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Probably arc rounds as they feel so good when you use them


Crunchy sound effects


Arc rounds as a big ol fuck you to ions and scorches Edit: man its so weird all these ion mains want me to use missile racks i dont get it. It cant possibly be that it directly benefits them, no of course not


As an ion main, I request you use missile racks


As an ion, you should use missle racks


As a scorch, I don’t care, the flames of hell will cleanse monarch all the same.


As a Monarch with turbo engine and rapid rearm. No lmao


as a scorch *bet*


They just run faster into our warm embrace


Do not underestimate us monarch mains


As a Scorch main. I will give you a warm hug. With hell fire


Unexpected hugs are very common


As a scorch. Outrun flame core


Ronins be running for their lives when they see you


Whoa whoa whoa... Turbo engine kit? Do you even know what you're missing out on??? If you have charged core and battery you will already have 44% charged of your core and will need 60% less core to max out.


Why are scorch mains the fucking crusaders during the Christianity boom?


Ditto my brother in flames


As ion, i recommend you use Missile racks


Ion use missile racks


As an ion player, i recommend using missile racks


I’m a man and use missile racks and lock-on missiles


More explosive more fun


As an ion player, i recommend using missile racks


There's also Tone's particle wall which doesn't do too well against arc rounds


As a scorch main I recommend you stand closer so you don't miss the missle rack, that thing can be a real pain sometimes


As a northstar main, you should use missile racks


Missiles + targeting is really fun, but arc rounds + accelerator feels like playing Legion on crack cocaine. It's like shooting an Ion beam as your primary.


Throw in the extra dodge and you basically are a cracked out Legion. Add energy field in for survivability and you might just take the whole teams titans out yourself if you make it to your 3rd core.


Accelerator is just Tf1 nostalgia for me


Me with agis 24 monarch: boffum


Sike: energy siphon


Hate when that happens Plus whenever i try to go support monarch i have a 50/50 chance of getting a good or bad upgrade


We have to gamble for them, it’s the best game ever when we can get both.


Id say it depends if you gonna take missile targeting or accelerator at the end


<< Superior Chassis


Yes, the feds, time for a _real_ fight


Superior chassis is the only route


Amen brother


I guess it depends on how you play, but Superior Chassis feels like a waste of an upgrade to me. If you're playing Monarch right you'll almost never take chassis damage anyway. I usually finish most matches in the first Monarch I dropped even without the chassis upgrade. Just be aggressive about getting those batteries and stealing shields.


How do you counter scorch well? I find that I can win against any other Titan but scorch


I typically run arc rounds which effectively nullifies the flame shield pretty quickly, and I use maelstrom electric smoke to pressure them in close range where they like to be. As a general strategy I run overcore so that all of my upgrades require 20% less core, and then the extra battery and phase embark for quickly jumping out and back in to use my battery or to grab dropped batteries as needed. All of that combined Scorch's most threatening tool is mostly negated, and I can get upgrades so quickly that I'm just constantly refilling my shield. Once you get accelerator You can refill your upgrade bar faster than most titans can drain your shield making you nearly immortal. That's why I vastly prefer it to superior chassis. I'd rather have effectively infinite shields + massive DPS than a limited amount more hull integrity.


Thanks! I’ll try that, I usually ran chassis so I’ll try switching over


Personally I still prefer missile racks>maelstrom>accelerator with extra dash but this is a great loadout too. Arc rounds are only better against ion imo.


I feel like it's a lot more versatile than that. Arc rounds give you a 25% increase to your ammo capacity and 50% more DPS against ALL shields. This turns the XO-14 into a decent counter for Tone's particle wall, Legion's gun shield, Scorch's fire shield, and Ion's vortex while also giving effectively 50% more DPS against any titan that has a full body shield until it's broken. The massive ammo capacity, massive DPS, and hard counter to titans with shields make it super versatile.


Yeah it’s still a great pick I just don’t think it’s as valuable as double missiles. The chaingun requires you to stay exposed while the missiles allow you to peak and mitigate damage. The extra damage against overshields is nice, but I usually use my siphon anyways. Like I said I definitely prefer it against ion, but against the other titans I find it easier to just go around their shields.


Scorch isn't the problem. Sub level 3 upgrade legion is your worst enemy.


Drill shot double charge does not discriminate.


*Which is fucking bullshit that monarch can even pull that off* *Monarch OP pls nerf.*


I get what you're saying but I disagree tbh, Superior Chassis allows you to play more aggressively in 1 v X fights instead of just picking off solo titans or 2 or 3 low hp ones, even at full hp there really isn't much 2-4 enemy titans can do against a good monarch player at core 3 with superior chassis, arc rounds, and faster re-arm times. overall I would say accelerator is def nicer if the enemy team is good at the game/using titans you cant just brainlessly dps rush through without taking significant damage but in those scenarios i usually just switch onto northstar or ronin and just use my titans as expendable score boosters regardless so im team superior chasis.


Superior chassis with missile racks, i dont need missile targeting, just a load of extra missiles and a prayer


mtms is awful, 3x longer missile cooldown + reduced explosion aoe


Arc round if you want to sweet. Rocket if you just want to be fun. And since you are core 3 mornach anyways, is this even matter ?


I sweat with missiles believe it or not






Arc rounds maelstrom accelerator if I haven’t showered recently. Missile racks and multi target if I feel like having fun and the other team is freshly showered.


Arc rounds are better overall as they remove more potential counters and make other matchups more favorable Missile racks however allow for the fun missile spam monarch which is just better tone


Missile are worse in every way...but I still use them because it's fun. Plus I like all my abilitys to have use


In frontier defense Monarchs: "Both is good"


Bro no one uses the healing apparently. Playing with friends and everyone constantly shielding each other is just plain goofy fun


Arc rounds


Neither, Energy Transfer.


Arc rounds for me


Missile racks, love just dumping a ton of rockets at a Iran's feet or filling a room with them and killing the unfortunate pilot inside there


missle racks normally, but arc rounds for frontier defense


I just go down the support route mainly but when I decide "fuck life" and play aggressive I go arc rounds


Missiles are temporary, Dakka is forever o7


Rocket Salvo is a bad ability which only has the use of cancelling Monarch’s recovery time after a melee so they can use the XO-16 sooner. Missile Racks doesn’t do enough to make it worthwhile, ironically increasing the recovery time because of the amount of rockets. Arc Rounds adds inevitability to the Ion matchup and makes Scorch go from greatly favoured to literally unloseable. Multi-Target Missile System is just worse Tracker Rockets and are even easier to dodge so all your doing is taking a mediocre ability and making it slightly less mediocre. XO-16 Accelerator is superior in every way damage wise and Superior Chassis is a close second.


I never use Racks because the extended animation felt crippling. However, rockets aren't useless they are really good for getting the frag on pilots especially ones trying to juke in and out of door ways to pop shots with anti-T weapons


>Multi-Target Missile System is just worse Tracker Rockets and are even easier to dodge Unironically, skill issue. If you're at least relatively competent you can flick the barrage upwards after a lock and get arcing shots like with Tone.


Flicking too fast causes the locks to disappear or only fire one. As for dodging, the tracking properties on them are worse so it is easier. By themselves they are bad and I’ve already discussed why Missile Racks is bad. So much effort for so little reward when XO-16 Accelerator lets you blitz titans down in record time, contributing more to kills and winning matches faster.


>Flicking too fast causes the locks to disappear or only fire one. Again, this is a skill issue, you can learn when to flick your missiles upwards so that you don't lose a lock and can score arcing hits, which Tone or Monarch are hard to dodge even with a dash unless you're fortunate enough to be stood next to overhead cover, which is not always guaranteed. Tracker type missiles have a set turn radius per metre travelled, and by artificially increasing the distance they have to travel by arcing them that gives them far higher chances of hitting. You'll see this with skilled Tone players who will always, *always* aim their barrage upwards at first to both get over obstacles and get more consistent hits. Rapid rearm and MTMS permits extremely rapid bursting down of health bars (something like 4800 per salvo, will need to check, haven't played in a while) because a full set of 12 missiles does a truly insane amount of damage over a very short period of time, and moreover teaches you to be less sloppy with picking your fights which translates over to using arc rounds and the accelerator. Standing there and emptying your mag is bad for your health. Given I have a G30 Monarch and plenty of time using both combinations I can fairly confidently say that MTMS is a worthwhile pick if you understand the quirks of the game well enough to use it correctly.


The lock on time for twelve rockets is insane, any competent player will break LoS because of the notification, drastically reducing damage. You can pick your fights to reduce this but sometimes you can’t. Multi-Target Missile systems is alright once you learn everything about it. It’s just XO-16 Accelerator and Superior Chassis are stronger in almost every way. I know about rocket curving. Multi-Target Missile System are worse Tracker Rockets for reasons already stated but also because of the delayed firing rate, the long recharge time without Rearm, and the rockets themselves travelling slower. Minor addition: you also weaken yourself in other matchups, namely Ion, by not running Arc Rounds.


If your target's about to break LoS then you can also fire early and still get a good portion of your damage off, and will still have a chunk in reserve to use, and MTMS is *unusually* heavy hitting per missile (it's a lot more than Tone's), and if they're breaking LoS to begin with that means they're not shooting at you, saving you hull. But yes, it is a higher skill threshold upgrade to make use of it and generally only a good pick if you understand what kind of gameplay it demands from you, and the accelerator and superior chassis are easier to use. As a side consideration, while MTMS does also have triple the reload time, this does neglect a couple of attributes. An MTMS missile does twice the damage of a regular dumb fire. *Per reload*, that means the MTMS does the same amount of damage over 9 seconds (a bit less, actually, given that it has an extra 2 missiles so it's closer to 7.2) as regular dumb fire rockets, *except* you are far, far more likely to hit with all of them than with a dumb fire salvo (and for full damage, too, since dumb fires are best used at a target's feet and that can be subject to explosion dropoff). 18 seconds is also *one* second with a rearm use available. And, on a more personal note, I like rapid rearm since the default execution animation has far more style than the battery steal imo, and it synergises well with mitigating the MTMS' very long reload time.


You finally hit the point, that the average player or person this thread is directed to, does not know all these intricacies. That the average player is going to use Multi-Target Missile Systems, poorly I might add, then stop using it after trying out the other tier three upgrades. I have rarely seen it used, with close to two-hundred days played, and even rarer that it’s used effectively.


Yes, but my point was, like, that if you're not good at using the MTMS properly then that's a player skill problem not a weapon system problem...? Like, a bad Ronin will eat shit and die in seconds but a good one will go an entire match. That's not an issue with Ronin, just an issue with people not hsing Ronin very well.


My case is not that but wanting to use the absolute best equipment available to grant a greater chance of winning, augmented further by player skill. Multi-Target Missile System does not do that hence I have no use for it. You are correct however, that it is a issue of the players not being good enough but the average player is content with that.


You can definitely delete titans with double missile racks, they’re extremely powerful if you don’t miss.


Only cowards will use the weak missle racks or the cowardly arc rounds. Heroic, braver, superior monarch pilots use energy transfer and support your friendly titans as much as possible and until the fiery end giving your teammates shields. Energy transfer/support monarch gang rise up.


Arc rounds any day


I only play monarch in frontier defense, so my kit is Energy transfer>maelstrom>accelerator + counter ready. I like playing support with some dps options. Also, by chosing energy transfer, i gurantee getting one of the damage boosting upgrades as my apex upgrade


This. I always run shield medic monarch in FD! Though I use rapid rearm and supperior chassis. Rearm so that I can boost my team's shields more often, and to get my dodge back in case I need to reposition or chase down a stray reaper/titan. And chassis for the health boost to keep me in the action and tank a bit more when needed. Though I might try accelerator after reading other people's posts about how effective it is.


Arc rounds are so bad, use missile racks, not an ion main btw, not at all


Arc rounds because fuck shields, also missile racks makes the cooldown longer and completely throws off my combo of unload magazine > launch rockets > reload and unload magazine, repeat (it also technically makes rocket DPS worse 🤓)


arc rounds because you don’t deserve shields


Arc rounds are just op, especially with the faster reload perk


Arc rounds, I get the T3 gun upgrade too


I don’t like caring about something for that long lol. Monarch stresses me out. I really like it when I got the right mods and I’m building up on its abilities, but it’s also fun to just not care about losing it all. Playing ronin u don’t have to worry about much, if it dies it’s no biggie. It only takes about 20 seconds to get the ult back


Missile racks for sure!


Energy transfer


Energy siphon transfer right here


Blue, red is gay


Arc rounds require 0 brain to use. Just aim at weakpoint and bully scorches. I use the missiles because it doesn't feel like I'm using the best titan in the game as much.


Arc rounds to give my teammates that help getting through shields


High in Cholesterol


Both are good


Missile racks


Missiles are for fun arc rounds for winning


Arc Rounds fs


I do both




Arc arounds


arc rounds its overall more versatile in my opinion


Arc rounds


I do arc rounds


Both sides make fist points. Arc rounds.


Arc rounds are bullshit and shouldn't exist cause they literally counter your counter making monarch a bitch to fight against


Missile racks mostly


Arc rounds 1000000000000%


Missile Meme Monarch best Monarch


Team red white and blue.


Missile racks, because I always take missile targeting as well


Arc Rounds for days


Arc rounds


arc round supremacy


Missile racks are just so much more useful with the Target Missiles


Arc rounds






Missile racks because the arc rounds take away the purpose of ion and scorch




Arc Rounds Also run Rearm and Reload with Superior Chassis


Big ass minigun


Arc Rounds I'd say are more DPS overall.


Arc rounds 100%


Missile racks, embrace the tone within the monarch


My missile aim is ass so I gotta go with arc


I’m a legion main, I have zero clue what both of them do


Mmm arc rounds


ARC rounds are best rounds


Monarch mains after sacrificing thousands of potential damage but hey, at least they counter one ability from 2 of the least played Titans


Missile racks.


I run Arc+Maelstrom+Accelerator because I main Scorch so I want as much DPS as possible, so yeah.


I find myself consistently supporting the red side in memes like this, even though most have nothing to do with each other...


Arc because fuck your tones.


They both burn the same


If you use lock on target for 3rd upgrade core then missile racks only makes sense


Arc Rounds. Missile Rack is for smol pp.


I dont use monarch anymore but i use both


Arc rounds and accelerator go BRRRRRRRR


I use both for specific loadouts


Please use missile racks arc rounds are garbage. This message was sent by Ion/Scorch mains.


Arc Rounds.


Su wuu


I tend to switch them out to have extra fun


Arc rounds because I hate reapers


Legion 👍


Arc rounds: more ammo; melts shields


Arc rounds first but missiles are a better second. With the monarch buffs for frontier defense I rock arc first. Even then the energy beam isn't entirely useless for helping allies.


Arc Rounds pretty much bc I run with the accelerator core for lvl 3 so I need more rounds


arc rounds all day every day. The ability to shut down Ion, Scorch, AND Tone incredibly easily by obliterating their shields (and in Ion’s case the ability to… do anything?) absolutely! I’m not even a fan of rockets anyways, they’re almost always a lower DPS than just continuing to fire unless you run out of ammo and need to finish someone off; I just use them to kill pilots, and missile racks doesn’t even help with that.


Missle rack since I don't want to expose myself too long out of cover


Arc rounds easy. More boolet.


assuming missile racks is what targets enemies and homes in I love using them as anti infantry


Guys arc rounds got nerfed they now deal 20% damage don’t use them! (Totally not a scorch main)


Arc rounds no doubt, electric damage vs 2 extra missiles?




you need arc rounds, the 10 extra bullets alone are worth it and make up for the damage you get from missile racks, and that's without worrying about shields of any kind but I haven't done the math, so feel free to prove me wrong


arc rounds


Overcore, battery boost, energy thief. Arc Rounds, Maelstrom, Accelerator. Abuse the hitscan nature of the XO16 from mid range. Save smokes to bully ronin and legion.


the funny barf rocket will always be f u n y i


Missle racks. See a pilot. Aim. Press q. Pilot gone


Piercing shot


Arc rounds hands down




Arc rounds and it's almost offensive to choose otherwise.


Arc rounds because I’m a volt main.


As a ronin. Arc rounds are significantly more obnoxious. Because they slow my movement which is the whole point of being a ronin.


Is there a reason why I keep seeing Titanfall memes and posts on r/popular? I thought it was mostly a dead game with a very small population nowadays


Arc rounds for pussies ngl


Me Personally, I'm an enchantment over enchanting table typa guy.


Missile racks, Maelstrom and Superior chassis


Depends on my mood


Arc rounds, the sound... The damage... The increased mag capacity, they're just too good


depends on the build, i may go arc rounds if i go with extra health upgrade along with enhanced electric smoke, ill go missile racks if i get the targeting core, to sum it up, fast electric brr or many many boom boom


Missile racks, good for ronins getting in your face


I don’t get permission to use the xo-16 as much as I like but when I do you better believe I want the rounds that’d rock your shit


The better question is battery thief or survival of the fittest?


Nobody in their right mind is on team Missile Racks.


Arc always just better


Idk if arc rounds actually do more damage, but they have the crunchy sounds so it makes me feel like I’m doing more damage


Missiles all the way


As a Northstar main I recommend you don't use any please


Arc rounds, because its more of a passive constant buff instead of higher burst damage.


Arc Rounds + Exo16 Accelerator is just. It shreds through an enemies hull like paper


Arc rounds for serious mode or sweaty. Missile racks for fun or going for tracking missiles


Skill issue. I simply take both.


I'd say arc rounds in MP as people use their shields, but I'm FD it's difficult as extra missiles help with the clusters, but arc rounds are still superior to standard rounds.


Ronin doesn’t care…. Use what ever you like. It won’t save you.


Ion. *refuses to elaborate*


Arc Rounds. It does more than increase damage and magazine size. It also drains Tone, Ion, and I think Scorch shields faster as well.


It doesn’t increase damage, only shield damage.


Arc rounds are fun to use but if you combine missile racks with the guided missiles (I forgot the name) upgrade you have a missile truck with a machine gun


Both ! I always wanted to play as a Monarch that has All the upgrades at the same time, at the cost of not being able to play other titans. Would you take that deal?


pop pop pop pop, blood blood blood blooooood


Missile racks because just look at the ground or wall and say BYE BYE DIRT Boom! No more problems.


Depends on the other upgrades. Accelerator or Chassis, arc rounds and pretend I'm Legion. MTMS, racks and pretend I'm Tone.


I like both of them but I use arc rounds for the Bigger clip size