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Freddy Fazbear x Armin is the better ship anyway


Nah, it should be that one guy from the armory in season 1 x a 12 gauge shotgun




Is that freddy fazbear


What you don't want is william afton x ... Freddy Fivebear. Because this one time. The william after, made a spring suit, and it had traps and the killed kids GRRR RAWR and he, he used it.. and, and then there's chica the kitchen, bonny the bunny bun, and foxy the fox pirate RAWR.


“Is this Freddy Fazbear? That’s not scary. That’s a homosexual—“


Shrek X armin fans would like to talk with you for a second


Romance does not belong in AoT straight up.


Unless its Pieck X me


She’s mine, pal


Back of the line, buddy


Ah good, while they're fighting she's all mine!


While they fighting on Pieck Imma go and say hello to Historia real quick


Y'all are weak. Going for the easy ones. I'm gonna take Zeke. It's time for a gorilla to play pitcher.


Unless it's also me x Erwin.


Funny because all this shit that happened and most of the characters motives were those of romance and love (unrequited one sometimes) Ymir loved king shitz, Eren loved his people, Mikasa was obsessed with Eren, Gay Ymir and Historia, Armin and Annie, Reiner and suicidal thoughts, Hange and Titans...


>Ymir loved king shitz Hey!!! My boy, king Fritz gets too much hate. I mean sure he is essentially the reason everything bad that happens in AoT. I mean sure, he had his daughters eat their deceasing mother, **BUT.** Now here hear me out. King Fritz was able to fuck the living shit out of the strongest person in the **WORLD!!!!** It was so good that she became obsessed with bro and wanted to **still** sleep with him after her fucking death. So put some respect to giga nega king Fritz.


I disagree, Starship Troopers which would later inspire Muv Luv which would later inspire AoT *both* include a romance subplot. Isayama was just shit at writing it.


Why would you disagree then? If he’s shit at writing, it has no place in the story- you can write a compelling story without romance as a main plot point which is exactly what he did for all of AoT.


I disagree because there are *plenty* of war stories with a love story side plot even some which inspired AoT so it can belong in AoT. How we get it in AoT is shit, but I can see how it could potentially work like how it does in SaiKano.


I’d disagree, Mikasa x Bertholdt


unless it's Eremin of course


Unless it's Pieck and /u/Anal-Racoon121 , but also unless it's me and Hange.


Based hange lover.


The way I see it, all 3 characters: Eren, Mikasa and Historia are wasted by a story. Eren is wasted because he suddenly stated simping for Mikasa. Mikasa is wasted because she never stops simping for him given how none existent her relationship is. Historia is wasted because in s4 she was complately sidelined when in s2 and s3 she was very important ans accually gained power in s3. In thoes circumstances erehisu is better in a way that it at least doesn't waste Eren. (In Erehisu fan endings he doesn't simp for Historia) Ideally I would want for all of the 3 characters to have major role and development in a story. Historia should be a political leader leading island. Mikasa should either become independent of Eren or make their relationship accually well developed. Ships are secondary to good character development.


ian gon lie.. Eren was wasted in multiple ways than jus “simping for Mikasa” *Quoting myself* **”4. Eren‘s actions in the end are completely random were not built up/developed.** Eren would never purposely lose, Eren said (and his actions showed) that, anyone who threatened his freedom, he wouldn’t hesitate to take theirs… But he lets the Alliance win… Eren said himself (and his actions showed) that he doesn’t want to gamble Paradis’ future, but he does exactly that… Apart of Eren’s arc was to trust himself more instead of relying on others (hence Levi Squad episode) but he just gives up and relies on the Alliance… None of Eren’s actions nor dialogue showed any romantic connections to Mikasa… but he all of sutton is inlove with her Eren giving up and relying on someone else is even more out of character • ⁠Eren couldn't take control (trusted Hannes) -> his mom dies • ⁠Eren didn't take control (trusted Levi squad) -> Levi squad along with other soldiers gets slaughtered • ⁠Eren couldn't take control -> Hannes gets devoured • ⁠He doesn't take control against The Alliance (trusts Alliance) -> Paradis gets wiped out I'm prolly forgetting some but everytime Eren is in a situation where a life or lives are on the line, they die because he either doesn't stop it or is incapable of stopping it at the time. Majority of the time he puts trust in someone else, things turn for the worst. So wouldn't u think he'd take control against The Alliance after all of those other incidents? Determination and persistence is a strong part of his character. He had control over **everything,** **every** Eldian (other than Ackermans), **all** titan abilities. Eren was deadass a God, the only people that should’ve been a threat to him in that fight was Mikasa and Levi, he can mentally and physically shut the rest down. No matter what way you put it, he purposely lost. Apparently, he doesn't care if the The Fort Salta soldiers just shot his friends right then and there, he doesn't care that the 20% he's leaving alive, greatly outnumber Paradis, are more advanced and would most likely just destroy Paradis with little to no effort. Like I said… Eren hated the idea of gambling Paradis future, but he does exactly that.”


True, like he outright brings the alliance to paths and says shit like "I will not let Paradis paths in gamble to the future" or "I will keep moving forward until I destroy my enemies". All this bullshit to just...let his step sister cut off his head and smooch him?


Honestly, just don't make eren with any ship. (This is all 139 eren btw) Look at paths eren. That is true character development without any ship. He knew that the outside world would have destroyed Paradis regardless of him doing the rumbling or not. He just chose to destroy them first. He literally convinced a 2000 year goddess to break out of her slave mentality and take revenge on the world that made her life a living a hell. AoT was never a story about romance. It just was never about love. It was a story about our characters attaining and fighting for a right to live in a world that hates and trys to destroy them. It had so many great realistic elements to it children getting indoctrinated, rascism, the horrors of war, how no one is truly "good" and the world being black and white, etc. all this would be fucked up if it was shoehorned by love.


yams tried making ships canon to increase popularity. its so fucking clear and stupid bc this shit ruins characters




I don't like it for the romance. I like it for the rhyming cycle. Compare and contrast Eren and Grisha. Add to it the fact it gives a way for Ymir to be reincarnated from the man that freed her and the woman who tried to be like her and that woman would have a reason to name her daughter Ymir. You don't need it to make sense on a romantic level when that shit is writing itself. in fact you can even keep the EreMika star-crossed lovers things too!


Eren doesn't need anyone in romantic relationship, probably


Only Eren x freedom


Eren x Armin's book


armin x hell


Erwin x Basement


Eren just does not fit in a ship. Like he does not.


Yeah, most people just hated Eremika their fans are ridiculously annoying. Erehisu fans are just mad because the story was written a certain way between those two characters and then just did a one eighty at last minute in the worst way possible. The fandom also gaslights erehisu fans a lot.


It honestly always felt like Isayama was taking the "unrequited love for Mikasa" angle and making Historia Eren's main potential love interest with the way they interacted throughout the whole Rod Reiss situation and then how much he was worried about her during the latter half of Return to Shiganshina. Even the whole scarf thing when Eren unleashed the Founder's power against Dina felt so much like Mikasa was the one spinning it into a more romantic thing than it actually was. Then the time-skip happens and during the Marley flashbacks Eren just out of nowhere has a hidden love for Mikasa. It felt so random. I would have been okay with him not being with Historia, but he shouldn't have been shipped with anyone then. Mikasa is just not a narratively satisfying (or even good) character for that romance.


I don’t care if Erehisu wins. I just need Eremika to lose.


That still lets Bertkasa word so fine by me


Unfortunately eremika won.


I stand with you


Jeez you really must be getting there buddy


Same actually. But I at least can find EreHisu cute.




The legendary Anti-ship Titan.


I want to be against JeanMika as well. I'm against the world.


You and me both buddy


Eren x Hell is my preferred ship. Too damn hot.


I see what you did there buddy 


I think Eren’s gay


The only romance that belongs in AOT is 7chairs and Connies mom🥰


both ships took away the true kino, sweaty eremin sex in paths. i hate you all.


We all no eremin is the correct choice any way


The way Isayama wrote Historia post-timeskip is criminal


Ok, end? Are ending defenders really so brain-dead and delusional as to think that just because they only cared about the story, because of their shitty shipping, we are the same? You just literally prove our point, that you only liked it, because of your shitty ship coming true


EreHisuMika...chu Pardon me


Nah, Eren can fuck off. MikaHisu is the way


I think EreHisu is probably even worse tbh.


All ships in aot are trash, as long as jeankasa is cannon, I'm happy. The only ship that would have worked is eremin


Sorry but jeankasa is way more trash than any other ships, atleast eren and historia is better. Mikasa being in relationship doesn't even work when she can't move on


Why do you just jump to the conclusion that she can't move on? Because she loved him like crazy, bro people move on man, it's not impossible 


People move on, but we did see that she was crying on his grave even after 3 years of his death as if it was yesterday, he visited his grave. Now tell me which husband would allow his wife to visit her lover grave with his kids 😂. She was buried next to him, even after spending 50+ years with someone and finally had scarf till her death 💀. Btw in last ep, eren did clearly told her to move on by throwing away that scarf, but reality was she kept it till her death. Even last ed was dedicated to them Ai higuchi confirming that it was canon even for them afterlife. Now in which world would say this was move on 😂😂.. it would absolute shame to marry her... That's why jeankasa is way more trash than any other ships Eren and historia is way better than this if you don't like eren and mikasa.


🤣🤣🤣I don't know whether you're saying eremika Is cannon or not, one thing I know is eren is dead. And also, mikasa crying happened before she married jean, why won't jean visit erens grave, he actually knew eren didn't her and just because you marry someone else doesn't mean there isn't still a place in your heart for your old lover, this isn't fucking rocket science, mikasa was never buried near eren, go check the pics after mikasa dies and you'll see only one headstone when armin or whoever the fuck that guy was visited and during the continuation of the war, just only one fucking head stone. 


Me but posting on r/ANRime "lmao took you delusional fucks long enough, can't believe some of you still coping"


The downvotes lol you hit a nerve


Yeah lol, don't even need to make it a post on there it seems. It's childish though, am I the one who made the ending? Lmao.


"Reiner x His horse" is so underrated ship


iT's NoT aBoUt ThE sHiP!1!1!1


Glad you know.


It unironically isn't. We always hated you morons, shipping war. Imagine being so shallow that you think that everyone only enjoyed the story because of shipping, as you did


It isn't. AoT was never about romance.