some Internet forum where a bunch of losers talk about just tipping. We don’t need to hear about it here.


Nah man it’s weird


It’s just a POS issue, no one is expecting you to tip at self-checkout. Many of these systems were designed with tipping as part of the workflow, and businesses are slow to update them.


Went to the Wisconsin Dells, had breakfast at Paul Bunyans cook shack. You pay for your meal on the way in, every table gets the same thing scrambled eggs, potatoes, sausage, donuts etc. They ask you if you want to add on a tip while you are paying. Before you even sit down or had a sip of coffee. Maybe I am old fashion but I like to leave a tip based on service. If the food is bad I still leave a tip but if the service is lousy I will leave less than normal, and more often great service will get a larger than normal tip.


That place is a tourist trap. But… look to it as being a model for others elsewhere in the country.


I’m sorry you can’t afford a tip. The staff will understand because they don’t make a lot of money either.


Imagine you make a comment to put someone down as they can’t afford a tip but actually put yourself down caster you CANT READ


“caster you CANT READ?” Hilarious. Gfy


No one served her. I suppose could she tip herself.


They are illiterate


You're out of your fucking mind if you think I'm tipping when I get it myself and pay at a screen.


Staff needs to learn a skill


This is such a weird comment. This has nothing to do with being able to afford shit. WHY ARE WE PAYING FOR CORPORATIONS TO PAY THEIR EMPLOYEES SO THEY CAN POCKET MORE PROFITS??? This mentality is so concerning.


Imagine you make a comment to put someone down saying they can’t afford a tip but actually put yourself down caster you CANT READ


Because I live in the real world where the minimum wage is $7.25. You can’t go to your landlord and pay your rent with rage against the machine. You can’t buy your groceries with political arguments. People are living on the street in real, not fantasy, time.




This reply has nothing to do with anything. Just say you're licking the boot of capitalism and carry on. Less words, more honest. Thanks! 😁


You should completely divest from the system then. Live your ideals or shut the fuck up.


They can’t because it’s too much hypocrisy for them




Shut up


I hope you don’t expect to get paid for that rhetoric.


You are probably fun at parties. Insufferable prick.


Lmfao. Ah the ole classic "don't like it then just leave" argument. Can you tell me where you order your boot flavored pacifier? Yours has to be getting worn out soon!


Some people like to tip the staff prepping the food. California Fish Grill by me has kiosks to order that give the tip option. If I dine in I’ll leave a tip as they do clean up all your mess. If I get to go then I don’t tip. If it’s a kiosk only no one is watching you to see if you tip, just press no tip and move on with your day. No sense stressing yourself out with the small stuff.


Tips used to be given afterwards in appreciation for good service. One of the downsides of the cashless economy is that tips are being requested upfront, before any real service has been rendered. When it makes any impact at all, it becomes a “bid” for good service instead of a “gratuity” (gratitude) for service given. In a case like this one, it doesn’t even seem to have the effect of being a “bid” if the staff never knows who tipped. Nor will they feel particularly appreciated for it. Hopefully the restaurant is paying them a market wage already.


I think people get too worked up over something so small. Let’s say I want to tip and you don’t want to tip, what’s a system that gives us both what we want? Oh the way it is now in most places.


Oh for sure, the system allows it. It’s just that the expectations are creeping in a way that’s changing tipping culture. It’s totally fine if we disagree on the challenge this presents, I take your point.


Since people are ok with tipping to clean up someone else's mess I have added the tipping option to my firm's electronic payment screen.


>It’s just getting insulting at this point. It’s like the great grift of our time. You're not kidding. I'm fine with tips, and I'm actually more fine with self checkout than most people, but not together. That's just rediculous.


It's the software. It's made to be standard so it can be used anywhere without needing multiple versions of a software out there. You can hit zero. You're literally mad at a software?


It’s tacky & can be removed


awful take. the business is responsible for what they put in their business. don't try to shovel this on the software company. the business knowingly picked this item that had forced tip screen. they could just buy a product that doesnt have forced tip screen or they can configure it so it doesnt prompt for tips.




No it’s built into the fabric of society & can not be removed


It’s probably left on bcuz some ppl do want the option to leave a tip. Just bcuz you think leaving a tip is ludicrous doesn’t mean everyone feels that way. Some ppl want the option to leave a tip to show their appreciation for the ppl preparing their food and cleaning up the place. It’s not like any of these food service workers are making big money regardless of their position or establishment they work for, I’m sure they are happy for any tips they get. Mind blowing that someone would get upset and stop going to a place bcuz there is an OPTION for ppl to leave a tip. Key word being OPTION!!!


Correct we tip everyone we can


Yes, thats how I live too. If there is a tip jar or an option on the screen or receipt I just leave a couple dollars tip. My life is literally not going to change over a couple bucks, so why not boost someone’s morale and show them I appreciate their service if I have the option to do so. Life is a lot more livable when we treat each other with kindness.


I should put a tip jar outside my office at work - I’m doing a job after all. Honestly, I would denying someone the chance to tip me otherwise. Gotcha.




i want the option of not being begged for tips.


You have that option. Eat at home if it bothers you.




Well that’s a pretty sad establishment if the owner is trying to steal a couple dollars from their employees. I’ve been working in food service for 28 years and never seen an owner waste their time trying to keep the minuscule amount of tips that a casual/fast dining restaurant brings in.




Understand that just bcuz there is a self checkout doesn’t mean nobody works there. There are still managers working everyday that are responsible for settling all those credit cards at night and the tips on them as well. The owner would literally have to be there every night in order to steal the tips, and unless it’s a mom and pop joint, the owner probably shows his face once a year if that!


Literally everyone who works has a job, but those industries don’t expect tips just because it’s related to a job that gets tips. If you’re solely concerned about people who get paid too little then you would mean tipping healthcare workers, teachers, firefighters etc. The tipping system already sucks but I always leave money when I’m being waited on or for deliveries. That’s where I draw the line though.


I don't think most people know it's the software. If the average person doesn't work with software like that, how would you expect them to know that? I feel like it's reasonable to assume any extra questions outside of "enter your pin" and "is the total correct" might be added by the company. Especially when you go to some places that have it and some don't. Can't really fault people for not knowing...


Understood but they can't just click zero and move on? Just not understanding why something so simple can cause so much real estate in OPs brain.


Who said it's taking up "so much real estate "? They just asked a question. We don't know that they sit and obsess over it. Do you not have observations sometimes that doesn't completely ruin your day and take up all of your bandwidth but does make you wonder how other people feel about it? I feel like that's just a very normal part of being a person.


Eh she said she was insulted. To me that is over reacting. Just hit zero and.. MOVE ON.


Do not ever tip for self-checkout unless you 100% know the tip is split up between employees and I guarantee that rarely is the case, business owners are often greedy.


I can honestly say that I work in a place that asks for tips (even though you have the option of ordering at the counter or on a tablet), and I understand why the software requests them. Often in businesses like this, there’s only one or two staff members that do everything, and they’re paid minimum wage. Where I work, we only have 1-2 people working per shift, and we have to cook all of the food, mix drinks, wash the dishes, prep ingredients, clean and bus tables, bring out the food, etc. by ourselves. The tips help us to make slightly more per hour because they’re distributed evenly between us, and we’re each doing the work of four people for next to nothing with no breaks and no lunchtime. Almost every single person who works here has at least an undergraduate degree and doesn’t have the chance to work a job that pays a living wage because of the job market. We don’t expect tips, and our boss should absolutely just pay us more, but at least the software gives us the opportunity to earn money through tips if someone is feeling generous. Additionally, we don’t see whether someone tips or how much someone tips. The software provides the total to the owner of the business, who divides it up among us. He may very well be skimming off the top, but I hope it’s at least a comfort to people that they’re most likely not being judged for not tipping, because at least with our software, we have no way of knowing if they tipped.


There's a Steak and Shake like that in Nashville. You order at a kiosk, without human interaction, and the kiosk then asks you if you would like to tip. Nope. Not only do I not tip, but since that happened, I haven't been back. Don't plan to go back.


The boss needs to pay better period.


I just carry cash when dining out. Let a machine force tip cash, lmao.