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I’m saying this is somebody who used to be a waitress, being a server does not guarantee you or entitle you to anything. Yes tipping is customary and yes, it is a large part of the livelihood for anybody who is a server. However, just like any other profession the job has a definition. Any person capable of performing their job is likely to receive less compensation. If you had a contractor come out to your house and not do the job. Well they would not get paid. At least the full amount would be a deduction to pay. She did a bad job. She didn’t deserve extra money. Hopefully, she learned a lesson but likely she just chose to be bitter and it’s not going to make her a better server. And that’s because she sucks at her job. Lol


I would save your copy of the receipt in case they write in their own


I waited 30 minutes for the bill after an already terrible dining experience so just left


I have had one dinner in which we did not tip. We swore our waitress must have went to take a shit after taking our order we only saw here with the check. Never saw her during drinks or food everything late…


Had a similar experience. Unfortunately, I went to the bathroom at the end of the meal, and when I came back my wife had paid. 😒 The waitress did not deserve the tip my wife gave her.


Do you feel better now?


I would.


In this circumstance I make sure to tip them like $.12 so that they don't just think it slipped my mind. I want them to know how bad at their job they are.


I’ve not given a tip at a sit down place once in my life as an adult (when I was a teenager, regrettably I would go to Applebees and Chili’s and not tip, because I was a teenage dickhead). Since turning 18 and working in service, that has totally changed. But, a few years back I was with my kid and wife at a sit down place and the service was the worst I’d ever experienced. You ever get a bad server and the table across from you got placed in a section with a good server? It’s eye opening to watch. A table with more people, showed up after us, got all their food and sides before we got our bread. When we finally did get our food it was cold which indicates it wasn’t the kitchens fault. When we finally were done and wanted to check I waited over 45min for the server to never show up at the table. Told my wife and kid to go to the car and wait. I say for another 10mins and still no server to take our plates and ask for the check. Finally, I went to the front desk, and had to ask for my check and paid right there. There was more, but that one got a no tip from me.


At that point I prolly would've just left without paying. If the restaurant didn't want that kind of loss, they should have better trained or more aware hostess/server. Would've been well within reason to leave, and left a note stating you waited nearly an hour before getting your check, food was cold, and service was poor. Would've gotten the message across, and made them reconsider her position there. To put the cherry on top, I would've left the note under something light like the bread basket or smth so that if the person brought their manager over to "snitch" the manager would've prolly found the note if she didn't start cleaning first. Which I would wonder why she's cleaning a table she never gave a receipt to first before confirming if you guys were still there or not.




Honestly your experience is more commons. Many years ago service was always given quickly and with a smile. Nowadays they are clued to their phones or outback on one of their many smoke breaks. They just don't care about their job. They don't care so I don't care giving them a tip. You are justified in your $0 tip to them.


This sounds like either a new server or one about to quit. The disappearing part is the most worrisome


Welcome to the world buddy


I waited tables for 10 years. Whenever there was a problem in the kitchen I would go tell the table what's up. Then I'd go to the manager and ask them to comp the meal. Sometimes they would and sometimes they wouldn't. If they wouldn't, I'd ask for dessert and that was usually granted. Either one usually winds up with a tip. If you have a waiter that isn't smart enough to try to grind the restaurant, then you got a waiter who doesn't need a tip.


There was no kitchen problem. It was just a server problem


I get extremely annoyed by poor service. However I've learned that frequently the root cause is not the server, but rather how the restaurant is being managed whether that be staffing or other management issues. I'm not making excuses for anybody here, but wouldn't have left that restaurant without giving the management a piece of my mind as well.


I HAVE to assume, that server was not expecting a tip with that attitude! No way. I’d like to think most if not ALL servers know that they’re not getting a tip if they serve service like this. If it’s busy, apologize to us and at least act like we haven’t been forgotten. 😵‍💫


I'm among the biggest pro tip guys I know, and there is nothing wrong with not giving a tip for genuinely shitty service.


I was a server for 15 years. I also would have given no tip, and possibly a complaint.


Agreed. This was a full breakdown of the steps of service.


Once again, I begin with the question: What IS a tip? When a server meets that criteria,  then I give them a tip. Like the OP said, you don't deserve a tip for merely existing. To be fair, however, sometimes poor service is not entirely the fault of the server. Servers often go through HELL in their jobs!


they have more control than the customer, so they get the responsibility. tips are a measure of how well that responsibilty was executed.


Absolutely. But sometimes the place is understaffed, the jerks in the kitchen are not producing, the boss is a jerk, all kinds of things we customers may not see or realize. Sometimes the games that go on in the back of the place are beyond description.


If I have excellent service I tip well, and many times I’ve asked for the manager to let them know. Once at Cheesecake Factory I went to the host station to ask for the manager. Two men were standing beside the host and they looked a bit uneasy until I praised the service and the food.


Unfortunately, service all around seems to have taken a dive post covid.


This guys situation sounds bad. However I would also like to posit that guests have also gotten worse post Covid.


It’s a pendulum effect of the worker not wanting to be there and the customers being jaded. Who will ultimately be the looser in this situation?


the owners


Funny that y’all told servers if they didn’t like their job to find another one, that’s what happened after COVID and now people inevitably complain about bad service…




Not trying to be a dick, but it's servers. Waiter/waitress stopped a decade ago.




My dude, you need to chill.


As someone who has been in the restaurant industry for more years than I care to count I can tell you it absolutely is a common theme.


Yeah I didn't tip for the first time ever a few weeks ago for the same thing. And I worked as a server so I usually cut people breaks and tip well


I feel this. I had to carry out my food in a napkin at Red Robin and the service was horrible and there was nobody there, except for the staff all having a great time, chatting and joking around


What's up with tipping...the establishment are wealthy enough to pay the employee full wages. They use this loophole to keep more profits and not pay their employees the proper wages. I boycott any establishment that does not pay their employees the wages... I can name a few...hit them where it counts... not do business with them... Chipotle pays their employees, and they don't accept tips. That's where I go and eat. These other restaurant owners are cheap and greedy...


Stop eating out.


My sister owns a restaurant and it is a tipless place. The adjust the price so tips and taxes are included on the food menu. They are not expensive either. Their servers always know what they will bring in for the week. They saw this model when they went to visit Italy. Since she owns an Italian restaurant, she wanted to model it. They came out in the local newspaper and on the news. People eat there because of the food and quality service. If a server is not performing, she fires them.


Every Chipotle I have ever visited has a big tip jar at checkout.


Chipotle makes utter slop.


I worked at a Chipotle for two years right out of high school. We got a free meal per shift we worked. Couldn’t eat Chipotle for a long time after that. But I wouldn’t say it’s slop. They make good food (albeit with way too much sodium, I’ve seen how much salt they dump in the food). But they have good flavor, great guacamole, their tortillas are yummy, the fajita veggies are always a win, and their salsas are to die for.


This guy hasn’t had the chicken pastor


Start naming these crooked business. Hit them where it counts.


I leave a tip of $0.02 or two pennies on the table, it’s my two cents worth.


I remember one time my dad was with my brothers and they went to a diner. And my dad told me how the waitress was super rude. I forget what he said exactly why she was rude. But anyways when he went to pay he told the cashier that he wants to leave the tip for the cook and not the waitress and the cashier tells him that the tip goes to the waitress and my dad said he knows that but the waitress was very rude and he wants to leave it to cook. And the cashier said again no the tips go to the waitress, but my dad said he really really wants the tip to go to cook because he does not want the tip to go the waitress very rude and nasty. And the cashier said she’ll give it to the cook. And the waitress was near the table my dad and my brothers sat at and she heard the whole conversation and walked away very upset. I don’t know if the cashier gave the money to cook or the waitress. I understand everyone has a bad day, but when you work for tips, you should at least be nice.


I would have went to the manager and said I want the tip to go to the cook. Then I would have reported the cashier too for not wanting to cooperate.


We ate out at a local place last week and my meal was terrible. The fries were overcooked and the meat tasted rancid. I told both the server and the manager and neither of them did anything. We didn't tip and I'm glad because I ended up in the ER a few hours later with food poisoning. If we didn't have really good health insurance, I'd sue for the medical costs. As it is I'm sure the hospital will have put in a call to the local Dept of Health to investigate.


No way it was related to that. Doesn't happen that fast.


Depends on the bacteria and it depends on your immune system. My immune system is practically non existent from lupus and too many antibiotics.


small claims court for pain and suffering.




This is NY. By law they have to report it. Hell our local volunteer fire department got reported and investigated because someone claimed to have gotten food poisoning at a chicken BBQ fund raiser. And were told they couldn't use the fire department kitchen to cook for the public anymore.


Food poising takes longer than 3 hours to manifest. Look up last meal bias.


As someone who has had an E. Coli food poisoning and another severe food poisoning… you’re incorrect.


Look up food poisoning yourself. It can start in as little as 30 minutes and often within 2-3 hours.


This isn't true. Staph and bacillus can start hitting you within 1-7 hours of eating.


Dude I’m a server but I get your sentiment. The last place I worked the other servers did the bare minimum yet would bitch and moan about getting 15% tips (in front of other customers to raise sympathy and try to get bigger tips from them). They literally would greet them then sit at the bar playing on their phone for 10min, take their order, then sit at the bar on their phone until the food came out, dropped off the food or sometimes wouldn’t even bother to run the food so I would have to, and then go back to their phone leaving their tables with empty cups needing refills and customers craning their necks looking for their servers in order to check out. These servers really thought they were entitled to 20% for doing nothing and would get mad if they got anything else. One of the servers was caught adding $1-2 dollars to a ton of bills after the fact cause someone called about a discrepancy and then the owner looked through months of their checks and found out they had been adding to the tips on the POS afterwards but the receipts said the actual amount tipped so they couldn’t deny it since there were so many discrepancies. Insane to me.


I busted someone doing this and it wasn’t insignificant. He would up fired and I got $50 free food (and as told no wasn’t an answer - I was OK getting my money back, and it was far less).


more common than people realize


What kind of managers let staff sit around in public areas playing on their phones?


You’d be surprised. The last place I worked at everyone was Snapchatting to our work group chat on the clock. I work at a more high-end place now so we wouldn’t get away with that, but there are places where management just doesn’t give a shit.


I mean, they exist, and they're usually burnt out and sometimes underpaid themselves. The owner of my restaurant is also the head chef and he pretty much will let people do fuck all even directly under his watch.


What kind of food is inedible without condiments?


Literally lol. I eat most things without condiments unless it's a food that has a very specific condiment. 


literally everything to me. except mac and cheese.


You sound like a child


you sound ever so boring. like you have beige walls.


All the responses to me so far sounds like literal children. Grown man children.


For me, any kind of sandwich. I cannot stand "dry" bread. It's blah and it usually gets stuck in my throat.


Yeah if I order from Subway I’m loading that shit up




Your comment is unacceptable. Clean up your language. What's the reason you choose to be so hostile and offensive? Examine yourself.


Fries. Chicken tenders/nuggets. When I order from a place and I get fries without the sauce I asked for they often get thrown away without being touched


And burritos! I’m gonna need salsa or else it just tastes kinda bland. I’m also a vegetarian though so I don’t have all the seasoned meats


Same, often if I'm running through a McDonald's drive through and they forget my sweetnsour, bbq, or not enough ketchup packets I'll just grab the whole large frie container and chuck it out the window... those dirty pirate hooker bastards making me chuck my fries... cause by the time I make it home they might only be lukewarm... makes me so sad.




Any kind for people that just dump hot sauce on everything.


Personal preference. Some people are picky (such as myself). I will not eat wings without ranch, it can not be done. Nor will i eat my chicken without buffalo sauce. Its the waiter/waitress job to give you those condiments.




You're comment is uncivil and has been removed.


Oof! Facts hurt sometimes.


Apparently facts and research are “uncivil” to u/tipping-ModTeam lol. Forget all the anecdotal evidence that has already shown with comments like yours.


Anyone that has ever been a server can confirm. Obviously, there are exceptions.


Yes, of course there are exceptions. There’s a term for those who lack the IQ to appreciate that of course there are exceptions, but it escapes me… Birds fly. “Oh YeA, dO aLl BiRdS fLy DoE?”


You realize this isn’t a paper from Cornell don’t you? The paper was linked to them but not hosted or otherwise affiliated with them. This “study” was actually published by School of Hotel Administration. What you read was only a summary. It didn’t even take into consideration sample size, for one. It didn’t take into account anything else, ages, income levels, etc. only race. Don’t worry, I looked into it for you though. Michael Lynn wrote the paper along with others comparing how much Asian people tip compared to white people, how much Christians tip compared to others, how much Hispanics tip. Are you seeing a theme here? Now let’s get on to sample size and statistics. Let’s take a look at how these samples were gathered, and the number of white people compared to black people that were used in this “study” TNS Intersearch conducted two national telephone surveys using Genesys random-digit dial sampling. __Refusal rates for the two surveys were 71 and 73 percent.__ Datum from the __1577 White People__ and __177 Black People__ Respondents to these two surveys were combined into one data set for this re-analysis. Note: The racial disparity in sample size reflects the relative sizes of the two groups in the population. __SUCH UNEQUAL CELL SIZES REDUCE STATISTICAL POWER.__ Two separate studies and neither were sufficient to give accurate sample sizes or any concrete information… even when the writer gives up and attempts to combine the two. I’m sure you can find more information on this seemingly unreviewed paper. You do know academic papers need to be reviewed before academic publication, right? This wouldn’t make it. This is the worst statistical study I’ve ever seen. The vast difference sample sizes is insane. The lack of social economic differences, gender and age, are lacking. In fact everything’s lacking except for race. Again, the worst and I worked in the field at one point. In conclusion, you read a suggestive summary of a study done by a racist. It sounds like you’re a racist too though. Maybe you should take some time to actually learn where your information is coming from in the future, before you puke misinformation everywhere.


Even the Black servers I worked with knew that Black people are worse tippers.


You decry them as a racist, yet you offer no statistical proof they are racist. This is bad science, bad statistics, what are you, a shill? If you're going to make a claim that someone is a racist, support it with actual evidence instead of vomiting out a page of nonsense nerd gibberish that no one really cares about.


Great. It’s hosted on Cornell’s online library. Sample sizes are more than high enough to have statistical significance. Also, Just ask a server.


This is so weird and misplaced. Hope you can find something else to do today.


It’s not weird. A mod chastised me for starting a fact and then locked his comment to avoid any further discourse. So I simply backed up my statement.


“Blacks don’t tip well.” Ew. I’m a Black that tips exceptionally well. All of the other “Blacks” I know also tips exceptionally well. The paper sounds cool though. /s Have a great day.


Ask some Black people that work as servers. This idea didn't come out of nowhere


You must not respect research. The paper literally says blacks, as a collective, tip less. Of course the paper does not conclude ALL blacks tip poorly. But the inability for you to grasp that nuance says a lot about your intelligence.


I know you are but what am I?


I don’t have a dog in this fight, I’m neither in the service business or an I black but if I’m going quote a research paper I would quote one that says research “suggests”. That tells me they haven’t done enough research. Maybe site something that says the research “finds” then I’ll give it some consideration.


You are absolutely correct. And if you look at the link, the article abstract DOES say "suggests." The article is also almost 20 years old which in the academic world it's pretty much considered outdated.


You must have limited experience reading scientific publications. It’s an incredibly rare occurrence that any research paper will say they’ve answered any single question conclusively, without any room for error. It just doesn’t happen. So yes. A scientific paper that is hosted on Cornell’s website says quite explicitly that their studies find blacks do not tip as well as Whites. Idk why you have to have a dog in the fight to understand that brighter minds than either of ours conducted and published this piece of work.


I've been an academic librarian since 1994 (oddly enough at one point I actually worked for Cornell) and the Journal of Food Service Business Research, where this article was published, would be a business journal, not a scientific journal.


Trying to see where I said scientific journal. I suppose my point was more toward the scientific approach being used. There are scientific studies conducted in business journals.


Are you saying this is because of their race? Perhaps decades of oppression following slavery and kidnapping explains the wealth disparity? Smells like white supremacy


Hmm. I’m not saying anything other than what the research suggests.


Don’t forget that Black servers are tipped overwhelmingly less than their White counterparts.


Interesting. That’s not mentioned that I can see in the paper. Perhaps OP’s server was black?


Anybody who has ever worked in a restaurant knows this fact.




You're comment is uncivil and has been removed.


yeah not getting tips from black people was definitely totally unrelated to all the overt racism 




But Canadian culture doesn’t tip though? So maybe it has less to do with “The Blacks” and more to do with tipping culture? Source: family friend is from Canada and had a very sincere convo about tipping culture where he’s from vs in the states.


But the research I linked was conducted in the United States.




You still sound super pissed since you’re writing about it on the internet and I’m sure that server doesn’t remember who you are.


Didn’t even remember who they were when they were sitting there


Am so with you on the entire thing except the second to last sentence. You wasted a bunch of food bc you didn’t get ketchup?


probably an exageration


I usually tip $.50 or $1 for tabs over $15. I think it sends a message for terrible service.


I always tip even if it’s bad but there was one time where the lady was SO bad! I’m talking she was flirting with my husband (which normally is fine because plz plz take him lmao)… but she was fawning over him playing with our child and then completely forgot my meal. Then brought me the wrong meal. By this point my husband was done eating and I was about in tears that I sent the wrong food back and did not eat. She came back and handed him the check and he handed it to me …. Because I make the money not him (which is fine but her assumption after her hour and a half long fuck up was annoying)…. So I tipped her nothing on a 100$ tab (we had drinks to celebrate me taking the Bar Exam)….. like the person literally celebrating something she completely ignored and treated like shit and all for what? My husband wasn’t interested in her or her phone number she happened to leave on the check,….,, but the reality of it was, servers flirt to get tips. I’m ok with that. But to forget my meal and then get it wrong… and then not even acknowledge your fuck up!? Nah. Dumb btch We haven’t went back since and it was a restaurant we frequented


She did not forget your meal. It was a power .ove to steal your husband away from you (assuming that any part of your story was actually true).


Unfortunately it is all true. Joke is on her because if he was even slightly interested I would not fight over him lol. I may love him but I love me more and absolutely no woman is worth fighting over a man that is willing to go 🤷🏻‍♀️ it was the TRex place in Orlando in Disney Springs. It’s my husband and little girls favorite place so we used to go 2-3 times a month


Service plays a large role in the amount of a tip, but quality of food and location also play a role.


You are not wrong. And normally I would ignore my one bad experience but there are so many other options in Florida and the lady was well aware that I was celebrating and instead of owning up to why could have been an accident, she made it out like I was inconveniencing her…. But we aren’t talking that she simply got a burger mixed up…. I ordered pasta and was brought a mushroom burger…. I don’t eat either of those things. Overall, it was easier to just cut our losses and go to other places that care about the people




Your comment is unacceptable. Clean up your language. What's the reason you choose to be so hostile and offensive? Examine yourself.




Things happen. Tbh I was more upset I didn’t get my food lmao


Personally I start at 0% tip and you have to earn the tip. I don't have heavy lists of shit but make sure to being out our food, don't drop my food in the floor, make sure my wife gets a refill (I have to flag down or go to the machine myself sometimes), and just be courteous. I feel like none of that is hard to do and if you can't do that then my tip is get better or find a new job. I've went to high end places and given $1 on a bad experience because of lack of service. We had went to one of those all you can eat meat places. The waitress came to our table twice and never got us refills and we were sitting in the ass crack of the restaurant so we couldn't get someone to get us refills and the carvers wouldn't tell people we needed refills and then since we weren't on their normal path we got ignored by them too sometimes.


I was a server for 7 years if I did shitty and gave bad service I don’t even want the tip. It’s okay to not tip if the experience is shit


A penny under your plate was the old “not just no tip,bad service”statement.


My mom always told me to make sire the penny was tails side up to indicate bad service


Ahhh…😉I am sure she is right.


Back in the day, we'd put a dollar in an upturned full water glass.


Bad service no tip. I’ve lived with “cost of living” raises my entire life. What that means is my boss places a cap on wages for a position and only gives out .10 an hour raise once a year regardless of skills or hard work. Servers have a hand delivered option to do better and earn from every customer.


Pay based on merit? What nonsense is this!?


Edit: deleted


Wild to me the people defend tipping for bad service.


Wild to me that your statement got downvoted. Want a tip? Earn it.


If they are competent they should be tipped. They don’t get minimum wage so tipping is part of their pay


I'd strongly prefer to lose a tip than have an issue brought to my manager. Wouldn't you? Either you're getting the server a warning/written up/ terminated, or the manager will quietly side with the employee and be glad to be rid of you.


I don't complain about servers to management. I've only complained about the consistency of food. Like if I normally get the dish one way for years. Then one day, it's insanely spicy. The manager needs to know.


Was the restaurant very busy and did you see a lot of other servers? Maybe she was overworked because of staffing issues. Not saying this is the case but think about your job when you are overloaded and have too much work. Would u appreciate your boss cutting into your check until you did better? Maybe it was just bad but these days I think most consumers are gigantic babies who look for reasons to stiff people


Getting the drinks when the food comes out is inexcusable.


I went to a reasonably upscale restaurant (at least for me - $250/couple), and the server said at the go that he was working more tables that night due to under staffing that one night. He did seem to take a bit long with getting drinks and checking on us, but he was very helpful in explaining the food ( like which fish dishes would be more "of the ocean" taste, which I do not like, etc) and getting everything correct and together. Knowing the reason for the wait made it more tolerable, so in the long run I appreciate being told that at the start.


Bad , Rude or LOUSY service ------ NO TIP !


EXCELLENT service ------ 10%


I hope your bosses have same mentality when it’s raise time


10% raise would be LIT


Yeah I’m talking .10


So you want a $.10 tip?


No …never mind. I meant I hope his boss is cheap like he is when it’s time for a raise but I phrased it like an idiot .


You hope my boss has the mentality to give me a 10% raise? So do I. I worked for the same company for six years and never saw more than 3% increase over my original starting salary even though my position changed three times. Instead of bitching and whining about it. I left and went somewhere that paid what I was worth. And I worked in the customer service industry when I was younger. I bartended, I was a waiter, I worked for Tips. And I think the entitlement mentality these days is absolutely ludicrous. No one is splitting atoms or curing cancer here. Don’t feel entitled to a 20% tip because you handed me something from the counter behind you that somebody else prepared anyway.


Yeah I meant being cheap as fuck. And I’m glad that’s what you get. The universe takes care of people and gives them what they deserve.


...they said without a shred of irony.🙄


You must be a shitty waitress huh😂


Never waited a table in my life. My penis sticks out of the skirt. But I don’t like shorting service workers because I’m a blowhard either. Keep downvoting. People who agree with these mofos are detestable


In the US people are lucky to get a 3% increase each year. That doesn't even keep up with inflation most years so yes, workers usually make less every year. There's no expectation for business to increase compensation but for some reason patrons of most establishments are being shamed into automatically giving a tip for awful service. All I know is at my job, a customer never had to tip me for bad work. I'd be fired first


So don’t eat out if you disapprove of how restaurants shamelessly pay waiters nothing. If you go there then you accept that tipping is included. And if you accept that then don’t be a cheap POS. Otherwise go shopping and cook for yourself. I don’t get this whining over tipping when no one forced anyone here to go eat out


I’ve never turned to my wife and said “you know, I’d be fine cooking tonight, but carrying the cooked food from the kitchen to the living room is just more than I can stand.” I eat out so I don’t have to cook, not so I don’t have to carry plates a short distance.


So you know that unless it’s really bad service you should tip. That’s all. And not that your waiter didn’t grovel at your feet to be considered bad service.


Well, yes I don't go out to restaurants and if I did then tipping is for good service. I'm not running a business. Their boss is . So they can look to their boss for their pay just like everyone else does.


Well since you don’t go then you are entitled to not tip. You are not supporting the industry. At least you practice what u preach


Their *Actual Boss* could choose to pay them on commission. Since they have offloaded that responsibility onto me, my "employee" can now expect to get paid a maximum 10% commission because their *Actual Boss* has generally seen fit to price gouge across the menu. To be fair, alternatively, I can lean further into the choice that many others are making and stay home. Then the rate is 0% of $0.


I agree. If u don’t like to tip, stay home. Otherwise if you partake of an industry that chooses to pay under minimum wage to their workers and make them reliant on tips , tip. Cause otherwise you are an asshole. Pretty simple


You know who else is choosing to partake in an industry that pays under minimum wage, but then sucking at the part of the job that earns the rest of the $? I'm no daisy, but when I was working in the service industry for a decade and a half, I understood that if I wanted to get paid better, I better show the fuck up and perform. You just going around looking to throw money at people doing the bare minimum or *less?* Can I get some of that unneeded free-flowing cash, player? After all, I also didn't bring OP his shit, so by your estimation I'm deeply deserving. GTFOH, JFC


I would bet my dog these people are shorting tips on perfectly fine service. They just know they are shitty for doing it and they make up these stories here to make themselves feel better.


Back when I used to go to restaurants, horrible service got no tip from me. It was rare enough, but it did happen. On a related note, tipping culture is so out of hand these days that my wife and I just don't go to restaurants of our own volition anymore and we've started eating way healthier as a result. The only time we go to a restaurant now is when someone else suggests it. So if you want to eat healthier and not throw away money unnecessarily on tips, I encourage you to learn how to cook. It's very rewarding.


I've only not tipped twice because of terrible service. Once tipped 50% for amazing service (20 dollars on a 40 dollar meal). Cooking can be super fun.


After working as a concierge for awhile (and eating at lots of restaurants in order to determine which ones I could confidently refer guests to), I got in the habit of asking pointed, but kindly stated, questions “You seem busy. Short-staffed?” “Having a challenging evening?” Usually, the first well placed question to my server would either reveal a delightful human being who had three coworkers calll off that evening, a person who’d just come away from a difficult service or, sometime, someone who was simply immature and/or unprofessional. The first two, I could let go… especially if they “fixed their face” and were top notch the rest of my visit. I’d give each server three shots. If they were still apathetic and/or inattentive, I’d go to the hostess upon departure and ask doe the manager. I always emphasized to the manager my aim is not to get someone fired, but to help train them. This type of service job doesn’t come easily to everyone. People are going to mess up and won’t learn unless they’re trained/taught. I’d point out the shortfalls in the service I received, share the questions/conversations I’d had in an attempt to help the server turn it around… and I ALWAYS left a tip. A person who did poorly would get 5-10%. Good service got 20-25%. (I would always return to the same restaurant again once or twice more over the coming weeks to see if my experience was a one off… or a pattern. And this would help me determine whether I would recommend the restaurant to my clients or not)


i would never not tip, not even with shit service. maybe it’s because i served and bartended for many years, but it’s personally not in my blood. in a situation like this, a chat with a manager (could have asked the server who paid them out to grab them) would have been helpful and i’m sure they would have comped your meals or at least given a hefty discount. not everyone is cut out for serving - it’s not an easy job. while i agree that it wasn’t a great experience, management should be aware so that they can take matters into their own hands and the server see repercussion for giving poor service.


For bad service you ask for the manager.


My theory is that if you leave zero tip, it makes you look like the asshole. If you leave a very small tip with an explanation as to why you’re doing it, then it’s the service provider who becomes the asshole.


Who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks when it comes to your money?


If u want to send a message that their bad service resulted in low tip, then it matters. If they think you’re a AH they won’t listen or learn.


Like they are going to listen or learn anyways


You end up on tik Tok and canceled from leaving notes with low tips. Happens all the time.


Leaving zero tip also shorts the table staff that cleans up. The busboys get very little as is.


So? That's not on the customer. That's on the server for being bad, not earning a tip and letting them both down. You do not tip for service when there is no service or bad service given.


Maybe . But I read these bad service stories and most just seem like excuses to not tip , tbh


This one definitely doesn't though.


10 minutes is a long time? Too much info left out. Was it really busy? Too few staff. Sounds like he went out to eat broke


Sure. That could only mean that he must have been broke. Wow.


That or he is just a cheap bastard. Loving these downvotes. I’m glad none of u agree with me .


Yeah, cuz you're clearly wrong.






Yeah if that’s the kind of person you are not much anyone can do about it. Shit will always be shit




Your comment is unacceptable. Clean up your language. What's the reason you choose to be so hostile and offensive? Examine yourself.


if I have any, I will usually throw pocket change on a bad servers check.


This is very similar to all of the recent dining experiences I can recall. As for the 10 minutes thing if it's not that they are at the table every 90 seconds trying to take your order. The rest seems spot on. I'm always getting up trying to find napkins, salt/pepper, someone to get me some damn ranch. Usually don't get a drink refilled and we are ready to go but nobody in sight to get the check.


We had this problem repeatedly at one local Red Robin. Slow service. No refills. No condiments. No *forks*. No server in sight. Something going on there with staffing or management. Solution: go to a different location. It was so much better. I mean, I may not actually want a refill of my lemonade or fries, but I do want to be asked. And I want a fork.


You found a Red Robin location with good service? I’m getting “things that never happened” vibes but I’ll take your word for it.


Omg RED ROBIN was exactly what I thought of while reading this.... server doesn't show up after we're seated in a booth along the wall, for at least 7-10 full minutes... it's busy, whatever. Shows up literally breathing heavily from running around like a mad woman, is 1000% rushed and distracted, and just not particularly personable which again, meh. She's busy, it's packed, whatever. It took her 10 minutes to bring our drinks back, and "I'll be right back to take your order" and flies away, another few minutes go by and she's back with her pad. The food is decent, was brought out by a different server than our girl, who was legit nowhere in sight when our entrees came out, therefore the alternative server did not know who had what, so that was mass confusion handing plates all around... Server finally comes to check on us about 15 minutes into entrees... my daughter had been waiting for a fork the entire time, I needed dipping sauce and we had zero napkins. At this point I felt like walking the fuck out. End of the meal, server comes stomping back, again a million miles an hour and sweating bullets, *takes the tiny tablet on the table, flips it around at my husband, and says "have a great night folks!" The first screen is the subtotal of the sum of the meals and drinks. Second screen is the tip screen. It mustered an instant rage inside me. We were treated as an afterthought for upwards of an hour, and even though I do tip minimally by default, I desperately did not want to leave a penny. Grossly understaffed and the management sucks. We were sat close enough to the hostess stand at the front that we listened to the two girls hostesses, arguing the entire time about which section gets the next 4 top.. God the whole thing was *obnoxiously bad* Never again.



